The Making of A Treasure by ICON

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This being my first official book, I would love to dedicate it to
God; the source of all that I have and I am. It is he who gave me
the strength and wisdom to write this piece. He inspired it from
the beginning and encouraged me till the end. All the glory to
him alone. Amen.


This book is an end result of many processes and for each of
those processes, there were men who God placed as teachers,
mentors, friends, family and advisers. They all have my 'Thank
I would definitely want to specially acknowledge my parents:
Pastor and Pastor (Mrs.) Akintunde, I am what I am today
because they allowed it. They are my first role models, they gave
me my first platform including the right atmosphere to serve and
know God deeply.
I also want to celebrate my own destiny friends, The Treasures
Nation; a family that God gave me. Thank you for loving me the
way you do.
I want to specially appreciate also my siblings (Brother Tobi,
Tosin and Tope), I love you.
Importantly also, my editor, Omoteleola Abolade. She is such a
great woman, thank you ma. Apostle Oba, you are a rare gift
from God to me, thank you. Pastor David Adelani and Pastor
Faith Abiodun- thank you for being my Angels in critical
seasons, God bless you. Amen.
Finally, I am appreciating you for taking time out to read this
book. You are so special.

1. The Making
2. Treasure Refiners and Revealers
3. The Process of Making
4. Fulfilling your Mandate
Final Words

I recommend this book on Treasures for as many that wants to
identify, grow & unlock the treasures of God in them to the

It is worth it !!!

-Apostle Daso Femi (Light Bearers Network)

Few years back, there was a young man who loved God so much
in his heart but had difficulty proving this with his acts. He cried
severally after giving his life to Christ one second and falling
into sin again the next second. His religious background gave
him the correct atmosphere to know what sin was but
unfortunately he lacked the strength to fight the sin besetting
him. As days passed by, his case grew worse. Everyone was
seeing a smiling young man but deep down, this young man was
sinking helplessly. When caught in his acts of sin, he was always
judged and never helped, always condemned but never corrected.
However, one day, his change came. He encountered his
MAKER and that marked the beginning of a sharp, sudden and
sporadic turn around in his life. Now, I can categorically tell you
that the young man who was a sinner is now by the grace of God,
a saviour to many. Of all I learnt from this young man's story,
one lesson stands out: your experience with the devil is a tool to
help others overcome him after you have overcome him. Jesus
turned Peter from a fisherman to a fisher of men. God always
turns men from their state of problem to a solution to the
problem they once had. He turns sick men to healers, he turns
men possessed with demons to deliverers, he turns poor men to
Kingdom financiers, he turns the hopeless to hope givers, He
turns the fatherless to fathers...
This book is to show you the creative dimension of God and how
he goes about turning the stone that the builders have rejected
into the corner stone. Truly, the book is free but not cheap- You
don’t have to pay money to gain access to the spiritual truths in
this book but you have to pay attention. Many pay money to buy
a book but do not pay attention to buy the truth in the book. As
you read, please buy the truth and sell it not. This book is as


expensive as the attention you pay to it, it is very short in
quantity but not short of quality. Be blessed as you read!



Nothing is useable that was not made. Some things are made by
men while others are made by God. That you got it for free does
not mean that it made itself. We dont necessarily have to buy
stones because its everywhere but does that mean a stone made
itself? Not so. We were born into a world we did not know how
it came to being but does that mean the world made itself? You
might not know who made it but if it exists then you can be sure
that it was made by someone. Nothing makes itself!
Job 38:4 Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of
the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.
We were not there when God was making the world so if he had
not told us, we would not know that the world has foundation.
Do not rush to conclude on what is made without hearing from
its maker. He has the full manual of the made in his palms. In
fact, do not conclude on yourself yet until you hear what he who
made you has to say about you. He says you are rich but because
you don't have money, you're concluding that you're poor...
Come on, don't be insensitive! He says you're righteous but
because you meet yourself in sin every now and then, you say
you are filthy? My friend, turn on your spiritual ears for your
creator has something to say to you about your making which has
the capacity to spur you into your true self. Your reality is in
what God says about you, not what People think about you.
Isaiah 49:16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms
of my hands; thy walls are continually before me.
Anything that is termed valuable or useful must have passed
through a process or several processes called making. Simply put
the things you attach value to more often than not have been

subject to processes which have culminated in that item of value.
The making process are the various phases a material must pass
through before it can become useable by the maker or the user as
the case may be.
Over time, I have learnt that what is referred to as assets or
valuables were not like that initially. Often times, the end
products do not resemble the start up material so much that you
may even wonder at the obvious change. They were converted
from their raw form to what we now term finished goods.
Just as natural things are made into valuables, God makes men
into treasures. A man may be given by God to other men in his
unrefined form but by being fully yielded to God, he is made by
the same God until he becomes the desired person- a treasure
sent to nations.
Treasures in the context of this write up refers to men who are
committed to the fulfillment of their creator’s will, men who
have surrendered themselves to be structured and patterned to fit
into their Creator’s desire, men who have given themselves to
God’s making because they trust his creativity to make the best
out of them. God will never create a man he does not need. So if
God created you, you must understand that he sees you as a
treasure usable to accomplish his will and desires on earth. Can
you just confess this loudly even as you read:
“I am not an accident of nature, I am a treasure sent
to nations…”
And God said, ‘Let us make man…’ (Gen 1: 26). Here, we can
see that man was made but at that point a raw material was
made. A valuable entity but in unrefined form. The process of
making does not end at birth. You have to consciously submit to

God to make you until the treasures hidden in you are made
manifest for all to see. Confess this:
“I am the light of the world therefore, I will shine!”

