3rd Year Booklet Literature 2021 Word Corrected

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name: ...........................................................................



Background information
1. Listen to your classmates’ presentations and then tick their summaries
in the correct boxes below.

 Historical context,
 Elements of drama and the tragic hero,
 The Globe,
 Elizabethan theatre,
 Shakespeare as a playwright (his biography and his productions & genres),
 The supernatural.

Elements of drama
and the tragic hero

Historical Context

The Globe

Shakespeare as a playwright

1. Context of Production – Pay attention to the explanations and write down
important concepts:

Context of Production

ACT 1, scene 1
Describe the characters in scene 1. Take
into account:
 Gender,
 Ambiguity,
 Appearance at the very beginning of the play,
 Mood conveyed,
 Supernatural elements.

1) The play opens with thunder and lightning as the three witches enter.
What does this tell us about the mood of the play? What do the witches
symbolize beyond just superstition? Do you really believe that they are

2) “Fair is foul, and foul is fair.”

 Comment on the importance of this phrase. What is the theme
presented here?
 Literary devices?

3) Watch these opening scenes from different film adaptations. Complete the
chart below:

Adaptations Where is it Who and how are the Year the What’s different
film was
set? witches? from the original

aired: script?






ACT 1, scene 2
1) Mention the main THEMES up to now:


2) Mention the new characters. How are they presented?

Name How are they presented? Any differences?

3) Answer the questions:

 Who is Scotland fighting against?
 How is Macbeth rewarded for killing the rebels?
 What news does the Captain bring the King?

ACT 1, scene 3 11
1) New characters:

Names Role and/or job

2) The witches appear again in this scene.

 How are the witches presented now?

 What can they do?
 What other characteristic can you mention that ads to their ambiguity?
 Why do they talk in poetry?
 What theme can we mention is present here?

3) Which figure of speech do we have in this scene? What does it tell the reader
about Macbeth’s future?

4) Witches’ predictions. Complete the chart:


5) What is DRAMATIC IRONY? What is the instance of dramatic irony in this

6) Think about the theme discussed in scene 1, APPEARENCES VS REALITY.

 How do you think the theme is connected to this part of the scene?
 Is Macbeth as worthy and honourable as he was thought?

7) Characterization. How is Macbeth characterized up to now? Complete the chart


What he does 

What people say about him 

What he thinks 

ACT 1, scene 4
1) Compare and contrast MACBETH and DUNCAN in this scene.

ACT 1, scene 5
1) Who is the new character here? Describe him/her taking into account:
 Name?
 What is this person’s relationship with Macbeth?
 How is this person like?
 Compare this person and Macbeth.

2) SOLILOQUY  Write what this device is in the box below:

 What is the effect of having a soliloquy here?

 There is another instance of soliloquy in this scene. Who delivers


3) What is the new THEME introduced in this soliloquy? Which images are
related with these words?

4) Another THEME is MASCULINITY. How were men and women viewed at

this time? Read this information and then do the activity below:


 What is special about Shakespeare that makes him a revolutionary in
terms of gender equality? Write a few lines explaining this.

A- Watch the videos about Lady Macbeth’s soliloquy:

 How is the atmosphere like?

 What does Lady Macbeth think about Macbeth?
 What is Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s relationship like?

B- With the information you have from the videos and the script,
CHARACTERIZE (and describe) Lady Macbeth:

ACT 1, scene 6
1) Explain the DRAMATIC IRONY in this scene.

ACT 1, scene 7
1) Read Macbeth’s soliloquy in Modern English:

2) What is the THEME present in this extract? Does this add to Macbeth’s full
characterisation? How?

3) These are Macbeth’s arguments to himself against killing Duncan. Order those
arguments according to their mentioning in the soliloquy:

a. Macbeth’s only motivation to kill is his ambition which is compared to a

horse over a hurdle and falling on the other side. ____
b. As his host Macbeth should be protecting Duncan not wielding the knife
himself. ____
c. Macbeth fears the consequences of the murder in the afterlife and
punishment in this world. ____
d. Duncan has been a good and virtuous king and his killer would be damned
for eternity. ____
e. Duncan trusts Macbeth both as a kinsman (=his relation) and his subject.
f. Duncan’s murder would provoke pity and horror. ____

4) EUPHEMISMS are words or expressions that are used instead of more direct
ones to avoid shocking or upsetting someone. So, does Macbeth refer directly to
murdering Duncan? How does he refer to this deed? Mark it on the script.

