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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 1, January-February 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

A Review on Yoni Dhupana

Dr. Laxmi Metri
Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Prasooti Tantra and Street Roga,
SVM Ayurvedic Medical College, Ilkal, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Laxmi Metri

Women are the most beautiful gorgeous creature in the world. Health "A Review on Yoni Dhupana" Published
state of women is very important for the society for its growth & in International
prosperity. Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
Due to lack of time, house hold work & pressure from the family and Development
many women suffer with different gynaecological disorder like white (ijtsrd), ISSN:
discharge per vagina, foul smell, itching, redness swelling etc. In 2456-6470,
such condition sthanika chikitsa explained in ayurveda works Volume-7 | Issue-1, IJTSRD52652
wonderful, can maintain genitals healthy. Sthanika chikitsa done with February 2023,
care will help to have the name & fame for vaidyas. pp.162-164, URL:
KEYWORDS: Yoni Dhoopana, Sthanika chikitsa, Yoni vyapad
Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)


Women suffer with different gynaecological disorder AIM
in different phases of her life so the health of women To study the use of shatanika chikitsa yonidhoopana
especially reproductive organs have to be healthy & in ayurvedic stree rogas
strong at every stage of life. To maintain female
reproductive organs healthy sthanika chikitsa (Local
To study shatnika chikitsa from various ayurvedic
treatment has been explained in ayurveda.
texts articles
Many genital disorders occur during reproductive life,
To study the procedure of sthanika chikitsa
it may be due to hormonal imbalance, sexual acts, and
unhygienic conditions during or after child birth.
Many diseases like vaginitis, cervicitis candidiasis, To study probable mode of action of sthanika chikitsa
itching, soarness, PID etc may arise in women’s To study probable mode of action of yoni dhupana
reproductive life & even in peri menopause women.
All most all the genital disorders come under MATERIALS & METHODS
yonivyapad. It is a conceptual type of study. Textual material are
used for the study like charaka, sushruta asthanga
Charaka has expliained yonivyapat nidana, samprapti hridaya, sangraha & commentaries.
& chikitsa in yonivyapad chikitsa.1
Acharya sushruta also explained about yoninvyapad Yoni dhoopana is fumigation of vulva & vagina with
in yonivyapad pratishedha adhyaya of uttara tantra. 2 medicated disinfected smoke. A separate dhoopan
Asthanaga sangraha, ashtanga hridya, bhavaprakasha, table is required which has sufficient sized hole in its
yogaratnakara etc also contains description of middle from which smoke can be felt on vulva &
yonivyapad. vagina while sitting on it.
Fumigation of yoni with aushadha yukta dhuma is
called as yoni dhoopana

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52652 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 1 | January-February 2023 Page 162
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Site of yoni; yoni dhoopana in outer surface of vagina Amount for dhoopana drug 9: is taken for 3-5 grm
& whole of the vulva (bahi yoni) resins like gugggulu & ral are taken in an amount of 3
gms while powdered form is taken as 5 gm
Patient is asked for voiding urine MODE OF ACTION: Dhoopana drugs with katu
tikta, ushna & aromatic properties when put on fire
Dhoopana dravyas are lit in dhoopana apparatus &
get converted into volatile medicated fumes.
placed under the dhoopana table.
These fumes enter into smallest units of tissues of
Patient is allowed to sit on the table with exposing genital tract ( due to sukshma srotogami) dilates the
genitals over the hole of dhoopana table so that blood vessels & helps in oxidation of blood that leads
smoke can touch the exposed vulva & outer vagina to adequate tissue perfusion.10 This antiseptic &
This procedure should be carefully performed to sterilized environment helps in disinfection of uterine
avoid any danger of burning external genitalia. cavity vagina & vulva reduces Ph & laxity of public
muscles 11
Some of the medicines for yoni dhoopana with their
indications mentioned in classics. 3 Thus helps in reducing pain, decreasing vaginal
1. sutika paricharya: For episiotomy wound discharge, Healing of wound & prevents growth of
fumigation is done with kushta, guggulu, agaru microorganism.
mixed with gritha Different dhoopakalpas are explained in treatise that
2. Apara sanga: for retention of placenta fumigation are used in various ailments for curative purpose &
with bhojapatra, kakamachi, sarshapa kritavedana also dhoopas are employed for prevention of diseases.
yoni dhoopana is also used for local disinfection of
3. Garbha sangha: for obstructed labour fumigation
genital organs.
with Krishna sarpanirokanda kateealabu is
women have all the rights to be healthy & Happy.
4. yoni kandu: fumigation with haridra &
Shtanika chikitsa explained in ayurveda works as
brihatpahala, fumigation with katu taila with
boon to all gynaecological disorders (yoni rogas)
apluta matsya, Fumigation with grita apluto sarala
when given in proper manner.
guggulu & yava
Shtanika chikitsa mentioned in ayurveda shows
5. shweta pradara: fumigation with sarala guggulu
wonderful results when given with proper indications
yava mixed with grita.
with all aseptic precautions & extreme care as each
6. in yoni kandu: fumigation with katu taila apluta sthanika chiktsa has its own importance in different
matsya. 4 diseases. Thus to conclude that the approach of
7. yoni kandu: fumigation with grita apluto sarala shtaniks chikirsa of ayurvedic system of medicines
guggulu & Yava. 4 gives complete relief to the patients from yoni rogas.
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volatile. Agnivesha elaborated by Dipika Commentary
by Chakrapanidutta Chaukambha Samsthana
RASA – katu, tikta (2014)
VEERYA- ushna, vipaka katu [2] Sri Dalhanacharya Commentary on Sushruta
KARMA- shotahara, krimighna, kandughna, Samhita Nibhandha Sangraha Edited by yadavji
vranashodana, vrana ropana,vedanashamaka. trikamji Acharya and Narayan Ram Acharya
MAHABHOOTA PRADHANA: Akasha vayu. Kavyateertha edition 2013 Chaukambha
Subharati Prakashan Varanasi
DISCUSSION [3] Dr sushila Sharma & Dr varsha Singhs
PURPOSE OF DHOOPANA: Abhinava Striroga vigyana editon 1st Ayurveda
Rakshoghna karma 6: Dhoopana of bheshajagaara,
sanskrita Hindi Pustaka bnandara Jaipur 2016
kumaraagara, sutikagara, shastra karma grugha.
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52652 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 1 | January-February 2023 Page 164

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