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Eating habits - questions

1. How many times a day do you eat?

2. What time do you usually eat?

3. How often do you eat hot food?

4. What do you usually eat for breakfast during the week? (eat & drink)

5. What do you usually eat for breakfast at the weekend?

6. What do you usually eat for lunch?

7. With whom / Where do you have lunch?

8. What time do you have dinner? With whom?

9. What do you eat at night?

10.What are your eating habits on vacation?

11.Talk about the eating habits of your home country?

12. Describe a specialty from your home country!

13. Do you know Luxembourgish specialties?

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I like listening to the radio. I listen to every day in the car on the way to Op
the work. At 8 o'clock there is the news and then the program "The guest of
the editor". I listen to the radio for local news
to inform
In the evening I also like to read a book in bed. I prefer to read exciting novels.
I buy the books on the Internet, that's easy. Mostly I read in English and in French.

I don't read paper newspapers, but I always read the newspaper on the Internet. I also have a
subscription to a magazine. I like to read about health,
History and international politics.

Of course, I like to surf the Internet, mostly to buy things or for myself
to inform I book all my vacations online. However, I am not very active on social networks
because I don't have time.
I don't like Skype, so I prefer to phone.
I mainly use my mobile phone to keep in touch with friends and my family
stay - either via "What's app" or "Viber". I take pictures, write text messages and check the
weather on my mobile phone. And I also use my cell phone to play.
I don't watch a lot of TV. Most of the weekend I watch a movie with the kids
or a documentary about nature or a series on Netflix. I prefer to go to the


Book / books: crime fiction, biography, novel, history,

Radio: news, news, current affairs, interview, sports

TV: film, series, documentary, talk show, news

Internet: social networks, shopping, booking a holiday, informing me,

Mobile phone: keep in touch with friends & family, listen to music, take photos

Newspaper / newspapers: daily, weekly, paper newspaper

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Magazine/magazines: about politics, international politics, art, travel,

healthy living, sports, cooking, etc...


listen, watch, read, inform me

use, telephone

send, google, surf


exciting, interesting, boring, local, current, national, international, cultural,

I write about: Media I use


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Media - Questions

1. What kind of media do you know?

2. What media do you use regularly?

3. Do you listen to the radio? How often? When? (in the car, at the office, at home in the evening....)

4. What are you listening to? (Music on Eldoradio, the news on, ...)

5. Do you use media to learn Luxembourgish?

6. Do you watch TV? What? (films, documentaries, news, series...)

7. When do you watch TV? With whom? In what language?

8. How often do you go to the cinema? What are you going to see at the cinema?

9. What genre of movies do you like to watch?

10. How long per day do you surf the Internet?

11. Why do you surf the Internet? (book a vacation, buy clothes, books, for me

to inform..)

12. Do you use social networks? (Facebook, Twitter, ...)

13. What do you do with your mobile phone?

14. What do you like to read? (Books, newspapers, magazines....)

15. What genre of books/newspapers do you like to read?

16. When do you read? (every day, on holidays, weekends....)

17. In what language / what languages do you read?

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Doing the household

I work as an accountant at home. I work half days and that's why I have time

to do most of the housework. I thoroughly clean the house once a week, usually on Monday mornings. I'll clean the

windows then, clean you

Wet the floor, clean the children's rooms, make the entrance clean and
do the laundry.

My 2 children are still small and make quite a lot of noise while eating. That's why I clean the kitchen every day

and also vacuum the dining room. We have one

Dishwasher, that's practical. That way I don't need to rinse. I regularly cook lunch and my partner always

prepares dinner. With us,

the children set the table. They like to do that. My partner always helps me too
to empty the bin.

On Fridays after work we go shopping together. We only go once a week

Make commissions.

Unfortunately, I have to stretch 2 to 3 times a week. I don't like doing that at all. That's boring. Fortunately, my partner

irons his shirts and boxers himself.

