AQotMF Invasion! Campaign Rules

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INVASION! Version 1.

0 Ron Dillie 2018

An AQotMF Campaign Game

“Tenshun!” The entire room snapped to attention as General Kramer entered the room. “At ease gentle-
men, at ease!” he replied wearily. Everyone was running on little or no sleep. General Kramer and his 3
aides moved directly to the front of the room. Kramer scanned the room of enforced silence with one of
his dead stares that he was famous for. Every officer in the room thought he was looking at him person-

“Major Bramer! Give us a general situation report about our forces deployment. We have approximate-
ly 48 hours before THEY arrive.” General Kramer never dignified the Martians by name. It was always
“them” or “they”.

A tall, lanky, slightly greying officer strode to the head of the room. With their usual precision, General
Kramer’s aides set up the larger map of the area as he reached the podium. “General, gentlemen this is
the current situation as of 1900 hours today. The state’s militia has time to deploy …. Ah! Here,
Killsworth , Boulder City and Kingston. The militia’s armor support is working its way towards Kingston
as a mobile reserve but the roads are horrendous due to the continuous 8 days of rain we’ve had. The 8 th
Brigade, ummm, here! It’s trying to entrench north of Grandville by the river but the soil conditions are
not ideal. The 8th Brigade’s armor and artillery support are coming by rail and will arrive in Kingston,
thankfully, by 0700 tomorrow morning. 8th Brigade’s cavalry and its support, is scouting north of the
river to get an idea of the terrain in anticipation of the Martian’s arrival. 9th Brigade is struggling to get
from Falmouth to Evanston by road but the roads are really getting chewed up with the traffic and rain-
fall. They’re strung out all the way to Anton and we don’t see the roads getting any better. 10 th and 11th
brigades have been promised by General Wood himself who claims President Roosevelt is also backing
the reshuffling of units to help us.”

BOOM! “Unacceptable!” General Kramer was on his feet, fists on the table. His face was a bright red, his
blue eyes on fire. “I want every officer in this room AND his immediate subordinate in the field, now! We
must be ready for THEM! We are not even close, gentlemen! This is not some damn field exercise. This is
for the survival of the country and the human race! There was a shocked pause and then a sea of olive
drab moved to the doors as everyone got to the exit at once. As the room cleared, General Kramer slowly
retook his seat. His aides and Major Bramer, were the only people left in the room. Major Bramer

immediately noticed the old boy seemed to have aged 10 years in 10 minutes. “Little theatrical, don’t you
think?” Not many men around the General could be that blunt but Kramer and Bramer had served
together for years. At first the Major thought he had gone too far but Kramer sunk a little farther in his
seat. Raising an eyebrow and with a smirk, Kramer shot his subordinate a tired glance. “This is for all the
marbles in the pickle jar, Bill! We can’t come in second in the game! If we lose this fight, there’s little
chance we’ll come back from it. My people WILL be ready, is that understood?” “Yes, Sir! I’ll make sure
that all the men get your orders into the field, quickly!” “Thanks Bill, I’m gonna grab some quick shut
eye. I haven’t slept much in days.”

Kramer sunk into his makeshift bunk his aides had set up in a corner of the Headquarters for him. Sleep
was not coming at all. “Will we be ready? I’ve done everything I can with what I have. Will it be enough to stop
THEM? We have to hit them hard and early. If THEY break out and get loose over the countryside I don’t think my
forces can stop it. I have to cover every possibility, every option. I hope the men are up to it, am I up to it?” Sleep
finally came to him but the question remained. Was the Human race ready for the invasion?

Gamers! Welcome to Invasion! A campaign game that covers the initial impact and attempted invasion of
one of the Martian clans that lands on Earth. Can the Human forces respond in time to blunt this intrus-
ion on man’s sacred soil? It’s up to you and other gamers to determine the future of mankind! Using All
Quiet on the Martian Front as a vehicle to simulate the tactical games, Invasion! gives you the framework
to give those battles meaning and purpose. Within these pages, I will outline that framework. As with
any ruleset, use what you want and leave the rest. Using the KISS principle (Keep It Simple Stupid, not
the rock band!) the intention of these rules is to give you a SIMPLE tool box to spice up your tabletop
games within the AQotMF universe. Any rules that I think could be optional will be in Blue font for you
to decide if you want to use them or not. Season, to your own taste. I hope this will give you some incent-
ive for this unique game that we all love. If it brings other non-gamers into the fold, so much the better.

As always, I wish to dedicate these rules to Scott Washburn for his well written Martian Front series. His
books inspired me not only to continue with the game but give me a fluffy framework to write these. His
company, paper terrain, also has inspired me with his AQotMF products that are an easy and
inexpensive way to enhance your AQotMF games. A hearty salute!

If this works this will be a living document that will be updated from time to time. I hope to continue
these along with my other creations on the AQotMF forum website. Enjoy!


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