5) Think about Lady Macbeth’s plan to kill King Duncan. Find the lines from the play to match
each stage of the plan and then put the plan in the correct order (1 – 5) using the boxes:

ACT 1, Final activities

1) Analyse Act 1:
 How is masculinity portrayed in Act I (go back to
Scene V, Scene II and Scene VII)?
 How is femininity portrayed?
 What are Shakespeare’s’ views on these issues
which are different from the ones society
believed in at the time?

Masculinity Femininity
2) Read these quotes. Clarify who said them and think of a theme discussed in class:

 “Fair is foul, and foul is fair”

 “False face must hide what the false heart doth know.”

 “(...) You should be women, / And yet your beards forbid me to interpret /

That you are so.”

 “(...) Come, you spirits / That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here /
And fill me from the crown to the toe topfull / Of direst cruelty; (...)”

3) Imagine you are Lady Macbeth. You have just received your
husband’s letter telling you about the battle, his encounter with the weird
sisters and his plans.
 Write a diary entry as if you were her and explain your relationship
with Macbeth and Duncan, and your desired plan.
 Use a variety of vocabulary, linking words and complex grammatical

 Write about 300 words.

ACT 2, scene 1
1) STRUCTURE of the play. Pay attention and complete the chart below:

ACT 1 is the ................................... In other words, it is the opening stage of

a play. It introduces the main elements:

 ....................................
 ....................................
 ....................................
 ....................................

ACT 2 is the ................................... stage. The main ....................................

of the play becomes more and more complex.

ACT 3 contains the .................................... The turning point in the action. It

is the event that changes the direction of the action.

ACT 4 contains the ................................... The dramatic elements become

clearer – the two forces in the conflict (...................................
and ...................................) grow stronger, separately.

ACT 5 is the ..................................., or the final event of the tragedy.

2) THE TRAGIC HERO: Pay attention to the PPT and answer the questions:

 What is the main characteristic of a tragic hero?

 What will make this hero fall in a Shakespearean tragedy?

 An in an Aristotelian tragedy?

 What are the emotions that the audience feels in the play? Briefly describe them.

 Where is the main conflict in the play?

 What produced the hero’s downfall?

 What is the cathartic effect?

 What happens in the presentation of the hero?

 Describe the second stage of the hero, the downfall. What happens with the audience?

 Describe the restoration of the hero.

3) Predictions:

 How will the story continue?

 What will happen to Duncan?
 How will the people react?
 How will the witches react or what do you think they will do? Will they demand
something as a reward?
 How will the relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth continue?
 Will Macbeth become king?
 How will people react towards him?
4) New Character in the scene.

New character Characteristic

5) Compare and contrast Macbeth and Banquo in this scene:

Macbeth Banquo

6) Read the Dagger Speech in Modern English:

 Summarize the soliloquy.

 Which is the literary device used here? Why is this used?

 What does this soliloquy reveal about Macbeth’s state of mind?

7) Watch two film versions of the Dagger Speech. Complete this chart:

MOVIE How is the Is there any Macbeth’s Atmosphere? Is there anything
EXTRACTS dagger sound effect? movement / else shown which
represented? representation is not detailed in
the play?

Extract #1

Extract #2

 Which of the two versions is more effective to convey Macbeth’s

feelings, mental state and intentions?

ACT 2, scene 2
1) New character and characteristic:

2) Answer these questions:

a) Was Duncan killed? Who killed him? How?

b) In Scene II the audience gets to know that Lady Macbeth wanted to kill
Duncan herself.
 Why did she not do it?

 What can that tell us about her character?

 Is she not so ruthless as she appears to be? Or maybe,

 Did she love her father very much? Or maybe,

 Both?