He also hangs and puts away the clothes in the cupboard.


do the household = the housework = the household

sweep the kitchen, mop the floor,

doing/hanging up the laundry, setting the table, emptying the dishwasher, making the bed, preparing or cooking food

put the trash in the trash, empty the trash can

clean the room thoroughly, put away the clothes in the cupboard

clean the apartment/house go

shopping = run errands


to clean, to dust, to vacuum, to clean up, to rinse, to turn, to clean, to tidy up


terrible, regular, boring, thorough, messy, clean, nice

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I do the household:


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Homework - questions

1. What kind of apartment do you have!

2. Who do you live with?

3. Who does the housework at your house?

4. How often do you clean the house?

5. What kind of housework do you do?

6. What kind of housework do you like / dislike?

7. Do you have a dishwasher?

8. How often do you do the laundry?

9. Do you stretch? How often? Do you like to stretch?

10. How often do you vacuum the apartment?


Are you a cleaning lady? Tell: what do you have to do?

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My shopping habits

I work from Monday to Friday. Then I don't have time for commissions

to do. I always go shopping in the supermarket on Saturday mornings. Then I have time. Unfortunately, there are

a lot of people there and I often have to wait a long time at the checkout. That

is a bit stressful. In the supermarket I find everything I need: everything to eat, drinks, dairy products, laundry

and cleaning products. There is also one

Bakery and a butcher shop. That's practical.

I also regularly go to the organic shop to buy fresh fruit and vegetables. When

I have leave, I also go to the market. There I can buy good cheese, fresh eggs and flowers. That's fun for me.

I buy my furniture either at the station - there is a nice and modern furniture store there - or I order my

furniture on the Internet.

I never go to town to buy clothes. It is quite expensive. But I go to Solden twice a year. Then I can do

good business.

Most of the time I go with a friend to Germany or France to buy clothes and shoes. It's usually cheaper there.

Of course, I also buy a lot of things on the Internet, for example: sports clothes, books, mobile phone accessories,

furniture and also gifts, etc.


go shopping, run errands, go shopping at the supermarket, buy clothes

a shop = a business

Clothing store, organic store, shoe store, newspaper store, market, furniture store,

Bakery, butcher, sports shop, go to the sale,

do good deals, buy gifts


practical, expensive, cheap, stressful, nice, fast, long wait, interesting, a lot, little

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I write about my shopping habits:








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My shopping habits - questions

1. How often do you do commissions?

2. When do you go shopping?

3. Where do you go shopping? (on the market, abroad, in a large

Grocery store…)

4. What do you buy there?

5. Do you like shopping?

6. Who do you usually go shopping with?

7. Do you also buy things on the Internet? If so, what?

8. How often and where do you buy clothes?

9. Do you go to Solden?

10. Where do you buy presents? (on the Internet, in the city, abroad....)

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means of transport

I work as a photographer in a company in the city. I also live in the city

that's why I mostly use the bike to go to work. This is practical and cheap. If the weather is
bad, I take the bus. This is also practical, but
a ticket is relatively expensive and it takes me longer to get to the office. I also sometimes
have to go abroad for my work, for example to Paris,
Zurich and London. I use the plane to go to London and Zurich. But I always take the train to
Paris. With the TGV I get directly to the center and that
is practical. But the TGV is expensive.
I use the car on weekends to go shopping and for trips abroad
to do with my family. We regularly go to Metz on Saturdays. Metz is a beautiful city and it is
easy to find a parking space. Unfortunately, sometimes it is a lot
Traffic on the highway and then we are stuck in a traffic jam for a long time. That's annoying.

I am happy that we can now use the tram here in Luxembourg. I find that
better than the bus.
I have three children and a dog, so we always go on holiday by car.


Car, bicycle, train, bus, plane, tram, motorcycle, ship

to walk

a parking space = a parking lot

a bill, a ticket, a subscription

a bike lane, the bus stop, the train station, the airport

the petrol, the gas station

drive, fly, go, park, use, take, wait... on adjectives:

convenient, fast, slow, expensive, cheap, punctual, regular, dangerous

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I write about: Means of transport I use


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Means of transport - questions

1. Where are you from now?

2. How did you come to INL today?

3. Do you have a car? Describe your car!

4. What means of transport do you use to go to work?

5. How do you usually go on vacation?

6. What means of transport do you use in your free time? (on the weekend, to go shopping

go to travel abroad....)

