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Senior essay submitted to the school of educational and behavioral sciences, department of
psychology, in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of bachelor art (B.A) in


Lemi ketema

May, 2016

Aksum Ethiopia


Senior essay submitted to school of educational and behavioral science department of

psychology in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of bachelor art (B.A) in


Beshewa w/Mariam

Advisor name

Hagos Atsebha

May, 2016

Aksum Ethiopia

Student’s exposure to drug abuse and its psychosocial consequence of drug abuse
in case of Wollo university.


Beshewa w/mariam

Approval of broad of examiners

1. Advisor

Name……………………………. signature ……… date …………

2. Examiner

Name …………………………… signature…………. Date…………..

Table of Content

Contents Pages

List of table…………………..……………………………………………………………………………ii

Acronyms and abbreviations………………………………………………………………………………iii



1.1 Background of the study---------------------------------------------------------------------------------1

1.2 Statement of the problem--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.3 Basic research questions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.4 Objectives of the study ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.5 Significance of the study --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.6 Delimitation of the study--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.7 Limitation of the study--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1.8 Operational definitions of key terms------------------------------------------------------------------




3.1 Research Design.........................................................................................................................

3.2 Research Site .............................................................................................................................

3.3 Sources of Data..........................................................................................................................

3.4 Population, Sample Size and Sampling Techniques....................................................................

3.5 Instruments of Data Collection...................................................................................................

3.6 Procedures of Data Collection....................................................................................................

3.7 Method of Data Analysis............................................................................................................

3.8 Ethical Considerations...............................................................................................................


4.1 Personal background of respondents…………………………………………………….

4.2 Respondents of student ……………………………


5.1 Summary……………………………………………………………………………………….

5.2 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………….

5.3 Recommendation………………………………………………………………..……………..

References ……………………………………………………………………………………….


Appendix A. Questionnaire for students

I am honored to take this opportunity to thank many people who have helped me in this research
preparation. This has been an unbelievable journey that I will never forget. I would like to thank
and acknowledge the following:

It is with great respect and honor that i acknowledge the guidance, support and wisdom of my
advisor, Ato Hagos Atsebha. Thank you for all your intellectual comments, words of
encouragement, regular discussions and support throughout my graduate courses and this senior
essay preparation.

Thanks to all my friends for their support and encouragement. My thanks also go to all the
student and teacher respondents from the department of sport science, for your cooperation, time
and effort.


This study designed to investigate the student’s exposure to drug abuse and its psychosocial
consequence in the case of Aksum university students. By using simple random sampling method
27 female and 25 male students had been selected. The data collection instrument was
questionnaire. Descriptive research design had been used and the data organized and analyzed
by quantitative, i.e simple descriptive statics method. That is, percentages and frequency would
be used to condense the gathered data. The number of male and female respondents was equal
and all the respondents were completing the questionnaire appropriately.




1. Introduction

1.1. Background of the study

In recent years, many of the problems of drug abuse are made an impact on attention of the
public and have cause international and national concern. Drug addiction continuously produces
psychological and physiological impact. When a person has a strong dependence up on drug,
he/she will go to any extremes to obtain the needed drug, primarily as of stimulation (Elydon,

There are many causes why individual take a drug. Among them, there is adult status and their
need to confirm to social pressure exerted by other adolescents. Many studies shows that
adolescence who live in areas where either parents use drug or individual need his environmental
appear to the role to begin drug taking (Cue et al., 1994).

Similar report of united Nation revealed that drug abuse controls have out lined peer pressure,
ignorance & alienation. Drug abuse appear to influenced by a combination of dimensional
factors such familial genetic influence and cognitive factors which are directly or indirectly
related to psychological factors (UN drug abuse control, 1985).

According to the young segment of the Ethiopian population, College and University student are
the one who are at risk of using alcohols and other drug such as chat and tobaccos. Most often
stimulant drug are increasingly used by college and university student as a means to improve
academic performance, independence from family control, self making and peer pressure push to
drug abuse (Kassayem et al.,1999). Currently many drug abusers encounter various problems
caused by drug. Drug abuse relates to subjective experience. First of all, it uses as pleasurable
and increasing range from acclaiming effect to as state in which a person’s perception of the
world around him/her are disorganized and changed (Wallis, 1978). In addition, the use of
alcohol, chat tobacco by colleges and university students can be harmful that might lead to
psychological distress and depression, decreased academic performance, increased risk of
contracting by HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (Kebede et al., 2005).

