Patreon Jan 2022 Whitedove Report Final

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Patreon Jan 2022 Whitedove Report Final

Reading January 14, 2022

January 2022 Patreon Report:
Crypto, Global and Spiritual Predictions
By Michelle Whitedove

Please Read This If You Are New to Whitedove’s Patreon, It will save you so much time and energy:

There is a new and updated 800 Coin Review in the 2022 Annual Report which is available at in the “Shop,” but don’t pick up the annual WHITEDOVE REPORT just
for the 800 Coin Review. We will likely do a free updated one next month for everyone and fold in all of
the new coins we have reviewed in the past couple of months and take another look at everything.

And please remember these reports are for our Patreon Family Only – they are copyrighted – Do
not share or Post. Michelle has very few elite influencers which she allows to post nuggets; they always
attribute the source and give her props for the insider information. We recommend going through as many
of the published posts as you can. Start with the newest and work backwards. If you are in the $29.97 Tier

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or 19.97 Tier and cannot unlock something from another Tier, don’t worry, there isn’t anything that
hasn’t been incorporated in the 800 Coin Review.

And for some really helpful tools and tutorials, check this out (everything from how to get
Theta and Persistence and Stake them all the way to the guidelines for all Whitedove Patreon
Members--you do not want to miss this important info)

Whitedove’s Quick Glance “Color-Coded Crypto Guide”: Purple,

Green, Yellow, or Red - It’s important to keep an eye on all cryptos, things can change.

Purple: Whitedove has this or would like this in her portfolio until a decent run up and then
“take a little cream off the top.” But when it comes to Purple coins, she holds only a small
position in some relative to others. Look at her portfolio, but it is constantly changing and when
putting in new money she generally spreads it pretty evenly among a handful of them.

Green: Whitedove feels it’s good enough to consider and would have no problem holding it. It
may not be in her portfolio now but that is because “you can’t hold them all,” smile. And she
may add one or more of them at any time. AND importantly, she is optimistic about the chance
for success.

Yellow: Whitedove feels it may have a chance and is worth researching further but she isn’t
looking to add it now, but it can break in either direction at any time. Numeraire is an example
of this as it was Yellow in 2019-2020 and then just ran up. While some of these have a chance to
go “Green” or “Purple” in the future, many have a chance to go “Red” as well. Caution is the
name of the game with these unless your research and gut is strong. They are a “coin toss” no
pun intended.

Red: Whitedove feels it was not something she was currently interested in and has either
significant hurdles to overcome OR is an outright scam. Whitedove’s crypto motto, “With so
many good ones available, when in doubt, stay out.” Some people get upset when one of the
coins they like gets a “Red” because they believe the technology is good. We understand, but
history is full of examples where the best technology or idea doesn’t get traction or succeed.


PROJECTS TO RUN UP. A sign we are near the end of the Bull is when even some
junk coins have significant pumps. Many will confuse a price rise in mediocre or
not so good coins with fundamentals, only to find that many of the projects/coins
that had runs will go away in the future.”

* Institutions buying specific projects will temporarily pump coins.

* If a coin that isn’t very good is running, check the volume and research whether
or not there might be some Exchange “shenanigans” I.e. funny business/fake
volume/artificial pumping.

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It’s important to keep an eye on all cryptos, things can change. It is not prudent to
only look at the color and make a decision, in our opinion. A “YELLOW” coin can
do very well, it is just undetermined at the time of my reading which direction it
will go and what the long term viability is.

Those listed “Red” can still go on runs during this Bull, but I just stay away from
them for reasons other than just price potential.

Here are two tips to help you find information more easily:

1. Set up your Patreon account to send you an email each time there’s a post,
that way you’ll have a complete searchable library. In GMAIL it automatically
categorizes the messages. Then you can further use GMAIL's built-in search to
refine what you are looking for. That is one option, but for those who do not like
GMAIL there’s another option which follows.

2. Download all the reports to a Whitedove folder and to sort them

chronologically maybe add: 2021 (then list month) report. You can then search
for a coin/word in all reports without having to open the pdf file, watch this 2
minute video, it's easy: The
search tab, opens when the search starts, so make the selections as shown in
the video then. Reports/Docs that are found, you simply open them and do
"Ctrl+f" to search within the document for the word you are looking for. But if you
are looking for alien information, you need to know Whitedove refers to them as a
“StarBeing” or “Star Beings” and Celestial Beings
Those are just two simple hints to help you find things. There really is so much
here, everything you need for protection and abundance. But lets’ get back to
our opening of this month’s report.


Happy New Year!! No surprises thus far. As predicted, Supply Chain, Labor Market, and
Food/Product/Services problems/shortages continue--remember, stock up and stay stocked up on
essentials. Power outages continue. Internet has been and can be turned off in different areas
around the globe, but only temporarily (don’t worry, you won’t lose your cryptos because of this.
In fact, in general, stop worrying about all of these crazy theories that cryptos are going to be
stopped. The good ones are not going away, period). Dams continue to be in the headlines--
caution. Volcanoes & Tornadoes, Flooding, Crazy weather, and more whistle blowers and
scandals will surface.
Also, as predicted, Cryptos are off to a slow start in 2022 (but that will change soon), and the
division among people continues to intensify. On a positive note, the Supreme Court shut down
some vaxx legislation as predicted in Nov of 2021. However, governments won’t stop trying to
control people so we need to stay engaged and peacefully protest--when we are united, the gov’t
is fearful and will back down. On the LIGHT side, there’s still an awakening going on and more

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and more people are figuring out whether they will decide to be sheep or stand up for their rights.
Very few put any stock in the fake news anymore and have figured out they cannot trust gov’t
and must question things. Those who do not question are sheep and when you are vilified for
questioning things, then you know something is very wrong.
Just as I predicted over the past few months, we are still in the “crypto market correction” as
Spirit shared we would be in. Thank you, Spirit, for giving us so much information, I hear many
out there in crypto land are the most confused they have ever been about whether we are going
up this year or down from here. Pay no attention to them. Spirit has shared everything we have
needed to do well. And I still feel like the overall market can begin to get more positive soon.
Really read and re-read the Oct, Nov, and December Patreon Reports for all the details. I can
sum up some of it here, but reading the Oct, Nov and Dec Reports will be worth your time,
wink. Summary: We shared with you in previous posts the market would correct during
the Holidays and specifically "Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s."
Three weeks ago we published on Patreon that we would likely see this chop last through
January and into February AND then things will change into a more positive overall
market within the first weeks of February. As a pure speculative guess, just trying to put a
precise date on it, somewhere around 3 to 14 Feb would be the best guess for a specific
turning time. Again, that is just a guess at a specific time frame, I would not put much
emphasis on that. In broad terms, expect the market to be somewhat similar through
January and then turning more positive in February. And 2022 will be a big year for
As shared in our last Reports, “The Lengthening Cycle With Diminishing Returns Theory”
is the correct theory. And while most do not know how long the lengthened cycle will be, 5
Years is how it will likely play out. So an approximate 5 year cycle is most probable, but
with Bitcoin still only topping out around $100K (plus or minus some wicks). Total market
cap during this approx 5 Year Cycle will top out AROUND $8T (plus or minus some wicks).

Did You Make A Bad Investment?

Here’s something I really feel needs to be said again, “Please don’t confuse a “bad trade” with a
“bad investment.” We have so many people who have been in our Whitedove Patreon group for
years. The majority of my longtime friends, early on, had bought at the peak of the last Bull
Market in 2017/2018 and they were in “the hole” or “in the red” for quite some time. By the
time they met me they had already bought in and were upset when I had shared it could take
years before many of the good projects would see all-time highs.
In the beginning, many were emotional and fearful and thought they had made a bad investment.
But really they had ONLY made a BAD TRADE. You see, they traded dollars for cryptos and
then the cryptos went down in dollar value over the next year or two. If they had waited, they
could have got more cryptos for the same amount of dollars. A “trade” is nothing more than a
WRONG DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN YOU made a bad investment. Think about that.
And lets remember, time has proven that those who got in in 2017/2018 (and sat tight in the good
projects) have made a very good investment as now they could trade the crypto they got in 2018
for magnitudes more dollars if they wanted to or for a house, precious metals, or to use to help

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others etc. For example, many bought Theta in 2018 and it went down over the next year or so,
but then they got free Theta Fuel and Theta went on about a 400 X run up from .04 in 2020 to
about $16 (on some wicks) in 2021! In short, those who were patient and kept the faith and hung
around for a year or two or three, found they actually made a GOOD INVESTMENT. And
many took some profits at $4 and $8 and $12. Many got all of their original bets off the table
and are playing with the “house’s money” so to speak. But if that is not you, it can be!
Fast forward to today. We have many who just joined our Patreon in Feb/Mar/Apr of 2021, right
at the peak of a big run up. Many are now in a hole or in “the red”, so to speak, and many feel
like they made a bad investment--but they really just made a bad trade. A trade is a short term
timing move and nearly everyone gets it wrong. SO they got their money in at a peak verses a
bottom. But an investment is a long term strategy and when it comes to the good cryptos, nearly
everyone gets it right if they give themselves a few years. I know a good portion of our newer
friends will be the ones helping the next cohort of people who come in at the top of this market
sometime this year or early next if it lasts that long. It just goes in Waves and Cycles. And most
buy at the peak because they only hear about cryptos when they are going up, up, up. In the
beginning, when you first get into cryptos around a peak, you are the one who needs support and
patience. Later on, you will be the one to help give support. Just know that if you pick the good
cryptos, have a good mix, secure them properly, and take profits, you will be one happy camper
in the end. Remember what they say, “Good judgement comes from experience. But a lot of
our experience has come from having had bad judgement in the past.”
When you see someone get upset over cryptos it is because they lack confidence in their
investment and they are shortsighted. Don’t let them spread that uncertainty to you. Don’t
pay attention to them and if we see their lack of confidence or negative energy show up in the
comments section, we will try and help them, but we will also take their comments down. It is
just too toxic to leave around and I don’t want it anywhere around me or my friends. You know
that saying, “misery loves company?” Well, I won’t have that here. You deserve better than
that. It is selfish of people to spread their fear or anxiety to others. No. No. No. No. If you have
fear or uncertainty, send a private note and we will try to help. We have some loving guidelines
in our community and rule number 3 is important:
Rule 3. No negative vibes. If you are upset about something, reach out on the side via private
message. Words have power and we do not want any negative vibes infecting others. That is
inconsiderate and not fair to them. People come here to get away from drama, snarky comments,
fear, and to get away from the people who try to show just how smart they are. There is a big
difference between people who are smart and those who try to look smart. I can spot it a mile
away and so can everyone else. I call them the articulate incompetent and while they often
sound convincing, they are wrong more than they are right, wink.
We have spent over three years building a community here; a community of kind and thoughtful
people with similar interests. People who understand decorum and politeness and how to talk to
people with respect and how to request help. If you have landed here, there is a reason. Bottom
line, you belong here and the guidelines are easy...we are grateful you are here.
Just be "THTK". Totally Honest and Totally KIND. If you are not kind, we will ask you with love to
move on.”