7. Do you have a bicycle? Do you use the "blue" bicycle of the city of Luxembourg?

8. What means of transport do you still use?

9. What advantages does the plane / the tram have?

10. Do you also sometimes walk?

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I was born in England and my mother tongue is of course English. I still learned Spanish at
school. And so I speak English fluently
and Spanish. I am married to a Russian woman. I understand Russian but I don't speak Russian.
My wife and I speak English at home. I have lived since 3
year in Luxembourg and now I am learning Luxembourgish. Unfortunately, it is not easy to
speak Luxembourgish regularly here. At work we speak English
or French and our neighbors also come from abroad. However, I speak Luxembourgish in the
bakery and at the bank.
I always read the news in English but now I also try to read some articles in
Luxembourgish. I also listen to Luxembourg Radio
to expand my vocabulary. My children go to school and they now understand Luxembourgish
well. I sometimes speak in Luxembourgish with other parents.
I am also in a sports club, in the tennis club, and there I can hear a little Luxembourgish
but I don't dare to speak it yet.


I speak well / a little / fluently + language, for example: I speak e

little Italian
I don't speak any + language, for example: I don't speak French
my mother tongue is …,

speak a language, learn, understand, listen I read in

Luxembourgish,... I listen to Luxembourgish radio, me
watch TV in English
I am talking at home …….

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Languages - questions

1. Where are you from?

2. What is your mother tongue?

3. How many languages do you speak?

4. What languages did you learn at school?

5. What language do you speak at home?

6. Since when have you been learning Luxembourgish?

7. What motivates you to learn Luxembourgish?

8. When and where do you try to speak Luxembourgish in everyday life? (work,

shops, post office, bank, friends, neighbors, courses, radio ……)

9. What do you think: Can one learn a language through the media?

10. What do you think: Is it important to speak more languages? For what?

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Healthy living

Text 1
Health is an important issue for me. At the office I sit in front of the computer all day. But I
want to stay fit and that's why I do 3 times a week
Fitness. I try to spend my free time in nature to reduce stress, for example: if the
weather is nice, I go cycling at the weekend or
I go for a walk in the park or in the forest with my family. In the winter I like to go to the sauna
or the swimming pool twice a week. And that's how I stay fit.

Text 2
Until today, I never paid attention to my health. But now I'm retired and I think it's important to
live healthy in retirement. Unfortunately I have a few
Problems with my back and therefore I have to go to the doctor regularly for check-ups. He
says I should take care of my health. Of course I fit in perfectly
watch what I eat. For the past three years, I've only been eating organic vegetables, a bit of fish
and very little meat. I'm also trying to eat less sugar but that's not the case
always easy. I don't like to do sports but I go for a walk in the fresh air every day.


health, being healthy / living / eating, being sick, taking care of

health, a healthy diet, making a regime
go to the doctor (family doctor), go for regular check-ups, I have to go to the
blood test, measure the blood pressure, headache, backache, stomachache
Relieving stress, having a flu, a cough/cold, an illness
Taking medicine, I often/rarely/never feel bad, have something like that

Do fitness, do sports, keep fit, go in the fresh air, go for a walk, ride a bike, have to, want to,
take off

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What do I do for my health?


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Healthy living - questions

1. What do you do for your health?

2. What do you do to stay healthy?

3. What do you do to stay fit?

4. How do you take care of your diet?

5. What products do you buy / not consume?

5. Do you do sports? (What sports, how often, when, with whom, why...?)

6. Do you go to the doctor regularly? At what kind of doctor? For what?

7. Are you often sick? What do you have then? (something like having, not being well, illness)

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My town / My place of residence

Text 1
I work in the city, but I have been living with my wife in an apartment in Hesperange for
three years. Hesperange is a village and it is not far from
away from the city. I have good connections to the city. I usually go to work by bus. I like living in
Hesper. Our apartment is close to the forest and it
is quiet there. Our neighbors are very friendly. Unfortunately, there are no shops nearby. I have to
take the car to go to the center. Then there is the community and there is one
Post office, a bank, a bakery and several restaurants.

Text 2
For 5 years I have been living with my family in Belair in a house with a garden.
I really like the neighborhood. I feel safe there. Everyone knows everyone.
Our neighbors are quiet and friendly. And I also think it's great for the children.
The school is nearby and my children walk to school. There are also two playgrounds, a
large park, a bakery and a small grocery store nearby.
Unfortunately, I have to take the car to work. I work in Kirchberg and the bus connections are
not ideal.