 Find the quote where she says she would have killed Duncan


c) Where has the murder taken place? Onstage or offstage? Why do you
think this is so?
 To preserve the dignity of the monarch? (Remember “The Divine
Right of Kings”)
 To shield us from the true horror of Macbeth’s crime?
 To create a dramatic effect?

d) When Macbeth is talking to Lady Macbeth about the crime, how does
he seem to you? His is his mind affected by the killing of Duncan?
 Conscious stricken?
 Guilty?
 Getting mad?

e) What are the THEMES present in this Scene?

f) What is the SYMBOL present here? What

does it represent?

g) What is symbolic about the knocking that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth

ACT 2, scene 3 26
1) New character. Complete the chart:

Character Characteristics and importance in the scene

Language he uses
and why:

Comic relief. What

is this and why is it
necessary in the


Themes mentioned:

There is repetition.

3) Who is the other character in this scene?

4) Re-read Lennox’s speech (lines 46 to 52).

 What is the mood like there?

 Circle the words that convey this mood.
 Why are these unnatural events taking place?
 Can you connect this with the Divine Right of Kings?

5) Macduff says the following: “O Gentle lady, / ‘Tis not for you to hear what I can
speak. / The repetition in a woman’s ear / Would murder as it fell.-”

 Analyse the THEME presented here.

 Explain the DRAMATIC IRONY here.

6) True or false? Justify the wrong ones:

a. Lady Macbeth is really shocked at the crime and is concerned by it. ____

b. Macbeth killed the guards because they were responsible for Duncan’s death. ____

c. Macbeth claims he regrets killing the guards because now they cannot be investigated

for the crime. ____

d. Macbeth is afraid the guards might say the truth, so he kills them. ____

e. Lady Macbeth faints because she is shocked by what has happened at her place. ____

f. Malcolm and Donaldbain are Duncan’s offspring. They escape Scotland because they

are afraid someone might kill them. ____

g. Malcolm escapes to Ireland. ____

h. Donaldbain escapes to England. ____

i. Banquo shows he is a loyal subject. ____

j. Banquo starts having his suspicions that there might be a traitor

in Scotland. ____

k. There is no-one to succeed the throne. Macbeth is the only choice Scotland has. ____

ACT 2, scene 4
1) Answer these questions:

a. Who is the OLD MAN? What might he represent?

b. What is the MOOD like in this scene?

c. How is the mood represented in this scene?

d. Why is there chaos in Scotland?

e. Who do people suspect for killing Duncan?

f. Who is going to be the new king?

g. Who does the “falcon” represent? And the “owl”?

h. Who says “Lest our old robes sit easier than our new”? Why does this person say this?

i. Why doesn’t Macduff go to the coronation?

2) Comic Strip:

Imagine you are Duncan and you are sleeping. Imagine

Duncan sees who the murderer is before he dies.
However, it is too late now. Draw a comic strip that deals
with the moment since Macbeth enters the bedroom until
he gets out after having killed Duncan. Imagine they have
one last conversation. Draw different panels with the
different things the characters do and the possible
conversations between these two characters. Take into
account the plot, the symbols and the characters’


Read the summaries of the first two acts and

complete the gaps with the correct missing

As the play begins, ............................. gather to meet ............................. who is returning from an
important battle. When Macbeth and ............................. encounter the witches, they predict that
Macbeth will be named Thane of .............................and ............................. of Scotland, and that
Banquo will be the ............................. of kings. The witches disappear. Ross, a nobleman, enters and
greets Macbeth as Thane of ............................., just as the ............................. predicted. Later,
............................. tells Macbeth that he intends to make his son ............................. his heir, and that he
plans to visit Macbeth’s castle. Macbeth’s ............................. receives a letter from Macbeth
describing the witches’ ............................. Lady ............................. is ready to do whatever is
necessary to ensure her husband becomes king. She devises a plan to get Duncan’s guards
............................. while Macbeth kills the king and then blames the crime on the .............................
She convinces Macbeth that he must prove his ............................. by following through with Duncan’s

Macbeth follows what he believes is a bloody ............................. leading him to Duncan’s
............................. and kills Duncan. When Duncan’s murder is discovered by the Scottish thane
Macduff, Lady Macbeth ............................. and Macbeth kills Duncan’s ............................. for their
supposed guilt. Duncan’s sons .............................and ............................. suspect foul play and realize
they are in danger so they ............................. the country. In Malcolm’s absence, Macbeth
............................. the throne.