In order to eliminate or at least reduce drug abuse at a gross root level, it needs a great deal of
concern. Because, adolescents university students, the productive member of society, are the one
who was responsible for the well-being of the society in the future. So they deserve special
attention in relation to drug abuse. Accordingly, this research would focus on identifying
students’ exposure to drug addiction and its psychosocial consequence among 3rd year Aksum
University students.

• Statement of the Problem

Studies show that the key risk period for drug abuse was mainly during the transition to
individual live (Alminger, 1995). A particular challenging situation in late adolescence was
mainly they start to live out of home for the first time without parental supervision, perhaps to
attend college or other schooling. Due to this reason, substance abuse particularly alcohols
remains a major health problem for college students (Alemsinger, 1995). Furthermore, during
adolescence, drug and alcohol abuse was associated with a host of other problems. Young people
who abuse and use alcohol are more likely to experience problems at school like experiencing
psychological distress and depression, engaging unprotected sexual activity and become
involved in dangerous or deviant activity including crime delinquency and tribally (Irwin, 1986
& 1997). The use of drug among adolescents can be harmful. It exposes students to legal
repercussion and jeopardizes their environmental at the university, which again has an important
implication for the health and well being of the general population; should be identified as a
crucial group for preventing substance abuse (Kebede, 1995).

Therefore, this research aims to find out students exposure to drug abuse and its psychosocial
consequences in Aksum University 3rd year students. Because most of these students in this
university are drug dependent. The researcher observes that some students are unable to read
without taking a drug and they couldn’t attend regular classes properly. Having this in mind, at
the end of this study the following research questions were addressed.

• What is the level of students’ exposure to drug abuse?

• What are the psychosocial consequences of drug abuse of Aksum university 3rd year students

• Objective of the study

• General objective of the study

The general objective of this study was focused on identifying the level of students’ exposure to
drug abuse and its psychosocial consequences among 3rd year students in the colleges of social
science and languages and school of education and behavioral sciences of Aksum University.
• The specific objective of this study
More specifically, the objectives of this study are;
• To identify the level of student exposure to drug abuse?
• To indicate the psycho social consequences of drug abuse Aksum university 3rd year
• Significance of the study
Among the most serious factors which harmfully affect adolescents’ life in our society, drug
abuse is the leading one. Therefore, the study becomes important to reduce the prevalence of
drug abuse by pointing out the most problematic areas. Specifically, the student researcher
hopes that the study would have the following benefits;
• The students to drug abuse and the most possible prevention programs in order to prevent
at a grass root level.
• It may provide information about harmful effects of drugs for these whom reads this
• The findings of the study and recommendation would help to the concerned body to
formulate strategies to solve student’s problem related to drug abuse.
• The findings of this study would used as a reference material for further studies that
would conducted on this topic
• Delimitation of the study
The main focus of the study was to assess students’ exposure to drug abuse and its psychosocial
consequences. In addition, the study was delimited to Aksum University specifically in the
college of social science and languages and school of education and behavioral sciences among
3rd year students.

• Limitation of this study

There are no recent findings in Aksum University context related to the issue under

• Operational definitions of terms

In this part, basic terms and concepts are operationally defined.

Drug: chart, shisha, and cigarette.

Drug abuse: mala adaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically and personally
significant impairment or distress.

Psychological factors: are this factor related with individual to word using drug and his/her own
initiation or curiosity to experiment the effects of drug.

Social factors: are those factors associated with peer pressures.


• Review of related literature

• General information about drugs

Any substance which applied to the skin, swallowed in healed or injected and affects body
chemically can be called a drug. Even those drugs given by medical persons can be harmful if it
is in correctly used. There are variety of drugs and chemical substance that are most often
abused. Their existence also varies from one to another. It storing them have been employed
(James Walis, 1973).