If you want to see the other loving guidelines to be a member of our group, just click on this

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Bottom line, If you’ve done your homework and you liked something enough to put money in it,
ask yourself, “what has changed?” Likely nothing! Are the fundamentals still strong? Is there a
“USE CASE” for the coin you invested in? Is there adoption? Are there better technologies and
better products now filling that USE CASE void you invested in? Has another project really leap
frogged your coins? (leap frogged simply means to have jumped or moved ahead in tech
One of my top messages, published over and over for years, is to never put money in the
market that you need out by a certain date or within a certain time frame. Another general
rule is to understand you cannot time things just right. Nobody will outsmart the market. I
would stay away from people who think they will be the one to outsmart the market. Your
emotions and greed drive buying when things get heated up and your emotions and fear drive
selling when things are going down. Cryptos are no place for those who cannot keep their
emotions in check. Sadly, FOMO,FUD, or some “newly concocted idea/sure-fire get rich quick
maneuver” seem to drive most peoples’ behavior and thus they have a hard time and do poorly at
All you have to do is ask yourself if you feel the good cryptos will continue to trend up over the
long term. If the answer is yes, then building a PLAN/STRATEGY will make things much
easier for most. Cryptos are a way for the average person to make money in a way they have
never had the chance to before, BUT IT IS NOT A GET RICH QUICK GAME. It takes
patience, strategy, and nerves of steel. Few have the stamina or stomach for it, but most of you
do and I’m proud of you because I know it is not easy for most.
Keep an eye on the comments section of the posts and every once and a while you will see
someone go negative. Every single time we have seen that this year it is from someone who
joined the group within the past 9 to 12 months. They just made a bad trade by getting in
during the Spring of 2021, but that bad timing will eventually turn into a good investment if they
can zoom out, have patience, build a solid Exit Strategy, and stick with a good plan. Dollar Cost
Averaging in every week or two or every month has simply been the best strategy for most
during the past couple of years. Why? Because trying to time “a top” or “a bottom” is not
likely. Now, with that said, there will come a time when things go up very quickly and then
you may want to take a step back and reassess things.

Remember, I have my sell orders set to take money out at different times with Caleb &
Brown and you may want to do that too! To save around 30% on any fees with Caleb and
Brown, you can use my link:

But back to the main point, many who are emotional now are those who plunked all of their
money in at once. Why did they do that? Was it FOMO? Was it Greed? Was it just that
they didn’t know any better? It doesn’t matter right now, really all that matters is we take
responsibility for our behavior and we learn. It will all be fine in the long run is how I feel, but
how I feel doesn’t matter. What matters is how you feel. I have conviction and so do the
majority of my friends. Have a majority of my picks and profit taking strategy worked well for
me and many others? Yes. Did it take some time to play out? Yes. Will it take some more time
to play out? Yes.

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Here is something I shared about 3 years ago. It has served many well and I am supposed
to share this again for everyone to take a close look at. Too many people have lost their
cryptos or not done well and it almost always comes back to one of these 7 basic concepts!

" 7 Ideas To Increase The Chances of Crypto Success and Giving "
AGAIN, this Was PUBLISHED NEARLY THREE YEARS AGO in early 2019, Right Near The
Bottom Of The Crypto Market...
1. KISS! KEEP IT SIMPLE and SMILE! No need to chase the “coin of the week” and
continually change holdings. Everyone knows I like Theta for long term big gains. I've listed
many I like in MY PORTFOLIO and COIN REVIEWS. There are so many good ones but there
are many more bad ones. The trick is to have the courage to let go of the bad ones and the
patience to sit tight in the good ones (nothing will be fast enough for you. everything moves
slow until it doesn't). You have to be in the good ones before they start to run, because catching
some of them while they are running will be tough and psychologically trying (think Theta)
dip after a run up is easy and most will call that correctly, but people will get out far too soon and
in far too late. That’s my two cents, but I wouldn’t tell the TA guys that, they will not understand
that you will end up equal or better off than them by just getting your good coins and holding on
until you reach your predetermined sell price (see next paragraph).
2. Never buy something before deciding when you will sell it. When I exit a coin, I will
always leave some money in it (if I feel it's still good) just to be in the game and not get
tempted to reinvest everything all over again. This is a trap. This is my “plan” and I am
willing to adapt as things develop and change. No one should blindly follow me. People must
do their own work and build their own plan. I cannot be responsible for your plan. When I take
cash out, I will go to undervalued assets.
3. Use The Military Approach “Fire and Forget Smart Weapon Strategy.” Make your
informed purchases and then pull the trigger and forget about it--you are smart and well
researched so trust your aim, you will hit the bullseye sometimes and miss
others. Remember, hitting the bull’s eye may take longer than you would like, but you will hit
the bullseye. Like my NY friends say, just buy and then “Fuhgeddaboudit”. Just check in on the
overall project every month or two. You don’t need to check it hourly or daily. Once or twice a
week may even be too much, smile. Free Will is part of this game and things can change. I do
not want to hear a bunch of emotions pouring out in the comments if a review on a coin changes
from favorable to unfavorable, this will happen, albeit unfrequently, but it will and this is why I
don't go all in on one or two or three coins.
4. Keep Them Private. Don’t tell others you have cryptos or HOW MUCH!!! That is like
putting a bullseye on your back. Nearly everyone I know who has been hacked was too
open about their cryptos and too trusting. I WOULD NOT let others know you hold
cryptos. Treat it like cash or gold and don't let others know where you keep it or even that
you have it. You can talk about cryptos in general terms and discuss the merits without
disclosing your holdings--I don't know if I can stress this enough, security is important.

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Take your coins off of exchanges and hold the private keys (hardware wallets are best, but
sometimes you need "hot wallets" or a little on an Exchange for you Sell Targets/profit taking. I
have reviewed many of the wallets, exchanges, and stable coins and they are posted in the 800
Coin Review, but always check the date on the top of the 800 Coin Review and you will need to
check any reports published after that date to see if there are any changes.
5. I would never invest with a “need to win by date.” Any investment that must “win” by a
certain date carries too much stress and danger…that is how you get hurt. If you feel
something will run before something else and go all in, then you are setting yourself up for
big stress. Timelines are hard to predict. Some that we feel will take longer can move before
some we feel will have quicker just happens. The balanced portfolio with a mix of long,
medium and short range coins is best for me because the order will shift around. ALSO SO
IMPORTANT: That game of leverage is not for me. It is only for the Whales who can sell off
their 5th and 6th house if they need to come up with cash. If you get spare money, investing a
little each week or month (dollar cost averaging) is a great strategy, especially in a neutral to bull
market. I do not put any money in without first deciding what price I feel a coin can go to in a
couple of years. For those who are in and can’t afford to put more in, that’s great too, just sit
tight and if you’re in the very best coins then try to be patient.
6. This is gambling, period. Spirit shows me cryptos are good AND they are by the people
and for the people, BUT patience, pure intentions, and faith are required. You must always
keep in mind there are no guarantees--anything can happen in this world. What if you lose
your “coins?” What if there is a fire or break in? What if _____.? Diversify by holding some
gold/silver/jewelry, cash, credit and means to barter are also VITAL. All that being said, have
faith and see yourself successful in this space.
7. Keep your intentions pure and free of greed. This is so important it needed its own
number! And plan now on how you will help others. Like the oxygen mask on a plane, you must
help yourself before you can help others. Once you’re set up for a modest lifestyle, then you can
help others. Remember, charity starts at home. Giving away money with strings attached is never
a good idea. If you plan on helping irresponsible family members or friends, setting up trusts is
something worth looking into. BUT PLAN NOW. I can see there are many couples who are not
on the same page. Work it out now while emotions are low.
AGAIN, This was published in Mar of 2019! We will put out more on charity in the future, but
there is already a great post published here in Patreon and we provided it for your convenience:
Here it is, smile. Remember this was published Years Ago and Has COME TRUE FOR SO
Hey, Charity is Personal!
"Spirit has a message for you and some of our friends, especially our Patreon friends, those in the
right cryptos, you know, the good ones. You and many of them are going to do very well and
really already have, but much more so.
And, while you and some of them feel and glimpse the wealth coming, it is important for you
and many of them to know that while generosity is key, yes, please remember sometimes the old
saying "easy come, easy go"--it is relevant.
Yes, give and embrace your generous side! That’s not a conversation we need to have with so
many of you. Others, yes, but not so for the majority of you. So many of our friends are