ACT 3, scene 1
1) Revision – characters:


.................................. ............................. ..................................
He escapes to: He escapes to:
...................... ..........................


L.............. R......... A......... M..............

(Thane of Fife) MACBETH ......................
Titles: 1. ...........................
2. ...........................
.................................. 3. ...........................
Agents of Fate
Macbeth’s friend

His son

............................ ........................... ......................... ......................... King of N..........

Comic Relief Scottish man The traitor Irish Rebel (Killed by Macbeth)

2) Read Banquo’s soliloquy in Modern English:

Act 3, Scene 1 – Banquo’s soliloquy
Macbeth now has it all he is the king, the thane of Cawdor, and the
Thane of Glamis
Just like the witches predicted and promised and I am afraid
That you played foul to get these titles
The crown shall not be in your future generations though
If the witches told the truth then maybe my kids will be kings.
I will be quiet

3) In this scene the audience gets to listen to two soliloquies, one delivered by
Banquo and the other one by Macbeth. Read these descriptions and write next to
them if they belong to Macbeth or to Banquo:

Wants to kill the other one.

Shows he is a bit ambitious, too.

Is jealous because the other one will have children and heirs to the throne.

Wants to kill the other man’s son.

Is afraid.

Starts becoming crazy for power.

Talks in prose when plotting.

Suspects the other one is a traitor.

Hires murderers.
Becomes manipulative.

Becomes a tyrant.

Is afraid of the witches’ prophesies.

Starts liking, somehow, the witches’ prophesies.

Becomes violent and uses dark language.

4) Characterise Macbeth in Act III. Take into account his change in personality,
his new role as a king, his language, his manipulative techniques (how different are
they from the ones used by Lady Macbeth in Act I?) and the downfall of the hero:

ACT 3, scene 2
1) Compare and contrast Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in the light of these two

 “(...) Why do you keep alone,

Of sorriest fancies your companions making,
Using those thoughts which should indeed have died
With them they think on? Things without all remedy
Should be without regard; what’s done, is done.”

 “We have scorched the snake, not killed it;”

Lady Macbeth Macbeth

2) What is the THEME that is present in Macbeth’s speech?

3) What is the metaphor behind “snake”? What does it represent?

4) What is the metaphor behind “scorpions”? What do they represent?

5) What is the metaphor behind “crow”?

ACT 3, scene 3
1) Answer these questions:

 Why is rain important in this scene? What is the mood like?

 Who dies here?

 Who escapes in the scene?

 The fact that this person escaped is a turning point in the play and will
make Macbeth go crazier. Why?

ACT 3, scene 4
1) These are the THEMES present in scene IV. Describe them using the key words
from the box below:

Banquo – euphemisms – Dramatic Irony –Dagger

Scene – ghost – murder – flashback – spy –
Macduff – Fleance – crazy – descendants – weak
gender – hallucinations – sitting – afraid – tyrant –
witches – blood – night34– day – downfall – evil –
stars – dark imagery
 Appearance vs reality 

 Supernatural 

 Femininity vs masculinity 

 Light vs dark 

ACT 3, scene 5
1) How does the audience get to know this is a SUPERNATURAL event? Take into

 Characters

 Witchcraft

 Weather

 Language

 Poetry

ACT 3, scene 6
1) Answer the questions on scene VI:

 Why is Lennox being ironic? Who does he blame for the things happening in Scotland?

 Why can’t Lennox openly say what is in his mind?

 Is Scotland under a dictatorship? If this is so, what is Macbeth’s role?

 What is the dramatic function of the UNAMED LORD?

 Is the UNAMED LORD similar to the OLD MAN in Act 2? What are their differences?

 What does Unnamed Lord reveal about Macduff? Where is he now?

2) Think about VIOLENCE in the play. Take into account ACT I and ACT III? How
different are these instances of violence?




Explore violence in Macbeth.

 Focus on violence in the tragedy itself. Is it internal? External?
Both? When? What for? Is it justified? Why/why not?
 Justify ideas providing quotes from the source material.
 Do not plagiarize.
 Write from 300 to 500 words.

ACT 4, scene 1
1) The SUPERNATURAL: Describe the theme in this scene taking into account:

2) There are instances of alliteration and repetitions in the witches’ dialogues. What
is the effect of using these devices?

