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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 7 Issue 1, January-February 2023 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Research Review of the Development of Supply Chain Finance

Lu Ying
Beijing Wuzi University, Beijing, China

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Lu Ying

As a new financing mode, supply chain finance has been highly "Research Review of the Development
concerned by the public in recent years. This paper systematically of Supply Chain Finance" Published in
combs the relevant literature on supply chain finance, reviews the International
relevant research in the field of supply chain finance from the five Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
perspectives of the concept definition, development stage, financing
and Development
mode, economic consequences and risk management of supply chain (ijtsrd), ISSN:
finance, and discusses the deficiencies in the current research and 2456-6470,
possible research directions in the future. This paper can help Volume-7 | Issue-1, IJTSRD52755
scholars grasp the characteristics, development context and research February 2023,
status of supply chain finance, better understand the application pp.758-763, URL:
scenario and role of supply chain finance, and find future research
Copyright © 2023 by author (s) and
KEYWORDS: supply chain finance; development stage; financing International Journal of Trend in
mode; risk management Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Supply chain finance starts from the supply chain as a economic consequences, and risk management, with a
whole, integrates logistics, capital flow, information view to exploring the direction of further research in
flow and other information according to the scenario the future. The research in this paper can provide
of supply chain management, and builds a financial valuable reference for the theoretical and practical
supply system and risk assessment system that development of supply chain finance related fields,
integrates core enterprises and upstream and and help scholars grasp future research opportunities.
downstream enterprises in the supply chain based on
II. Definition of supply chain finance
real transactions (Li H, et al., 2019) ,which can
In 1998, Hartley proposed the design of accounts
quickly respond to the comprehensive needs of
payable model and supply chain financing system. In
enterprises in the supply chain such as settlement,
2000, Timme first proposed the concept of supply
financing, financial management, etc., and focuses on
chain finance. Later, Hofinann raised the connotation
solving the financing difficulties of small and
of supply chain finance to a theoretical level. He
medium-sized enterprises. Therefore, it was widely
believed that supply chain finance is a process in
recognized and actively promoted by financial
which multiple participants coordinate and cooperate
institutions at the beginning of its launch.
with each other to promote the flow of funds in the
With the development and continuous improvement supply chain and create common value (Hofmann E,
of supply chain finance, scholars' research in this field 2005). Michael believes that core enterprises are at
is also expanding and deepening. At an important the core of the supply chain. All enterprises in the
juncture in the development of supply chain finance, supply chain can exchange and trade with the core
this paper analyzes the development context and logic enterprises as the medium, avoiding many complex
of the existing literature by searching the relevant links and reducing the trade costs between enterprises
literature on supply chain finance, and summarizes (Michael L, 2007). Chen and Hu believe that supply
the relevant research results from the five chain finance is a bridge linking small and medium-
perspectives of supply chain finance: definition of sized enterprises and banks, and can increase the
concept, development stage, financing mode, value of enterprises in the supply chain by reducing