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naturally very generous, in fact, as crazy as this will sound to some, even overly generous at
I guess what I am trying to share is to make it count. Consider making sure you do not spread
out to thin and end up right back at square one.
Sometimes, not always, but sometimes it is better to focus your effort and make a substantial
difference in a few lives. Just something to ponder ahead of time. We are all on our own
journey. There is no one size fits all model.
Often people ask me how to best donate their money and I always share it is a very personal
thing. I am honored some want to help when I am ready to create my school for gifted children.
Best to think it through methodically and very carefully ahead of time. You do not want
unintended consequences, nor to you want to "create any monsters" if you know what I mean.
Often, anonymity in giving can be beneficial. Look into trusts for some you wish to help that
may be encumbered by patterns of poor judgment or potentially risky spouse situations. Trusts
which cannot be sold or cashed out are just something to look into.
Also, consider the challenges which might accompany "giving with strings attached." Take a
moment to walk through a gift you may give from the other person’s perspective. Take a
moment to really put yourself in their shoes and try and look at things from their angle or
perspective. If the "gift" is perceived as leverage, is it really a gift?
I have seen several examples where giving has gone south and there is one example which
worked out actually went fairly well. This example is about the proverbial "rich uncle"
and this is true by the way. The proverbial rich uncle gave away 6 houses to his nieces and
nephews, no strings attached. Each was given a house of their choice in a similar price range,
which was the only stipulation. You see, equity is key. If there is even perceived inequity, look
Bottom line, these houses made a difference in each of their lives and their families lives for two
generations so far. None of the nieces or nephews squandered the houses away or leveraged
them or lost them. Now it could have gone the other way, but statistically speaking, 6 out of 6
going well - - is worth examining. Most understand the value of having a house."
In closing. When you put time into it and really think it through, you will know what is right for
you and what you would like to do. That's when you will be able to clearly articulate what you
want to accomplish with your estate planner/trust attorney. GET A GOOD ONE - because I
have heard horror stories too!
Here is a little info we found, but again, this is about putting the time in yourself...not something
to be taken lightly in our humble opinion.
"How does a trust work?
A trust allows you more control over how and when an inheritance is distributed to a child by
putting a trustee, sometimes a trusted friend or relative, in charge of managing the assets. The
trustee could also be the attorney who drafted the trust or a financial institution like a bank.
There are a variety of ways to structure a trust depending on your specific situation:
Annuities: This is a trust that distributes the inheritance over time based on a payment schedule
that you deem appropriate. Typically, payments are made in equal amounts each year.

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Incentive Trust: This term (sometimes called “Pay for Performance”) applies to any trust in
which there are conditions the child must meet in order to “earn” distributions. Many parents tie
distributions to the attainment of educational goals, but you can be as creative as you like. Some
parents choose to connect distributions to more personal life goals or philanthropic service.
Age-based Trust: A more traditional route to take is to set distributions based on the child
reaching certain ages. (Just remember, age does not automatically equal wisdom!)
Income-matching Trust: In this case, annual distributions are made in an amount matching the
child’s earned income or a percentage of that income.
What about assets that are not monetary?
Alternatively, you can provide for your children via non-monetary assets. For instance, you
might leave a home in a trust, ensuring that your child always has the comfort and stability of
having a place to live. (To ensure your child can’t sell the house for cash, put the house in a trust
that requires the money from any sale to be reinvested in another house.)
You can also earmark your child’s inheritance to be used for the purpose of paying off either
student loans or a mortgage. (Just be sure to double check for any early payment penalties.)
There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to leaving money to your kids. At the end of
the day, you need to carefully consider their needs in the context of their personality and level of
maturity. Sometimes, you might have to apply a little tough love, but they will thank you for it in
the long run."

-------- End of “7 Ideas -------

What Does My Portfolio Look Like?

There are over 30 Purple Coins and another 30 plus Green Coins. I just hold the Purple
and also focus on two others which were long time “Greens Purple” but are now Purples,
and those two are Decentraland and The Sandbox. But remember, when it comes to
some of the Greens, just because I don’t hold them doesn’t mean I wouldn’t like to. Do
your research. I just can’t hold them all and manage them. So sometimes I have to
forgo a new one that might be good for you. If you like a green coin, research it and go
for it if you have conviction.

Some friends get crazy over trying to hold everything and that is their prerogative, but
how many “coins” can you really manage/hold responsibly. For example, years ago I was
able to share PundiX would have some good runs and I gave it a “Green” rating. Some
friends held it and it had some great runs, but they didn’t watch it closely and didn’t keep
up with it and understand all of the changes. Sometimes coins rebrand. Sometimes you
need to exchange your old coins for new ones after updates. Sometimes ratings
change, albeit less than 5 percent of all my ratings over the past 4 years have changed,
it can happen. And now I actually would rate Pundi X as YELLOW. Bottom line, if you
hold it, you really need to keep up with it. You are responsible.

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I only share what I do and I am way more concentrated in my “Top 3” and “Top 5 and
Top 14” or so. The rest of my holdings, individually, only represent a small percentage of
my overall portfolio and that is why I lovingly say to my friends, “pick what speaks to you
most.” It doesn’t really matter if I have 1% of my portfolio in Digibyte or 1% in Kava.
Relative to my overall portfolio, it won’t make a difference really if one done does better
than the other. What makes a difference is where you are concentrated. How have the
wealthiest people become the “wealthiest people?” The majority were concentrated in
certain areas. In that vein, when Persistence finally runs, whether that is in 6 months, 1
year or 1 1/2 years, those who have a larger percentage, relative to the rest of their
portfolio, will substantially increase the size of their portfolio. Just like Theta played out
and will play out again. But you know at this point of the game, I would not do more than
20 or so percent in any one project because anything can happen and there are no

Is diversification good? Yes. But there’s a balance between diversification and

concentration in a few BIG WINNERS to have the best shot at making the biggest
CONVICTION. Not to mention, the possibility of being wrong. I have always shared it is
about having “A MIX OF COINS” but you know I have always put the concentration
in my top 5 or 12 or so. Hey, that is just how I do it. I don’t want 5% spread evenly
across 20 different coins. I want 30 to 50% in a smaller number of coins that I feel will
have big moves over the next years. With that said, I ALSO DO NOT WANT

I M P O R T A N T: 18 January 2022 “We are in another window,

right NOW, for buying our favorites. And that includes Theta!!! It’s
only like high $3s or $4 today. This will not last much longer.”

My Top 5 Picks
For now, especially while these are trending down, I try to Dollar Cost
Average in and spread around new money fairly evenly across them.
-Theta Fuel
* Those 3 are by far my biggest bets and are by far the smallest cap coins
included in my TOP PICKS list. On 14 January 2022, Theta is ranked 42, Theta
Fuel is ranked about 90, and Persistence is ranked about 250! This is a “high risk
with potentially high rewards” strategy I am taking. This is only for the very
patient people. If you are someone who lacks conviction or patience and always
wants to know “when”, this is not a strategy for you. Combined, these three coins,
often times, make up about 35% to 50% of my portfolio. It ebbs and flows depending on
if other coins are running hotter for periods of time.

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The next 2 in my Top 5 are:
-Cardano (ADA)
-Polkadot (DOT)
* I generally have about 15 to 20 percent of my portfolio in these two coins. It
ebbs and flows with the market.

My next picks are #6 through #12, listed alphabetically:

- Aave
- Bitcoin Cash
- Chainlink
- Cosmos
- Near Protocol
- VeChain
I generally have about 30 to 40 percent of my portfolio in these 6
coins. It ebbs and flows with the market.

My next two after those are the current big boys, so to speak, and while I
like them, they do not have the same potential upside as many smaller cap
coins and of the two, Ethereum has bigger potential upside:
- Bitcoin
- Ethereum
After those, I would just pick what speaks to you most for your mix. Once
you pick it is usually best to sit tight and not start mind screwing yourself!

My Top 14 Cryptos (alphabetically) + 2:



Bitcoin Cash




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NEAR Protocol



The Sandbox


Theta Fuel



Two Additional Meme Coin Plays I like holding a little bit of: Doge & Shiba Inu.
These are what I call “Get in and Get Out” plays. I got in very early on both as published
in Patreon. I would only buy these on major pull backs and I have taken profits already
on big pumps as you have seen me do repeatedly.

There are about 50 or so other Purple and Green Coins to research and since you
will likely only hold a small percent of your total portfolio in any one of them,
relative to my top 5 or 14, it doesn’t matter too much what you decide to roll with.

- If you like Kadena, GREAT!

- If you like Origin Trail, GREAT!
- If you like KAVA, GREAT!
- If you like Verasity, GREAT!
- If you like “whatever” coin that your research makes you believe in, GREAT!

Just pick what speaks to you most. That is why I say to do your research and pick
what makes you feel best. But once you’ve picked something, unless the
fundamentals have really changed, it’s generally best to stick with it and not keep
changing your mind. If you are the type of person who can’t sit still and keeps
switching coins, you will likely not fair very well. However, if you went all in on
one coin a couple of years ago and it is not doing anything, maybe time to
diversify a little?

And I do not re-balance my portfolio. I get something and I hold it until my sell
targets are hit.

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My Next Sell Targets!
My next sell targets are all available in my December Patreon Report. Just click on
this link. I didn’t want to add another 5 to 10 pages to this already BIG report.
Click here:

NEW Questions And Coin Reviews

So let me say this again, things will turn around and become more positive by mid-
February. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I knew it was going to go down, down, down during
this time. I know we shared that many times with people. There could not have been
any confusion unless someone wanted to be confused. Hey, listen. What we need to
share with our friends is, don't be down. Don’t be upset. This is the time to buy, only if
you can afford to, because it's so slow right now. What an opportunity for so many.
Matter of fact, I think this may be one of the last time frames for a while where some of
them go this low... look, let me say it this way, things will get more positive, we are not
in a full blown Bear Market, this is only a correction. And things will turn soon, but not
like an instant rocket up. It will take time. Meaning ... most people thought it was a four
year thing, you know “the cycles” and I said “no, not four years, it’s a five year time
period to reach the height of this cycle.”

