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1. A conjectural statement of the relation between two or more variables is

a. Independent variables b. Dependent variables
c. Hypothesis d. Theory
Ans: c
A hypothesis is a declarative statement, which explains the relationship between two or more
variables that predicts a solution to the research problem.
Hypothesis is a formal statement that presents the expected relationship between an
independent and dependent variable.
2. An integrated set of defined concepts and propositions that present a view of a
phenomenon is called
a. Nursing theory b. Theory c. Framework d. Hypothesis
Ans: b
A theory is a set of interrelated constructs, definitions and propositions that present a
systematic view of phenomena by specifying relations among variables, with the purpose of
explaining and predicting the phenomena.
Nursing theory is an articulated and communicated conceptualization of invented or
discovered reality in or pertaining to nursing for the purpose of describing, explaining,
predicting or prescribing nursing care.
3. What is the use of theories in nursing research?
a. To help in identification of meaningful and relevant areas of study
b. To develop or refine the study
c. To interpret research findings
d. All the above
Ans: d
The other uses of nursing theories are;
 To define the concepts and propose the relation between them
 To provide general framework for data analysis
 To generate nursing diagnosis and guide implementation of findings
 If the research is conducted in isolation of the relevant theory, it results in
disconnected information which does not add to the accumulated knowledge of the
4. A plan that describes, how, when, and where data are to be collected and analyzed is
a. Theoretical frame work b. Conceptual framework
c. Research design d. Theory
Ans: c
A research design is a blueprint or master plan specifying the methods and procedures for
conducting a research study involving the description of research setting of the study, sample
size, sampling technique, tools and methods of data collection, and analysis to answer
specific research questions or test the research hypothesis. On the whole a research design is
a plan to investigate a research problem covering description of all methods and materials
that have a bearing on the quality of evidence the study yield.
5. Which of the following approach is designed to collect numerical data, which can be
transformed to usable statistics for answering research question or hypothesis?
a. Quantitative b. Experimental
c. Non-experimental d. Quazi-experimental
Ans: a
Quantitative research designs are well structured and specify the research
methodology in detail which includes sample characteristics and selection, setting, nature of
intervention, tools to measure the variables, methods used for data collection, and
information to be shared with the participants.
6. A researcher wants to assess the quality of life among wives of alcohol dependents in a de-
addiction centre. Choose the appropriate research design from the following?
a. Solomon four group design b. Factorial design
c. Quantitative design d. Qualitative design
Ans: d
A qualitative research design is selected when little is known about a phenomenon,
experience, or concept. This approach typically uses inductive reasoning, where in it
begins with assumptions and specific observations of a particular instance, which are then
combined into a large whole or general statements leading to the development of concepts
and themes.

