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Topic 01: Make a conversation about how to have a successful job interview.

should include:

+ The job position of the candidate

+ qualifications or experience of the candidate for this job

+ The candidate’s strengths and weaknesses

+ The reasons for the job application

A: I have a job interview on Monday, but I'm not sure how to properly prepare.
B: What is the position of the candidate?
A: I'd like to apply for the job of an accountant at ABC Company.
B: I believe that you must first have sufficient professional degrees and, more
importantly, extensive experience and you should talk a lot about your strengths
A: I also believe that I will emphasize my friendliness as a strength. nimble,
capable of promptly resolving difficulties
B: Also I think you should state why you chose this job
A: This position was chosen since it corresponds to my professional ambitions and
Furthermore, I am enthused about the potential for growth and development within
the organization and throughout the sector. Looking ahead in my career, I believe
this work will provide me with new challenges and chances.
B: I find it quite reasonable
A: ok thanks
B: bye
Topic 02: Make a conversation about the origins of your values. You should include:

+ types of specific values (in terms of personality, beliefs, morals, relationships,

worldview, ….)

+ Origins of these values

+ Changes in your values

A: Hey have you ever thought about where your values come from?
B: Yeah I have. I think a lot of my values come from my family and my
A: That makes sense.
What specific values do you think you got from your family?
B: Well I think I got my strong work ethic from my parents. They always
emphasized the importance of hard work and dedication. I also got a sense of
responsibility and accountability from them.
A: Those are great values to have. What about your beliefs and morals?
B: I think a lot of my beliefs and morals come from my own experiences and the
people I've surrounded myself with. For example, I value honesty and integrity
because I've seen the negative effects of dishonesty in both personal and
professional relationships.
A: That's interesting.
Do you think your values have changed over time?
B: Definitely. As I’ve grown and had new experiences my values have evolved and
become more refined. I think it's important to constantly evaluate and reflect on
our values to ensure they align with who we are and who we want to be.
A: I completely agree.
It's important to be intentional about our values and make sure they guide our
actions and decisions.
Topic 03: Make a conversation about a Vietnamese hero/ heroine you admire. You
should include:

+ Name of the person

+ his/ her hometown

+ Name of the heroic action he/ she did

+ his/ her contributions to your country

+ Reasons for your admiration

A: Do you know any Vietnamese hero or heroine that you admire?

B: Yes I do. One of the heroines that I admire is Vo
Thi Sau.
A: Oh I haven't heard of her before. Can you tell me more about her?
B: Sure. V6 Thi Sáu was born in 1933 in Trà Vinh province which is located in the
Mekong Delta region of Vietnam. She was a member of the Vietnamese resistance
against the French colonial rule.
A: That's impressive.
What did she do to become a hero?
B: movement. She was known for her bravery and determination in fighting
against the French. She was arrested and sentenced to death at the age of 17 for her
involvement in the resistance.
A: That's so sad. Did she do anything to try to avoid the death sentence?
B: Yes she did. Vo Thi Sau refused to sign a confession or plead for mercy. She
remained steadfast in her beliefs until the very end. Her execution was carried out
on June 23, 1952.
A: Wow she was so young and yet so brave. She truly deserves to be admired.
B: Yes she does. Vo Thi Sau is a symbol of the Vietnamese people's struggle for
independence and freedom. She will always be remembered as a hero in the hearts
of the Vietnamese people.
Topic 04: Make a conversation about a time when your shortcomings affected your
life and study. You should include: + your specific shortcomings + their effects on
your life + their effects on your study and things to overcome them

A: Have you ever encountered a situation when your weaknesses interfered with
your life and studies? What were the consequences for your life and studies, and
how did you overcome them?
B: Yes, I did. I used to deal with procrastination, which had an impact on both my
personal and academic life. I was frustrated and overwhelmed because I would put
off critical things until the last minute. This had an impact on my grades and my
capacity to enjoy my free time.
A: It's wonderful to hear you were able to overcome your weaknesses. In the past,
I've also suffered with time management, which hampered my ability to juggle my
studies and personal life. Setting priorities and making a schedule helped me stay
on track. I also learned to say no to unneeded obligations and to prioritize what
was most important.
B: That's an excellent strategy. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, prioritize and focus
on what is most important. It is also critical to seek assistance when necessary,
whether from a counselor or a tutor.
A: Without a doubt. Seeking help demonstrates strength, not weakness. It is critical
to recognize our flaws and work to overcome them.
Topic 05: Make a conversation about a person who made you laugh. You should
include: + his/ her name + his/ her humourous trait + your relationship with him/ her +
reasons for making you laugh