Psycho active drugs are substances that alter perception, mood, tinkling, memory or behavior by
changing the body’s biochemistry. Around the world and thought history, the most widely used
drugs have been tobacco, opium, cocaine, peyote, and of course ten and coffee (Siegel, 1989).

• Types of drugs

According to James Wails (1973), categorization there are three types of drugs; drugs which
have action is predominantly sedatives, drugs which have an action an action predominantly
stimulant and drugs which have and is predominantly hallucinogenic.

• Sedative drugs

Sedative drugs are drugs which have a powerful pain relieving action and which also produce
alternation in consciousness, especially drowsiness it includes barbiturates. The drug used to
promote steep and to produce mild state of day time sedations. In barbiturate dependence always
occur physical dependence usually occur in case where the dosage exceeds ordinary level and
when it take over a period of months when this happen physical dependence is sever an very
dangerous (James 1973).

In general there are different results of abuse (addiction; increased dosage needed for effects.
Impaired motor and sensory function, impaired permanent storage of new information with draw
was symptoms. Such as nausea, abdominal cramps, sleep problems, possibly concussion, coma
and death specially when taken with other drugs (Siagel. 1989).
• Stimulant drugs

Stimulants, such as cocaine, amphetamines, met ram phentermine hydrochloride, nicotine and
caffeine; speed up activity in the central nervous system in moderate amounts.

They tend to produce feeling of excitement, confidence and well being or euphoria in large
amounts, they failure and death (James Wallis, 1973).

In Ethiopia one of the known stimulant drug is chat; which is deserved as a shrub or small tree
(Sebsebe, 1984); a special of a plant celesta cease. It often grows to a night of about seven feet
(Llill, 1965). It is probably indigenous to Ethiopia, but how grows in eastern and southern part of
African (Sebsebe, 1984).

The leaves of a plant called chat, have been chewed to produce a sense of well being and relief
from fatigue. Today, modern derivatives of chat are used to make amphetamines; a class of drug
to treat attention deficit (hyperactivity) disorder and appetite suppressant for weight control or
obesity (Susonnoien, 1997).

• Hallucinogenic drugs

Hallucinogenic drugs are so named because of their special effect which is to produce in people
quite found a mental alternation in their perception of outside world. Cannabis is usually in
including in this group of drugs. The effects of include feeling of anxiety. Mood elevation; it can
cause hallucination a sense of unreality or distorted perceptional these drugs also can be
dangerous in their ability to alter the perception of the user. For example; a person who is
intoxicated with a hallucinogen my perceive danger when there is none and to think that situation
are truly dangerous. This misperception can result in dangerous behavior (like jumping out of
window because the individual thinks they are kidding on an elephant that can fly physical
dependence doesn’t occur but there may be quite marked psychological dependence (James
Wallias, 1973).

• Condition of drug abuse in Ethiopia

The use and abuse of alcohol and psycho active drugs is not new phenomena and its significance
for different societies and at different time in history both psycho active drugs and alcohol have
traditionally been part of medical practice and religious rites (Who in 1992).

Drug abuse problem is increasing in alarming rate. It has been the problem of industrialized
countries but late some developing countries. Especially in urban centers have been experiencing
it (Andargachew, 1988).

Ethiopian has also experience the problem the use of drugs such as chat, tobacco and marijuana
is not in Ethiopia, also is believed to be indigenous. However, but now a days chewing the leaves
of this shrub is becoming a common practice among most member of the society, especially the
youth (i,e the productive members of the society). Now a days, though no reliable information is
available its believed that other drugs too are widely used among different age and sex groups.
Especially in high school, colleges and universities (Ayalew and Seyum, 1995).

Regarding the magnitude of the problem (Andargachew Tesfaye, 1988) stated as follows. There
is very little information regarding the extent of drugs use in Ethiopia. It has been rum bared for
long that drug like hashish use people around monasteries. But no specific information is

On the other hand, Seyum & Ayalew (1995) claimed the emergence is due to two factors; the
coming of Rastafarian in to Ethiopia in early 1960’s and the ordinary farmer grow the hemp
among other crops in some part of the country.