So the bottom line is that I still feel like this is a good time to be buying and then it will
start going up--but it’s not all of them going up at once. No. It’s more like different ones
pop up at different times and you need to be in them ahead of time like we all are. You
cannot guess which will be the next to run.

This is a time I would say “If you have the money, it is time to buy." Because you're not
going to probably get a chance to buy so low on some of these cryptos again before
they start going up, up, up. You follow me? Not all of them, lots will stay stagnant or
even go down more. In short, you're going to kick yourself in the tush when you see
one you have been wanting to buy, but were waiting for it to go lower, start to move up
and then some of them will just go “boop” all the way up and you've missed it or
dropped it. You know what I mean? Just one example, I really feel with Theta, if
people want to buy, this is a time to buy because time is running out. NOW LET’S
BE CLEAR. I'm not saying all of them, pick the right ones, and keep getting in now and
during this correction. But when you make some profit, have your plan and get some

So one more time. In Feb we will see the reversal BEGIN and more of an uptrend show
itself. However, some projects can even start their move before that. The overall
market and the crypto world will start moving in a more positive direction in the
Valentine's Day time frame. I am just treating it like it is best to just be in the ones
you want now and then relax. And keep getting in until it turns to where it is
getting heated up again.

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And it's going to have a slower up trajectory at first. Okay? People are going to have to
be more patient, and here's the reason why, because so many people are so financially
strapped and not many have money to just throw a ton of money at this. Sure some big
money will be buying (institutions and such), but to get the really rapid rapid rises in
price, it needs to have the involvement of what some call the “retail investor.” I mean,
people are living in their cars, the streets. And even many people that are in cryptos and
who are trying to make a living off the cryptos are tight. So, again, this is the time to buy.
And then, buy Theta now is what I am telling my friends because that baby is
going to do nothing but run when it starts running. Yes, there are always pull
backs, but sometimes it doesn’t pull back as much as you might think. I call them
waves or I call it just rolling with the punches.

So again, people should not be in this game if they are emotional. If you get all crazy
and keep asking “when.” This game is not for you if you cannot rein that in or harness
those emotions. If you are emotional and checking prices every hour, it doesn’t mean
you are a bad person, it just means this game is probably not for you. This is only for
people who can’t put their fear aside. And those who can’t or don't, then they are their
own worst enemy, and they will, excuse my language, screw themselves by mind
screwing themselves- Being so fear-based. You know, "Oh, oh, it's a dollar down. Oh,
my God! I got to pull out. I got to pull out." I mean, I've had some of the guys who are all
wound up reaching out to me and I just share with them they are barking up the wrong
tree. If you don’t have patience, you will become a patient.

I am sorry to just keep bringing this up, but Spirit, even when I am not trying to tune into
it, shares “Theta, Theta is going to run” and “Persistence, Persistence will be big big big
but give them time” and I'm like, "I've put it out in every report and also in public blogs,
Okay? I can't make people do something." So if they want to be financially secure, it's
there for them. If they want to ignore the messages, that is their choice. You know the
old saying “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.” I am not
advising, I am just sharing messages and what I have done and will do. I'm like, "I
heard you, Spirit. I put it out there. I've done my job."

Oh, hold on. Stop. On top of talking about this market turning around soon, Spirit told
me, and I didn't even ask. They just dropped down. And they said that these new
cryptos that you've been asking me about and we talked about with emphasis in
September, you know the Metaverse, like with the games or people getting in the virtual
worlds and all of that, they (Spirit) told me very clearly that, as crazy as we may think it
is, it's going to huge. And some of us may not be interested in it or like it, but it is a
mistake not to pay attention to it. Spirit said, "Put your ego aside, because for people
who are looking to escape reality, they are going to dive into this new world (AR or VR
or Metaverse). And it's going to be the new drug, basically." And so, what does that
mean? That means, not for all of them, but a lot of them, believe it or not, I'd say
probably there'll be at least three to five top ones, and they will be big. The bottom line
is ... what Spirit was telling me is, no matter what we think, how ridiculous it may seem
or be, this is what people are looking for and want to get into. And basically, they will not
even be living life. They will be on a game, living in a false reality.

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And let me just share this again, to all of my wonderful friends who send me gifts and
cards and notes about how much I have helped them. It is not me. It is Spirit. I am
just the humble messenger. I do not get the credit, but you have no idea how much
your gifts and notes and letters mean to me. I am very grateful for your support and
love as it gives me energy to keep working at this.


AnRKey X ($ANRX): Ranked 1032 . Been as high as .45 and currently around .09 on
17 Jan. Very low reported 24 hr vol around $100K. No. I mean, it's not something I
would gravitate towards. I don't really ... I almost want to call it a dud even though some
might think it has potential. Let's call it “YELLOW at best” because I just don't see too
much activity on it. You know, I don't see it really getting the long term big success. It's
in this genre of coins that some of them are going to be good, and some are going to be
bad, you know, these play to earn games. Some of the games will be popular, and
some won't. YELLOW.

Background: The AnRKey X Play to Earn universe. Battle Wave 2323 V3 NFT
upgrade, impending launch of the new PVP Card Battle game feature and a
constantly expanding community of gamers playing to EARN in Battle Wave
2323. The core of AnRKey X is its disruptive gDEX Protocol (Decentralized
Finance Gaming Platform Exchange), which enables a tokenized social gaming
network economy by utilizing non-fungible tokens. The gDEX protocol hosts
AnRKey X’s “play to earn” game products and a 3rd party developer engine for
creators to develop and distribute their own unique gamified DeFi Dapps and
NFTs. The native Web3 token of the gDEX is $ANRX, which incentivizes actions
towards collective rewards and rights ownership. The $ANRX token is the
governance token of AnRKey X Play to Earn games and the gDEX platform used
for in-game payments, staking, and rewards for AnRKey X’s Play to Earn gaming

Avalanche ( AVAX): Ranked 12 and about $84 on January 17 2022. Avalanche is

over 35% below the all-time high of $146.22. It’s Green. And actually, it's going to
move up. I feel good about it for now. Green. No, this has got more room to move up.
We're calling it green still. This is even stronger now than before and it is a good one.
Can even call it Green Purple if you want.

Background: “AVAX is the native token of the Avalanche blockchain, one

of Ethereum’s emerging rivals in the realm of smart contracts. They have a
new partnership with Deloitte that will see the consulting firm deploy
Avalanche to support its work with the Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA).”

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Big Time “SPACE” NFT: So much work to do still, it is really in the beginning stages,
like so many others. Right now, I wouldn't be interested in this one relative to others.
They're just starting, and they don't have their crap together yet. And everybody's kind
of like, "Oh, you got that idea? Okay. Well, we're going to do this instead." You know
how egos get involved and you have to many cooks in the kitchen. They have too many
egos and too many voices speaking at the same time to get their act together right now.
Maybe later. Yellow for now in January of 2022. But if you like it, check back later, you
never know. But right now, YELLOW.

Background: Symbol is a white BigTime text on a black background. The CEO

is the co-founder of Decentaland (Ari Meilich) and their team has well known
developers (Fortnite, Gears of War, Call of Duty, League of Legends, Modern
Warfare, Medal of Honor etc.) They don't have a “coin” but they will have a token
that you can earn by playing in the game. The value of the game is the Space
that investors can buy. If you own a space you can rent it out and earn
passive income (tokens) or you can also play the game and earn tokens

BONDLY: Ranked 1154. Was about .75 in Feb 2021 and currently about .07
(down about 90%). Immediately I just don't see that really working out well. I bet this
has gone poorly so far, right? Well, regardless, that is what I am seeing and I would not
touch this one relative to others. I just don't see it working out well for anyone. Well,
they've already tried and failed. You know? Then they tried again, and they failed, and
now they're trying again. Three strikes, you're out, for me anyways. Yellow to Red.

Background: They say, “BONDLY”, Bondly is at the forefront of developing new

technologies to make blockchain utilization for NFTs and crypto currencies safer,
more efficient and truly decentralized. One of the few end to end NFT platforms
in the market, Bondly executes every step of the process to bring authenticated
digital first goods to the market in sports, music, gaming/Esports, and collectibles
with a suite of products and services designed to support the entire blockchain
ecosystem. DeFi options on lower cost platforms, Trading across blockchains,
Safer Transactions, More flexibility for peer to peer transactions, Easier methods
for online marketplaces to integrate and use crypto.”

Charged Particles (IONX): Ranked 4047 and about .65. Charged Particles.
Conceptually, yes, I like it, but it hasn't made the progress and I do not like it relative to
my favorites. Sorry. I’m just not feeling it for now. Yellow.

Background: Allows users to deposit ERC-20 tokens(ANY tokens) into an NFT.

A scarce NFT (e.g. Art, Collectible, Virtual Real Estate, In-Game Item, etc.) can
now be transformed into a basket holding a number of other tokens. The
Principal amount can be time-locked inside the NFT, and through integration
with Aave’s aTokens, the programmable yield from these DeFi yield-generating

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assets is just a few clicks away. Your NFT is capable of holding multiple ERC-20
Tokens and even other NFTs. You can deposit assets in your NFT and they can
be time-locked.

Cosmos and the Gravity Bridge: Cosmos is Ranked 37 and about $37.20. There’s a
reason Cosmos has been in my TOP 10 or so for months and months. Oh, I have liked
this for years. Well, when I say “I have liked this” it really means Spirit has liked this. It
has been in my top 10 or so for a long time. Yeah, it is going to keep getting better, but
again, patience to see the whole ecosystem mature, as you guys say, grow. I’m
keeping this for a while. But of course taking my profits all along the journey.