Consider this:
In the process of making garri, cassava is the raw material and
garri is the finished product but if you want to make eba, garri
stops being a finished product rather it becomes a raw material
from which eba is made. Where another person’s making stops
may be where yours will start. So, I advise do not compare the
process or dealings of your making to another’s for as destiny
differs, making also differs!
Have you ever imagined how creative God is? If God could be so
dynamic to create you out of dust, it is less work for him to cause
greatness to come out of you. God makes men. Yes! But every
man has the privilege to suggest to God what they want God to
make out of them and to what extent. Note this and never forget:
“What you want God to make out of you will have an
effect on what he will make you to be…”
God needs your permission to make you. He will never force you
but be sure he will make you if you give him the license and the
access. There are two ways available for every man to choose
from: the way of life and the way of death.
Deut. 30:19 I call heaven and earth to record this day
against you, that I have set before you life and death,
blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou
and thy seed may live.
From the above verse, you can see that your choice of life or
death does not just affect you but it also affects those coming

after you. Thus on the one hand, you can choose the way of life;
the way that permits God to make you into his desire, will and
intention. The way of making is the way of life in God’s kingdom!
On the other hand, you can choose the way of death; that is the
way that makes one available to be used of the devil and his
agents. The question I want you to ask yourself is: who am I
available and useable for? Who am I yielding myself to? God or
the devil?
Rom. 6:16 know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves
servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey:
whether of sin unto death or of obedience unto

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen
vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God,
and not of us.
We have treasures hidden in every man but it requires that they
are revealed by God. Treasure revealers and refiners are the
various tools that God uses to ensure that the hidden treasure in
you finds expression in the best possible way and at the
appropriate time. It is not enough to have this treasure in earthen
vessel, that treasure must be well refined and be revealed at the
appropriate time too. Why refine? Value is added in refining.
Why reveal? What is hidden is not known, recognized or
appreciated until it is made manifest.
Many people stay in the form of hidden treasures all the days of
their lives for the fear of either the known or the unknown and
they leave a lot of destinies stranded because of their inability to
turn their God given hidden treasure into a refined and revealed
treasure. Through Mary, Jesus was revealed to the world at the
Cana of Galilee, He would have been there and no one would
have recognized him, everyone would have left the wedding
disappointed and angry for lack of wine but Jesus was revealed
to them and a new wine was miraculously provided. Note that
before the revelation of Jesus was a proper refining. What Jesus
carried on his inside as an hidden treasure had prior to his time of
revealing been properly refined by various agents and situations.
Let us consider some of these Treasure refiners and revealers:

Fire does not just burn. It also does the work of refining and
revealing. Fire gives pressure for the hidden treasure to burst out
(be revealed).
1 Corinthians 3:13 Every man's work shall be made
manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be
revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of
what sort it is.
Revelation 3:18 I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in
the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that
thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy
nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with
eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
Look at that revelation; men do not patronise raw gold, most do
not even recognize it. It takes value recognized to attract treasure
patronisation. For some people, it is not the fault of those around
them that they do not appreciate or value the grace they carry, it
is due to the fact that they have not allowed it to pass through fire
both for refining and revealing. Your treasure needs to pass
through fire but would you allow it?
Jesus was sent into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil after
40 days fasting and prayer. This was treasure on fire. When your
treasure is set on fire, men may pity you, just endure, they will
soon envy you. Can you pray in a minute:
Lord Jesus, set my treasure on fire for proper refining and
appropriate revealing.
Even John the Baptist testified of Jesus that he would baptise not
with water but with the Holy Ghost and with fire (Matt 3:11,
Luke 3:16). This means that Jesus was not only coming to wash
away their sins but to also make what is in them refined and
revealed by fire. It took the Apostles time to be revealed because

they first had to be refined. Never be in a hurry to be revealed
until you are well refined. If you're not well refined and you
show yourself, you will shame yourself. Wait in the refining pot
before acting on the revealing screen.
In the season of refining, your faith is tried but in the season of
revealing, your faith is praised (1Pet 1:17). In the season of
refining, your message is passed across with much words but in
the season of revealing, your message is passed across with little
or no words. Then, even your apron's voice is heard, your
shadow speaks in your stead. (Matt 17:5, Acts 19:12, Acts 5:15)
In the season of refining, you are not known, needed or sought
after but in the season of revealing, demand for your treasure will
be ever rising.(Mark 1:37)
Let it be that you patiently follow God as he leads you
through these seasons. Seasons cannot be forced, they can
only be followed through.
In Isaiah 6, Prophet Isaiah encountered the ministry of the coal
of fire, then and there, he caught a revelation of himself and his
surrounding. In Acts 2, the disciples encountered the tongues of
fire, there and then, they caught a deeper understanding of what
Jesus had been saying and ministry truly started. Fire could come
in form of persecutions and tribulations, it could come in form of
challenges, it could come in form of impartation, it could come
in form of trials and tempatations. Anyhow your fire comes,
please be sensitive because it only comes to refine your treasure
and also to reveal it.
Can you pray: Lord, what treasure have you put in my life
that should bless my world? Reveal it by fire