• Initiating factors for drug abuse

The etiology of substance use and abuse is multi factorial, among this psychological, social,
environmental, cultural as well as genetic factor are cull determinates or substance use. For the
typical teenager drug experimentation may occur in social or peer setting, but the abuse or
problem use of drug is generated by internal distress, limited life opportunities and un happiness
(New comb &Benter, 1989), in other words, the evidence that adolescent use of drugs for social
reason, but abuse drugs to cope with stress, loneliness, antisocial behavior, family conflict,
school failure and other personal and social problems (Hawkins Listner & Cataleno, 1987).

On the other hand, when parents or siblings are heavy users of alcohol or recreationally use
illegal drugs, youth are more apt to use substance as well (Baumrid, 1987 & howkins, et al 198).
Also drug availability is clearly related to use higher rates of drug use occur. Availability from
their addicted friends also makes them get used to drugs. Moreover, adolescents are more likely
to experiment with everything that they found new.

• Psychological factors

Dorn and Thomson (1976) argued that our attitude is responsible to our behavior and that a more
anti drug attitude make drug use less likely that under pins much current drug education. also it is
from their perception of drug that certain individual hold positive and other may hold negative
attitude towards drug.

In line with, Hindmarch, (1975) stated that the whole world personality factor as well as
environmental factors can be explored by attitude. By investigating individuals attitude in as or
belief system. We are essentially taking in to account that the role environmental factors as well
as intrinsic variables such as personality, motivation and perception.

Doob, (1968) has contended that an attitude is implicit correlated of an objective that is over
behavior pattern Campbell (1965), has also claimed that attitudes are internal main gestations of
behavioral dispositions. Further in relation to drug use; Hindmarch (1975) argued that, since
individual attitude in as from work is his/her behavior world. It is possible to conclude that
certain individuals maintain their cognitive integrity by adopting an attitude framework which
prohibited either an attitude frame work or an escalation of drug on the other hand there are
individuals who tend to maintain cognitive consistency by altering their attitudinal framework to
fit their own behavior in the external situation and to continue to use Drugs (Dom & Thomson,

• Social factors

From social factor that attached to drug taking, parental factors are the leading one. Children
who exposed to drug from early age begin imitating the action of their parents. This condition
may cause children to be victim of drug abuse also children from drug abuses parents. Are more
likely emotionally similar with their parents. They took their parents as a model and their
personality is influenced (Sue etal, 1914). In line with the above argument. Bandura (1988)
argued that, individuals learn new behavior from observation and imitation of significant others.

Adolescence acquires their belief about experimenting substance use from their role models,
especially their friend’s siblings and parents.

On the other hand, family and partner conflict tends to increase a risk for substance abuse. The
national house hold survey in the united states found that adolescent who argued with their
parents at least several times a week to were more likely to have used marijuana in the past year,
than those who argued with their parent’s one a week to once month (Lane, 2000).

Accordingly, adolescents why take up the habits were their desire for adult status and their need
to conform to social pressure exerted by other adolescent. In striving for status and self-
assurance adolescent may initiate by their parents or famous people. (Sue eta. 1914).

• Cultural factors

Substance abuse and addiction problems increase, increase, not only people fail to learn how to
take drug in moderation, but also when they move from their own culture of origin in to another
that have different substance using rules (Westermeyer, 1995). In most Latino cultures, such as
those of Mexico and pure to recon, drink and drunkenness are considered male activities. Until
they move in to an Anglo environment when their rates of alcoholism rise (Conino, 1994).

In most places of Ethiopia, drugs like chat chewing is deeply rooted cultural practices and that it
has its own ceremonial rituals. Although, chat is chewed by followers of various religion, while
most chewer are Muslims who tend to associated chat with dictates of Islamic religion (Mesfin,

• Environmental factors

There are different factors associated with environmental such as, drug availability, drug
trafficking patterns and beliefs that drug abuse generally tolerated are the main factors that can
influence young people to start to abuse drugs. Initial drug abuse can also influenced by where.