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52755 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 1 | January-February 2023 Page 758
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
the risk of supply and demand mismatch in the enabling effect of modern information technology on
financing process(Chen and Hu,2011).From the supply chain finance is mainly reflected in the fact
perspective of financial services, supply chain finance that the transaction activities at the asset end of the
is generally regarded as short-term financing of supply chain can be truly and transparently reflected,
enterprises (Gomm, 2010; Hu Yuefei, 2007), a the value demands of multiple customer entities in
financing solution based on supply chain transactions multiple scenarios can be identified in a timely
to solve the financing difficulties of small and manner and effectively resolved, and the debt-creditor
medium-sized enterprises (Xia Taifeng, 2011). relationship at the capital end is more clear (Song
Hua and Yang Yudong, 2019).
In general, the research on supply chain finance is
mainly divided into two categories, namely "financial "Blockchain+supply chain" finance is still at the
view" from the perspective of finance and "supply initial stage of implementation. In the future, with the
chain view" from the perspective of supply chain. popularization of blockchain technology in the supply
Scholars' research on supply chain finance starts from chain and the improvement of the level of enterprise
supply chain financing, which is the initial digitalization, digital supply chain finance based on
combination of supply chain and finance, and also the blockchain technology will become a more efficient
basic function of supply chain finance. and inclusive financial support means (Gong Qiang et
al., 2021).
III. Development stage of supply chain finance
Since the 1970s, the division of production has IV. Financing mode of supply chain finance
shifted from within enterprises to between With the increasingly diversified and refined supply
enterprises. Under this change, a core enterprise is chain finance development model and service types,
required to coordinate with different enterprises in the there will be more integrated supply chain finance
whole production process, and the supply chain service models in the future. At present, there are
emerges as the times require. At first, supply chain three common supply chain financing modes:
management focused on logistics and information accounts receivable financing, inventory pledge
flow, while ignoring capital flow (Hofmann E, financing and prepayment financing. Accounts
2005).At the end of the 20th century, entrepreneurs receivable financing means that enterprises use the
and scholars discovered the overall financing cost of accounts receivable in the signed sales contract as the
the supply chain caused by global outsourcing repayment source to obtain funds (Lu Qihui et al.,
activities. Core enterprises and financial institutions 2012), which has become a powerful magic weapon
began to pay attention to the financial management to alleviate the financing difficulties and expensive
process of the entire supply chain. Supply chain problems of small and medium-sized enterprises (Xu
finance, an innovative financial model, emerged at Yuanyuan and Li Changqing, 2022);Inventory pledge
the historic moment. financing refers to that an enterprise uses its own
inventory as collateral, transfers it to a third-party
The practical development of supply chain finance
logistics company for management, and then loans to
can be divided into four stages. The first stage is the
financial institutions (Li Yixue et al., 2007). Recently,
traditional supply chain finance led by financial
a new application model of inventory pledge under
institutions, the second stage is the online supply
the blockchain framework was proposed according to
chain finance led by industrial enterprises and
the underlying basic framework of the blockchain (Li
coordinated by financial institutions, the third stage is
Bingkun, 2022);Prepayment financing refers to the
the platform supply chain finance of multi-agent
fact that suppliers and purchasers cannot provide full
professional cooperation, and the fourth stage is the
payment to suppliers due to the lack of working
supply chain finance enabled by financial technology
capital of purchasers in the process of purchasing
(Li Jian et al., 2020).
goods, and financial institutions participate in the
With the emergence of new technologies such as big procurement process to make the procurement
data, the Internet of Things and cloud computing, process smooth (Xiao Di et al., 2014), mainly to solve
more and more researchers begin to focus on the the problem of capital shortage faced by small and
application of new technologies in the supply chain medium-sized enterprises providing services to large
finance field. The progress of science and technology enterprises when conducting stable and long-term
will provide strong technical support for the trade with large enterprises.
development of supply chain finance. Blockchain
technology helps to solve the problems of information V. Economic consequences of supply chain
asymmetry and credit crisis in financial transactions finance
Supply chain finance has improved the efficiency of
and improve the supply chain financial ecological
the use of supply chain information resources by
environment (Chu Xuejian and Gao Bo, 2018).The