Related to Cosmos is the Gravity Bridge, and they're pretty much done building it. It's
been tested, and they're pretty much ready to deploy it. This is good and I feel it will be
successful. Yes. This connects Cosmos to other chains or whatever you guys call them.
Graviton (GTON). 1145 and about $2.13. The coin for Gravity Bridge. Graviton is the
coin for this Gravity Bridge. Yes. Yes, but that's going to take some time to get a lot of
use, obviously. They're adding that too. And they're going to actually get it done fast,
believe it or not, this part. So in time I see it doing good. Bottom line, for holding it, if you
have patience, it's a go. GREEN. Confirmation. But it's not something that's going to
happen overnight. And they're basically adding that too, like you said, like an extension
or a different section, so it's new. So it's going to take some time. But will it be
profitable? Yes. Green. I'm just giving it a little bit more time. I might want to pick some
up in the next weeks and months. You decide. Green to Purple for those who are

Background: In 2021, the Inter-Blockchain Communication, or IBC, protocol

launched on the Cosmos network, allowing for the communication and transfer of
digital assets across different blockchains. There are now over 20 blockchains
supporting IBC. Peng Zhong, CEO of Tendermint, the core developer of the
Cosmos network, said in an interview with Cointelegraph that he expects to see
"about 200 chains connected through Cosmos’ IBC next year."
Billy Rennekamp, Cosmos Hub lead at the Interchain Foundation, said, “The
Stargate upgrade and release of IBC was the dawn of interoperability, now the
Gravity Bridge and our collaboration to ensure bridge safety with Interchain
Security cement Cosmos Hub as the bedrock for the Internet of Blockchains.”

Decentraland (MANA). Ranked 32 and about $2.81. Had it as a top P2E coin
years ago when it was as low as about .10 and then named it a top Metaverse coin
in Sep/Oct 2021 when it was about .70. This is going to be big just like we have been
sharing for years. I already saw it. I’ve shared this for like years now. I gave it a
Thumbs Up back when it was under 10 cents. That was back in late 2019 or early
2020. Yeah. This will blow up (in a good way) in time. Like blow up in price and

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popularity. Buying pull backs. Purple still. It's ranked 32, and it'll move up. It'll move
up. This is the time frame to be buying. I will set my profit taking point on an
approx 5 X from today, 18 Jan 2022, so call it around $11 or $13. That's just in the
months ahead, but higher later. No, I do not get a number for an ultimate high, but it will
go higher. But you know, that I'm not attached to money. So you know what I mean?
That's not what moves me at all. I could give two shits about money. It's just a
necessity. But of course, we have to think about our future. PURPLE!

Disney and the Metaverse and a Partnership? Disney is going to do one, and it's
going to be big. Let us run 4 potential partners by you.

ECOMI. No. Still yellow. I know some think this is going to blow up because of
a Disney partnership or something, but I am not seeing that now. I am not
getting that. Yellow.

Wax. No, they're not going to partner with them either.

Metahero. No. Not feeling that is it either, not like is being asked.

IoTeX. Maybe, they are good and out of ECOMI, WAX and Metahero, this has
the best chance as of now. Yeah, they have the best chance of joining and
collaborating and doing this, but it isn’t like its’ a done deal or anything. But one
way or another, Disney's going to do it. And obviously, they have to do it to stay
relevant in the future. It may not be with these guys, but these guys have the
best chance of the options you provided.

GPooL: I think very highly of GPool. Many of us are using GPooL to Stake our THETA
and we are excited - they are expanding. Their CEO is a great guy, period.

Gworld brand: Recently the GPooL team has announced a full suite of Theta network
and Theta blockchain backed projects under the new Gworld brand. Gworld is a
metaverse being built using Theta technology to include Edge Nodes and Edge

TBILL will be the currency of Gworld, a metaverse GPool is working on, as well as
provide liquidity, it is the backbone of the blockchain economy for their digital world.
While GPool has started TBILL/TFUEL liquid staking with very generous rewards paid in
TBILL (about 65% rewards right now compared to about 8 or so percent staking TFuel
on its owns, but being a liquidity pool there is always some risk. Would Whitedove look
at TBill for this? Not now. Sorry. I love their CEO. GPooL is building their own
metaverse. GPooL is trying to build one of these metaverses, and they have these
avatars in it, which I feel will be very successful, and they built me an avatar, but more
on that later, but T-Bill is a part of this system. Now, you know I love GPool and the
CEO, but I am not going to do the liquid staking. You know, I am just going to keep

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staking my Theta and Theta Fuel in the basic simple way I always have. I am not into
this liquid staking. It is more complex than people think. With higher returns comes
higher risk. Nuff said, not for me now. I will check back later. No. No for now, but that is
not saying anything bad about GPool or their people. I will take another look in a bit.

Important to know about Liquidity Pools. Can you lose money in Liquidity Pools?
YES! “The value of a user's holdings in a liquidity pool may rise if the composite tokens
increase in price, creating the illusion of profits. However, compared with simply buying
and holding the staked assets in the contributed amounts, the user may still be incurring

Impermanent loss (IL) is the risk that liquidity providers take in exchange for fees they
earn in liquidity pools. If IL exceeds fees earned by a user when they withdraw, it means
the user has suffered negative returns compared with simply holding their tokens
outside the pool. Due to the complex nature of impermanent loss, only a small handful
of the most active and sophisticated users are able to reliably hedge against the risk
and minimize its impact on their DeFi earnings.”

Gtwin is the NFT avatar element of the suite and can be used in real world apps such
as Zoom, as well as any metaverse, like Gworld. A Gtwin is your digital twin, you can
buy/sell NFT wearables to style the digital you.

Read more here

Watch the Interview

Kasta. Ranked 2932 and about $.84 Just came out. It's fairly complicated. And I
mean, I’m just not feeling it. Maybe the price can go up, but, no, I'm getting red flags
with this one for some reason. I’m not saying it is a money grab, but that is the type of
feeling I am getting for some reason. You know, like get all of this buzz going to pump
up the price. Yellow. I like other projects much more.

Background: They somewhat aim to do what XRP has already accomplished.

Kasta’s mission is to steer the world towards global cryptocurrency adoption
and a crypto-based economy through making the asset a viable medium of
exchange. Built on the Polygon network, our hybrid-decentralized approach
allows users to send and receive crypto instantly and for free (feeless). Kasta is
an incredibly simple application that anyone - crypto expert, crypto newbie,
merchant, etc, - can easily use on a day-to-day basis.

MAD Ventures / MAD Energy. In startup phase and conducting private token
sales. Hold on, moving my ego over to allow my higher self to come through. I'm
checking myself, okay, there it is. No. I don't like it. Not one I would touch. Not what it

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appears to be or how it is being portrayed. Caution. Sorry. No, I would not go to this.
This is not going to end well for those involved. They can try and pump the price but in
the end, it is not going to go well. Yellow to Red

Background: They aims to be the largest clean energy company in the world.
They are implementing Nicola Tesla technology with wireless but safe energy
transmissions. Also, geothermal, hydro electricity, waste-to-energy tech and
other 'devices'. They are a Blue Energy company. I received no compensation for
highlighting MAD Ventures in this interview or the previous one. MAD Energy is
not yet listed. It is a token and think of it as a share in their company or a security.
They want the public to have ownership to reduce risk of corporate takeover and
suppression of technology.

MonkeyBall (MBS): Ranked 3292, low reported 24 hr vol. About $1.06 with a high last
December 2021 of about $2.60. MonkeyBall. And it's soccer…and even though soccer
is a big sport around the world, not this game. No. Yeah, nah. Yellow.

Background: MonkeyBall is the next-gen esports metaverse that enables

players to Create, Play, Compete, and Earn. MonkeyBall combines high-
production-value, multiplayer gaming with Solana blockchain, NFTs, and
decentralized finance to deliver an exciting, turn-based, play-to-earn soccer
game that’s easy to learn yet hard to master. Play in Three Modes: 1. Player vs
Environment: Training mode played against the computer 2. Player vs Player:
Classic game where each team is controlled by users 3. Team vs Team: Each
team is controlled and played by multiple users

OVR: Ranked 2971. About $2.17 on 15 January 2022. Was as high as $3.30 about
two weeks ago. Metaverse based upon where you're standing, physical location but
can access AR/VR associated to location. Believe it or not, in time, it will move up.
Someone picked a good one with this. And this one was not easy to find as it’s not on
anyone’s radar being ranked around 3000. No, this looks good. No, it's totally legit, and
they're going to do it. And it's down, I know, as far as numbers, but you're going to see it
go up to charts, I mean, go up. You know? Green to Purple, but patience is needed, so
not for everyone. Green Purple but be patient.

Background: OVR makes it possible for users provided with a mobile device or
a smart glass to live interactive augmented reality experiences customized in the
real world. OVR can be defined as a new standard in augmented reality where
geographical experiences are based on the user’s position.

OVR is a platform for geolocalized AR and VR experiences based on Ethereum

blockchain. OVR allows for creating hosting and visualizing on mobile geo-
located AR and VR contents. AR/VR assets are connected to geographic
locations thanks NFTs (ERC-721 standard). The world has been divided in 1.6

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trillion hexagons, each one of those nominated with a combination of 3 English
words. Each hexagon (OVRLand) represents unique geographic location and the
owner of the OVRLand can decide what AR/VR experience will be visualized on
that location. Covered use cases are: gaming, live events, virtual retail, avatars,
tourism and many more.. AR/VR assets are hosted on IPFS making the platform
unstoppable. OVR project also has a fungible token (ERC-20) OVR Token used
for governance and exchange of value on the platform. OVR Token emission is
controlled by an IBCO controlled by DAO under the Aragon framework. Our
vision is to become The Decentralized Platform of the Spatial Web

PUNDI X (NEW) (PUNDIX): Ranked 271 and about .88. Had a big run since I shared
it was a Green years ago. They even did a huge token burn. People want to know if it is
done or if there is more upside to come? Again, it’s gone through some major changes,
so multiple people were asking again about this coin. It was doing good, but for some
reason, it's like their cards are coming down or something. Or they have a lot of
changes, and it's affecting the business. Yeah, no, no bueno for now. Yellow, it is.

