Exercises of Pronouns 1

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Pronouns Assignment Sheet

Name : Alif Zidan Yokalaiu Putra

NIM : 20210730091

Exercise 1
List each of the subject pronouns and object
pronouns based on its personal pronoun correctly.

Subject Object
I Me
We Us
You You
He Him
She Her
It It
They Them

he it she they you we

us her you them me him it

Exercise 2
Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns.

1 Peter and I are brothers.We share a bedroom

2 Sandra isn’t well. Dad is taking Him to see a

3 My brother is a teacher.He teaches English.

4 All his students like it very much.
5 Children, We are making too much noise!
6 Who are those people? Where are They_ from?
7 Mom is a doctor.She works in a hospital.
8 The sky is getting dark.It is going to rain.
9 John, we are all waiting for You . Are you coming
with her?
10 May I borrow your pen?

Exercise 3
Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns.

1 No one can help us. We have to help Ourself.

2 Jane always makes the bed by Herself.
3 They painted the wall all by Theirselves.
4 I hurt Myself in the playground yesterday.
5 John, you must behave Yourself before your friends.
6 Children, you must do the homework Yourself .
7 Tom defended Himself against the bullies.
8 The dog is scratching Itself .

Exercise 4
Write the correct interrogative pronouns in the
blanks to complete the sentences:
1 Whose is the matter with you?
2 Who invented the computer?
3 Whose of the twins is older?
4 What do you wish to speak to?
5 Whom is this car in front of our house?6
Who knows the answer?
7 Wich came first, the chicken or the egg?
8 Whose would you like to drink?
9 Whose of them do you think will win the race?
10 What is the word for a stamp collector?

Exercise 5

Apply nouns and pronouns in a text about your

activities as a student in the university (min. 12
1. I will go to the class tomorrow.
2. I believe that this book is yours.
3. The guy whom i met yesterday calls me just this
4. Those cats are running at the backyard.
5. The teachers will be mad at us
6. Please return this book to Maya, it’s hers.
7. Where are Via and Nella? I haven’t seen them all
8. The students in my school wear uniform, but
they should take it off during physical education
9. We have been trying to see each other after a
long-distanced relationship
10. I would be proud of you if you passed the
11. You have known a lot about me
12. You should lend me some money

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