3) Apparitions – Mention the apparitions and their warnings :

Apparition Warning

4) Macbeth is in his downfall and we can see that through his language in his
soliloquies and the dialogues he maintains with the witches. He is obsessed with
knowing the future! Are these sentences true or false?

He keeps on using euphemisms. ____

He is afraid of Banquo’s son ascending the throne. ____
He is on a killing spree: he wants to kill children, too. ____
His imagery is completely dark. ____
He talks as if he himself were making spells. ____
He thinks he is invincible. ____
He misreads the prophesies. ____

ACT 4, scene 2
1) Which are the new characters in this scene?

o .................................  Macduff’s wife

o .................................  Macduff’s offspring

2) In this scene we get to have clear comparisons between characters. Complete the
boxes with the correct characterisations of each of these people (compare and
contrast them):

Lady Macduff Lady Macbeth

Macbeth Macduff's son

ACT 4, scene 3
1) True or false? Justify the wrong ones:

a. Macduff and Malcolm meet in Scotland. ___

b. They claim their country is in a state of chaos for having a tyrant and a

thief as the king. ___

c. At Shakespeare’s time people believed in The Divine Right of Kings. If

there was a thief as a king it would inevitably bring chaos to the country.


d. Scotland is personified as an oppressed country because of having an

oppressor as a king. ___

e. King Elrod was the king of England. ___

f. Malcolm trusts Macduff since the beginning. ___

g. The theme present here is “appearance vs reality”. ___

h. Malcolm compares Macbeth with Lucifer, the devil. ___

i. Malcolm is afraid Macduff will kill him because of Macbeth. So, he tests

Macduff’s sincerity, loyalty and honesty. ___

j. Macduff is the first one to openly describe Macbeth as evil. ___

k. Macduff tests Malcolm by mentioning his evil side. ___

l. Macbeth is no longer coined “brave Macbeth”, but “evil Macbeth”. ___

m. Macduff is sad nobody is eager to stand up to Macbeth and save England

from the tyrant. ___

n. Macduff and Malcolm join forces to fight Macbeth. They will receive

English aid. ___

o. Malcolm changes in this act. He no longer escapes as he did at the

beginning, now he is ready to fight for his country. ___

p. King Edward and King Duncan are being contrasted. King Duncan brings

violence and chaos to his nation, while King Edward heals people, is

chosen by God and is a saint-like figure. ___

q. Macduff and Ross are related. ___

r. Ross tells Macduff that his family has died. ___

s. England is sending ten hundred soldiers to Scotland. ___

t. Macduff suggests revenge! ___

u. Another theme is mentioned, “masculinity vs femininity”. Malcolm

suggests that men seek revenge, men don’t cry (while women can) and

women don’t fight in wars because they are weak. ___

2) New theme: bad king vs good king . Read all these characteristics. Clarify whether
they belong to a good king, or to a bad king.

Steals noble’s lands Is deceitful.

Is generous.
Is fair. Is greedy.
Is patient. Invents quarrels with his loyal subjects. Is
Is a thief who steals titles and kingdoms. Is violent.
Has self control. Is a tyrant.
Is bloody and kills innocent people. Spies on
his subjects.
Is devoted to his kingdom. Is merciful and
easily forgives bad deeds.
Takes jewels and houses from others. Is lustful.
Is humble. Destroys his subjects to get what they


Compare and contrast Macbeth and Duncan (or even King Edward)
taking into account the characteristics a good king and a bad king should
 Justify ideas providing quotes from the source material.
 Do not plagiarize.
 Write from 300 to 500 words.


Read the summaries of acts III and IV and complete the gaps with the correct
missing information:

Haunted by the witches’ ............................. that Banquo will be “the ............................. of kings,”
Macbeth sends ............................. to kill Banquo and his son, .............................. The assassins partially
succeed, killing Banquo, but Fleance .............................. Later, Macbeth hosts a banquet and is terrified
when he sees the bloody ............................. of Banquo. Suspicious of Macbeth, Macduff rejects his
authority and flees to ............................. to join .............................