Background: Pundi X is a leading developer of blockchain-powered devices

with the aim of transforming retail businesses with its blockchain-based point of
sale solution. The solution allows retail merchants and consumers to conduct
instantaneous in-store transactions on its blockchain. The blockchain solution
was founded in 2017 and launched its ICO in January 2018 as the world's first
point-of-sale solution. Following a successful ICO, Pundi X has successfully
launched retailed focused services including XPOS, XWallet and XPASS as well
as the world's first blockchain phone called BOB.

The company, which has its headquarters in Singapore, has shipped its XPOS
solution and devices to over 25 markets including the United States, Spain,
Argentina, Korea, Australia, Colombia, Spain and Taiwan.

Quantum Dollar $Q: Sorry, no. It is not going to be what some think, this is not going
to be the next world's currency. Some people might believe that, but no. Yellow at
Background: an Algorithmic stablecoin launched on STELLAR NETWORK.
Some think QUANTUM DOLLAR will play an important role in projects being
developed in the new QFS (Quantum Financial System). CMC is not tracking the
Q$ trading. it does trade, but only on the XLM internal network. MARKETCAP ≈
$2,464,208 SUPPLY QUANTUMD 999,970,735 Currently is .0029 cents in early
Jan 2022. Some say they are setting this up as a financial tool bases on the
tangible assets (gold, platinum, oil...).
Railgun (RAIL): Ranked 3506, low reported vol, and about $3.39. Was around $4
about 2 weeks ago. So among other things, it gives you privacy when you're using
Ethereum. I have conflicting feelings on this as privacy is good, but I don’t see this
doing what people hope in terms of growth. So I am not interested in it and so I will give

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it a Yellow, but some may like it. It is just that most people probably won't be attracted
to it. So- Yellow.

Background: provides privacy and security to cryptocurrency and DeFi users

via Zero Knowledge Proof (ZK-SNARK) technology. Using Railgun ensures your
wallet addresses will be removed from your actions and transactions on
blockchains where previously your information was publicly available for anyone
to view. Railgun users will enjoy privacy when trading, using leverage platforms,
and adding liquidity with Decentralized Applications (dApps).

RenderToken (RNDR): Ranked 228 and about $2.95. Reached about $8 in Nov
before the big correction we are currently in. Oh, this is a good one, why are we using a
spot for this one we looked at already? That’s okay. Okay, we already shared a long
time ago its’ Green. Good. Oh, I see $10, then $11. It's going to go back up, so there’s
a multi X in this for sure. Green. I would take some profits around $11. Believe it or
not, like we shared months ago, people are going to be interested in this one. It’ll be

Background: RNDR is a distributed GPU rendering network built on top of the

Ethereum blockchain, aiming to connect artists and studios in need of GPU
compute power with mining partners willing to rent their GPU capabilities out.
Conceived in 2009 by OTOY, inc. CEO Jules Urbach and launched in 2017,
RNDR held its first public token sale in October of that same year, followed by a
private sale period lasting from January 2018 – May 2018, wherein a total of
117,843,239 RNDR were sold at a price of 1 RNDR = $0.25 USD equivalent of
token. During the private sale period, early adopters were onboarded onto the
RNDR Beta Testnet, where beta node operators and artists worked
collaboratively with the RNDR team in building and testing the network, up until
its public launch on April 27th 2020.

Step Finance (STEP): Ranked 1842. Step Finance. No. Not feeling good about this.
Did this bomb? Yes, that is what I saw. No. Sorry. People are just going to go onto
other things because they basically gave up on it. Yellow at best. Maybe Yellow Red.

Background: Step Finance is the front page of Solana. Visualise, Analyse,

Execute and Aggregate transactions across all Solana contracts in one place.
Step is a portfolio management dashboard and transaction aggregator where
users can monitor their tokens associated with their wallets, LP positions, Staked
Yield farms, Margin positions and more. Users of Step Finance can also execute
Swaps and enter various yield farms and automated vaults from within Step with
any fees on such value accrual services going back to STEP stakers.

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TDROP. Coming 1 Feb. Free Airdrop to Theta stakers, do you see it dropping in
the beginning? This will have value and go up in time. I will hold mine and not sell
right away because I am patient. You know how many people get an airdrop and
immediately sell? Well, sometimes that is the right move, but me, I am going to hang on
to this and don’t care if the price comes down in the short term because it will go up in
time and this will have value. Do I get a number or price? No, not now, just that it will
go up and I am going to hold on to it. I feel this will be worth something, yes. This will
go up over time, yes. Purple

TerraUSD (UST): Ranked 18 and about $1 (it’s decentralized algorithmic stablecoin).

Good option? Safe? Yes!!! It looks like the government can't regulate it. So some
people are going, "Hey! Let’s use this one.” Oh, I love that, love that. This is a winner
as far as using it. Green. If you're going to use a stable coin, this might be one you
want to use. It's an alternative to the centralized stablecoins: USDT, USDC, and

Background: UST is the decentralized and algorithmic stablecoin of the Terra

blockchain. It is a scalable, yield-bearing coin that is value-pegged to the US
Dollar. TerraUSD was created to deliver value to the Terra community and offer a
scalable solution for DeFi amid severe scalability problems faced by other
stablecoin leaders like Dai. Thus, TerraUSD promises users a higher level of
scalability, interest rate accuracy, and interchain usage. UST Stablecoin
(algorithimic stablecoin based on Luna ecosystem). This is a stablecoin that
regulators won’t be able to put their hands on, so it's an alternative to the
centralized stablecoins: USDT, USDC, and GUSD):

Theta (Theta): Ranked 39 and about $4.07. More excited than ever. What a great
chance we’ve had to accumulate if we wanted to increase our positions/number
of coins/tokens. Some uninformed people will say “oh my gosh, it’s been going
down, it was almost $16. The sky is falling.” But their emotions cloud the real
story. Let’s just compare it to a time tested long standing project and see if that
changes some people’s perspective. Ethereum. Back in 2017 it had a big run but then
came down and went sideways for a couple of periods of time. One period was about 6
months and another was about 12 months. So a big run up and then sideways. Hmmm.
Sound familiar? So Ethereum held on to about 50 X move up. Pretty impressive. Let’s
compare that to Theta. Theta has held on to an about 100 X move up from its’ low! .04
and sitting at about $4.00. So do I care that we have had a 9 month consolidation and
recent sideways movement? No. You have to expect these things and that is why we
take profits. These corrections after big moves must occur and are to be expected.
BUT GUESS WHAT…we have another big move coming. And it does not matter if that
is in the next months or 1 year or 1 1/2 years. It is coming and I will be sitting tight just

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as I did during 2019/2020/2021. People need to understand the patterns and how
things work. You get a great run if you have been lucky enough to pick a great coin and
be in it before a run. Very few ever even accomplish that first step of picking a big
winner early on. Then after a huge run up, you get a 50% or more pull back. Then the
coin consolidates for months and even up to a year or so sometimes. Then everyone
gives up on it and leaves the project or forgets about it. Then when all the sellers are
gone, the coin starts another big run up. Wash, Rinse, Repeat. But the people who
keep asking “when” are oblivious to this pattern. All one needs to do is just look at how
BTC, Ethereum, and many others behaved in the previous cycles. Then factor in that
we are no longer in a 4 Year Cycle but instead an approx 5 Year Cycle. So what does
all of that mean? Sit back and let others worry and if you are lucky you can
continue to Dollar Cost Average into the great projects before they go on their
next big run. Which will come when you least expect it.

Sandbox: Ranked 40 and about $4.42. Had it as one of my top Metaverse plays back
in Sep/Oct of 2021 when it was around .60 or .70. This is going to blow up and I mean
that in a good way. Shared the same last year. Purple. Spirit says, "You know, gave
the answer already." Why is someone asking again? Oh, just a confirmation, well that
is smart to do once in a while. I have this and I will try and pick up a little more now.
Purple. Sell target to take a little bit out of the game is around $20 to $22. .. and it
goes up more than that, then same thing, take some more profit. I mean, that is
like a 4 or 5 X from just today when it is in the $4s and we have had this as a winner
since under $1.00 right? Purple.

Secret Pineapple Society NFTS. Secret Pineapple Society, my personalized NFT and
the other ones. They made around 8,000 of them. And as part of their marketing
strategy, they took some people, me being one, and gave us a custom NFT because
then that gives them exposure to a wider audience, you know, it is marketing and also a
tip of the hat, a nice thing to do and I am thankful they did that for me. Overall, The
Secret Pineapple Society NFTs have done pretty well. You know, some always have
more value than others. It is just how it works with collectibles. Do I feel like they'll
continue to have value? Yes. Will I sell mine? No, we hold on for now anyway. But
either way, some will be gold. But, again, not all will have great value. It is just some of
them will go up, up.

VIMworld (VEED): Ranked 762 and maybe since it is down, it can be a little bet for
long term gains. It's an NFT marketplace on Vechain. In the community it's come up as
potentially a good one for 2022. Hey, this one has a chance. Let’s keep an eye on this
one. I want to call it Green, but I also want to be more cautious because it is so new
and things can change. We need to check back on it. Call it “Green, but stay on top
of it.”

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Background: VIMworld is a brand new, innovative ecosystem – a marriage of
Smart NFTs, IoT technology, blockchain, and a new generation of smart toys and
collectibles. VIMworld has a powerful incentive structure and a circular economy
that encourages proactive stakeholder engagement, generating value for players,
collectors and traders alike. Before we conceived VIMworld, it was clear to us the
world didn’t need another game. Our vision was to create a powerful system that
incentivizes engagement and socializing and provided experiences that could be
shared with each other as part of a community. We wanted to build a system
where individuals can take charge of their world and immutably own verifiable,
authentic assets and take part in our rich trading economy with them. In this new
ecosystem, we envision a place where people can express themselves freely,
connect and collaborate with others, and create non-superficial emotional bonds,
unlike anything that exists in the current digital domain. We feel these behaviors
will bring a positive impact to the world, all while creating economic incentive and
rewarding users.