Encounters are strategic and powerful meetings that challenge
and change the direction of a man's life and result. There are
positive and negative encounters, there are encounters with men
and with God, there are demonic and angelic encounters. All
through the scriptures, we see how the course of many people's
lives changed all because they encountered someone. Jacob's life
changed overnight due to an encounter with an Angel, Lot's life
was immensely blessed by his encounter with Abraham, the
disciples had a day they would never forget; the day they met
Jesus. One thing about an encounter that differentiates it from a
mere meeting is that, you may forget a meeting easily but for
impact sake, encounters remain unforgettable. Even if you can't
retain an encounter in your memory, the impact it leaves you
with will always give you a timely reminder of the event.
Encounters refine your treasure and it also reveal it. David was
just a shepherd until his encounter with Samuel. He would have
probably stayed that way if that encounter didn't happen. Mary's
encounter with an angel revealed to her what she never knew
about herself. She even doubted and asked: How can these things
be?? (Luke 1:34).
You can also have an encounter with the Holy Spirit. For me,
that is the best encounter you can ever have. Even the Bible says
you will receive power after an encounter with him (Acts 1:8).
Meaning for every encounter you have with the Holy Spirit, there
is a souvenir of power. No man encounters the Holy Spirit and
leaves the same. There is always an impartation of power. Do
you need power to get wealth or power to overcome the enemy
power to rise above limitations, power to sustain greatness,
power to give birth to purpose fulfilment? Then, all you need do
is to seek an encounter with the Holy Spirit. When you encounter

the Holy Ghost, you will do what you never thought you could
do and what you could do before, you will do better.
John 9:25 He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner
or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was
blind, now I see.
Please do not trivialize the introduction of a man into your life.
The arrival of a man could surprisingly bring an end to a painful
season in your life, the arrival of another could kickstart a
beautiful one. Pay attention to what encounters you allow and
sustain, pay even more attention to those moments and memories
you create with people. Those who have come into your life,
what have they contributed so far? The Treasures in a man can be
choked by wrong encounters, Yes, Treasures die! may the
treasures in you not die without finding the right atmosphere for
manifestation. Amen. Can you pray? Lord, give me access to
encounters my life needs to thrive.
Isaiah 66:2 For all those things hath mine hand made, and
all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this
man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite
spirit, and trembleth at my word.
I always wondered why God reckons or associates himself so
much with the contrite in heart, the humble, the poor or the
brokenhearted and I discovered the reason recently. God created
every man as a vessel who needs its maker to be efficiently used.
Romans 9:21 Hath not the potter power over the clay, of
the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and
another unto dishonour?
So it is not possible for a vessel to be effectively used by itself.
For instance, if you make a sandal, that sandal will need legs to
find fulfilment else it will be useless. Truly, it will be beautiful, it

will occupy space, it will have potentials of making people's feet
gorgeous but truth be told, that shoe cannot help itself unless it is
helped. In the same vein, man was not created to be self
sufficient; acknowledgement of this is is the beginning of true
making. God wants us to be broken so that He can by our
brokenness, amend us unto perfect use. The brokenness of that
shoe is in its humility and acknowledgement of the need of a leg,
if it boasts that it is self sufficient and rejects every leg that tries
to complete it, then it'll remain idle, useless and will be abused.
Colossians 2:10 and ye are complete in him, which is the
head of all principality and power.
Brokenness is acknowledging that you are not complete in
yourself but in him. Once you can acknowledge this, then
yielding to his instructions and directions will not be difficult.
When you are broken, then you will see and wonder what God
can do with a man's life. Your brokenness allows the excellency
of God's power and strength to be revealed in you.
Brokenness also permits God to refine you. When you are
broken, then you can expose your weakness to his strength, you
can open up your wounds to his wellness and also show your
nakedness to his majesty and yet not be ashamed. This is how
and where refining happens. He broods on your weakness and
makes strength out of it, he breathes on your inadequacy and
brings out sufficiency, he touches your ashes and turns it to
beauty but if you're not broken, you will only show him your best
and hide from him your worst; this is the beginning of
foolishness for you cannot hide from he who made you. Your
hiding can only suggest to him that you do not need him so he
leaves you to yourself and remember no man is complete in
himself. None, not even Jesus!