I live in an apartment, a house, a studio, in a residence, the neighborhood / city is quiet, well
located, the apartment is right on the main road
I live near the city, 20 kilometers away from the city,
the neighbors are friendly, sympathetic, quiet, make a lot of noise, often party
the connections to the city / to work are good / bad - I take the bus, the
Train, the blue bike, the car, I walk
Nearby is: a school, a park, shops, a playground, the municipality, a restaurant ...

Ride a bike on the bike path, run/walk in the park, with the neighbors
Summer barbecues, walking into town, being active in a club, going to the playground
going to

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How and where do you live?


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My town / My place of residence - questions

1. Where do you live? Page when?

2. What kind of housing is it?

3. What can you do in your neighborhood/village? What activities?

4. Is there a club/several clubs or a club?

5. Are you a member of a club?

6. What kind of shops are there? Are there also restaurants/cafes?

7. What can you do there with children?

8. What do you like about your neighborhood / village / city?

9. What don't you like about it?

10. How are the connections from your place of residence to work / to the city?

11. What are your neighbors like?

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My family

I am Anna. I am married and have two children, one boy and one girl. My

The man's name is Jacques. My son, Tom is 6 years old and my daughter, Julie is 9 years old. They both go
to primary school. I am not working at the moment. My husband

works as a manager in a small company. My parents live in Poland and my

In-laws in Germany.

We visit my parents and my in-laws during school holidays. At Christmas my parents come to Luxembourg to
celebrate Christmas with us. In the summer

the children spend part of the holiday with their grandparents.

I have one sister and one brother. They both live in Poland and are married.

My husband has two brothers. One is married and has two sons and the other is divorced. Tom and Julie
have two cousins and three cousins. They live
all abroad.


My parents: my father, my mother

My grandparents: my grandfather / grandpa, my grandmother / grandma my brother /

My siblings: my brothers, my sister /

my sisters my son / my
My children: sons my daughter /

my daughters my
my parents-in-law: father-in-law, my mother-in-law

My uncle / my uncles, my aunt, my aunts,

My cousin / my cousins, my cousins, my cousins

My nephew / my nephews, my niece / my nieces

my grandchild / my grandchildren

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I write about my family:


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My family - questions

1. Are you married? If yes: present your partner:

a) Name
b) Age
c) What is her/his profession?
d) His nationality

2. Do you have children? If yes: introduce your child/children:

a) Name b) Age c) School / Nursery / Profession

3. Talk about your parents:

a) Where do they live?

b) What is their profession? c)

How often do you visit your parents/family? d) When
do you visit your parents/family? e) How often do
your parents/family come to Luxembourg?

4. Do you have siblings? If so: introduce them:

a) Name
b) Where do they live?
c) Family situation d)
What is their profession

5. Do you have aunts and uncles? If so: how much?

6. Do you still have family here in Luxembourg? If so - introduce them!

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My everyday life

I always wake up at 6:45 in the morning. I then get up and go to the kitchen.
At 7:00 am I drink coffee. After that, around 7:30 am I wake up the children. Then I take a
shower and at 7:40 I get ready for work.
At 7:50 my husband takes the children to school and I go to the office. Around 8:25 a.m
I usually arrive when there is not too much traffic.
First, I turn on the computer and read my emails until 9:15. After that I work until 10:30.
Then it's time for a coffee break.
I usually take my lunch break from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m. Most of the time I eat a sandwich or a salad
at the office. Once a week I go with colleagues from
Office and eat in the restaurant.
In the afternoon, after 2 pm, I often have meetings and then I still work
computer or call clients, or work on a project.
At 17:45 I finally stop working. Then it's closing time. I'm driving
straight home and are home around 6:30 p.m.

Most of the time, my husband cooks dinner and we eat together with the children around 7:00 p.m.
After dinner, the children go to bed. Then my husband and I can rest
Watching TV or we talk to each other a bit or surf the internet.

