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Qtr4, Week 1

Good day, students! Welcome to the start of our fourth quarter, the last quarter of our school year!
Congratulations for making it this far. Continue to give your best and don’t forget to also have fun as you

During the third quarter, our theme was “My Country” and it enabled you to acquire or recall significant
knowledge about our country – its location, features, resources, and culture as well as the different
calamities and challenges that we and our country encounter.

From our country, we will move to a bigger space. For this final quarter of the school year, our theme is
“My Universe.” And this first week, our lesson is on Features of Academic Writing and the thematic
competency will focus on the Earth and its unique characteristics, movement, and mechanisms. To begin
our lesson, you are going to undergo training as astronauts. Access the link below to have your own copy
of our Astronaut Training Guide. Read and follow the instructions carefully, but skip the Quick Test Part.

Here are the activities that you must accomplish during our 2-hour English period.

1. Open this link and read and do everything with understanding.

Astronaut Training Guide:

2. Open this link and listen carefully to my substitute. She will lecture you on everything that you should
learn from our session today.

Features of Academic Writing || GRADE 7 || MELC-based VIDEO LESSON | QUARTER 4 | MODULE
As you listen, answer the following in your notebook.
a. What is academic writing?
b. What are the two types of academic writing?
c. What paper/work fall under the category of academic writing?
d. What are its features? Name and define each briefly.

3. After accomplishing Activities 1 and 2, work on these tasks that should be emailed to me no later than
2:31 pm today, Monday, May 15, 2023.
a. Show how each feature must be observed/followed by stating one act that you must do and
one thing that you should not do. Do not give a statement that has been given already. Use
the table below.

Feature What I must do What I should not do

b. The text that you read earlier, Earth: Our Home Planet is an example of academic writing and
it possesses the features of academic paper. Read it once more, then pick lines that show or or
follow the features presented to you earlier. Again, use the table below.

Features Statements from the text that reflect/show the features

Again, these two tables must be accomplished and emailed to me until 2:30 p.m. only, Monday, May 15.
My email address:
Subject: Features of academic writing

4. For your Assignment, apply your understanding of the features of academic writing by writing two to
four paragraph/s of academic text. You may choose one of the three questions below as your topic and
apply the features that you have learned in this lesson. As you write, you MUST get information from
reliable sources BUT do not make copy-and-paste work as this is an act of plagiarism which is a form of
cheating, thus considered a violation. Upload your work in your LMS until Sunday, May 21.


1. How do the Earth’s orbit and rotation affect the days, months, and years?
2. How are volcanic eruptions and earthquakes related to plate tectonics?
3. What makes the planet Earth unique?

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