7. Which one of the following is not an experimental research design?

a. True experimental b. Quazi-experimental
c. Pre-experimental d. None of these
Ans: d
Experimental research designs deals with investigation of the effect of independent
variable on the dependent variable where the independent variable is manipulated
Through intervention or treatment and the effect of these interventions is observed on the
dependent variable.
Types are:
 True experimental
 Quazi-experimental
 Pre-experimental
8. All clinical trials are;
a. True experimental b. Quazi-experimental
c. Pre-experimental d. None of these
Ans: a
True experimental designs investigate the cause-and-effect relationship between independent
and dependent variables under controlled conditions.
9. The most appropriate research design for testing the cause-and-effect relationship between
the variables is;
a. Experimental b. Correlational c. Descriptive d. Qualitative
Ans: a
Experimental research designs deals with investigation of the effect of independent
variable on the dependent variable where the independent variable is manipulated
Through intervention or treatment and the effect of these interventions is observed on the
dependent variable.
10. Case studies may concern an in-depth examination of
a. Group of people b. Institution c. Individuals d. All the above
Case study is an approach to qualitative research that focuses on gaining an in-depth
understanding of a particular person or object or an event at a specific time.
11. Which research is a study of past records and other information source?
a. Historical research b. Fundamental research
c. Basic research d. Applied research
Historical research is the systematic collection, critical evaluation, and interpretation
of historical evidence. Historical research is undertaken to answer questions concerning
causes, effects or trends relating to past events that may shed light on present behaviour or
12. Mr. Harris from France came to Thiruvananthapuram to conduct a study regarding
“Aattukal Ponkala” and its related beliefs. Which of the following design is appropriate for
his study?
a. Phenomenological design b. Grounded theory approach
c. Case study d. Ethnography
Ans: d
Ethnography means study and description of a culture of a particular group of people.
It involves collection and analysis of data about cultural or social groups. In this method the
researcher conducting enquiry of a life process by studying individuals, artifacts or
documents in their natural setting.
13. Findings from several studies are utilized to create a data set that may be analyzed as a
single piece of datum is
a. Outcome research b. Meta-analysis
c. Secondary analysis d. Evaluational research
Ans: b
In meta-analysis, involves taking the findings from several studies on the same
subject and analyzing those using standardized statistical procedures. This helps to draw
conclusions and detects relationships between findings.
 Outcome research examines the effect of interventions on health status of patients.
 Secondary analysis uses previously gathered data to test new hypothesis, explore new
relationships among variables, or create new insights.
 Evaluation research studies are an applied form of research design, which involve the
judgment about how well a specific program, practice, procedure, or policy is
14. The group that does not receive the experimental treatment condition is the ………..
a. Treatment group b. Experimental group
c. Control group d. Independent group
Ans: c
The control group refers to the group of subjects or conditions that match as closely as
possible with an experimental group, but is not exposed to any experimental treatment. The
subjects in both control and experimental groups are similar in characteristics. While the
experimental group receives planned treatment or intervention, the control groups receive no
experimental treatment or may receive any other intervention.
15. Research design involves description of
a. Research approach b. Setting of the study
c. Sample size d. All of these
Ans: d
Research design is a blue print or master plan specifying the methods and procedures
for conducting a research study involving the description of research setting of the study,
sample size, sampling technique, tools and methods of data collection, and analysis to answer
specific research questions or test the research hypothesis.
16. Null hypothesis is also known as......a.......... and research hypothesis is also known
a . a is statistical hypothesis and b is alternate hypolthesis

b. a is alterante hypothesis and b is statistical hypolthesis

c . a is simple hypothesis and b is complex hypolthesis

d . a is directional hypothesis and b is non directional hypolthesis

Ans :a
Rationale: the common types of hypothesis are
 Simple vs complex hypothesis
 Associative vs causal hypothesis
 Directional vs non directional hypothesis
 Null hypothesis vs research hypothesis

