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(from the Gr.

periklines, ``sloping'') is the name given

the Church of England, and was appointed in 1778 to the curacy

the idea was more widely spread that surgery, after all, was

Algeria and an annual subvention is provided by France.

not natural to town life. Abu-l-'Atahiya was one of the

the index needle to the zero of the scale. Hot-wire ammeters

received, until the original cost of the works has been

of the rival brothers are beautifully contrasted; in Maria

a convalescent home for the poor of the city of Leipzig.

of the Tochi and the Ghazni plain is still unknown to us.

(cf. xvii. 24, xxi. 5) could scarcely be described as a weak

of the waste. Up to then the English labouring rustic had

he ceased to hold himself bound by his promises, and

The existence of public land, first in Italy, and then

and alpine Voyages (London, 1832); Monck Mason, Aeronautica

on the active material, is due to neglect or excessive

and the chief pitch in a word coincide, but this is by no

as a food preservative has never produced decided injurious

horsemanship and in other manly exercises. While still a

of which he devoted a great deal of time and energy, and

where the Lord asks the prophet, ``What seest thou?'' and he

by Richard Milward, his amanuensis, who affirms that for

next year dates his life-long friendship with Jeremiah Dyson

hospital were sent as a matter of course into the medical

through which the head must be twisted to bring the movable

Should the child afterwards become chargeable to the parish,

many of the smaller sorts of carpets (``galichas'' or

Later History of Alchemy.--In the earlier part of the

it is impossible to follow the actual course of the river

``rivers''). In the East as in the West the vestment is

value en route. With the provisos that if Lee turned upon

population municipale, which excludes the garrison, prisoners,

Luzon, Philippine Islands, near an inlet on the W. shore

700, of whom about 100 practically monopolized the land.

appertains to France, more particularly as a power whose

would injure the Stadtbild or appearance of the town may

performers on the trapeze, &c., contortionists, balancers and

culture. Further, when the two sides came to consider

coefficient of absorption, it becomes finally predominant.

great Fula states of the central Sudan were still outside

and impelled him to even greater activity in his military duties,

undeveloped. Since the discovery of gold in the Transvaal,

ourselves to the larger features of the process, we may make

des sciences par la Societe Philomatique de Paris (1816), p. 113.

capable, that all terrestrial optical phenomena--reflexion,

d'Aspre), though his previous grade had been that of a general

for the national capital had to be brought up to Annapolis by

to complete it by setting over against the clear scientific

in law, as distinguished from consanguinity (q.v.), the

open country there are, on the north from the Niger to the

activities are directed by ideal conceptions and standards

B.C. from the picture writing of hieroglyphs to genuine

Nicolaevich grew up to manhood. He received the education

earlier half of the 7th century B.C. In the next century

430,000,000 acres. In addition to this, the states and railroad

destination. If the voyage is interrupted and its completion

29. Sherman and Johnston.--Meanwhile Sherman had fought his

B.C., which provided for the settlement of Pompey's veterans

several open and comparatively easy passes, and from Bajour

learning, so now it acquired fresh importance as a centre of

contain a very powerful extract which produces toxic effects

made extensive use of the Pongo de Manseriche as an avenue

maps of the Swiss Alps and their neighbours, see J. H. Graf,

interrupted by the short-lived peace of October 1801; and for

the southern slope of a low range of hills, in a well-wooded

knowledge of the country was greatly increased, and its

the synthesis of an albumin is but a matter of time. Already

Viossa and the sea, and the Tshams or Chams, who occupy the

dichloride is obtained, and this on treatment with potassium

or substances that go into food materials is not left to the

Khimarrliotes, and exercised a practically independent sovereignty

will represent, both in direction and magnitude, the motion

and 0.46% of iron, the residue being essentially aluminium

dialect. Born in Philadelphia, he spent the greater part of

at one plate escapes, a small quantity possibly being spent

attachment, but who was soon obliged to accompany her husband to

F.K.Q.C.P.I. Fellow of King and Queen's College of Physicians

within the English sphere -- the Dutch colony of New

with the methods of Sir Isaac Newton and W. G. Horner.

Theol. Cath. (1858); other authorities in J. C. L. Gieseler,

Upper Engadine, in the heart of the mountains, though these are

the use of an alcoholometer, which is a hydrometer graduated so

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