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Arati – Vs- Nil.


( Passed on 15.04.2023 )

Perused the application, documents on record,

order passed below Exh.1 in M.J.C.No.544/2021 dtd.

2. It is seen from the record and Aadhaar card and

Pan card of Sweta d/o. Ashok Tannirwar @ Sweta w/o. Amit
Chintawar that her name is Sweta d/o. Ashok Tannirwar @
Sweta w/o. Amit Chintawar, but in order passed in M.J.C.
no.544/2021 dtd. 12.07.2022, it has been inadvertently
mentioned as Shweta Ashok Tannirwar. Hence, the error
apparent on record in the name of applicant no.2 Sweta
needs to be corrected. Hence, following order is passed.
1] Application is allowed.
2] Name of applicant no.2 be corrected as Sweta d/o.
Ashok Tannirwar @ Sweta Amit Chintawar, instead of
Shweta Ashok Tannirwar.
3] Application stands disposed off accordingly.

( S. P. Rachkar)
Date: 15/04/2023. 2nd Jt. Civil Judge (Jr.Dn.)
Nagpur Nagpur
I affirm that the contents of this P.D.F. file of Judgment
are word to word, as per original judgment.

Name of Stenographer : R. W. Vindane,

to, 2nd Jt.C.J.J.D. Nagpur.

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