John 8:28 Then said Jesus unto them, When ye have lifted
up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he, and
that I do nothing of myself; but as my Father hath taught
me, I speak these things.
By brokenness, the treasure in you is refined and also revealed. A
broken man, no matter how wretched he is cannot be written off
just yet for in a split second, God can make him the latest wonder
in the world. Don't write off the broken, he is in the process of
Psalms 34:18 The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a
broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

Be careful of products that bypass process, they don't last
and they don't give maximum customer satisfaction!
2Tim. 2:20 But in a great house there are not only
vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of
earth; and some to honour; and some to dishonour. if a
man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a
vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the
master’s use, and prepared unto every good work.
The beauty of a product is appreciated when it can expertly do
what it was designed to do or when it has the intended effect(s).
The fine gold that is now being chased by most was rigorously
and thoroughly made to pass through various processes by some.
How useful you will become in the Kingdom is directly
proportional to the Kingdom processes you pass through and
allow to pass through you.
If you see a celebrated king David, remember there was an
underrated last son of Jesse. I prophesy, because you are taking
time to read this piece; everywhere you have once being
underrated, you will be celebrated without deliberation in Jesus
name. Amen.
God in using the treasure refiners and revealers to make a man
takes him through certain processes. The processes God takes a
man through as he makes him are highlighted thus:
In 2Tim. 2:20-21 above, we see that what makes a man useable
for honourable causes by God is not his form but his state of
purity. God can use anything (dirty or clean) but God cannot

dwell in anything. So if God will make you for continuous use,
you must be purged so you can become pure. Remember, in a
great house, there are many vessels, some of gold, some of silver
and so on… but the point is not that you are a vessel of Gold.
No! That is not the point. The point is in verse 21 which says
‘…if a man purges himself, he shall be used unto honour.’
Now, let me establish this: no man can purge himself. Purging is
a spiritual term that can only be made possible by a spiritual
being. It takes God to purge you so you can be qualified for
making into the class of the honourables. How does God make a
man and still honor him? Think about your designer clothe and
you love it so much that you keep it away from anything that can
tear it, you wear it only to important occasions, you keep it in a
special place as if it is worth billions of naira, you just give it
preferential treatment that makes other clothes ‘jealous’.
Friend, such is the way God treats a man who has given himself
to be purged. When you submit to his purging and thorough
washing, you are treated as a precious child of God. The truth is
we are all children of God but to be more precious than others,
you have to be purged!
Isa. 1:18 Come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord:
though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as
snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as
You are not too stained for divine purging, submit yourself to be
purged and you will be surprised at what God will make you to
This simply means to be separated or set apart by your Maker for
a special, specific and superior purpose. When God starts
working on a man, he purges him and then starts to deal with
him. It is these dealings I refer to as consecration. At this point,
God begins to do with you what he is not doing with others! God
begins to show you what he is hiding from kings, God begins to
drive you into the depths of his will. During consecration, God
could appear to be harsh! Not because you are a sinner but
because he wants you to be thoroughly furnished and fit for his
best use.
2Tim.3:17 That the man of God may be perfect,
thoroughly furnished, unto all good works.
The place of consecration is the place of furnishing but the
problem today is when God is furnishing men, they think he is
punishing them! If you will ever be thoroughly made, you must
be ready to be thoroughly furnished! Stop complaining that your
mates are getting fat while you are not getting enough food to
eat, it is only a part of your making process. Stop murmuring
because the sacrifices you are making seem not to be yielding
the expected results. God is only folding his arms because, he is
consecrating you in the room of making.
Truth is, kings are made in the room before being seen on the
throne. Ask King David! If you skip the consecration process,
your manifestation will not stand the test of time. When God is
busy working on you, you may look rough, smell bad and
irritating to your society but never forget that the stone which the
builders rejected is one day coming to become the inexplicable
corner stone. There are 3 keys you need during the season of
your consecration;
 Separation
In the season when God was making Job, his wife came
to him and gave him an advice that seemed desperately
and sincerely fit for the moment but destructive for the

future. She told her husband; ‘curse God and die!’ At the
time when God was patiently crafting man in the garden
of Eden with instructions and his presence, the serpent
came to beguile Eve so Eve could hasten her husband out
of the room of consecration.
If you are a Treasure, you are an eternal target for the
devil! You must understand this so that certain things will
not move you because if you are moved by everything,
you will not move anything! That God is making you,
only means that men would be attracted to you, your
lifestyle and biography. You will become everyone’s
latest gist just because you are being made. Friend, that
alone should make you understand that you are special
but this is the point here; learn to know when to walk
away and stay away. A man being made may be
concerned by what people say but he is not always
influenced and affected by it. You must understand that
because God is consecrating you, there are things, people,
words and characters you must stay away from.
The reason why some people are stagnant in the school of
making is that they are too soft to make tough decisions.
Too soft to say no, too soft to break free from bad friends,
too scared to reject evil counsels, too shy to take their
stand, too timid to rebuke the works of darkness. My
dear, God has not given you the spirit of fear so, toughen
up and loosen up so you will not lose it all!
2Cor. 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them and
be ye separate, saith the Lord and touch not the
unclean thing; and I will receive you.