Around 22:30 we finally go to sleep.


first, then, after,

against ... o'clock, until ... o'clock, after ... o'clock, between ... and ... from... to... o'clock
o'clock, early, later, comfortably, quickly, finally, finally
usually, sometimes, often, mostly

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1. A typical working day in the week (you don't have children)

morning, lunch break, afternoon, evening, night

Morning activities:

wake up, get up, drink coffee, get ready, leave, go to work

a) at the
office: start working, send emails and write,
prepare a meeting, organize meetings, participate in a meeting,
Advise customers, call, help, and contact them(nn) with customers
work on a project, develop a project prepare or
complete a file, make an appointment
take a coffee break, have lunch, eat with work colleagues, eat in the canteen, go for a walk,

stop working, drive home

b) before work or after work:

do sports, do a leisure activity, go shopping, go to a class,
Read or listen to the news, cook dinner, have a drink with friends
walking, going to a restaurant, going out, watching TV, surfing the Internet, music

2. A typical working day in the week (you have a family)

morning, lunch break, afternoon, evening, night

get up, prepare and drink the coffee, dress the children, get ready, drive away,

taking the children to nursery or school, picking them up

Doing errands, doing the housework, working at home, sports or a hobby
to do,

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meet a friend, visit, cook lunch, pick up the children

go, do homework, play together,

doing a leisure activity, going to the playground, taking care of the children,

prepare dinner, eat together at night,

take a shower, brush your teeth, put the kids to bed

talking with my partner, watching a movie, resting, reading, stretching,

surfing the internet, listening to music

I write about my daily life:


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My everyday life - questions

In the week

1. What time do you get up in the morning?

2. What do you do in the morning until 9 o'clock?

3. What do you do between 9 and 12 o'clock? (Time, activities, occupation, family...)

4. What do you usually do between 12 and 2 pm?

5. What do you do in the afternoon between 2 and 6 pm?

6. What do you do after work?

7. What do you do after dinner (dinner)?

The weekend

1. What time do you usually get up on Saturdays/Sundays?

2. What do you like to do on Saturday mornings? (Time, activities, family...)

3. What do you like to do on Sunday mornings in the summer? (Time, activities, family...)

4. What do you like to do on Sunday mornings in the winter?

5. What do you usually do on Sunday evenings?

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Social contacts

I am Sofia. I am married and have two children, one boy and one girl. My

The man's name is Jacques. My son, Tom is 7 years old and my daughter, Julie is 9 years old. We have
been living in Luxembourg for 6 years, namely in Sandweiler.

I come from Hungary and my husband from Belgium.

Our neighbors are nice and have children too. In the summer we sometimes grill

together in the garden. They are all foreigners, so we speak either English or French and unfortunately no

Once a year we also organize "fête des voisins" and that is always great for new people
get to know people.

In Sandweiler there are several sports clubs and clubs. Both of my children go to scouts on Saturdays. The
scouts organize many activities and therefore we are often a

Contact with other families from Sandweiler. Then we can also speak a little Luxembourgish. I regularly go
to the fitness studio in Sandweiler. I know a

few people there and usually we talk a little together.

There are also some nice playgrounds in Sandweiler and I often go there on Sundays

my children. The children then play together with other children.

I also like to meet a friend in the city to go shopping, zum

For example, on Saturday afternoon, we go to the river or the Knuedler to have a drink or an ice cream

On weekends we like to invite friends. We then cook something good and spend a pleasant evening.
Or we meet friends for Sunday lunch

going for a walk together or going to the cinema.


talking / grilling with the neighbors - meeting a girlfriend / a friend / friends -

Friends/relatives visit/invite

be in a club - go to a course (cooking course, language course) - and e

go to sports club

go to the playground with the children / go to a village festival go to a concert with friends / go to
the cinema / go to a restaurant / go for a walk

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I write about my social contacts:


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Social contacts - questions

1. Where are you from?

2. Page when did you live here in Luxembourg?

3. Do you have contact with people from your village/neighbourhood?

4. Are you in a club?

5. What activities do you / your children do?

6. What do you do with friends at the weekend?

7. Do you go to events (music festival, concert, theater, cultural event ….)?

8. Are you in contact with other people here in Luxembourg? What do you do together?

(Neighbours, work colleagues, friends....)

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My hobbies/leisure activities

I like doing sports. Wednesday evening and Sunday morning I go with a friend
My husband often goes to the swimming pool with the children on Sunday mornings.
In the evening after dinner I don't like to watch TV, but I like to read books or I
listen to music. Sometimes I also surf the Internet.
At the weekend we like to go cycling with the children, of course when the weather is good.
On Saturday mornings we often go to the market to shop and then eat at the restaurant.
Sometimes we go to the Philharmonic to listen to a concert.

