Unit 7 Flavours

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UNIT 7 FLAVOURS (1 hr theory 4hrs)

7.1 Define the term ‘flavour’.

7.2 Describe flavour profiles.
7.3 Name the five basic taste sensations.
7.4 Explain the general concepts in flavour building.
7.5 Outline the concept of developing primary and supporting flavours.
7.6 Use a variety of seasoning and flavouring techniques.
7.7 Distinguish between herbs and spices.
7.8 Adopt the guidelines for using herbs and spices while preparing dishes.
7.9 Demonstrate tasting during the cooking process to determine desired flavour.

Content (chapter 4 and 7)

 Seasonings and flavourings

 Taste sensations- salty, sweet, bitter, sour and umami
 Primary and supporting flavors
 Seasoning and flavouring techniques: marinades and rubs
 Herbs vs spices

UNIT 8 PLATING (1 hr theory, 4hrs practical)

8.1 Outline the significance of plating food attractively.

8.2 Determine what qualities define an attractive plate.
8.3 Explain the fundamental principles of plating.
8.4 Describe the principles that affect the visual appearance of a dish.
8.5 Identify the factors to be considered while garnishing.
8.6 Demonstrate the guidelines for plating food attractively.

Content (chapter 28)

 Fundamentals principles of plating- preparations techniques, work habits, visual sense

 Principles that affect visual appearance- balance, portion size, arrangement and
 Guidelines for attractive plating
 Garnishing: functional and non-functional

Unit 7 & 8
Unit outline

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