A: Do you have someone in your life who always makes you laugh?
B: Yes actually my dad always makes me laugh.
Person A: That's great! what's his humorous trait?
Person B: he has a really dry sense of humor. He always has a witty comment or
joke to make even in the most serious situations.
A: That's awesome!
Can you give me an example of a time when your dad made you laugh?
B: Sure! One time we were at a family gathering and my aunt was going on and on
about her new diet. My dad turned to me and whispered "I think her diet is just
talking about her diet." I couldn't help but burst out laughing.
A: Haha that's hilarious! Your dad sounds like a really funny guy.
B: He is. I'm lucky to have him as my dad.
Topic 06: Make a conversation about the benefits and drawbacks of
the Internet for students.
You should include:
+ Some benefits of the Internet for studying
+ The most important one
+ Some drawbacks of the Internet for studying
+ The worst one
A: Do you know some benefits of the internet for studying?
B: Yes I know the internet has a lot of benefits for studying. Firstly, it helps us
connect, communicate, and exchange information through social networking sites.
Secondly, it helps us relax after stressful school hours such as listening to music,
watching movies, or playing games.
A: So what do you think is the most important one?
B: Hmmm... I think the most important one is that the internet makes it easy and
fast for us to find learning information. For instance: when you have some more
difficult exercises, you don't know what to do, you can search on the Internet and it
helps you feel easy for you to do homework.
A: Ok, I think the same with you.
A: So, do you know any drawbacks to using the internet for studying?
B: In my opinion, using the Internet for learning can also have some drawbacks.
Overusing the internet can make us addicted. It means that we become overly
dependent on it). Aside from that, social media can distract us from studying. For
example, when you feel bored or you don't know do homework and you will start
to end do homework and use your smartphone to play games or watch film.
A: I think you will pass it and will focus on learning more.
A: And what do you think is the worst thing?
B: I think it is the use of the internet that can affect our health. It can badly affect
our eyes, brain, and neck. Even, there are cause some serious health problems and
result in learning.
Topic 07: Make a conversation about a situation when you were
scared of something.
You should include:
+ time of the situation
+ Reasons for your fear
+ your physical responses to it
+ ways to deal with it
A: Have you ever been scared of something?
B: Of course, yes, in this world, I am most scared of ghosts.
A: Can you describe a time when you were really scared of ghosts?
B: I used to hear the legend about July. They told me that, this month, hell is open
to the devil and will be out, making me fantasize and haunt.
A: What is the reason behind your fear of ghosts?
B: That is I believe in the belief that ghost cultures are scary entities that can scare
me, and from the true stories my grandparents told me it haunts me to this day.
A: What are your physical responses to being scared of ghosts?
B: I don't know how to explain it, but some common physical responses to being
scared of ghosts may include an increased heart rate, sweating, trembling, feeling
cold or hot, and difficulty breathing. Some people may also experience nausea,
dizziness, or even fainting.
A: What are some ways to deal with the fear of ghosts?
B: Hmmm... I think I will learn more about ghosts and the paranormal to help
demystify them and reduce your fear. Talk to friends, family, or a therapist about
your fear to get emotional support and guidance.

Topic 08: Make conversation about your ways to stay focused on a

You should include:
+ factors influencing your concentration
+ your strategies for staying focused
+ the most effective one to you
A: What are the factors influencing your concentration? Why?
B: That is the learning environment and study habits. And learning environment is
one of the issues that interfere with my attention because the space is not
comfortable with a small desk, the lighting position is not enough, and makes me
not focus on studying.
A: What are your strategies for staying focused?
B: I think I will seek one space conformity to focus on study.
A: Which one do you find to be most useful?
B: I think I should go to a cafe with a quiet space to focus on studying or maybe
study online with learning channels that make learning easy and convenient.
Because doing so will improve your concentration on your work and help you
finish it more effectively.
Topic 09: Make a conversation about a demographic trend.
You should include:
+ name of a particular demographic trend (birth rate, death rate,
divorce rate, etc.)
+ causes for this trend
+ effects of this trend on our current and future society
A: What is the name of a particular demographic trend?
B: That is divorce rate, according to the Ho Chi Minh City
Psychological and Physical Education Advisory Center, currently, on
average, there is one divorce for every 2.7 married couples. Divorce age
under 30 accounts for a high rate and the following year always
increases more than the previous year.
A: So what are causes for this trend?
B: The first reason, major and profound cause of divorce is increasing,
especially for young couples, because they lack life skills. The second
reason is that due to economic difficulties, unstable occupations,
uncertain incomes, early childbirth, husband and wife often have
conflicts, do not focus on consensus to build a family economy and raise
A: What are effects of this trend on our current and future society?
B: I think the impact of our current and future divorce rate requires
solutions to legal education and moral education. Understanding the law
and having a good moral sense helps people build a happy family.
Couples should be advised to live faithfully together, cultivate family
happiness together, and raise children together so that they can enjoy
complete family happiness.
Topic 10: Make a conversation to describe a sort of culture shock
you experienced.
You should include:
+ name of specific culture shock
+ time you experienced it
+ some solutions to it
+ ways to avoid it
A: What is name of specific culture shock? (Explain why language (accent) is part
of cultures?)
B: In Vietnam, there are several provinces with different pronunciations and
intonations. Especially Nghe An province has a very unique pronunciation. When I
traveled to Nghe An, I didn't understand the language there, although it was
A: What time did you experience it?
B: About 5 years ago, I came here to travel, and I had a culture shock as soon as I
arrived. The accent of the Nghe An people is very hard to hear and understand. I
spent a lot of time trying to understand that accent. When I first lived there, it was
quite difficult for me to communicate with people, it took quite a while to
understand what people were saying.
A: Oh really? And so what did you do to overcome the culture shock there?
B: I asked my grandmother for help and she explained it to me and even taught me
some cultural expressions.
A: What are some ways to avoid it?
B: To avoid it, I advise you that when you go anywhere, you should learn about
that place first on the internet or in your relationship.

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