On weekends I also have time to cook. I like to cook. We would like to invite you
Friends for dinner. Or we meet friends in town for a drink.

In the summer I work a lot in the garden. When the weather is nice, we do too
love an outing with friends. We then go off and grill outside all day.
In winter we prefer to stay at home. We play board games with the children or we go for
a walk in the forest. Sometimes we also go to the cinema.


go to a concert (the Philharmonic...), go to the theater, go to the cinema

go see a play, go see a movie

go to the restaurant, go shopping in the city

Playing board games, reading books, listening to music, taking pictures

playing the piano

The weekend:

take a trip, go abroad


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work in the garden, relax

Invite friends, meet friends, visit family

go shopping, have a drink, cook


Play tennis, play soccer

to be in a club/club, to play in a team

go to winter sports, go skiing,

Cycling, ice skating

Do fitness, do yoga, go to the swimming pool

swimming, running, dancing, riding

to train

I write about my hobbies


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My hobbies/questions

1. What do you like to do during the week after work?

2. What activities do you like to do outside in the summer?

3. Who do you spend your free time with? (alone, with my family, with


4. What do you like to do on the weekend?

5. What are your hobbies at home?

6. Do you do sports? If so, what sport do you play? (When?, How often?,

With whom?)

7. How often do you do this? (often, sometimes, every weekend, Sunday morning...)

8. Are you a member of an association/club?

9. What do you like to do in your spare time? What are your favorite hobbies?

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My vacation

Like every year, I drive with my family from mid-July to the end of July
Southern France. This year we are renting a house with a swimming pool for 4 people. The house

is about 10 kilometers away from the beach. We always spend our holidays in the south of France either by the
sea or in the countryside, for example in Provence.

On vacation, we always drink coffee together in the morning. I go to the bakery fresh

Buy baguettes and croissants. After that we often go to visit a city or we leave
the market to buy fresh fruit and vegetables. Sometimes we just stay in the house

to relax and the children can play in the swimming pool.

At noon we like to eat a local specialty in a typical restaurant.

If the weather is good, we go to the beach in the afternoon and stay there all afternoon. Children love to
play in the sand and in the water. I like to read on the beach

and also like to go swimming. My husband plays a lot with the children and also rests.
During the holidays we usually grill in the evening. That makes us a lot of fun. Nom

After dinner we often play a board game or cards or we go for a walk.


book, reserve, plan a holiday

fly by plane, drive by car

spend a holiday: we spent our last holiday in Italy.

Spending time with ...: during the holidays I spend a lot of time with the children.

every year, like every year, like every summer

go to the mountains, go to the sea, go to the beach

make a round trip, go to the family

go to a hotel, rent a house/apartment, go camping,

to see the area, to visit a city

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stay overnight: in Barcelona we spent the night in a brilliant hotel

depart, arrive, return,

Doing sports, swimming, snorkeling, cycling, skiing

go for a walk, hike: we go hiking in the mountains

sunbathing, reading, grilling, cooking, playing, talking to each other

relax, relax, do nothing

to see, to see something, to visit

I am writing about my vacation


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My vacation - questions

1.Where do you usually go on vacation?

2.How do you usually go on vacation? (Car, plane, train, bus ....)

3. How many times a year do you go on vacation?

4. When are you going on holiday?

5. How long are you staying on vacation?

6. When do you prefer to go on vacation? (summer, winter...)

7.Who do you usually go on vacation with? (alone, with my family, with


8. What activities do you do on vacation? (do sports, go for a walk,

Visit places & cities, rest and relax...)

9. What is your inspiration for going on holiday?

10. Do you also do winter sports?

11. Where did you last go on holiday?

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My work

I have been working in Etude Weiten for 6 years. I am a lawyer by profession and that's it

my first place.

My office is on the 3rd floor and my two colleagues are Anne and Claude. The Claude
is a lawyer and Anne is our secretary.

Claude and I take care of the affairs. Our specialty is financial law and

we have many customers from abroad. We prepare the clients' files and therefore we do a lot of research on the


We are always in contact with the customer, by phone or email. We see

us often to discuss the details and also to advise the customer. That's a

important part of our work.

I like my job very much. I find them very interesting though sometimes

also stressful.

