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Joshua S. Rodriguez
Laboratory Exercise

1. Open/launch the Microsoft SQL Server 2017 from your Windows computer and use the
default login using Windows Authentication.

2. Next, right-click the server instance name and select Properties to open the Property

3. From the property window, select the Security tab and enable the SQL User login to SQL
Server by selecting the SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode and click OK. SQL
Server is configured for mixed-mode login.

4. To create SQL Login, right-click the Security tab again and select New, then Login. The
Login dialog box shall appear.

5. Give a login name. Type User1.

6. Select SQL Server Authentication.
7. Provide the desired password. Type User1password.
8. Disable Enforce password policy.
9. Select the default database. Select master. Leave the default language.
10. Click OK to create a new SQL Server login.

11. To check the newly created login, expand the Security folder, and expand the Login

12. Create a database named” demo” and locate the SQL file named 05 Laboratory Exercise
1 Data_Insert. Execute the following commands inside the file by opening a new query
window and drag the file to the query window. If the data have been successfully
inserted, close the query window.

13. We can now use the newly created Login. To do this, right-click the server instance name
and selectConnect.

14. Select SQL Server Authentication and insert the login credentials that we have created
previously, then click Connect.

15. We have two (2) logins that are now connected to SQL Server.

16. Try to open/access the “demo” database in User1 login by expanding the Databases
folder and expand the “demo”. You will get an error like this. (See the image below)
17. In order to access it, you need to create a user for that database. To create a user, under

the Windows default login, expand the Databases, then expand demo. Expand the
Security folder and right-click the Users folder, then click New User.

18. Put User1 as username, and locate the User1 in Login name.

Note: Since we have created a user using User1 login for “demo” database, we can now

access the database using User1 login. However, User1 login does not have any
permission to access any data from the “demo” database.

19. To give permission, under the Windows default login, expand the Databases, then
expand demo. Expand the Security folder, right-click the Roles folder, then select New
Database Role.

20. Under the General tab, create a user-defined role named db_demo_access. Then under
theSecurables tab, click Search.

21. Click All objects belonging to the schema: then click dbo or the name of the database.
Then, click OK.

22. We want to give the user-defined Role permission where he can only read and update
the data from the demo database. To do this, check the grant corresponding to SELECT
and UPDATE. Then click OK.

23. Locate the newly created Role in Roles folder, then double-click it. We want to add User1
as a member of this role. After adding User1 to the role, User1 will now have a privilege

where he can read and update the data from the demo database.

Accessing the data from Purchase_Items table in “demo” database using User1

Joshua S. Rodriguez


SQL Server database is focusing on viewing data and maintaining its security so the first
step in protecting the client’s data is determining which users need to view and then having a
protection which my lead to have a limit to those user who want to access in it. The purpose of
this laboratory is to create a user account that varies depending on their level and Use roles to
apply privileges for a certain use. In this laboratory I have do is to assign a role to grant a
User to view and update the data in the database so that the user only can assess and
view the database.

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