Simple vs complex hypothesis

Simple hypothesis predicts the relationship between two variables. It contain one
dependent and one independent variable.
A complex hypothesis predicts the relationship among three or more variables.
Associative vs causal hypothesis
Associative hypothesis predicts an associative relationship between the dependent and
the independent variable without manipulation.
Causal hypothesis examines a cause and effect interaction between two or more
variables, referred to as independent and dependent variables.
Directional vs non directional hypothesis
Directional hypothesis predicts the direction of the relationship between the
independent and dependent variables.
Nondirectional hypothesis predicts the relationship between the dependent variable
and independent variable but doesn’t specify the direction of the relationship.
Null hypothesis vs research hypothesis
The null hypothesis also referred to as a statistical hypothesis is used for statistical
testing and interpretation of results. It states that no relationship between dependent
and independent variables.
A research hypothesis is the alternative to the null hypothesis. The research
hypothesis is states that there is relationship between two or more variables.
17. “Positive relationship exist among affective disturbances, attention, impairment and
alogia in schizophrenia patients”. This statement is what type of hypothesis?
a. Causal hypothesis b. Associative hypothesis
c. Null hypothesis d. None of these
Ans :b
Associative hypothesis predicts an associative relationship between the dependent and
the independent variable without manipulation. When there is a change in any one of
the variables, corresponding changes also occur in the other variable. The association
may be positive or negative. Researcher state associative hypothesis when the focus
of their study is to examine the relationship and not to determine the cause and effect.
This hypothesis is used in correlational research studies.
18. “Schizoprenia patients who receive social skill training exhibit greater improvement in
social relations when compared to those who received usual care”. This statement is what
type of hypothesis?
a. Causal hypothesis b. Associative hypothesis
c. Directional hypothesis d. None of these
Ans :a
Rationale : Causal hypothesis examines a cause and effect interaction between two or
more variables, referred to as independent and dependent variables. It predicts the
effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable specifying the direction of
the relationship. The independent variable is manipulated by the researcher to show
an effect on the dependent variable. The dependent variable is measured to examine
the effect produced by the independent variable.
19. “There is a positive relationship between knowledge level and drug compliance among
schizophrenia patients. Older patients are at a greater risk for falls than younger patients”.
This statement is what type of hypothesis?
a. Non directional hypothesis b. Directional hypothesis
c. Null hypothesis d. None of these
Ans :b
Rationale : Directional hypothesis predicts the direction of the relationship between
the independent and dependent variables. These hypothesis are developed from
theoretical statements, findings of previous studies, and clinical experience. As the
available knowledge increases, the researcher is able to predict the direction of
relationship between study variables. Terms such as less, more, increase, decrease,
positive, negative, greater and smaller indicate direction of relationship in hypothesis.
20. “There is a relationship between the age of a patient and the risk of falling”. This
statement is what type of hypothesis?
a. Non directional hypothesis b. Directional hypothesis
c. Null hypothesis d. None of these
Ans :a
Rationale : Non directional hypothesis predicts the relationship between the
dependent variable and independent variable but doesn’t specify the direction of the
relationship. When the researcher has no clear indication of the nature of the
relationship he states a non directional hypothesis.
21. It is a set of abstract and general concepts that are assembled to address a phenomenon of
central interest termed as
a .Conceptual model b. Theoretical framework
c .Grand theory d .Descriptive theory
Ans :a
A conceptual model is an identical conceptual frame work made up of concepts and
propositions that states the relationship between the concepts. These concets are
abstract in nature and are not readily observable in the real world. A conceptual model
is defined as a set of abstract and general concepts that are assembled to address a
phenomenon of central interest.
Theoretical frame work is the collection of interrelated concepts that depict a piece of
theory that is to be examined as the basis for research study. These are the foundations
that guide research.
Grand theories attempt to explain broad areas and are applicable to all the areas of the
Descriptive theory describes and classify specific characteristics of individuals,
groups, situation or events.
22. What is the characteristics of quantitative research design?
a . Lack of bias b . Controls extraneous variables
c . Power d . All of the above
Ans :d
Rationale : characteristics of quantitative research design includes
Appropriateness of research questions
Minimize measurement errors
Lack of bias
Controls extraneous variables