XRP and the “SEC CASE” What’s the hold up? XRP still on track to come out on top in
the next months? Soon? Ranked 8 and about $.75. They have the court case with the
SEC. I don’t know why, but it got “delayed.” Maybe because of omicron? I don’t know, I
just got, “delayed.” So it got delayed, and they (SEC) are really trying to get their hands
into it. But I don't know. I just feel like, even though it's been delayed, that it will still work
out. If not Q1 then soon after. Hey, things happen. In the big scheme of things, It won’t
be long though. No, it will start moving again. I mean, it's got to. I know that the people
behind it, XRP/Ripple, are like, "Hey, let's get this ball rolling. We need to get this
going." So they're fighting it, and they're pushing, and I have faith. So it's just a matter
of time, and it's not even going to be as long as you think. There have just been some

ZK Powered Protocols/Rollups? ZK Protocols/Rollups are designed to help scale

Ethereum I.e focus on ZK Proofs. Big deal or not? They are relevant right now, but in
the big picture, long term, not as big as many other things that are going on in cryptos.
But they are important for now.
Of the three “ZK Protocols,” which do you like the most of the following three
(Immutable X (IMX), Polygon (Matic), and ZKSwap (ZKS)? Polygon (Matic) is my top
pick of the three.

Immutable X (IMX): Ranked 112 and about $3.63 (was as high as $9 in at end of Nov,
2021). It will more than double from its current price. It is a good one.

Polygon (Matic): Been Green/Purple for a long time and has done great. Ranked 13
and about $2.12. This will go back up. Of the 3 you give me in this category, it is my
top pick.

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ZKSwap (ZKS) (China based all in one): Ranked 573 and about .25 (was over $9 in
Feb of 2021).

Battle of the Coins: Near Protocol or Kadena? If forced to select one, NEAR
Protocol, but I like both. While it’s not apples to apples comparison by any stretch,
one of our friends got their question selected so I will answer. Near Protocol is still
Purple and it has more room to move up from here. Even though it has already moved
up so much since we made it Purple months and months ago. It's still got more room to
go up and move up. Kadena is still a long term winner though. Again, if I had to pick
one, I pick Near Protocol over Kadena, but Kadena will do well and it is good and
having both NEAR Protocol and Kadena is good for those who want to.

Friends who have lost or stolen cryptos, it just breaks my heart.
If you need help or a tutorial, do careful research or contact PappyDeez. The only
place we go for scheduled tech help is PappyDeez. Visit to book your appointment.

World Predictions, Spiritual Insights and more


Real estate. Pretty much on average, real estate went up 30% in the last year. See, it is
exactly what Spirit shared with us, short term okay, but mid to longer term caution. It
has maybe another year of going up like it has been. And then, well, it goes stagnant.
And then it eventually trends down. Does that play into when someone should by a
house? It is a case by case basis type of question because you need a place to live.
There are so many personal factors to consider in this question. The key is to figure out
what you can afford and where you are looking to buy. But as far as trends go, short
term prices will rise, but a little later on down the road, things will change and begin
dropping. Did you know that huge firm, Black Rock, put billions into real estate and also
added to the frenzy? Real estate has become such a perverse market. Sometimes it
seems like the primary thing people do in the US is just buy and sell houses to each
other. Think about it. It is so out of whack. Let me sum it up, I have a good friend of
mine and she wanted to get out of her old career, she was making big money, but she
burnt out and I said, "Go back to what you love." And she said, “I love real estate.” So I

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told her, "Well, you have a short window with it, but get on it now if that is what you love.
You can make a lot of money for maybe the next two years. And then, not so much-" I
gave her this message about a year or so ago.

The Federal Reserve has said that they're going to “raise interest rates several
time this year, starting in March." I do not see them getting in multiple rate hikes this
year. NO. I feel there'll be a block or a delay or something that it won't happen the way
they are saying now. So maybe they get one in but not multiple and I mostly just get
“delays or block.” Here’s the challenge, they are caught between the horns of dilemma.
If they don’t raise rates, then inflation heats up. If they do raise rates then they stall out
and hurt one of the biggest US industries, which is Real Estate. Real Estate touches so
many industries and people. And, as I shared already, real estate is doing good right
now in the US, but then it's going to go back to not so good.

Federal Reserve will go away in the future, not anytime soon, but it will go away.
The IRS will not go away, but politicians will get rid of the Fed Reserve eventually.

Precious Metals? Gold ($1,822), Silver ($23.61), Platinum ($1,033), Copper, all of
them are important and will have a good year. I've covered that before, but like to
touch on it each month for our friends who pay close attention to the prices. The trend
is up this year and the message I keep getting is “get them now.” I know that message
gets old to some who only focus on today’s price, but people do not understand the how
important precious metals can be. Some wrongly think cryptos will replace them, NO.
Cryptos and Precious metals are very different things, I don’t know how to explain it,
and I am just sharing what spirit gives me to share. And that is, “keep getting them and
hold on to them.” Cryptos move first. Then Silver. Then Gold. But I have cryptos and
precious metals NOW. Yes, I have more in Cryptos, but I have both. Right now, just
the way it has worked out, I have about 60% of my liquid assets in crypto and about
20% in precious metals (mostly silver one ounce eagles or philharmonics). But if you
are very wealthy, you will likely need to get mostly gold as silver is so cheap and 500
silver coins weights over 35 pounds. Only those with a lot of money understand that
even though silver will have greater returns, you need some place to store it and you
need to be able to move it. Vaulting service, crypto precious metals and bank safety
deposit boxes are a no no no for me.

Uranium Miners. Question, “There's a growing community looking at it as a very

profitable opportunity as nuclear power regains credibility. Many stocks have been beat
down since 2007 (GFC) and 2011 (Fukushima disaster). Now things look to be
changing (with potential 20-100x gains), which of the following do you think will be the
ones to hold now?” Listed on Canadian stock market:
Cameco Corp (CCO)
Denison Mines Corporation (DML)

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Nexgen Energy LTD (NXE)”
I’m sorry, but I knew you were going to ask me about some of these and that you did
nice research in to showing me a few of them, but the answer is “no, not yet.” So maybe
later this will be a good play to consider, but now is the time to focus on Cryptos and
physical precious metals. So the answer to getting stocks in Uranium Mining
companies is, “No, not at this time.”


God is the Creator of all that is. God is called by many names, Great Spirit, Allah, the
Supreme Being and The Universal Consciousness. She is everything and nothing; he is
the all of the universe and contains all aspects of feminine and masculine energy. God
created the universe, the heavens and mankind; he is a part of each one of us. God is
love and the internal light within us all. Our soul contains that Spark of God. We are all
God’s children and we are an extension of God, created from unconditional love.

Spiritually speaking, when we die or pass over and watch our life review, do we
also recall all of our dreams? Everything is recorded in The Book of Life, also called
the Akashic Records. Everything, so yes, your dreams too. Sometime when you awake
you may only remember a fragment of your dream. It may not make sense to your
conscious mind. But everything is recorded. Including your Soul Travel journeys. Now
remember some dreams are future visions or premonition. Some may be relevant to
your conscious mind, some may not.

Did Jesus have a life review? No, Jesus didn't need a life review he had already
ascended to Heaven.

Do we see our previous lives during our life review? I've talked about many times,
we review our Earthly life and how we impacted others, both good and bad. And we get
to review all that, everything. We get to see everything in great detail. You get to hear it,
feel it, smell it, tastes it, know it. You actually become that other person to see what the
impact, whether it was joy, whether it was pain, whether it was just a karmic thing that
you needed to wrap up. So your soul knows the full depth of that impact.

When you cross over, you’ll have a life review which is an evaluation from the life [ it’s
NOT a judgement day where you will be committed to Heaven or Hell – that is not true]
that you just came out of. This is just trip, okay? Think of it as a journey. Just a short trip
– your current life is a blink of an eye in your eternal journey. For some people they had
a beautiful life; if you create that. But right now, it's like A Nightmare on Elm Street for
many souls.

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But back to the question - - Will see Past Life interactions during your Life Review? Only
if they correlate to some Past Life Karma that you were destined to work out in this life.
Mostly during the time between lives we go back and review our past lives: we do this
with permission to view our Book of Life which has every life that we have lived since
our soul was created. Fascinating right!!?

Is the Omicron variant much more transmissible? Yes, we know that. It spreads
quicker, this Omicron version, but it's less severe for most people. It's like the cold, or it
can be like a bad flu. So many are sick, but at this rate, it's going to spread through the
society so quick that... and the Omicron not really much more than the flu. So hopefully
by the time March 2022 rolls around, it's not really that big of a factor with this Omicron.
I pray it is so. But know that China will not stop!

Look this came from China but the US is involved. It is all Gain-of-Function with the US
Patents to prove it. China is just going to keep throwing viruses out there until it comes
down to a straight out war, which really, it already has come to that. It's just people are
sleepwalking and our government truly does not want to enlighten us because their
excuse is, "Oh, well, we might have mass hysteria." Well, you’ve already got that.
People around the Globe are up in arms, marching, protesting, rioting but you won’t see
those videos on CNN. No! But humanity is up in arms and pissed off and we are saying
we've had enough and we want our freaking freedom!!! And US citizens know their
freedom is based on the constitution of the United States of America.

Michelle is there Nano technology in the COVID vaccines? Spirit says Yes.
Scientists can put... they put these very tiny particles of graphene or machines or
technology in the vaccines.

Remember, we did this whole huge write up of what's going on in the world and how
everything fits together. And one of the things was they [the shadow government] are
not putting Nano tech in the virus. The Nano technology will come later in the vaccines.
And Spirit said that even before the vaccines were out.

