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BIBLIOGRAPHY.39--.a) Works on General Aesthetics.


1550. What the Spaniards had then overrun from Mexico to

large calibre three hundred to four hundred rounds per gun

ACCIUS, LUCIUS, Roman tragic poet, the son of a freedman,

eleventh of the civil year of the Jews. It approximately

engaged. In the following year, on the announcement of the

of his son. Here he had remained two years, when the success

In 1852 the government awarded Minie, a Frenchman, L. 20,000 for

Louis Cavagnari, with his staff and escort, was massacred at

(4) Peridiniales---3 families, 32 genera, 167 species.

and became conspicuous as a leader of the Massachusetts Whigs

obtained, because most firms withhold any information

pinning belief solely on verification by physical phenomena,

notion, and considered that a small portion of the principle

deposits. Beneath this Chul formation the older beds of

sq. yds.) and paladr are called ``acres''; the Leicestershire

save for a short period in 1827-1828, when the duke of Clarence

assigned to any one of the documents of which Genesis is made

part of French and Italian statesmen in the winter 1901-1902 it

must be attributed; also the lacustrine marls and limestone

glaciers are of the Piedmont type. Greatest of these and of

Hampshire Down sheep are exhibited. Other sheep societies

before 1800, while those over the Umbrail and the Great St

amongst whom may be mentioned Malte-Brun, Leake, Xylander,

Dreischusterspitze . . . . . 10,375 Cima della Madonna

When acetylene is burnt from a 000 union jet burner, at all

(especially of Peter and his missionary labours); (2) he

soil and climate. Plough the fallow in early spring, and

of vegetables in which her baby was hidden. (Mrs. M`Donnell

with cause and effect, from aiti'a, a cause), in

Catholic). Manufacturing is the most important industry,

located, between 18 deg. 40' and 20 deg. 30' N. lat., about 200 m.

Other writers have derived the word from the Arabic

carriage road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8,721

and growth may occur equally in all parts (Oscillatoriaceae);

break-up of the Servian empire, a new epoch began when Albania

removed. Lana himself noticed this objection, but he

| | + | + R.CHO = | | | + 2H2O + 2H.

work of accounts under the several votes and sub-heads of

Tsana, at a height of about 8,620 ft. above the sea; it has

be settled by reference to this book, which forbids Moslems

pp. 337 ff.) argues for a ``proto-Tyrrhenian '' alphabet from

having as their chief characters a representative boy and his

horrible, as if to a banquet; so that if you take that as a

towns for pay, and were professional soldiers. When Peter

by the Index, both Spanish and Papal, but was taken off by the

British Imports of Live Animals and Meat.

an extent as to injure and probably exterminate many native

communities on an equal footing with their former suzerains.

elements of inevitable failute. A ruler imposed upon a free

after the addition of water, or they are compounds which

middle of the 18th century an academy of the arts was

rooms, and completed the degradation by running up partitions

must certainly have been understood in Italy before 1495,

juxtapositions: whereas if it can be shown that throughout the

whole crater being cut off by a fortified line which runs

edition, Epistolae aevi Carolini, vol. ii. pp. 1-481, in the

there have been some cases of rabies in animals other than

which governed and characterized the activities of the

exporting not only agricultural products but textile fabrics and

B. Haureau, Hist. de philos. scholast. (Paris, 1880); F.


with Portugal which was destined to have important political

Separatists. Driven abroad about the year 1593, he found a

the first time in the records of the dynasty founded by Ahmad

have already collected. In order that space may be found

CC.VV. Clarissimi viri.

to various naval heroes, including Admirals van Heemskerk (d.

Clinical History.---The course of actinomycosis is usually a

19th century, but in spite of their facile tunefulness have

financial considerations, as it is scarcely necessary to remark,

belonging to the facies ``africano-syrian'' of Zittel. There

prefecture of Illyricum. The death of Arcadius in May 408

the secretary to such duty as he may be able to perform: this

at different levels constituting the zones to which reference

Paul Hamilton Hayne (1830-1886), who find a place rather

History of the Colonization of Africa by Alien Races

therefore by the act of secession) brought on the war.

(1775), an autobiography with much charm. With these various

Mountain Boys,'' an irregular force organized for resistance

December 1904, and remained there four months in negotiation

X., of the Bolognese house of Panfili, to the papal throne in

month, and advertisers have had reason to fear that many of

Recollections of Our Anti-Slavery Conflict (Boston, 1869).

connexion in the policy and progress of the different nations

founded in 944 by Bulukkin b. Zeiri, the founder of, the

the region; the most important of these are the museums of

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