Macbeth returns to the ............................. who offer three prophesies: he must beware of Macduff; “none
of women born shall harm him;” and he will be safe until Birnam ............................. moves to
Dunsinane. They also show him a vision in which eight generations of Banquo’s descendants occupy the
Scottish throne. Hearing that Macduff has fled to ............................., Macbeth sends assassins to murder
his ............................. and .............................. Macduff meets Malcolm in England and urges him to

ACT 5, scene 1
reclaim his .............................. Macduff is told that his family has been .............................. He vows
1) New characters:
o ...........................................................
o ......................................  Maybe a lady in waiting.

2) Answer the questions:

a. Lady Macbeth’s mental state. What things does she do that shows the
audience she is mentally imbalanced?

b. What was considered unnatural at Shakespeare’s time (i.g. a
supernatural event)?

c. Why is PROSE used when the

doctor and the gentlewoman are

d. Who says “Out, damned spot!”?

What does this represent?

e. How is Lady Macbeth’s language? Why has it changed?

f. What does she recall while sleepwalking?

ACT 5, scene 2
1) Characters:
o ......................................  A thane
o ......................................  Another thane

2) Write down words that the Thanes use to describe Macbeth. Why are they joining

ACT 5, scene 3

1) Character:
o .............................  Macbeth’s armour bearer.

2) True or False? Justify the wrong ones:

 Macbeth feels confident and invincible. ____

 Seyton might be considered “Satan”. So, Macbeth might be calling upon
Satan now. ____
 Macbeth is concerned because all the Thanes have deserted him. ____

 The servants are afraid. ____
 Macbeth has become evil. He even curses people. ____
 The King wants to kill everyone! ____
 Macbeth is happy just because he is the King. ____
 Macbeth’s language has changed: he asks more questions and uses more
imperatives. ____
 The doctor wants to remove from Lady Macbeth’s memory the knowledge
of her horrible deeds so that she gets better. ____

ACT 5, scene 4
1) Look at the following picture. Briefly describe Malcolm’s idea in order to
defeat Macbeth:

ACT 5, scene 5
1) Macbeth delivers this speech right after Lady Macbeth dies. Read the soliloquy in
Modern English:

She would have died later anyway.

That news was bound to come

someday. Tomorrow, and tomorrow,

and tomorrow. The days creep slowly

along until the end of time. And

every day that’s already happened has

taken fools that much closer to their

deaths. Out, out, brief candle. Life is

nothing more than an illusion. It’s

like a poor actor who struts and

worries for his hour on the stage and

then is never heard from again. Life

is a story told by an idiot, full of

noise and emotional disturbance but

devoid of meaning.

a. How does he define life?

b. What does this speech tell us about Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s relationship?

c. Why is there a repetition? What is the idea behind this?

ACT 5, scene 6

1) THEME present in this scene:

2) Who becomes “worthy” now?

ACT 5, scene 7
1) Describe Macbeth in this scene. Take into account:

 His actions,  The prophecy,

 How English people call him,  What Macbeth’s soldiers are

ACT 5, scene 8
1) Answer these questions:
 Who wants to kill Macbeth?

 Why does Macbeth refuse to kill himself?

 What is peculiar about Macduff?

 Who does Macbeth curse? Why?

 Does Macbeth give up at the end?

 What happens to Macbeth?

ACT 5, scene 9
1) What does the audience learn about Lady Macbeth? What happened to her?

2) Who becomes the new King of Scotland?

3) Macbeth clings to three predictions given by the witches in Act 4 Scene 1 thinking
that he is safe because of what they told him. But, is he? What happens next?
Complete the table below to show the three apparitions, their predictions and how
they came true.


1 An armed head

“none of woman born shall

harm Macbeth”

3 The wood seemed to

climb the hill as the
soldiers used the trees for

Explore the way Macbeth changes from ACT I to ACT V. Take into
 Relationship with his wife,
 Relationship with his friends and supporters,
 Treatment to servants,
 His doubts and fears,
 His language and imagery.

 Justify ideas providing quotes from the source material.

 Do not plagiarize.
 Write from 300 to 500 words.