And so here we are, I'm asking Spirit: Are they are putting Nano tech in the vaccines
now? The answer is YES. Please I implore everyone to wait this out - do not take that
experimental shot or the boosters. They are not safe and they are not effective. You
want to boost something – boost your immune system with a good vitamin protocol!!
My Emergency Room Doctor Client/Friend says; Scurvy is a disease caused by the lack
of Vitamin C, whereas COVID will take ahold because of a lack of Vitamin of D3. You

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should have 5000iu of vitamin D3 in your bloodstream. Even if you are vaccinated take
the D3, because as we know the Vaccinated get COVID too.

Background Information: Cornell Scientists Nano scale graphene machines

China In The News Now ;There are three major cities in China right now that are on
complete lockdown from COVID - 20 Million people are on lockdown because China
has a Zero Case policy; but more concerning within these cities a few people are
showing symptoms of hemorrhagic fever.

Yes, Spirit forewarned us about this remember? "Listen, I see people, sadly, in another
variant bleeding..." you can read the prediction in the 9 Nov 2020 Patreon Report

Yes, Spirit warned us even before we knew that this was a possibility and I feel that a
hemorrhagic fever will make it to U.S. shores at some point. They've been testing it on
the Chinese. Like they think we're lab rats – literally ! it’s all bioengineered so it's more
aggressive and more contagious. Now, they're taking a variant that causing a bleeding
fever and making it more potent and more... It's crazy what they do, man. It's crazy.
They want to wipe out everything.

The world scientific community came together once before and said, "Stop Gain of
Function." This means supersizing the viruses to be more lethal”. And they stopped for
a little while, allegedly, and now look where we're at; Bioweapons unleashed on

Ancient America
In ancient America did a giant race of people or beings live on this island off the
coast of Georgia called Jekyll Island? I’ve stayed on Jekyll Island so I’m familiar with
it. Yes absolutely, there's been proof of eight foot tall and taller beings living all over
North America in ancient times. There is a biblical backstory and Spirit says it sounds
crazy but it’s true so just bear with me. Angels that were sent here, right, some of them
fell love with the daughters of men meaning human beings. These Angels fell in love
with their beauty and their gift of Free-Will and so they made love to the women. And
that, is something they were not supposed to do... it was kind of against the rules. So
when they mated, what came out of that? Giants. Well, God let the giants walk the
world, but they were so big and destructive, finally then he wiped them out.

Across ancient America and other continents too giants once lived. There were
hundreds of reputable accounts of giant skeletons found in the 1800’s Newspapers as
workmen engaged in expanding towns and cities.
It seems, in just a couple of years Fake Fact Checkers are removing all types evidence
on every controversial topic – rewriting history to fit the new Earth History Narrative.

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Also there are other beings that are here that are eight foot, if not taller. The Yeti also
called Bigfoot and the abominable snowman in the artic. In China, Tibet, Nepal and
those regions way up in the mountains there are Monks that protect the secrets of the
Yeti; the white ones, all white to blend in with the snow. So these Giants still exist in
modern day and there's even more and more footage and proof of that out there. And
they vary in only one thing, their coats, and the colors, depending on what area they are
across the globe. But I don't want to let you confuse the ancient giants with the Bigfoot.
They are two separate races of Gods other children. Sorry I got off track a bit!

Jekyll Island
So we know that the ultra-wealthy elite bankers met in Jekyll Island back in 1910 to
create the federal reserve. The question was, WHY did they? What was there major
motivation for creating the federal reserve? Was there major motivation because they
had found large amounts of gold in the Grand Canyon or because they just wanted to
gain control of the monetary system? They wanted to gain control of the monetary
system. Finding gold in the Grand Canyon is separate. Gaining control of the US
currency and charging for those services was created out of greed – to financially
control America in the future. That was their motive.

So Rockefeller, John D. Rockefeller actually had a house on Jekyll Island along with
J.P. Morgan, the Vanderbilt’s, the Astors and more, because that was a center of power
back in the day. Because that's where they created the federal reserve and they did
more than that. A lot of really wealthy families built their houses on the coast there
because that was a center of power in a vacation spot.

Someone asks: Did John D. Rockefeller purposely build his dwelling on Jekyll Island
over a sacrificial altar from a previous civilization? Yes. I can answer it. Unfortunately,
the answer to that is yes, that's what many of the ultra-wealthy do to gain great power,
they will spill blood for money, power and fame by making a deal with the devil. So the
answer was yes, he actually did purposely do it. He sold his soul. It's sick, blood
sacrifices and black magic. Hard to believe? It’s true.

Side note: Have you ever seen the photo of Gloria Vanderbilt sitting on the brass bed
with her two young sons [Anderson Cooper and Carter]? Well just look at the artwork
over the bed against the red checked wall paper. Evil always like to show off.

There's a school and it's not a certified law school or anything like that. It's just
called Freedom Law School that I’d like to ask you about? No, I don't like it. Let me
see a photo of the man that runs it. I want to make sure we're on the same page. Hold
on. Yeah. I don't like it - seems like a sham. This it all crooked, he's bad. He tries to
teach people how to not pay their taxes, which ... Listen, I get it, but with this guy - -
you're always going to end up in trouble. Hmm, he’s in deep trouble, he’s got a hit on
him, more than one. Let's just say, from enemies? Oh wow, please don't go into this

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Norway. I had written before, Listen, Spirit's given it a thumbs up. They're going to have
the problems that everyone else is going to have, but overall, Norway, pretty good
thumbs up. Here's a question about Norway and their prime minister. The prime minister
is Jonas Gahr Store and they are asking Is he going to help the people of Norway, help
them remain free, or will the people need to stand up and change the way things are
going in Norway? Do you get any feelings on the prime minister of Norway?

I have a photo, so I’ve got a bead on him. He's no better than the rest of these globalist
with their skewed political leadership. He's a politician. Yeah. He’s not going to do what
is right for the people of Norway and their greater good. The people are going to have to
stand up. It's kind of coming down to that, really, all over the world. You never really
could count on politicians most will sell you out for a big check!!!

Russia and Ukraine

Russia and Ukraine, the Ukrainian people, Ukraine used to be part of Russia. They
speak a different language than the Russians, but Russia, really, is in the news over
and over again, you hear, "Oh, Russia is going to invade Ukraine. Russia is going to
invade Ukraine." But really that's the news we're getting from Intel sources that want us
to think Russia is going to invade Ukraine, but the question is simple. Will Russia
invade Ukraine is the question? No, I think it's a political chess game, Putin moves,
moves forces there in order to gain a response and have leverage for getting other
things he wants. But basically, Putin's just pissed off even though, listen, Putin's bad. I
know Putin's bad, but what we do is we move our missiles and everything right up in
Ukraine, up to his border. And so of course he's going to go, "What the frigg are you
guys doing?" Yeah, firing back. Trying to start a war. He's like, "What are you trying to
do? Start a war? Knock it off." Check Mate! Posturing, bluffing. Makes me wonder
what BIDEN is doing - - does he and Hunter still have money flowing in from the
Ukraine? Hmmm

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History's Mysteries
What happened to the dinosaurs?
Oh, that's an easy one. . Well they were created, but they became very destructive to
not only obviously the surface, but other, let's just say, God's children and others, let's
say there's a world within this world, other beings. Just because you don't see, it doesn't
mean it's not there. Like the government's got a whole underground system. There's a
big underground network of passages and such, from prehistoric times too but people
can't even fathom that, so. Going back on topic: the dinosaur period, went on for a very
long time. And that was at the time that science says, "Oh, well, we originated or
evolved from the monkey, to the human like species before the Neanderthals. You
know primitive man. But they didn't look like people, like how we look today. And so
these dinosaurs were just killing everything. And so God just sent one swipe, froze with
ice, I think. So it wasn't a meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs. Spirit says No, ice. God
wiped it out with freezing everything. So basically, an ice age is what took them out.

I think the other interesting part of this is primitive man. Spirit has always said that we
had more than one species of primitive man. As kids we were taught that Dinosaurs
and man did not live at the same time. That is a lie. Primitive man and Dinosaurs did
coexist for a time. Guess who was also there at that period of time? The red man. The
red man, meaning the indigenous Indians were there too.

Archeologists have found many primitive species of man. Spirit says some of them are
unrelated and we did not slowly evolve from a monkey. Different species of man were
created by God. It’s not a linear timeline of humans evolving into the next version. Some
species, God stopped, updated the DNA and then created a new human type of being.
Then began again several times. That's the reason when we find those skeletons, that,
"Gosh, that homosapien or Cro-Magnon isn’t like that Neanderthal." Don’t believe
Darwin’s Theory of Man’s Evolution – it’s about man’s ego trying to connect dots that
have no connection. Its theory - - not truth.


Michelle, you wouldn't believe what the article reads, almost about everything you've
been talking about. Well, they don't have your name on it or anything, but it's just
similar topics to things you've discussed for years. And I found this article and I just
thought, "Well, let's just show Michelle." It's fascinating. Some confirmation in this
article is probably worth a read bit, right? And Look the Photo of the Statue of Liberty –
headless as you’ve been talking about!

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Here’s the article and you wouldn't believe what the article reads, almost about
everything you've been talking about:

In closing, personally I want to end by thanking you all for your kind generosity over the
past months. The heartfelt letters, cards and gifts of all sorts that came via post from
near and across the globe – I was touched by your thoughtfulness and appreciation for
the work that I do here on Patreon. This year, many of us had personal hurtles to
overcome, I too have my own. As you may know I have been on hiatus from conducting
personal readings. My focus has been on my other missions. There is a long waitlist
although I have not decided as to when I will go back to doing readings. But I will be
here with you on Patreon and I’m already looking forward to February.

Stay Prayerful and Stay Positive because our thoughts, our words, our deeds and
visualization help to create our personal future and as a group we can positively
influence the mass consciousness. Here again is the Metatron Prayer Written and
Spoken Word a powerful prayer of protection and abundance.

I hope that you enjoy this report!

Sending you much love and light,

Michelle Whitedove
Author |Teacher | Seer

Please join me on Instagram for lighthearted Inspirations

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