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O Background
Community Agriculture Development Organization (CADO) is a non-profit
Humanitarian community Base Organization working in Aweil State –South Sudan
delivering humanitarian assistance to the most venerable communities and its
transforming communities capacity to the modern agro-livelihood activities
through empowering them to fight chronic hunger toward gaining self-resilience,
self-employment, self-owned responsibility and alliance with the areas
of Food Security and Agriculture ,Nutrition ,Water Hygiene& sanitation,Gender
Base Violence ,Peace Building ,Animal Health, animal production, animal trade &
income, Agro-forestry and environmental conservation, among others.
C.A.D.O constitution

1. Is improving food security and livelihood, water hygiene & sanitation in the local communities to
eliminate and eradicate poverty in South Sudan.
2. Helping the communities to become selves-reliance, elevating quality life to a sustainable level
and have fundamental agricultural society so that poor communities with farming spirit invest in
the farming life.
3. Building the capacity of the farmers toward farming forever method of cultivation and food
production to avoid food shortage with the aim of becoming food secure family & communities’
with exclusive responsibility in their hands.
4. Transferring modern agriculture powers back to the community in need at grass root to practice
bio agricultural activities by implementing tree fruits plantation or any other source of food
generation according to season & environmental need.
1) Dedicated to sustainable food production in the rural community to have access of quality food
production and improving nutritional status of the communities.
2) Raising farming communities’ interest across the country to achieve food stability by engaging
them in the process of accessing good agriculture concept and knowledge through right
contribution from C.A.D.O
3) Reuniting farming families, communities to reversein the group communal cultivation activities
which may be coordinate by C.A.D.O.
4) Involving all the genders such as youth group, women group including elders for acquainting
solutions and togetherness in farming and cultivation activities to generate capital for improving
and achieving/ overcoming economic challenges & stability toward future and better live.
5) Empowering communities to invest more in animal production and strengthening communities’
knowledge in animal health through organizing training for capacity building in cattle camp.
6) Integrating animal producers with animal traders, buyers and selling companies so that
communities in country can export animal meet, milk, & skin.
7) Empowering community in fighting chronic hunger to gain self-resilience, self-employment and
self-owned responsibility

1.0(a) Community Base Organization is now formed to be called Community Agricultural Development
Organization (CADO)

1.1 (b) CADO will not be either involve in political or religious affiliations


2.0 Aims and objectives

1) C.A.D.O wanted to improve food security and agriculture & building the capacity of the farmers in
Aweil state& country as whole.
2) C.A.D.O will involve in agricultural development activities in the state through livestock production
and animal health activities.
3) C.A.D.O wanted to eliminate malnutrition among children <5 years who are malnourish & cannot
access health facility through practicing modern and traditional method of managing malnutrition
at community level.
4) To eradicate poverty through engaging women & youth in livelihood activities in Aweil state and
South Sudan at large.
5) Encouraging afforestation through planting small as well as large scale fruit trees including none
fruit trees that will target communities , others public places.
6) Improving the capacity of the farmers and extension agent through organizing training on
7) Aiming at supporting orphan & disable at the community through involving them in livelihood
8) Improving water hygiene & sanitation in urban and rural areas.
9) Practicing as well as engaging community in peace building among the communities.
10) C.A.D.O wanted to specialize in vegetable production in the rural communities of Aweil state to
supply people with vegetable product.
11) Mobilizing communities to practice small & large scale farming including crops production.
12) Liaising with government of Aweil state for the purpose of any development activities in state.


3.0 Headquarter
(a)The Headquarter of C.A.D.O will be in Northern Aweil state or other wish will be determine by board
of directors members.

3.1Station of operation.
C.A.D.O will be operating in all five (5) counties of Aweil state and others states base on the funding of
the program.


4.0 Membership
C.A.D.O will be having four (4) categories of its membership namely:

(a) Full membership

Full membership shall be open to all sympathizer of the CBO and such others individuals who are
interested in alleviating social problems of the communities in Aweil state and country as whole.

(b) Affiliated membership

Shall be open to all registered CBOs and voluntary social agency

(c) Associate membership

Shall be open to all individuals, CBOs, NGOs agencies in or outside the country
(d) Honorary membership
Shall be composed of founders’ members of the CBO and restrict toindividuals without standing
contribution to the organization.
4.2 Right & obligations
Full member
A. Shall participate in proceeding & activities of the organization
B. Elect or be elected to any organ of C.A.D.O
C. Make the use of facilities of C.A.D.O as shall be prescribed from time to time by the
executive committee
D. Express his/her opinion in any proper manner
E. Be registered in the register book of C.A.D.O.
F. Demand that those elected in the position of responsibility report back to the
community and give good reason for all their actions decision & activities

Associate member

A. Shall participate fully in proceeding activities the organization

B. Express their opinion in any appropriate manner
C. Meet their financial obligation to the organization as shall be determine from time to
time by the board for directors members
D. Abide by the letter of this constitution
4.3 Withdrawal of membership
A. The organization may by resolution of the board of directors may require a member to
temporarily or permanently withdraw from membership, if the conduct of such a member
damages the dignity and reputation of the organization &/ or deem adverse to smooth running
of the (CBO)
B. Member who fall his/her financial obligation one (1) year after it due, shall have his/her
membership terminated and his/ her name struck off in the register of the members of the
organization, the executive members shall have powers to reinstate such a member & month
payment of the outstanding due will be given
C. Member may resign after giving one month written notice to the chairman/ executive director
of the organization
D. Save as otherwise stated in this constitution all members whose membership is terminated shall
not have right to appeal in disciplinary committee