23. “A study to determine the response of diabetic patients in use of insulin pump”. Which
design is suite for this research problem?
a. Historical research b. Case study
c. Ground theory d .Phenominological
Ans :b
Rationale : case study is an approach to qualitative research that focus on gaining an
indepth understanding of a particular person or object or an event at a specific time.
In this study, one patient or few patients with diabetes are studied for a time to
understand their experiences in use of insulin pump.
Historical research is the systematic collection, critical evaluation, and interpretation
of historical events
Grounded theory is the discovery of theory from data that have been systematically
obtained through research.
Phenominological research is the study of phenomena, wherein the researcher
describes the subjective reality of an event as perceived by the study participants.
24. What are the essential characteristics of true experimental study?
a. Manipulation, control and non randomization
b. Manipulation, control and randomization
c. Manipulation, and control
d. Manipulation and non randomization
Ans :b
Rationale : True experimental design investigate the cause and effect relationship
between independent and dependent variables under controlled condition. In these
designs, researchers have control over the extraneous variable, which allows them to
confidently predict that the observed on the dependent variable is only due to the
manipulation of the independent variable. The essential characteristics of true
experimental study includes Manipulation, control and randomization
25. .................refers to conscious control of independent variable by the researcher through
treatment or intervention to observe its effect on dependent variable.
a. Randomization b. Control c. Manipulation d. None of these
Ans :c
Rationale: Manipulation refers to conscious control of independent variable by the
researcher through treatment or intervention to observe its effect on dependent
Randomization refers to every subject having an equal chance of being assigned to
either the control or experimental group.
Control refers to use of control group and controlling the effect of extraneous
variables on the dependent variable.
26 . Which of the following is the not a type of data collection method?
A Interview B Biophysiological method
C Photographs D Observation
ans :C
27 . What is the primary source of data collection method?
A Medical record B Web information
C Sample registration system D Previous research
ans :c
28 . During data collection process the researcher should pose himself the following
important questions
A What data to be collected B How the data will be collected
C Where the data will be collected D All of the above
ans :d
29 . Which one of the following is the factors influencing the data collection method?
A Nature and scope of study B Time frame
C Manpower sources D All of the above
ans :d
30. The most commonly used projective technique is
A Thematic apperception test B Vignets
C Personality inventory D None of these
ans :a
31 . Stability of the instrument can be evaluated by
A Alternate form and inter rater reliability
B Test re test method and repeated observation
C Split half method
D Item analysis
Ans : b
32. Which one of the following is the not a type of research report?
A Publication in journal B Oral presentation
C Poster presentation D Critique
Ans :d
33. Gender is an example of ..........scale
A Ordinal scale B Norminal scale C Interval scale D Ratio
ans :b
34. a technique where every subject doesn’t have equal chance to be selected
because the elements are chosen by choice not by chance through non-random sampling
A Probability sampling B Non probability sampling
C Non random sampling D Random sampling
ans :b
35. Level of depression is categorized into mild, moderate and severe. This is an example of
A Nominal scale B Ordinal scale C Interval scale D Ratio
Ans :b
36. For a variable with which of the properties is nominal level of measurement used?
A They can be placed in meaningful order, but there is no information about the size
of the interval between each value.
B They can be placed in meaningful order, have meaningful intervals, and have a true
C They can be placed in meaningful order and have meaningful intervals between the
times, but there is no true zero.
D They simply represent categories.
Ans :d
37 . Which of the following statements about use of descriptive statistics is true?
A They are used in every research study, qualitative as well as quantitative
B They are used to identify pattern in data
C They are used to address objectives of some studies
D All of the above
ans :d
38. Class intervals should be
A Of equal length B Mutually exclusive
C Overlapping intervals D Both a and b
ans :d
39. Nominal level data can be displayed using a
A Histogram B Stem and leaf plot C Bar chart D Frequency table
ans :c
40. Descriptive statistics have which of the following properties?
A They are numerical or graphical summaries of data
B They are used to examine relationship between variables in a dataset
C They are used to see how well sample data can be generalized to the population
D Both b and c
ans :a
41. Which of the following is not a qualitative research design?
A Descriptive design B Phenomenological research
C Historical design D Grounded theory
ans :a
42. Choose the correct one from the following?
A Population  Accessible PopulationTarget PopulationSampleSubjects
