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Suzlon Monitoring Centre Daily Work Sheet

Date: 04/06/2023
Day: Sunday

Requirements Yes No Comments

Read Emails & notes from prev work shifts
Check all Wind Farms % Dynamic VAr Availability Status OHWF DSTAT2@50% T@90%; HHWF DVar2@50% T@80%
Check All Wind Farms (PPC) Power Plant Controler
Check all Wind Farms Met Masts Availability Status HWF & HHWF MM2 No Comms NBHWF MM1 Wind Speed Error CGWF MM1
Check Weekly Data Gaps & comments for All W/F
Check FM 119, 138 & 207 for All W/F
SEA Alarm Tracker (OMS daily Report)
Prepare Weekly analysis, OMS Report & email
Check Tilt infolite 3 screen Dispatch, Status regularly
Conform status of all stopped turbines with LT at 3:00pm
SMS Sent for Breakdowns CGWF T09 (x4); HWF T19, T09; HHWF T09
Work Needs To Be Done / Information

RRSF: CQ Energy (Jim) called to ask about participant non-conformance graph looks normal. SMC does not have any access to it, and informed that there are no warnings/alarms
received. SMC checked with on-call site techs and confirmed that everything looks normal. Asked CQ to send pictures of concern. Forwarded the email to RRSF.
SWF2: Outage on Site. Turbine availability 0, informed CQ Energy. AEMO Called to ask about turbine availability, informed them about outage. Mario from AEMO dint know
about outage and wasn’t mentioned anywhere. SWF 2 Outage till Thursday/Friday (8/9 June)
WEEKLY analysis Graph ( MTBF- MTTR) unavailble. Tried repeating the process twice, same result. Please check.
HWF & HHWF, turbines will stay down for the night.
CGWF T09 had multiple resets. Site tech could not access WTG as it had high winds. Jessie will try and restart the turbine later in evening. If it comes again in FM 295, leave it as
breakdown and schedule text.
Weekly Power curve analysis Done.
CQ 6:00 PM called to ask check whether the emails could get stopped (mostly all of them), called Cromarty and informed as we were also getting the same. Noticed all values on
SWF North and South changed on dispatch page NULL from normal Zero.

If disable 4 or more compensation DO's in one WTG inform Lead Tech and Venkatesh Via Email
2nd Shift Attended By : 1) Pragnesh
Requirements Yes No Comments
Read Emails & notes from prev work shifts
Check all Wind Farms PME % Dynamic VAr Available Status OHWF DSTAT2@50% T@90%; HHWF DVar2@50% T@80%
Check All Wind Farms (PPC) Power Plant Controler
Weekly SEA Alarm Tracker (OMS daily Report) (Email Steen after 12:00
Check all Wind Farms Met Masts Availability Status HWF & HHWF MM2 No Comms NBHWF MM1 Wind Speed Error CGWF MM1
Prepare Power curve report & email
SEA Weekly Major Breakdown - (Email after 12:00 AM)
ALL Wind Farm Daily SEA Reports Email Sent
Capacitor check & Email sent
Schedule SMS for over night breakdowns
Check Elec Gen Brushes wornout warn event 421 & Email
Check Mech Gearoilfilter Chokedwarn event 48 & Email
Check Mech DriveTrainVib Warn event 75 & Email
Check WireBreak Outdoor 185 & Email
Check Palisade screen Dispatch, Status regularly

Work Needs To Be Done / Information

Breakdown - sms schedule - HWF - 09, 35; NBHWF - 25;
SWF 2 - Matt(Comarty) call to inquire about receving multiple email. As per his information he have disabled notifications from 8Legs to stop this during the outage. Update him
on Thursday after outage completion to organise notification to be turned back on.
SEA Overview prepared and sent.
Top 10 Downtime and Frequency Graph prepared and sent.
OHWF Statcom alarms on informed tech via email.
CGWF T14 FM 211 Elec_ManStopBottom along with FM 99 - Elec_ACB_offStop & FM 103 - Elec_SafetyChainStop. Call and informed Jessie.

If disable 4 or more compensation DO's in one WTG inform Lead Tech and Venkatesh Via Email

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