Lady Macbeth is seen ............................. and re-enacting Duncan’s murder each night. .............................
raises an army and invades Scotland. Malcolm’s soldiers are ordered to camouflage themselves with
............................. from the trees of Birnam Forest, fulfilling one of the witches’ .............................. Lady
Macbeth commits ............................. and Macbeth charges into battle. As Macbeth attacks, he learns that
Macduff was “untimely ripped” from his mother’s womb (born via ............................. section) and so
was “not of woman born.” They fight and Macduff slays and beheads ............................. Malcolm takes
the throne of .............................

REVISION – Trailers

Nº Atmosphere? Colours: Are Setting? Similar to Which is Are Themes

they relevant? the original the most characters present?
script? effective? similar to the
original ones?





1) Watch a video about George Orwell and answer these questions:

a. What is George Orwell’s real name?Where was he born?What is his


b. What situation made him realize class division in a society while he was

at Eaton?

c. Did he go to university? Which was his first book? What inspired him?

d. Where did he go to in 1936? Did he get a good view on communism?

e. What did he do during the Second World War?

f. Which are his two famous books?

g. Does he show a good side of communism and socialism in his books?

h. When did he die? Where did this happen?

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-

2) Have a look at these book covers. Predict what the story will be about:

My predictions
3) Historical Context – Read about “The Russian Revolution”:

4) Characters – Write down the most important characters in the novella,
their characteristics and whether they represent some historical

Character Characteristics/Actions/Purpose

Old Major Gets the revolution started, advocated for real change. He represents...

5) Reading Guide – Answer these questions while reading the chapters:

Chapter 1
1. What does the deteriorating situation on Manor Farm really represent as a political allegory?
2. Who does the Old Major represent?
3. What is the Major’s dream?
4. What does he say in his speech?
5. Who does Mr Jones represent?
6. What is a utopia? Is Animal Farm a utopia?
7. What is dystopia? Is Animal Farm a dystopia?
8. Why is the song “Beasts of England” important at this time of the story? Analyse it taking into
 Mood
 Images
 Why are songs good to communicate ideals and encourage support?
 Can you think of any Revolutionary song in our country?

9. What does Napoleon represent? Comment on the importance of its name.

10. What does Snowball represent? Comment on the importance of its name.
11. Analyse Old Major’s speech taking into account:

 What is a utopia?
 Alliterations,
 Parallel constructions,
 Repetitions of words (specially “comrade”  Why is this word used? What does it mean?)
 Patterns of three,

 Lists,
 Opposites,
 Use of pronouns to include the speaker in the speech.

Chapter 2
12. What are the 7 commandments?

13. How does the revolt become corrupt from the very beginning?

14. What does Moses, the tame raven, represent?

15. What does Mollie, the white mare, represent?

16. What does “Animalism” represent?

17. Who do the animals if Manor Farm represent?

18. Who do the pigs represent?

19. What is PROPAGANDA? How is Squealer connected to this?

20. What is the new name given to the Farm? What is the connection with “The Russian Revolution”?

Chapter 3
21. How does the situation change on Animal Farm with the revolution?
22. How does corruption start?
23. How do all animals work?
24. What ceremony do the pigs arrange?

25. What does Snowball set up?
26. Why does Napoleon want to educate only the young ones?
27. Does Orwell think the revolution has really improved the lives of the people (animals)?
28. What happens to the milk?
29. What symbols do the pigs/animals use to mark their victory?
30. Describe Old Benjamin.
31. Who repeats this motto “I will work harder”? What does this reveal about him?
32. Who repeats this motto “four legs good, two legs bad”? Do they think what they are saying? Or
are they merely repeating it? So, how can you describe them?

Chapter 4
33. What does Animal Farm represent?
34. How have Snowball and Napoleon been spreading the news of what happened on Animal Farm?
35. Where does Jones spend most of the time and what
does he do? Does he get sympathy from his
neighbours? Who are they?
36. What do Pigeons represent for Orwell?
37. What does Boxer represent?
38. What do Mr Pilkington and Mr Frederick
represent? How are their farms described?
39. Describe the battle of the Cowshed.
40. How does Boxer feel about killing the lad and what is Snowball’s reaction?
41. Who had disappeared during the battle and what happened to her?

