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Counseling Leads

The first, reflection (restatement), is the restating of the student's comment. This may be done
in the exact same terminology used by the student, the repeating of part of the comment, or by
rewording the student's statement. Reflection lets the student know that you are listening and
promotes continued commentary.
    The second response, a leading statement or question, is designed to encourage the student
to elaborate on a topic or devise a solution to a specific problem.   Examples of a leading remark
include: "I'd like to hear your opinion.", "Tell me more about yourself.", and "What happened
    The third response, clarification, involves the stating of implied feelings behind a student's
verbal communication. Examples of clarification include:  "You sound sad." and  "It appears as
if you're very angry at Samantha."  Clarification helps the student to identify his/her feelings.  It
can also be used to focus the student's thoughts' on ways to deal with the emotions which are
    The fourth, summarization, is a review of what has been discussed thus far in your
counseling session.  This summary allows both participants to briefly reflect on what has
occurred, view it clearly, and use it as a new starting point from which to build.
The fifth response, questioning, is comprised of  two main types:  closed questions which are intended to
yield brief, specific information; and open ended questions which are used to encourage the student to
talk at greater length on a topic.  Examples of closed questioning include: "How old is Don?" and "Did
you complete your homework?"   Examples of open questioning include: "How's it going in science
class?" and "How do you feel about losing recess?"

Please Answer the following items:

1. Identify the following responses to student commentary as being a leading statement
or question, reflection, clarification, open question, closed question, or
a.  "How are you feeling?" – Open ended question
b.  "I wonder how that happened." – A leading statement
c.  "The other kids won't let you play baseball with them." – Reflection statement
d.  "Is he five or six years old?" – Close ended question
e.  "It sounds to me like you're feeling overwhelmed right now." - Clarification
f.  "How are you doing on your science project?" – Open ended question
g.  "I'd like to know how you're doing on meeting this week's goal." – A leading
h. "OK. Thus far we've discussed your tardiness to class, your dislike for the instructor,
and the poor quality of your classwork and homework.  On which one would you like to
focus?" - Summarizing
i.  "They say you're the teacher's pet." – Reflection statement
j.  "You're feeling tired and worn out." – Reflection statement
  2. Provide a reflection response for the following remarks.
a. "I was so embarrassed.  I could have died right then and there."
“I see you’re embarrassed but it seems you’re Ok at this moment.”

b.  "I just stood there stunned. I was shocked and couldn't believe what I was seeing."
“I understand that because you are shocked and couldn’t believe what you’re seeing you
just stood there stunned.”

c.  "It's a strange feeling.  I felt lost, It's like being in the mountain and not knowing which way
to go."
“Indeed not knowing which way to go is a strange feeling of lost.”

 d     "It was great.   I really felt so happy."

“I can see that. You really look great and happy.”

e.    "You're looking at me like it's my fault.   Why don't you talk to Doris?"
“Talking to Doris will help explain to us that it is not your fault.

f.    "I'm so dumb.  I'm useless. I can't do anything right." 

“You’re saying that you feel useless and dumb that as if you can’t do anything right”

  3.   Provide a response to the following comments

a.    "I'm really tired.  My grandfather died over the weekend and everybody in the family felt so
lost and sad."

Clarification response – You sound exhausted. It appears that everybody in the family also feel
the same way with you. How would you like to deal with it?

b.    "It's not fair.   You treat Julie and Carol like they're something special. They get to do all the
fun activities. Everyone says they're your teacher's pets."

Summarizing – Ok, you said that it is not fair because Julie and Carol get to do all the fun
activities, as if they are special and everyone says that they are your teacher’s pet. What would
you like to do about it?

 c.     "The other guys won't let me play ball with them. They said I’m gay.

Reflection Statement – You are saying that the other guys won’t let you play ball with them
because they say you are a gay.
Clarification – You sound upset not getting into their ball game. Tell me more what makes you
Questioning – Do you have a plan what to do, for them to allow you to join their ball game?
d.     "I'm so dumb.  I can't figure these out. They're too tough. I can't wait until I'm 16 and can
drop out of school."

Reflection statement/ Clarification – You sound helpless and hopeless. It appears you wanted
to give up your studies.
Questioning – Is it really what you wanted?

 e.     "I should have killed that fool when I had the chance. Next time he squeals on me, I will
kick his rear end all over the playground."

Clarification – You are so upset. It appears that you are angry and you wanted to hurt him.

f.     "I was so embarrassed.  He's always talking about my legs or breasts or bra or something.
Can't you tell him to stop?"

Reflection statement – You feel embarrassed because he was always talking about your legs or
breast or bra.
Leading question – Would you mind to elaborate how it happened?
Clarification – You sounds uncomfortable about it. You wanted it to be stopped.

g.     "Why don't you ever say anything? All you ever do is say the same thing I already said.
Don't you have your own opinion?"

Leading statement – I’d like to hear from you and check if I’m hearing it right.
Questioning – How would I help?

 h.     "But what do I know. I'm only the clerk in the office."
Leading statement – Tell me more about your task as clerk in the office.
Clarification – You sounds clueless. It appears you don’t know anything.

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