Chevron Brace Connection

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Example II.C-5 HSS Chevron Brace Connection


The loads shown are actual loads from the bottom chevron from the example problem at the
back of the book. The beam above has been design to carry its load with out the chevron, and
the end connections have been design to all vertical and horizontal loads required. Check the
HSS braces for tension and compression and design the connection including welding, shear
lag requirements and check to see if stiffening is required.

Use E70 electrodes.

Material Properties:
Beam W18×35 Fy = 50 ksi Fu = 65 ksi Manual
Brace HSS6×6×2 Fy = 46 ksi Fu = 58 ksi Tables 2-3
Gusset Plate Fy = 36 ksi Fu = 58 ksi and 2-4

Geometric Properties: Manual

Beam W18×35 d = 17.7 in. tw = 0.300 in. kdes. = 0.827 in. Tables 1-1
Brace HSS6×6×2 H = 6 in. B = 6 in. A = 9.74 in. t = 0.465 in. and 1-12


Determine required brace-to-gusset weld size

Since the brace loads are axial, the angle between the longitudinal brace axis and line of force
is θ w = 0° .

( ) ( )
FW = 0.60 FEXX 1 + 0.5sin1.5 θ w = 0.60 ( 70 ksi ) 1 + 0.5sin1.5 0° = 42 ksi

Pu Pa Ω
Wwreq ' d = + 116 in. Wwreq ' d = + 116 in.
φ4 Fw ( 0.707) Lw 4 Fw ( 0.707) Lw

158 kips
+ 1 in. =
(105 kips)( 2.00) + 116 in.
0.75 ( 4)( 42 ksi )( 0.707 )( 6 in.) ( 4)( 42 ksi)( 0.707)( 6 in.)

= 0.296 in.+ z-in. = 0.358 in. = 0.295 in.

Use a-in. fillet weld Use a-in. fillet weld

Note: the z-in. added to the weld size is to account for the slot in HSS

The minimum weld size for this connection is x in. The required weld size is larger therefore,
use a-in. fillet welds. Table J2.4

Determine required gusset plate thickness

We = Ww − 3 8 in.- 116 in. = 5

16 in.

φ ( 0.60 FEXX We ) ( 0.707)( 2) Ω ( 0.60 FEXX We ) ( 0.707)( 2)
t1req ' d = t1req ' d =
φ 0.60 Fy1 ) (
Ω 0.60 Fy1 )
0.75 ( 0.60)( 70 ksi)( 1 4 in.)( 0.707 )( 2) (1.50)( 0.60)( 70 ksi)( 14 in.)( 0.707)( 2)
= =
1.00 ( 0.60)( 36 ksi ) ( 2.00)( 0.60)( 36 ksi)
= 0.644 in. = 0.644 in.

Use a w-in. gusset plate.

Check gusset plate buckling (compression brace)

t1 3 in.
r= = 4
= 0.217 in.
12 12

From the figure, the distance l1 = 62 in.

Since the gusset is attached by one edge only, the buckling mode could be a sidesway type as
shown in Commentary Table C-C2.2. In this case use K = 1.2.

Kl1 1.2 ( 6 1 2 in.)

= = 36.0
r 0.217 in.

E 29000 ksi
Limiting slenderness ratio 4.71 = 4.71 = 134 > 36.0
Fy 36 ksi

π2 E π 2 ( 29000 ksi)
Fe = = = 221 ksi Eqn. E3-4
⎛ Kl1 ⎞
( 36.0) 2
⎜⎝ r ⎟⎠

⎡ Fy
⎤ ⎡ 36 ksi

Fcr = ⎢ 0.658 Fe ⎥ Fy = ⎢ 0.658 221 ksi ⎥ ( 36 ksi ) = 33.6 ksi
⎢⎣ ⎥⎦ ⎣ ⎦ Eqn. E3-2

lw = B + 2 [ (connection length) tan 30°] = 6 in. + 2 ( 6 in.) tan 30° = 12.9 in.

Note: Here, the Whitmore section is assumed to be entirely in the gusset. The Whitmore
section can spread across the joint into adjacent connected material of equal or greater
thickness or adjacent connected material of lesser thickness provided that a rational analysis is
performed. Eqn. E3-1

Aw = lw t1 = (12.9 in.)( 3 4 in.) = 9.675 in.2

Pn = Fcr Aw = ( 33.6 ksi) 9.675 in.2 = 325 kips )
325 kips
Pn / Ω = = 195 kips
φPn = 0.90 ( 325 kips) = 293 kips 1.67

293 kips > 158 kips o.k. 204 kips > 105 kips o.k.