 Submission
This is also a subset of consecration where and when you
forget your cross to carry his cross. At this stage, your
will, intentions and goals no longer drive your life, his
will and purpose for your life does. You no longer decide
what to do, where to go or what to wear, he makes those
decisions for you. At this point, it is no longer about your
personal gain but about the divine say.
I remember fondly this song that brought me to my knees
in tears: I say yes Lord. That was the song God used to
break the hardness of my heart at the time. He used it to
bring me to a place of complete surrender. It got to a
point where whenever I wanted to lie for self gain or do
something contrary to the will of God, that song begins to
play through the ‘music app’ of my heart. My wish just
has to go for his will to reign, he owns me, all of me!
Hmmm. Can you pray, Oh Lord, take over all of me.
One of the most difficult things for a woman to do in
marriage is to always submit to her husband but if she
can, she will eat the goodies of marriage which is love
and happiness. So, it is also in the School of Making, if
you can submit to the will of God, the joy of the Lord and
his love will be your accomplice. Listen Friend, in the
journey of your making, God will ask you to sacrifice the
things you love most for him, not because he wants to
punish you but because he wants to furnish you into a
submissive treasure.
Truely, God created all Men the same but through
Making, some have been exalted above others. We all
know that it is impossible for a man to hear God but there
are Men who have passed through some dealings and

because of that their eyes have been upgraded from
mortal eyes to immortal eyes and they can say; I SAW
THE LORD… Kai. Pray, Lord, upgrade my senses to
immortal possibilities.
If it was impossible to see the Lord, then what did John
see, if it was impossible to speak with the Lord, then who
spoke to Moses at Mount Horeb, who gave him the ten
commandments? Friend, if you are not there yet, think
and work on how you will get there because I tell you,
some men have been there and truly, really, they were
made out of the same raw material you currently possess.
Have you not read that Elijah was a man of like passion?
Have you not heard of Benson Idahosa’s exploits? Have
you not heard of Kathryn Khulman’s wonders? Have you
not heard of Apostle Babalola’s spirituality? When will
you submit to be made after the order of Great Men like
The making makes the man! Tell me the dealings you are
submitted to and I will tell you the value and quality of
your treasure. Hear me dear, there are different kinds of
cars. There are some cars that can be manufactured within
just a month but there are some that take 5 years to finish
manufacturing them. There are houses that can be built
within 3 months sir, but there are some that no matter
how much human, financial and technological resources
you possess, it takes nothing less than 3 years to finish
If God will do something special with your life, you must
understand that it will take time. To be called a son of
God, you have to follow and submit to him like a fool!

Mark 8:34 …whosoever will come after me, let him
deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
Know that before you can resist the devil, you must
submit to God. See James 4:7. Why should you submit?
So that he can make you become irresistible by the
kingdom of darkness.
 Sacrifice
I define this as giving your best to be made the best. You
can trace the greatest men in the scriptures through what
and who they have given on the altar of sacrifice.
Beloved, if you truly will become the Treasure God is
making and moulding you to become, you must be
selfless and sacrificial. After God has made you, the devil
will test the strength of your sacrifice, if you are found
wanting, he will challenge God of your preciousness.
You should ask yourself; Did God actually have to ask
Abraham to sacrifice Isaac? Did he have permit the devil
to take away all that Job had just to test him? Did he
really have to lead Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted
of the devil? Did he really have to make the Apostles wait
for days before declaring them fit for the infilling and
empowerment of the Holy Ghost?
YES! He had to so as to test their resolve and hunger for
what they were asking for. Hello, in the school of
making, what you can sacrifice is enough to promote you
without any further examination. Before gold becomes
so precious and valued, it must have sacrificed a lot
through the sun, fire and beatings. Friend, show me your
sacrifice and I will tell you how long your making will
take. You see the sacrifice of some people and you just
have to agree that their getting to the top is not negotiable

whereas you see how stingy and selfish some people are
and you just conclude that ‘no wonder he is still here with
his fervency and spirituality!’ Kai! I pray for you, may
your life not curse God! Amen.
For every food cooked, for every item manufactured and for
every man made, there was a waiting time! Now, at this time,
God is not through with you yet, He never will but He desires
your patience even as he does his thing in you, through you and
for you. Friend, there will be times when you will seek God and
you will not see Him, don’t get it wrong, it is not because you
have sinned an unknown sin but because he wants to test how
much you truly really want Him through patience. Note this and
never forget, God hides in the secrecy of waiting.
There are people who would have been made into great treasures
only if they waited one day more. Listen, if you want to make it
in God, you must respect his timing. He will not come in your
time, he will come in his time and that will prove to be the best
time, this is why people say God’s time is the best time. Don’t let
people push and pressurise you into rushing out of the pot of
making when you are almost done. Stay there until you are
made! Doggedness is required at this stage and level of making.
You have to be unyielding to people’s noise if you will ever
become a voice made by God.
Isa. 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew
their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk,
and not faint.
Did you see that? Please declare this:
I would rather wait on God than waste in time.