B PopulationTarget PopulationAccessible PopulationSampleSubjects
C PopulationSample AccessiblePopulationTarget PopulationSubjects
D PopulationSample TargetPopulation AccessiblePopulationSubjects
ans :b
43. Case studies may concern an in depth examination of
A Individuals B Group of people C Institution D All of the above
ans : d
44. John conducting research on effects of eating bananas on memory. To investigate this,
participants are given a memory test followed by either a rest period with a banana to eat or a
rest period alone. They then complete a second memory test. The result of first and second
memory test are compared. This is an example of a/
A Cross sectional B Longitudinal C Survey D Experimental
ans :d
45. Which of the following is a typical example for semantic differential scale.............
A Kind.............cruel B Emotion......aloof
C Depression.......dull D None of these
ans :a
46. Which of the following is an exapansion of VAS
A Visual analogue scale B Visual analysis scale
C Video assessment scale D None of the above
Ans :a
47. Open ended questions primarily
A Confirmatory data B Quantitative data
C Predictive data D None of the above
Ans :b
48. Which of the following is true about observation?
A It take less time than self report approaches
B It costs less money than self report approaches
C Provides good opportunity for identifying unanticipated outcomes
D Can be carried out without assistance
ans :c
49. Which of the following are types of rating scale, except
A Graphic B Numerical C Descriptive D Alphabetic
ans :d
50. Which of the following is an example of a rating scale?
A How satisfied are you with the care provided by the nurses in the hospital?
B Describe status of nurse in society
C Have you been admitted in the hospital?
D Have you attended any similar program in the past?
Ans :a
51. It refers to the people usually performing better when they know they are being observed.
It is termed as
A Hawthorne effect B Halo effect
C Error in leniency D Anonymity
Ans :a
52. It refers to the consistency with which an instrument or test measures what it is suppose to
asure. This phenomena is known as
A Validity B Reliability C Stability D Equivalence
ans :b
53. It is the extend to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure
A Reliability B Stability C Equivalence D Validity
Ans :d
54. The researcher want to collect the data about the evaluation process of staff nurses on a
unit. Which of the following measurement tool is best suited to gather the data?
A Interview B Focus group C Experiment D Questionnaire
ans :d
55. Which of the following data collection method is most likely to obtain objective data?
A Observation method B Questionnaire method
C Physiological method D Interview method
ans :c
56. Which of the following is an advantage of an interview method of data collection versus a
A Data are less costly to obtain
B Less time is required to collect the data
C The collected data tend to be more complete
D Data can be collected from widespread geographical area
ans :d
57. Which of the following is a self report data collection instrument that asks respondant to
report their attitudes or feelings on a continnum?
A Visual analogue scale B Attitude scale
C q-sort D Delphi technique
Ans :b
58. A longitudinal or prospective study is also referred to as a/an
A Ecological study B Cross sectional study
C Cohort study D Observational study
Ans :c
59. Which of the design is suitable for the given example? “ A comparative study on pain
symptoms between male and female rheumatoid arthritis patients”.
A Descriptive design B Correlational design
C Comparative design D Explorative design
Ans :c
60. Which one of the following is a type of open eneded question?
A Multiple choice questions B Cafeteria questions
C Rank order questions D None of these
ans : d
61. “What do you like most about nursing profession? Describe the status of a nurse in the
society?”. This type of question is an example of...............
A Rating questions B Cafeteria questions
C Rank order questions D Open ended questions
ans :d
62. Which one of the following is the type of interview?
A Indepth interview B Telephonic interview
C Focussed group D All of the above
ans :d
63. It refers to the degree of correlation of two measures of the same concept administered at
the same time. This phenomena is known as
A Criterion validity B Construct validity
C Reliability D Stability
ans :a
64. Which of the following question is a dichotomous question?
A To which gender do you belong? B To which community do you belong?
C To which state do you belong? D To which country do you belong?
Ans :a
65. defined as a small sample study conducted as a prelude to a large scale sample
A Large scale study B Pilot study
C Repetition of the same study D Replication study
ans :b
66. ...................refers to the systematic error in sample selection lead to over representation or
under representation of a certain section of the population in terms of an attribute related to
the research study.
A Selection bias B Sampling error C Selection bias D Alpha error
ans :c
67. Which one of the following is the sources of vital statistics?
A Major organization B Sample survey
C Civil registration system D All of the above
Ans ;d
68. Which of the following is not a use of vital statistics?
A Legal use B In research C Popularity D Study of social condition
Ans : c
69. Prevalence can be calculated by using the formula

