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The literary techniques dichotomy, juxtaposition, and allegory are present in the

story. The line “Love and large-hearted giving, when added together, can leave deep
marks. It is never easy to cover these marks, dear friends—never easy” is a dichotomy.
The author used this technique to depict the central message and meaning of the story. It
depicts that giving something so important because of love is a sacrifice. It is a sacrifice
because you are giving up something so valuable to you that it gives you pain. Pain that is
intense enough to leave a mark on your heart and mind. In the story, Jim has sacrificed
his watch that is valuable to him to buy something special for his beloved wife, Della.
Della has also sacrificed her hair that she treasures to give Jim a special gift for Christmas
as well.

The line “Its value was in its rich and pure material. Because it was so plain and
simple, you knew that it was very valuable” is a juxtaposition. The two are ideas that are
being compared are “rich and pure” and “plain and simple.” The author used this
technique to put emphasis on the gold watch chain so that readers will be able to
understand the reason why Della decided to buy it. The line describes how one's value
cannot always be seen by how one is superficially deemed. People or things are more than
what can be seen on their surface and facade.

Allusion to capitalism is also present in the story. It can be seen in the parts:

“It was a gold watch chain, very simply made. Its value was in its rich and pure
material. Because it was so plain and simple, you knew that it was very valuable,” and

“For there lay The Combs—the combs that Della had seen in a shop window and
loved for a long time. Beautiful combs, with jewels, perfect for her beautiful hair. She had
known they cost too much for her to buy them.”

Because of the capitalism in our society, people are made to think that they’re
value is depending on how much they can afford. The author used the literary techniques
effectively because these techniques has made the story's message more impactful. The
techniques have also helped in understanding the story in a deeper sense.

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