42. What happened to the lad Boxer was supposed to kill?
43. How is the victory celebrated?
44. Why is it called the battle of the Cowshed?
44. Why do the animals succeed and how can you compare this with historical facts?
45. Does Orwell criticise Socialism? And capitalism?

Chapter 5
45. What does Squealer represent? Comment on the importance of its name.
46. Why is Mollie’s behaviour odd?
47. What piece of advice does Clover give her?
48. What does Clover discover in Mollie’s stall?
49. How do things go in January and what is the weather like?
50. What do animals do and especially the pigs?
51. What friction becomes clear at this point?
52. Who is a better speaker?
53. Who knows how to build support for himself?
54. What is Snowball’s great project and why is it

55. From what books does he get ideas for his
56. Who opposes the plan?
57. What happens at all-farm meeting to vote for or
against the project?

58. What announcement does Napoleon make?
59. What happens to the windmill project?
60. What do the dogs represent?
61. Where do the dogs come from?
62. How does Boxer react to the changed situation?
63. How does this chapter end? What does this situation represent?
64. Who uses verbal violence on the animals?

65. ESSAY: Compare and contrast Snowball’s and
Napoleon’s leadership.

Chapter 6
66. How do the animals work the year after Snowball’s exile?
67. How many hours are they working?
68. Why are the results of the harvest disappointing?
69. What does Napoleon announce at a Sunday morning assembly?
70. How do the animals feel about this new policy?
71. How is the trade to be carried out?
72. Does the outside world accept Animal Farm?

73. Do the animals wonder about the fact that the pigs are now sleeping in beds?
74. What other privilege do the pigs get?
75. What happens in November?
76. Who does Napoleon blame?
77. Which tactics are the pigs using to maintain power?

Chapter 7
78. What are the problems the farm faces this winter?
79. Who inspired the animals to go on working?
80. What ration is drastically reduced?
81. Why is it necessary to conceal these facts from the
outside world?
82. How does Napoleon cover up? Who is Mr Whymper?
83. What does Napoleon have to do to solve the food
84. What does Napoleon award himself?
85. How is the sixth commandment trespassed?
86. What does Napoleon forbid? Why?
87. Is violence a tool to control the animals? Is there any physical violence? How can you connect
this with the “purges” staged in Russia?
88. Who becomes a scapegoat? Did this situation happen in Russia? Who was the scapegoat there?
89. How is media used? Are the pigs rewriting history? How?

Chapter 8
90. What do the animals remember about the Sixth
91. What is work like on the farm at this stage?
92. What change is noticed in Napoleon’s
93. Who negotiates with Napoleon?
94. Who is the real buyer of the timber? What is discovered about the money handed over by
95. What does Napoleon convert the attack into?
96. What does Napoleon and the pigs do to celebrate?
97. What accident does Squealer have?
98. What is the new song about? What is the relationship between this new song and propaganda?

Chapter 9
99. What happens to Boxer after the battle of the Windmill?
100. What had been arranged for old age retirement when Jones was driven out?
101. What was retirement age?
102. What was winter like and what happened to food rations?

103. What demonstrations were organised
to support Napoleon’s totalitarian regime?
104. Why was the building of a school
105. How was the Seventh Commandment
“All Animals are Equal” broken?
106. Moses, the rave, appears again. What
does he talk about?
107. What happens to Boxer?
108. Why was Benjamin disturbed for the first time in his life?
109. How does Squealer explain the situation?
110. How does Napoleon pay Boxer for his service?
111. Animal Farm becomes a Republic. Why can this situation be considered ironic?

Chapter 10
112. What is the situation like on the farm at the end of the book?
113. Do the animals give up hope of a better life?
114. What happens one frightening day?
115. What changes occur on Animal Farm?
116. Who is invited to Animal Farm?
117. What does this visit represent?
118. What is striking about Pilkington and
Napoleon’s speeches?
119. Do the lower animals get to know this?

120. What announcements does Napoleon make?
121. What strange thing do the animals notice that is happening to the faces of the pigs and humans?
122. What do animals do at this point? What does this represent?
123. What can we say about the spirit of the initial revolution?
124. Does Orwell criticise the communist system? Does he criticise capitalism?

125. ESSAY: Explore the way Orwell saw and depicted
Socialism and Capitalism in “Animal Farm.”


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