Check tension yielding of gusset plate (tension brace)

From above, Aw = 8.06 in.2

Rn = Fy1 Aw = ( 36 ksi) 9.675 in.2 = 348 kips ) Eqn. J4-1

348 kips
Rn / Ω = = 208 kips
φRn = 0.90 ( 348 kips ) = 313 kips 1.67

313 kips > 158 kips o.k. 208 kips > 105 kips o.k.

Check shear strength at brace-to-gusset welds

Table D3.1
Try minimum weld length, Lw = 6 in. Case 6

Effective Area, Ae = 4 Lw t = 4 ( 6 in.)( 0.465 in.) = 11.2 in.2

Nominal Shear Strength, Vn = 0.6 Fy Ae = 0.6 ( 46 ksi) 11.2 in.2 = 309 kips ) Eqn. J4-3

309 kips
Rn / Ω = = 206 kips
φRn = 1.00 ( 309 kips) = 309 kips 1.50
309 kips > 158 kips o.k. 206 kips > 105 kips o.k.

Check shear lag fracture in HSS brace

B 2 + 2 BH ( 6 in.) + 2 ( 6 in.)( 6 in.)


x= = = 2.25 in.
4( B + H ) 4 ( 6 in.+6 in.)
Table D3.1
x 2.25 in. Case 6
U = 1− = 1− = 0.625 in.
Lw 6 in.

An = Ag − 2tt1 = 9.74 − 2 ( 0.9)(0.465 in.)( 3 4 in.+ 18 in. gap) = 9.01 in.2

Ae = UAn = 0.625 9.16 in.2 = 5.72 in.2 )
Rn = Fu Ae = ( 58 ksi)( 5.63 in.) = 327 kips Eqn. J4-4

327 kips
Rn / Ω = = 164 kips
φRn = 0.75 ( 327 kips) = 245 kips 2.00

245 kips > 158 kips o.k. 164 kips > 105 kips o.k.

Calculate interface forces

Design the gusset-to-beam connection as if each brace were the only brace and locate each
brace’s connection centroid at the ideal centroid locations to avoid inducing a moment on the
gusset-beam interface, similarly to uniform force method special case 3.

d 17.7 in.
eb = = = 8.85 in.
2 2

⎛ 12 ⎞
θ = tan −1 ⎜ = 48°
⎝ 10 1316 ⎟⎠

Let α = α = eb tan θ = ( 8.85 in.) tan 48° = 9.83 in. → Use 10 in.

β = ec = 0

r= (α + ec ) 2 + (β + eb ) 2 = (10 in. + 0) 2 + ( 0 + 8.85 in.) 2 = 13.4 in.

αP (10 in.)(158 kips) αP (10 in.)(105 kips)
H ub = u = = 118 kips H ab = a = = 78.6 kips
r 13.4 in. r 13.4 in.

eb Pu ( 8.85 in.)(158 kips) eb Pa ( 8.85 in.)(105 kips)

Vub = = = 105 kips Vab = = = 69.6 kips
r 13.4 in. r 13.4 in.

Determine required gusset-to-beam weld size

The weld length is twice the horizontal distance from the work point to the centroid of the
gusset-to-beam connection, α, for each brace. Therefore, l = 2α = 2 (10 in.) = 20 in.

Since the gusset straddles the work line of each brace, the weld is uniformly loaded. Therefore,
the available strength is the average required strength and the fillet weld should be designed
for 1.25 times the average strength.

1.25 Pu 1.25 (158 kips) 1.25 Pa 1.25 (105 kips)
Dreq ' d = = = 3.55 Dreq ' d = = = 3.54
1.392l 1.392 ( 20 in.)( 2) 0.928l 0.928 ( 20 in.)( 2)

The minimum fillet weld size is 4 in. The required weld size is also 4 in., use a 4 in. fillet
weld 40-in. long total. Table J2.4

Check gusset thickness (against weld size required for strength)

6.19 D 6.19 ( 3.55)

tmin = = = 0.379 in. < s in. o.k.
Fu 58 ksi

Check local web yielding of the beam

Rn = ( N + 5k ) Fy tw = ⎡⎣ 20 in. + 5 ( 0.827 in.) ⎤⎦ ( 50 ksi)( 0.300 in.) = 362 kips Eqn. J10-2

φRn = 1.00 ( 662 kips ) = 662 kips 662 kips
Rn / Ω = = 441 kips
158 kips(cos 48°) = 105 kips 105 kips(cos 48°) = 70.2 kips

662 kips > 105 kips o.k. 441 kips > 70.2 kips o.k.

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