The expectations of the people now might be met with gross
disappointment, do not cry, just wait. The people who once
believed in you might have started spitting at you, do not lose
hope in God, wait! The friends who had your back might have
left you in the dark, just wait on the promises of God for faithful
is he that promised and in due time, the vision will speak loudly
and meaningfully. God’s due time encompasses Man’s waiting
time, so, please be patient with your destiny. Don’t rush it! By
lack of patience, some treasures have become dross, Friend, do
not join that queue… WAIT…WAIT…WAIT!
After the vessel has been purged, consecrated and made to wait,
then, he is called into service. Note this; God intentionally
designed the making processes in such a way that babes will not
be called to carry the burden of adults. God takes time out to
make the man before He calls him so that at the time of calling,
He is equipped with almost all he needs to be able to identify
God’s call, answer it and also make the most out of this calling.
God will not make a man to waste him, he makes men in order to
call them into certain purposes. For men that God is making for a
huge purpose, he intentionally takes out time to reveal the size
of the task at hand to them, trains them on how to go about it
through thorough instructions, temptations and sometimes,
Romans 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are
without repentance.
In the making of a treasure, God gifts the man and calls him into
a specific task or work that will mean manifestation of his
endowments and gifting. The weight of your calling can be
predicted by the length of your waiting. Jesus waited for 30 years
to be called into a ministry of three and a half years. Treasure,
you must understand that even though God is calling you, that
does not mean he is sending you. There is a huge difference
between the two. I can just call someone because I want to see
his face not really because I want to send him on an errand same
way God can call you just because he wants to see your face.
God can call you to seek him, just for that alone.
You must understand the reason why God called you before you
venture into any task or ministry. There are many people today
who are victims of copied dealings. That God called your friend
into ministry after one month of being saved does not mean
yours will be the same. Every calling is unique to the person
called. Do not forget that you are a holy nation and a peculiar
person. Your peculiarity means you are not like anyone, you are
distinctly crafted for a mighty use. Let God call you, do not call
yourself. Let God send you, do not send yourself… AMEN.

This is the final stage of the making process. Some call this stage
the manifestation stage. When God is making a man, he does it
with the intention of sending him to a place or places as the case
may be, for a purpose or purposes and to fulfill specific and
defined tasks. When God is making a Man, he has tasks and
territories in mind.
Jer. 1:5. Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee;
and before thou camest fSorth out of the womb I
sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the
I will like to repeat this; Your coming to this continent is not an
accident of nature, God when creating you, had a task in mind for
you, hence, your gifts, talents, hobbies, natural likes and dislikes
are part of God’s wiring for your optimum functioning. He

created you for an expected end! The stage of sending is the
stage where all your preparation matters. It is the season to put
into practice all God has both taught you and wired inside of you.
God made you a star before you were born simply because He
made a star inside of you. At this stage, that star is expected to
start to find expression.
Romans 8:19 For the earnest expectation of creature
waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.
The glorious future you desire is inside of you, the question is;
have you started to manifest it? Until you live out your inner star,
dream, vision, passion and ambition, you won’t be able to
manifest truly and really. To have a sense of purpose is to
understand that you were created for a purpose and not just for a
trivial one but a mighty one. God needs you to act on earth, he
needs you to move on earth, he needs you to build on earth, he
needs you to breathe on earth. What a privilege! No wonder the
Psalmists said in Ps. 8:4, ‘what is man that you are mindful of
him…?’ Everything God has been doing with you, every dealing
He has been taking you through and every moulding he has been
sculpturing you into are all to this end- that you may be sendable.
The making of a treasure starts when a man becomes available to
the processes that will make him usable. Can you pray and tell
the Lord: Father, turn my availability to usability.
You must also understand that God will not send you without
giving you every resource necessary. When God sends you to
buy something, he gives you the transport fare and money to
purchase what he has sent you. On the one hand, God supplies
you with abundant grace which is likened to the transport fare.
Grace is the carrying ability of God in you to take and direct you
to your place of divine manifestation. If God is sending you, it
means He is instructing you to a specific place and a certain

people. It takes the grace of discernment and direction to not
miss this crucial part of divine agenda.
Gen 12:1 Now the LORD had said to Abram, Get thee
out of thy country, and from thy father’s house, unto a
land that I will shew thee…’
Any calling that lacks direction will lead to confusion. Hence,
when God calls you, ask him what he wants to send you (the
mandate), where He is sending you (the location), to whom He is
sending you (the people) and how to execute the message (the
On the other hand, the money to purchase means the anointing
and gifts of God. When you have these, execution of any task at
any place will be a lot easier, you will not have to stress yourself
to fulfill the mandate. All you need to do is to spend the money!
There are two problems people encounter at this stage:
 Some do not have enough ‘money’ to purchase the
products they need, that is they do not have enough
anointing or gifts to execute their mandate. The solution
to this is to pay the price for more. If you have some, it
only means you can get more. Many are too contented
with little that they refuse to press for more. A destiny
sent to Nations cannot conquer the nation with the
anointing of a local government, a treasure sent to deliver
the Isrealites from a demonic system called Pharaoh
cannot do it without the anointing of the burning bush.
The larger the territory, the stronger the anointing needed.
The tougher the people, the greater the anointing needed.
The higher the demonic influences, the deeper the
anointing required. You need to see how easily the
anointing destroys and disgraces long term yokes and
problems (Acts 10:38). If you have been trying to

execute the mandate and you have been failing, it might
mean that you need to increase the purchasing power of
the anointing you carry. In the market of destiny, what
can your anointing buy? If it can’t buy all you need to
fulfill purpose, please go back to your secret place and
press; Oh Lord, give me more!
 Some are ignorant of what they carry. This is an
unfortunate but common situation. Many are using the
anointing of an Evangelist to win more souls to the
kingdom of darkness, some are using the prophetic grace
upon them to predict for Nairabet. What a misuse of
anointing and frustration of purpose! May I not be
catching fish when I am supposed to be fishing men, may
I not be building houses when I am supposed to be
building men, may I not be baking bread when I am
supposed to be making men, oh Lord, let the eyes of my
understanding be opened. Let my eyes be flooded with
light that I may see. If only you know you were made for
the continent, you won’t settle for a street. Pray, Oh
Lord, let me know the extent of my calling and the
weight of what I carry.
David was small but he knew what he carried was
mightier than the giant called Goliath so victory was
attained. When you do not know what you carry, you
fear every threat. Hmmmm, have you forgotten that
greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world?
(1John 4:4).

