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Owena House, Plot 76 Ralph

Shodeinde Street, Central Business

District, Abuja.
Tel: +2349047587359

Our Goal
At SpotView, we recognize the importance of “environment” and having the right surrounding factors
with regards to achieving our clients’ desires in actualizing creative business and work ideas. That is
why we are dedicated to providing and continuously improving the right environment, workspaces,
facilities, equipment, tools, staffs and services that our clients need to achieve those ideas and provide
their services with maximum comfort and productivity. You have the business, work or ideas, we
provide the right environment and workspaces you need to work with them. You have the services, we
provide the right equipment and facilities you need to provide your services, with our focus continually
fixed on your comfort and increased productivity.
Currently, we offer highly equipped ready-to-use office spaces for business owners and workers. We
aim to expand by, providing suitable spaces for other purposes as we grow, while maintaining our
interest in providing the best services and environment to all our clients.

Our Services
 24/7 Electricity
 Air conditioned environment
 Security
 Cleaning Services
 Parking Space
 Elevator
 Office Management Services
 Reception Services
 Coffee and Beverages
 Washroom
 Kitchen

Administrative/Usage Policies
 All office equipment should be handled and used properly. Any misuse of office equipment
might attract withdrawal.
 Cleanliness of office environment should be maintained at all times and waste bins should
always be used for disposal of waste materials.
 Office work hours are open from 8am to 5pm every workday.
Owena House, Plot 76 Ralph
Shodeinde Street, Central Business
District, Abuja.
Tel: +2349047587359

 Office keys should not be taken out of office premises. Keys should be handed over to the
facility manager when leaving the premises.

Payment Policies
 Payment must be made first before any official move-in is done.
 Lease duration shall be on per month or per year basis.
 Office space lease renewal should be done a week (at the latest) before end of current lease
period. Office entrance would be locked at the end of last day of current lease period if no
renewal is made.
 All payments should be made to the company account –- Account No: 1214261423, Account
Name: SpotView, Bank: Zenith Bank.

Health & Safety Policies

 SpotView shall take all reasonable measures to ensure the safety, health and welfare at work of
all clients in fulfilment of its moral, legal and economic responsibilities.
 It is a function of SpotView management to provide the right environment under which work
may be carried out safely.
 Every client is expected to be involved in safety matters and report any unsafe equipment or
dangerous situation to the facility manager.
 SpotView has a good health and safety record and the co-ordination of every client is necessary
to ensure that standards are maintained or improved wherever possible.

Data Security Policies / Privacy Policies

 SpotView is strongly committed to establishing and maintaining adequate and effective security
measures to ensure that the confidentiality, integrity and operational availability of information is
not compromised.
 All information shall be protected from unauthorized access and misuse.
 Confidentiality of information shall be ensured.
 Integrity of information shall be maintained by both SpotView and its clients.
 Information disclosure shall comply with regulatory, contractual and legal requirements.
 Physical, logical, environmental and communications security shall be maintained by
management and all clients.
 Any password or other sensitive information associated with a client or user must not be
disclosed to any other person.
 Dispose of information shall be done in an appropriate and secure manner when it is no longer in
Owena House, Plot 76 Ralph
Shodeinde Street, Central Business
District, Abuja.
Tel: +2349047587359

Cancellation & Refund Policy

 SpotView currently do not enable refunds or cancellation after payment is made. This policy
might differ for special cases as viewed by the company management.

Visitors Policies
 All visitors must arrive at the reception desk for proper sign-in
 Sign-in must be done electronically using the QR code system located at the front desk
 All visitors must be received by their host client at the front desk before entry into the
 Visitors with vehicles are encouraged to use the parking spaces available in the parking lot.
 Visitors must sign out prior to leaving the work premises.
 In the event of an emergency, it is the responsibility of the host client to ensure that the visitor is
taken care of. The facility manager or admin staff shall assist when necessary.

…creating comfort zones

Dated: ________________________________


______________________________________ ____________________________________
Authorized Signature Authorized Signature

______________________________________ ____________________________________
Print Full Name and Title Print Full Name
Owena House, Plot 76 Ralph
Shodeinde Street, Central Business
District, Abuja.
Tel: +2349047587359

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