Drugs are offered such as parks, streets schools, homes or parties. Additionally, drug may be
offered by different people including; for example sibling, friends or even parents (Disnion, et al,

In the Ethiopian context drug chat used with no legal restriction and is believed to be indigenous.
However, its use was restricted to specific ethical religious groups in some parts of the country.
But now a days chewing of the leaves of this shrub is becoming a common practice among most
members of the society, especially the youth (i,e, the productive members of the society).
Though no reliable information is available, it is believed that other drugs too are widely used
among different age and sex groups, especially in high school, colleges and in university
(Ayalew & Seyum. 1995).

Accordingly, students use drugs mainly for concentration and facilitation of memory and only
few use it for relaxation. Through cultural factors account for the use of drug in chat producing
areas, other factors such as unemployment, peer pressure and lack of recreational facilities where
the main reason for the use of drugs. Besides, the cultivation of chat for export has contributed to
its widest domestic use (Tesema. 1992).

• Psycho social consequences of drug abuse

During adolescence drug and alcohol abuse is associated with a host of other problems like the
experience psychological distress and depression, to engage in unprotected sexual activity and to
become involved in dangerous or deviant activities including crime (Irwin, 1988 & Jaser, 1877).

Many psychologists Kike clinical psychologists other experts of the development and treatment
and psycho social problems in adolescence typically distinguish two broad categories of problem
in adolescence typically distinguish two categories of problem internalizing disorders and
externalizing disorder (Achenbach & Edelbroke, 1987).
Internalizing disorders are those in which the young person’s problems are trend in ward and
manifested emotional and cognitive symptoms such as depression, anxiety or psychosomatic
disturbances. Externalizing is orders in contrast, are those in which the young person’s problems
are turned out ward and manifested in behavioral problems (some writers use the expression
“acting out” to refer this set problems). Common externalizing problems such as delinquency,
deviance, sexual promiscuity and violence (Donovan & Jessar, 1985).

Although, the distinction between internalizing and externalizing disorders is useful for
organizing information about psychological problems in adolescence it is important to bear in
mind that some adolescence experience problems in both domains simultaneously. That is some
adolescences in who engage in delinquency also suffer from depression (Cantwell & Berers.

In line with drug using has been reported as prominent social problem, including frequency
quarrels, breaking of family ties neglecting of education, waste family recourse, encouragement
to prostitution the spread of theft and other crimes (eta. 1978). While, one of important
development task of adolescence is to learn how others cope with stress, conflict and frustration
includes development of cognitive, social and vocational skills and the establishment of
interpersonal relationships with peers and adults. Failure to master these essential development
demands during adolescence because of repeated escapes in to the world of drug, leaves young
person’s ill prepared to meet the additional demands or responsibilities of adult hood (Buamerian
& Mossele, 1998 & New Comb Abdbentter, 1988).

• Gender difference drug use

Different societies and cultures expect facilitates role for women that put them at fore front of
caring for and nurturing others often at the expense of their own needs. In addition, a high
percentage of women who suffer for addition have experienced physical or mental abuse. As a
result too many women today turn to drugs and alcohols to feel (Hanley. 1996). From any early
age men tend to have an order admitting a problem and tend to exaggerate the importance of
their success and reams. They prefer to have targets and goals to motivate themselves. When
deprived of their basic emotional need and live structure, these unfettered circumstances can lead

men to comfort themselves with alcohols and drugs. For some, that initial feeling of drug
induced well being becomes physical addition (Hanley, 1996).


• Research methods

• Research design

The study would use descriptive survey research design with quantitative research methods.
Because this helps to describe an existing phenomenon by using words or numbers to
characterize individuals or groups.

• Study area

The study was conducted in Aksum university 3rd year student of Aksum town. The study area
was found in central zone of Tigray region which was 1024 Km away from Addis Ababa to the
northern part of the country.

• Population of the study

The target population of this study was Aksum university 3rd year students in college of social
science and language and school of education and behavioral science. From the departments that
present under this college, the student researcher selected four departments. From these
departments the researcher took 3rd year psychology, Journalism, History and Geography
students. The reason for taking third year students is that they would near and available for the
researcher and also due to cost and time saving that help to gather information easily.