Finally, there are three major points to note in carrying out your
mandate as a treasure;
 Discernment of your Assignment
After you have been sent, you must be sensitive enough to be
able to differentiate between the route to destiny and the road to
distraction. Elisha was focused on his assignment so he got the
mantle of Elijah. Gehazi was distracted from his assignment so
he got the leprosy of Naaman. You must pay attention to your
assignment and wave off distractions if you will ever fulfill the
mandate of your sender.
 Alignment to your Assignment
Never go out of the scope of your assignment. Do not do too
much and do not do too little. Do exactly as you are sent, follow
the instruction to the latter, do not be too wise in your own way
lest God reveals the foolishness of your wisdom (Luke 12:20).
The Bible made us understand that God’s ways are far from our
ways. That means if any man will walk in alignment with God’s
ways, he needs alignment by the help of the Holy Spirit to close
the gap and to stay aligned always. If Enoch walked with God,
then I can too! (Gen 5:24).
 Discipline in your Assignment
To stay aligned to your divine assignment, you need to be very
Job 31:1 I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then
should I think upon a maid?
Gen. 39:9 how then can I do this great wickedness and
sin against God?

Gen 14:23 That I will not take from a thread even to a
shoe latchet, and that I will not take any thing that is
thine, lest thou should say, I have made Abram rich.
Daniel 3: 17-18 …our God whom we serve is able to
deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will
deliver us out of thine hand, O King. But if not, be it
known unto thee, O King that we will not serve thy gods,
nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up.
Daniel 1:8 But Daniel purposed in his heart that he
would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s
meat, nor with the wine which he drank…
Samson had a great prophecy over his life destroyed all because
of lack of discipline. That particular thing God has been warning
you about must be a thing of concern to you if you will fulfil
your calling on Earth. He has been instructing you to pray at
night because of your busy daily schedule but you can't because
of sleep. Friend, beware! He has been telling you to do some
days marathon fast but at the smell of plantain, you lose the
appetite you once had to fast. Friend, take caution! Nothing good
comes without discipline.
You have to prove that your determination to attain greatness in
God outweighs every other thing, food, sleep or even money...
Yes, it is true that everyone has a purpose to fulfil. Yes, it is true
that everyone was created for a unique purpose but do you also
know this truth: Not every star shines and not every destiny
speaks.... This is where separation occurs; on the altar of
discipline. This is how the difference is made; through the
sacrifice of discipline. This is when intentions are tested and
proven, in the season when the only requirement for lifting is
sacrifice. Can you pray? Lord, grant me the grace to make the

sacrifice my destiny requires to speak. Give me the grace to
make the sacrifice enough for my lifting.
I have seen great men die mere death, I have seen champions die
as jokers, Lord grant me the push to be disciplined in every area
of my life. Great men don't eat too much, Record breakers don't
sleep too much, Limitless beings don't waste time. I seek the
grace to be disciplined this day oh Lord.
1 Corinthians 6:12 All things are lawful unto me, but all
things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but
I will not be brought under the power of any.

James 5:17 Elias was a man subject to like passions as
we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and
it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and
six months.
I have gone through the stories of great men who we look up to
today and one question I ask myself is: are these men or angels?
The response I was given by the Holy Spirit is simple: They are
Men, in fact, they have weaknesses too but they are Made Men.
Made Men always differ from Mere Men, they walk on Earth
like Immortals. Follow me as we go through a tip of their
Today, one of the most celebrated Apostles in Africa and
especially in Nigeria. He is renowned for his impact on the
youths and how he has brought balance to the body of Christ. He
is such a carrier of the presence of God that every of his
meetings are filled with numerous encounters, miracles and
wonders. He literally walks youths into the ambience of the
Lord's presence. His sermons are found almost on everyone's
phones. Yes, he is that loved but Apostle Selman didn't become
this great without being made. His powerful sermons are an
extension of his compassion for people because he was once like
them. Apostle Selman was at a time always oppressed by a
demon who would not let him sleep at night, he did all he could
in the name of the Lord all to no avail but one day, he found light
and the demons he once feared never moved close to him again.
He also once shared the story of how he went to bank by faith to
withdraw from his empty account. That day, it looked like his
faith failed him because he didn't see any miracle money in the