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52755 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 1 | January-February 2023 Page 759
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
building a long-term partnership network and forming of supply chain capital flow. Subsequently, scholars
an open information resource sharing model (David began to realize the risk of capital cut-off in the
and Wuttke, 2013).Supply chain finance extends the supply chain. Rafael and Javier designed some
credit evaluation and risk bearing of a single entity business operation specifications and risk
from a single node to the whole chain of the supply management measures by studying the business
chain, which effectively balances the financial process of supply chain financing to try to avoid
availability between upstream and downstream market risk and moral hazard in supply chain
enterprises and core enterprises, thus solving the financing. Barsky and Catanach have conducted a
inefficient resource allocation dilemma of traditional multi-angle study on the risk of supply chain
finance (Haitao, 2019). financing, and believe that the commercial financing
closely related to logistics finance is different from
The research on the economic consequences of
the traditional credit loan. When conducting risk
supply chain finance mainly focuses on easing the
control on this business, the risk control concept
financing constraints of small and medium-sized
based on subject access is changed to the risk
enterprises. The credit creation mechanism of supply
management concept based on process control
chain finance has become an effective means to solve
(Barsky and Catanach, 2005).
the credit shortage of small and medium-sized
enterprises and reduce the financing costs (Zhang Lu, Supply chain financial risk can be divided into overall
2019), providing a new way to solve the financing supply chain financial risk and supply chain financial
difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises. specific risk. Among them, the overall supply chain
Compared with traditional bank lending, supply chain financial risk is divided based on the risk sources of
finance can effectively reduce the information supply chain finance (Li Yixue, 2011), and the online
asymmetry before and after the loan by obtaining supply chain financial risk assessment based on the
transaction information and transaction credit, using third-party B2B platform (He Shengxuan and Shen
relationship embedding and business closure, and Songdong, 2016).Specific risks of supply chain
adopting the combination of post-loan result control finance include credit risk (Fan Fangzhi et al., 2017)
and process control, so as to improve the financing and collateral price risk (Wang Jianhe Juan, 2016).
availability of small and medium-sized enterprises, Chen Baofeng et al. proposed a model to measure
reduce financing costs, and ultimately improve their value risk and studied the value risk measurement of
financing performance (Song Hua et al., 2017). At the inventory pledge financing business (Chen Baofeng et
same time, supply chain finance can promote the al., 2007).Niu Xiaojian, Guo Dongbo and others
digital transformation of enterprises by reducing proposed the supply chain financing risk management
information asymmetry and transmitting good market system and risk measurement model for bank credit
signals, mitigating financial constraints and extension by using the Credit Metrics model,
strengthening financial stability, improving total revealing the risk degree of supply chain financing
factor productivity and increasing innovation output (Niu Xiaojian and others, 2012).In order to reduce the
(Zhang Lina et al., 2021). shortage that most of the current supply chain
financial businesses rely on expert evaluation, some
Although existing studies have focused on small and
scholars put forward a credit risk evaluation system
medium-sized enterprises, the important role of core
considering the subject rating and debt rating from the
enterprises in supply chain finance cannot be ignored.
perspective of commercial banks, and established a
Supply chain finance can significantly improve the
credit risk evaluation model using the principal
technological innovation level of core enterprises
component analysis method and Logistic regression
(Ling Runze et al., 2021), improve the operational
model (Xiong Xiong et al., 2009);Some scholars have
efficiency and financial performance of core
also established a model to evaluate the risk of
enterprises (Song Hua et al., 2021), and accelerate the
accounts receivable under the supply chain financial
speed of enterprise capital structure adjustment (Pan
model by comprehensively using expert judgment,
Ailing et al., 2021).
credit scoring and Bayesian network methods (Xiao
VI. Risk management of supply chain finance Kuixi et al., 2011).
Compared with ordinary commercial loans and
By reviewing the research on supply chain financial
commercial credit, supply chain finance has higher
risk management, we can find that the research on
risks because of its particularity. The key to the
supply chain financial risk management is changing
success of supply chain finance is to effectively
from qualitative discussion to quantitative
control risks.
measurement. However, the current quantitative
The initial research on supply chain risk (Christopher research usually starts with the specific factors of
M and Mena C, 2011) mostly ignored the risk control

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52755 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 1 | January-February 2023 Page 760
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
supply chain finance and analyzes the impact of these research needs to pay more attention to risk control of
factors on the risk of the entire financing business. the entire supply chain financial ecosystem.
However, there are few studies that use the mature There is still a lot of research space and opportunities
and structured risk measurement model to in the research of supply chain finance. With the
comprehensively quantify the overall risk of supply emergence of new technologies such as big data,
chain finance. Internet of Things and cloud computing, more
VII. Summary and prospect attention should be paid to the research direction of
With the continuous development of supply chain "Internet plus+supply chain finance" in the future. In
finance, the research related to supply chain finance is addition, the concept of protecting the earth's
also expanding and deepening. This paper combs the environment and building a green ecosystem is
relevant research from the five perspectives of supply becoming more and more clear in the world. Green
chain finance, including its concept definition, supply chain finance will be a development direction
development stage, financing mode, economic in the future, and the existing supply chain finance
consequences and risk management, and finds that will also gradually shift towards the direction of green
there is still room for further expansion and sustainability. Green supply chain finance is to
improvement in this field. integrate the concept of green finance into the supply
chain in order to achieve environment-friendly in the
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD52755 | Volume – 7 | Issue – 1 | January-February 2023 Page 763

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