• Sample size and sampling technique

In selecting sample size, the study was used probability sampling technique i,e, simple random
sampling technique. The reason was to give equal chance and avoid bias from selecting the
samples. the researcher take 12 sample from 3 rd year psychology department, 13 student from
Journalism, 11 students from History and 16 students and from Geography was selected by
using simple random and totally 52 sample were selected for this study.

• Data collection instrument

Data was collected from sample respondent, through close needed questionnaires based on
objective question. The questionnaire prepared by English language in order to receive full
information from the respondents.
• Data collection procedure
In order to collected the necessary data the following procedure was used. First ask the
department to prepare the formal later (means formal permission from department) and the
student researcher would prepare and select the sample from the target population.

Second before the questionnaires would distribute, the respondent would inform about the
purpose of the researcher to the participants and gain their willingness to participant voluntary
then distribute the questionnaire. Finally interoperate the information gain or collect from the
sample subjects.

• Data analysis

In this study the data was analyzed by descriptive statistics method. After collecting the raw data
from administered questionnaire, it was analyzed by quantitative method which includes
percentage and frequency distribution table. The questionnaires contain only close ended, it also
analyze by quantitative method.
• Ethical consideration

While conducting the study the research would follow major research ethical considerations to
gather data from participants. The researcher would obtain the consent of the representative of
the study. The researcher would give enough information about the purpose of the study to the
respondent in order to have confidence and assure them that their data is not exposing to third
party. In addition the respondents were informed not to write their names.


4. Data presentation and data analysis

This chapter deals about the presentation and analysis of the raw data which is collected from the
participants of the study. Accordingly, the details of the analysis presents as follows.

4.1 Demographic characteristics of respondents

• Table 4.1. Personal data information

Category Item No of respondents Percentage

Sex Male 25 48.10
Female 27 51.92
Age 21-23 12 100%

The demographic characteristic of participants is displayed in table 4.1 above. So, as one can see
from the table, 48.10% of respondents are male and the rest (51.92%) of respondents are female.
From this data, we can see that more than half of the respondents are female students. Regarding
the issue of age, the same table depicted that all the participants (100%) of respondents are laid
in the age group of 21-23 age

4.2 Questions that indicate students’ exposure to drug abuse

Under this sub topic, we are going to see the level of university students ’ exposure to drug abuse.
So, the details of the analysis presents as follows.

Table 4.2. Questions that indicate students’ exposure to drug abuse

Response category
No. Items Yes No Undecided
F % F % F %
1 There is no parental supervision here so it give 23 44.23 25 46.5 5 9.61
mischance to begin using drug

2 I have higher need to experiment the effect of drug 25 48.07 23 44.23 4 7.70
so I begin it by my initiation
3 Easily availability of drug in out surrounding makes 21 40.40 25 48.07 6 11.54
me to use drug
4 My family use drug and because of this initiated to 14 26.92 35 67.31 3 5.80
use drug
5 I come from country that drug were used for 27 52 20 38.5 5 9.61
different cultural purpose
6 I believe that using drug study facilitate memory and 25 48.10 20 38.5 7 13.46
helps to understand the reading material
7 My friends initiate me to use drug 30 57.70 18 34.61 4 7.70
8 I have an attitude that drug using is assign of 15 28.85 34 65.4 2 3.85
9 Because I come from an area where drugs highly 16 30.8 28 53.85 8 15.4
experienced this gives me chance to use drug.
Total sum 196 377.07 228 436.97 44 84.67

Table 4.2 above depicts the level of students’ exposure to drug abuse during their stay in the
campus. Accordingly, as it is displayed in the table, the sum total answer of all the items indicate
that more than half of the respondents disagree with the statements displayed in the table. That is,
when we see the total answer under the category of yes and no in table 4.2 above, more than half
of the responses (228 responses) indicate disagreement with all the nine items. On the other
hand, 196 responses specify an agreement with the above mentioned statements even though 44
of them show a neutral position.

Generally, even though there are variations in every item, as the answer of more than half of the
respondents displayed, the total sum answer of the above table depicts that, third year Aksum
University students are not exposed to drug abuse.

4.3 Items that measure the psychological consequence of taking drug

This sub topic presents the analysis that deal with the issue of the psychological consequence of
taking drug. Accordingly, the analysis presents in detail as follows.

