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Activity 5: Check for Understanding


1. Canteen Picking food in the Picking food in the Picking food in the
canteen and past canteen and past canteen and past
through a delicious through a delicious through a delicious
dessert, even though dessert. However, I dessert but I have
I have diabetes I have diabetes and if I diabetes, and knew it
bought it just to buy it, it will worsen would worsen my
satisfy my craving. my situation so I situation. Also, I have
didn’t, even though I to discipline myself,
really want to eat it. so rather than getting
that dessert I bought
an apple.

2. Library I went to the library to I went to the library to I went to the library to
study. And there is a study. I knew that study, and there is a
policy that we can’t there is a policy that policy that we can’t
bring food inside,but I we can’t bring food bring food inside, I
can only study well inside, yet I’d like to know I can only study
when eating, so I bring some because I well when eating, but
sneak in some food only study well when it is better to follow
without the librarian eating, but it’s better the policy for the
knowing. not to rather than good of the school,
getting banned from so I decided not to
the library. bring food, instead I
just eat outside after I

3. Passenger I was riding the bus. I was riding the bus. I was riding the bus.
bus Now, I’m short on Now, I’m short on Now, I’m short on
money. While I was money. While I was money. While I was
getting off, I saw a getting off, I saw a getting off, I saw a
purse on the ground. purse on the ground, purse on the ground,
I realize it belongs to and realized it and realized it
the person who just belonged to the belonged to the
got off.Thinking, I person who just got person who just got
need money, so I off, instead I decided off. I followed the
decided not to return to return it to the owner and returned
and keep it to myself. owner, even though I it, even though I need
really need the money it is wrong to
money right now. take something that
is not mine and may
be considered as
snatching or stealing.

4. Workplace

5. Party

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