account and he went home embarrassed but today, that faith has
helped build a foundation for many strange financial miracles
from his meetings. Indeed, faith is not just about present results
but about following God and believing he's true even when it
looks otherwise. Apostle also once had a hair infection, the
doctors told his parents that hair would never grow on his head
again, the infection turned into a stigma as a lot of his peers
would not want to relate with him so they would not contract the
infection. Yes, the head was always smelling but by that
infection, God was only making an Apostle who would by these
experiences have the right understanding of what it means to be
sick and how healing can flow through a vessel. From an
infection carrier, Apostle Joshua Selman was made by God to
become a healer through various supernatural means. If God
could do it with Apostle Selman, then, be sure he is on your case
too. He is making you!
Known as an Apostle that raises Apostles. This man of God has
raised great Kingdom Generals already in his time in ministry
and he even said he has not started yet. Through his ministry,
Remnant Christian Network, he has produced great men such as
Apostle Mike Orokpo, Apostle Tolu Agboola, Minister
Theophilus Sunday and the likes. This man has faced lots of
shrines and brought them down to the glory of the Lord, he has a
track record of converting hardened criminals to Christ and
terrifying the Kingdom of darkness anywhere he goes. I wish I
could say that Apostle Arome didn't have his own fair share of
furnace of fire experience but he did and that was just a part of
his making process. Apostle Arome was a stammarer, yes, was,
because the Holy Ghost came and to that weakness, he spoke
grace. Apostle Arome had partial facial palsy but that did not

stop him from following Jesus so Jesus took this earthen vessel
and made a man-wonder out of it.
Finally, Bishop Benson Idahosa was born as an unhealthy child
into a very poor family. His health was so bad he had to be
thrown away by his mother (who picked him up later) on the
insistence of the father. He shuffled between difficulties in
education, poverty early in life but rose and came up victorious
to be named the father of Pentecostalism in Nigeria. Bishop was
used by God to start a wave of the miraculous and faith revival,
not just in Nigeria or Africa alone but also in the world. The
violent faith and boldness he used to preach Jesus everywhere he
went was regarded as unreal but even him was made. He allowed
God to make him. If God could do it with these men and many
more, then yours should not be an exception.
My personal experience through life has shown me that making
is indeed inevitable if one would be a true Treasure. I've
personally experienced how God can take over one's life and
make true beauty out of his ashes. I've seen the stone which the
builders rejected suddenly become the head of the corner. I say
making is possible no matter your past or precedent, God is still
interested in making you to be the best version of yourself, that is
exactly who you were created to be. A lot of Treasures are out
there but the kind of Treasure you should be is the one who has
been tried and tested in fire, the one who is heavily demanded on
earth and greatly boasted of by his Father in Heaven. Have you
ever asked yourself that when God looks down from heaven at
my endeavours here on earth, what is his reaction like? Is it a
statement of ‘this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased
or Who shall I send?’ Is your presence on earth significant when
God looks down from Heaven? Friend, nothing is impossible to

a made Treasure. He is the one who is given the whole treasures
of Heaven because He isn't just tested, he is also trusted.
Genesis 18:19 For I know him, that he will command his
children and his household after him, and they shall keep
the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that
the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath
spoken of him.
Job 1:8 And the LORD said unto Satan, Hast thou
considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in
the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth
God, and escheweth evil?
Like Abraham and Job in the above passages, can God boast of
you? Can he trust you with his treasury? Can he trust you with
his territories? his children? Can he depend on you to make his
will known in your family? Can he be at rest that come what
may, his glory will be manifested in your school because you are
there. I'll leave you to answer these questions and also to note
that God loves everyone but doesn't trust everyone. He trusts
only those who have passed the tests of making. Have you? If
you have not, do you know you still can? That you have failed
before doesn't mean you have failed forever. Saul was once a
serious persecutor of believers but he was made after having an
encounter with Christ. The same Christ that made Paul is right
here with you this day to do to you what he did to Saul of Tarsus.
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock:
if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come
in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
He wants to come in and sup with you. He is not condemning
you, he is not giving you the work of your making to do. He is

saying just open the door and I will come in and make you. Will
you allow him in?
Lord Jesus, in any way I have been blocking you out of my life, I
apologise today and I give you the keys of my life from now
henceforth. Come in and sup with me. Lead, direct, control,
make and mould me the way you want, give me your life and
take mine. Let me be your pride once again, Wash me off the
filthiness and weight that has always drawn me away from you.
Make me till I look like you. Make Treasures out of my trash. I
pray in Jesus powerful name. Amen.
Please sing this song once truly and sincerely before you close
this book:
In the crushing
In the pressing
You are making new wine
In the soil I now surrender
You are breaking new ground
So I yield to you and to your careful hand
When I trust you I don’t need to understand
Make me your vessel
Make me an offering
Make me whatever you want me to be
I came here with nothing

But all You have given me
Jesus bring new wine out of me
In the crushing
In the pressing
You are making new wine
In the soil I now surrender
You are breaking new ground
You are breaking new ground
Where there is new wine
There is new power
There is new freedom
The Kingdom is here
I lay down my old flames
To carry your new fire today (NEW WINE, HILLSONG)


CONTACT +2348169686990 or for any
comment, reservation, correction or question as the case may be.
Feel free to communicate your thoughts about the book, it will
go a long way in helping the Treasure in making who God used
as a vessel to write this piece to become better in communicating
and delivering the counsels of the Spirit to God's people. YOU


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