Here, it is important to note that, for the sake of analysis, the response given under agree and
strongly agree are categorized together and responses given under disagree and strongly disagree
are categorized together.

Response category
No. Items Agree Disagree
F % F %
1 I believe that student should take drugs during their study in the 32 61.6 20 38.46
2 Without drug I believe that my life is meaningless 19 36.54 33 63.5

3 I believe that taking drug like chat smoking initiate students to 23 44.2 29 55.77
perform better in their academic area.
4 I believe that drinking alcohol, smoking or taking drug makes me to 30 57.7 22 42.31
be happy
5 I believe that taking drug (alcohol, tobacco, chat) reduce the stress 30 57.7 22 42.31
level of students
Total sum 134 257.7 126 242.35

Table 4.3 above depicts the level of psychological consequence of taking drug students’ during
their stay in the campus. Accordingly, as it is displayed in the table, the sum total answer of all
the items indicate that more than half of the respondents agree with the statements displayed in
the table. That is, when we see the total answer under the category of agree and disagree in table
4.3 above, more than half of the responses (257.7 responses) indicate agreement with all the five
items. On the other hand, 242.35 responses specify disagreement with the above mentioned

Generally, even though there are variations in every item, as the answer of more than half of the
respondents displayed, the total sum answer of the above table depicts that, third year Aksum
University students are psychologically consequence of taking drug.

\4.4 Item that measures the social consequence of taking drug

This sub topic presents the analysis that deal with the issue of the social consequence of taking
drug. Accordingly, the analysis presents in detail as follows.

Here, it is important to note that, for the sake of analysis, the response given under agree and
strongly agree are categorized together and responses given under disagree and strongly disagree
are categorized together.

Response category
No. Items Agree Disagree
F % F %
1 I fell happy when my friends ask me to take drugs 16 30.85 36 69.24
2 I confirm when my friends invite me to have drink 22 42.32 30 57.69
3 I get upset if my friends do not invite 17 32.7 25 48.1
4 I am happy if my friends force me to watch move 37 71.15 15 28.8
5 I like friends who continuously walk to recreational areas than 34 65.4 18 34.6
who continuously go to library
Total sum 126 242.4 124 238.43

Table 4.4 above table show that the social consequence of taking drug students’ during their stay
in the campus. Accordingly, as it is showed in the table, the sum total answer of all the items
indicate that more than half of the respondents agree with the statements presented in the table.
That is, when we see the total answer under the category of agree and disagree in table 4.4
above, more than half of the responses (242 responses) indicate agreement with all the five

items. On the other hand, 238 responses specify disagreement with the above mentioned

Generally, even though there are variations in every item, as the answer of more than half of the
respondents displayed, the total sum answer of the above table shows that, third year Aksum
University students were social consequence of taking drug.

4.3 Discussion

This study focus on students exposure to drug abuse and its psychosocial consequence of drug
abuse in case of Aksum university specifically college of social science and language. In this
section the result of the signing are discuss in relation two literature.

All of respondents for this students are youth and most respondent are found in under the age
interval of 21-23 and also all of respondent’s 3 rd year students i.e. under graduated students. The
majority of respondents of this data are females.

Possible factors that indicate most of respondents Aksum university third year students are not
exposed to drug abuse. This study contrast to Baumrid, Availability from their addicted friends
also makes them get used to drugs. Moreover, adolescents are more likely to experiment with
everything that they found new. When parents or siblings are heavy users of alcohol or
recreationally use illegal drugs, youth are more apt to use substance as well (Baumrid, 1987).

Possible factor that measure the psychological consequence of taking drug are most of
respondents are strongly agree the believe that students should take drugs during this study in the
campus, agree with that of the believe that drinking alcohol, smoking or taking drug makes me to
be happy and agree with the believe that taking drug (alcohol, tobacco, chat) reduce the stress
level of students. Most of the respondents are believe that using drug during study facilitate
memory and help to understand the reading material. According to Tesema, students use drugs
mainly for concentration and facilitation of memory and only few uses it’s for relaxation
(Tesema, 1992).