Anne works part-time and only for me and Claude. She takes care of our appointments with clients, organizes our trips,

makes a lot of phone calls

also does the administrative work, such as writing and sending emails and invoices, classifying files, etc.

Anne must be flexible and reliable. Anne's job is quite stressful because she always has a lot to do!


the profession = the work = the job

the company = the company = the society

a department, a service, an area

work half a day, have half a task, work 40 hours a week, have a full task

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flexible working hours, sharing one's time, regular working hours working in a team, managing a


working on a project, a collaboration

have, prepare, schedule meetings,

be in contact with the customer
advising a client

be in charge of = be responsible for

take care of

Produce product(s).
sign a contract

be self-employed: I became self-employed 3 years ago have service: I have service at the

weekend (eg a doctor, a nurse...).

to be free, to have leave

I write about my work:


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My work - questions

1. What is your occupation? / What do you do?

2. Where do you currently work?

3. Since / Since when do you work there?

4. How do you go to work?

5. How long does it take you to get to work?

6. What time do you start working? / What time do you stop with


7. What do you do at your workplace? (Describe a typical day!)

8. How do you find your job? (interesting, stressful, boring....)

9. What does your company do?

10. Do you have to travel abroad regularly for your job?

11. How is the atmosphere at work?

12. How long is your lunch break?

13. Do you sometimes have to work overtime?

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Eating habits in Luxembourg

The three main meals in Luxembourg are: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

What do Luxembourgers eat in the morning with coffee?

In the morning, many Luxembourgers eat a spread with butter, jam, honey, cheese or
ham. Some people also eat snacks, for example: a croissant, a chocolate roll, a figure of
eight...etc. Other people prefer to eat fruit and muesli or yogurt. To drink there is coffee, tea,
chocolate milk, juice or

What does Tania eat for breakfast:

I have been living in Luxembourg for 3 years, but I come from Germany. Coffee is very
important to me. I usually eat bread with white cheese and honey or jam. I drink a cup of
coffee with milk. On the weekend I often eat scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs with sausage


What do Luxembourgers eat for lunch?

Luxembourgers traditionally eat a hot lunch between 12 and 1 am. Sometimes there is a
soup as an entree. The main course is usually meat or fish with potatoes and vegetables.
There is often a small salad.
Some people eat a dessert afterwards, for example a piece of cake and drink a cup of

What does Henri eat for lunch:

I have an hour lunch break. I usually go to the canteen with some colleagues to eat. The
food tastes really good there. We can choose between meat, fish and Italian specialties.
There is also a large buffet with different salads every day. For dessert I often have a
chocolate dessert. It tastes especially good to me. Sometimes I just have a fruit salad.

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What do Luxembourgers eat at night?

In the evening there is a light meal, usually bread with cheese and charcuterie. They also drink
water, beer or a cup of coffee.
However, many people these days don't have much time at lunch and just eat a sandwich.
Those people then eat hot in the evening.

What does Markus eat at night:

I get home around 19:00. Then I eat with my family right away. In the evening, we always
have schmieren (various types of bread) with butter, cheese, charcuterie. The children are
also sometimes allowed to put chocolate butter on the smear. In the winter we also like to
eat a warm soup.
We drink water or tea and I also like to drink a beer.

de Kaffi = breakfast (engl) / le petit-déjeuner (fr)
Drink coffee = to have breakfast / prendre le petit-déjeuner
e Kaffi = a coffee (engl) / un café (fr)
a habit = a habit (engl) / une habitude (fr) the coffee, the
lunch, the dinner
a meal, a meal, a dish, the
main course, the entree, the dessert
a smear with butter, jam, honey a metsch = a
coffee cookie
e Paangech / vill Paangecher = a pancake (engl) and a crêpe (fr)
Muesli, fruit, yogurt, white cheese, a fried egg, eggs
Meat, chicken, fish, vegetables, potatoes, puree, salad, pasta, rice
Charcuterie, ham, sausage, cheese, bread, rolls, toast,
Soup - pumpkin soup, vegetable
soup, a piece of pie or cake, a fruit salad, an ice cream
Water, tea, coffee, chocolate milk, lemonade, juice, beer, wine
Verbs: eat, cook, grill, bake, heat, drink, taste

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I write about my eating habits:


© Luxembourgish with Anne. All rights reserved.

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