The organization structure of community agriculture development organization shall be in three (3)

1) Executive committee
2) Treasurer committee
3) Disciplinary & arbitration committee

Executive committee shall be comprised of:

1) Executive director

2) Chairman of board of directors

3) Vice chairman
4) Treasurer committee

5.1 Disciplinary & arbitration committee

There shall be stablished disciplinary arbitration committee which shall be
composed of:
1) Chairman appointed by executive committee
2) Vice chairman
3) Secretary
4) Representative of the board members
5) Representative of the employees in C.B.O as shall be determine from time to time by executive

Article VI

6.0 Powers:
The disciplinary &arbitration committee shall have powers to investigate all cases of impeachment and
cases of indiscipline among members at all level, shall recommend appropriate action to be taken by
higher organs of the organization, approval of such recommendation shall require votes of two-third
majority of the members present

Article vii

Appointment and termination of the office

7.0 Appointment of other board members

(i) Saves as otherwise provided for in this constitution, the power to appoint other board members shall
vest in the executive

(ii) Any post occurring by resignation, disability,or death among members of the executive committee
shall be filled by any of the honorary members appointed by executive

(iii) Recruitment of the management, staffs and workers shall be vest in the board of executive

(iv)In case of disability or death of any of the honorary members, the CBO shall undertake to assist the

7.1 Branch election

Saves as otherwise provided for in this constitution:

(a) Election to the branch executive committee shall be held at branch of general election
(b) Nomination shall be proposed and seconded by different persons each on election
day .Representative of the representative of the executive committee shall supervise election
(c) The term of office shall be period not exceeding three years

7.2 Termination of office


A. The member of executive committee shall do so by tendering his/her resignation to the entire
executive members after giving a one month written notice.
B. In the even treasure resigning before his term of has expired ,the said treasurer shall hand
assigned financial statement to the chairman board of directors for approval of the board


(a) the executive committee shall have the powers to suspend any of the member provide the decision is
approved by two-thirds majority members votes ,suspended member shall resign in his or her position.

(b) The executive shall have the right to suspend any of their executive members with approval from
disciplinary committee

() the executive director of the committee shall, in consultation with executive committee shall appoint
another person to assume the position of the suspended member



8.0 source of revenue

The CADO source of revenue shall be from:--

(a) Members and subscription fees as shall be determine from time to time
(b) Donation ,grant ,request /trust
(c) Interest and profit from CBO is property and capital
(d) Any other legal entitlement to the CBO
(e) Any other source approved by board of director and disciplinary committee

8.1 supervision of fund s

(a) The executive committee shall appoint and report to the board of directors of CBO’S Banker

The treasurer shall deposit all money or cheques with the foresaid bank as soon as possible and shall
only in his or possession a limited amount of cash as shall be determine by executive members from
time to time

(b) Authority to spend and withdraw the CBO’s fund shall rest with the signatories
(C)The treasurer shall issue a receipt in the name of the C.B.O whenever he /she receivemoney due to
the CBO.


Save as otherwise provided for inthis constitution

(a) An author shall be appointed by board of directors and the account of the C.B.O shall be audited at
least once a year
(b) The audited account and balance sheet shall be signed by the signatories before presentation to
the board of executive committee.



9.0 General Meeting

(a) Board meeting shall be at least once a year

(b) Emergency meetings shall be summoned by the chairman as and when the circumstancedemands

(c) All meeting shall be held at the headquarter of the CADO

(d) The powers to call meeting shall vest on Executive director and chairman

9.1 waiting time for the meeting

A waiting period of the meeting up to thirty minutes shall be allowed after which a meeting of the board
shall be adjusted



The executive committee shall provide a seal bearing the name of CBO,which shall only be used by the
authority of the executive committee, on the official document and every instrument to which the seal
shall be affixed.

11.0 Amendment of the constitution

Amendment of constitution to all or any of the fore going article may be made from time to time by
resolution of the general meeting of the CADO provided that:

(a) Such resolution is passed by not less than three quarters of the members present and voting at a
general meeting
(b) Ninety days clear notice has been given specifying the nature of amendment proposed

11.1 interpretations

The executive shall have the final power to interpret the provision of this constitution which
interpretation shall be and binding on the members.

We the several persons whose names, addresses, and description are hereunto subscribed are together
with and on behalf of other unnamed members persons desirous of being formed into community Base
organization in pursuance of this constitution
Signatures of founder’s members

(1) Name in full ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signature ---

Position ---------------------------------------------------------------------address -----------------------------------

(2) Name in full ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signature ---

Position ---------------------------------------------------------------------address ----------------------------------

(3) Name in full ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signature ---

Position ---------------------------------------------------------------------address -----------------------------------

(4) Name in full ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signature ---

Position ---------------------------------------------------------------------address -----------------------------------

(5) Name in full ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signature ---

Position ---------------------------------------------------------------------address -----------------------------------

(6) Name in full ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- signature ---

Position ---------------------------------------------------------------------address -----------------------------------

C.A.D.O code of conduct & Human Resources Handbook.

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