ans :a
70. Crude death rate is calculated by the formula,

ans :b
71. Which one of the following is the proprietary software of statistical package?
A MS excel B PSPP C Libre office calc D Epi info
ans :a
72. Measures of variability involves
A Mean, median, mode
B Range, mean deviation, standard deviation
C Spearman’s rank correlation and Karl Pearson coefficient of correlation
D Mean, median, mode, standard deviation
Ans :b
73. r = -1.0 in a correlation graph shows
A Negative correlation B Perfectly negative correlation
C No correlation D Zero correlation
ans :b
74. If a scatter diagram is drawn and the scatter points lie on a straight line then it indicates
A No correlation B Skewness
C Perfect correlation D None of the above
Ans :c
75. If X and Y are independent each other, the coefficient correlation is,
A -1 B 0 C +1 D None
Ans :b
76. A perfect negative correlation is signed by
A 0 B 1 C 0.5 D -1
ans :d
77. If two variables oppose each other then the correlation will be
A Positive correlation B Zero correlation
C Perfect correlation D Negative correlation
ans :d
78. Correlation values lies between
A -1 and +1 B 0 and 1 C -1 and 0 D None of these
Ans :a
79. A coefficient correlation computed to be -0.95 means that
A The relationship between two variables is week
B The relationship between two variables is strong and positive
C The relationship between two variables is strong and but negative
D Correlation coefficient cannot have this value
Ans :c
80. If two variables are highly correlated, what do you know?
A That they always go together
B That high values on one variable lead to high value on the other variable
C That there are no other variables responsible for the relationship
D That changes in one variable are accompanied by predictable changes in the other
Ans :d
81. Correlation refers to...............
A The causal relationship between two variables
B The association between two variables
C The proportion of variance that two variables share
D A statistical method that can only be used with a correlational research design
Ans :b
82. Karl Pearson correlation coefficient is also known as
A Spearman’s rank correlation B Product moment correlation
C Pearson r test D Both b and c
ans :d
83. Size of correlation lies between 0.90 to 1.0 indicates
A High positive correlation B Moderate positive correlation
C Very high positive correlation D Low positive correlation
Ans :c
84. What is the median of the following number?
A 13 B 5 C 2 D 6
Ans :b
85. What is the mode of the following numbers?
A 14 B 2 C 9 D 8
ans :d
86. Nominal level data can be displayed using a
A Histogram B Stem and leaf pot
C Bar chart D Frequency table
Ans :c
87. Class interval should be
A Of equal length B Mutually exclusive
C Overlapping interval D Both a and b
Ans :d
88. Which of the following is not a descriptive statistics?
A Mean B Standard deviation
C Frequency distribution D Correlation
Ans :d
89. Who developed the Innovative Diffusion Model of research utilization?
A Rogger B Stetler C Marram D Michigan State Nurse Assocaition
ans :a
90. Expand APA style of writing reference
A American psychiatry association B American psychology association
C American pharmacy association D American psychology articles
ans :b
91. Chi square and Mann-Whitney are ...................test
A Parametric test B Non parametric test
C Descriptive statistics test D None of these
Ans :b
92. Blood flow determination through radiography is an example of
A Psychological measures B Observation method
C Biophysiological method D None of these
Ans :c
93. “Observing the sterile technique during dressing procedure by a student nurse” is a type
A Event sampling B Time sampling
C Observation technique D None of these
ans :a
94. Which of the following is an example of a non random sampling method?
A Convenience sampling B Stratified random sampling
C Simple random D Cluster random
d. Ans :a
95. Following the advantage of sampling, except
A More practical B Economy in nature
C Greater accuracy D Chance of bias
Ans :d
96. Which of the sources of hypothesis?
A Theory B Personal experience
C Customs and belief D All of the above
ans :d
97. Non parametric test examples involve
A Mann whitney and chi square test B T test and and f test
C Z test and ANOVA test D Only b and c
Ans :a
98. Levels of measurement in ascending order are:
A Nominal, ordinal, ration, interval B Nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio
C Interval, ordinal, nominal, ratio D Ordinal, nominal, ratio, interval
ans :b
99. Based on the role of investigator the observation method are divided into
A Structured and unstructured B Participant and non participant
C Direct and indirect D All of the above
ans : b
100. Which of the following is a true experimental design?
A Single -group, post- test only design
B Single -group, pre-test post -test design
C Ex post factorial design
D Factorial design
Ans :d

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