Possible factor that measure the social consequence of taking drugs most of respondents are
agree with that of happy if my friends force me to watch moves. Most of respondent are strongly
agree with that of my friends like continuously walk to recreational area than who continuously
go to library and also most of respondents agree with that of getting upset it my friends do not
invite me to part taking in their party unlike to the above Tesema argued that cultural factors
account for the use of drug in that producing areas, other factors such as un employment, preen
pressure and lack of recreational facility were the main reason for the use of drugs.


5. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1. Summary

The man objectives of this study was to assess the students exposure to drug abuse and its
psychosocial consequence in case of Aksum university specifically college of social science of
language. This study was attempted to answer the following basic research question.

• What is the level of students’ exposure to drug abuse?

• What is the psychosocial consequences of drug abuse of Aksum university 3 rd year


The research design of this study was descriptive and the population of this study was Aksum
university students specifically college of science and language and the research select third year
social science students. From social science of language students selected four department i.e
psychology, Journalism, History and Geography selected by using simple random sample
regarding to data gathering instrument was questionnaire the questionnaire was prepared by
English language. After the data gathered the researcher analyzed by quantitative method and
qualitative by suing percentage and frequency.

Based on the analyzed and result of the study, the research summarized the main content of the
study and gave conclusion. Finally, depending in the result of the study, the researchers also give
recommendation to minimize the problem in the future.

5.2. Conclusion

This study was conducted to assess the students’ exposure to drug and its psychosocial
consequence in case of Aksum university third year students. So, based on the result of the study,
the following conclusions are forwarded.

- The answer of more than half of the participants indicates that Aksum university third year
students are not exposed to drug abuse.

- The answer most of respondents show that third year Aksum University students were
psychologically consequence by taking drug.

- The answer of more than half of the respondents shows that, third year Aksum University
students were social consequence by taking drug.

5.3. Recommendation

Based on the finding of the study, the following recommendations are forwarded.

• Even though more than half of the respondents’ answer that university students are not
exposed to drug, considerable number of the respondents agree that they are exposed to
drug abuse during their stay in the university. So, responsible bodies of the university
should give emphasis for this issue to alleviate the students from their drug dependency.

• All of the respondents in this study were youths and most of them were third year
students or undergraduate students, but this productive generation found under the
influence of drug. University administrators with the integration of low enforcements
bodies or other concerned bodies should crucial preventive action to minimize if not stop,
it the expensive availability of drug at least around the university campus.

• Implementing or strengthening the existing counseling center in order to work on drug

abuse prevention program appears to be useful for giving drug abuse prevention
intervention may include; helping students to develop alternative activates and interests,
providing information based effort in which students educated about the dangers of drug
giving life skill training because it can teacher them the way to resist social pressure to
use drugs and providing drugs.

• Most people abuse by different reason. Therefore a further research work probably by
including sufficient list of reasons or allowing people to list the reason for their drug use
appears to be very useful. Because in order to prevent such behavior at a gross root level,
it needs to address the risk factors for those behavior.

• At a national level there is an ended to embark on comprehensive drug education in

reticular to big cite. In order to make toughs a were in the rent danger and help them to
recognize the potential destructiveness of drug use for this there is a need to form and
organized body composed of educators, family association youth association, health
related organization, different mass medias, law increment bodies and other concerned
bodies at a national level.

• Thus authorities from the grass root to higher level or any concerned governments bodies
better to interfere urgently to find mechanism to make preventive action to minimize drug
abuse if not stop it.


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A questionnaire to be filled of students

The objective of this questionnaire is to assess students’ exposure to drug abuse and its
psychosocial consequence accordingly your participation is important to full fill the object of this
study. Hence I kindly request you to gives genuine answer for the questionnaire the information
that you provide will serve only for the purpose of the study and keep confidentiality additionally
it is no need to write name in the questionnaire.

Thank you for your cooperation!!

Part one:-personal data information

Direction one:- read the following questions carefully and put your answer mark right

in the point that concerns you

• Sex: male Female

• Age: 21-23 24-29 30-39

Part two:-questions that indicate student exposure to drug a bus direction two read following a
questions careful and put your answer (mark right () in the alternatives that you believe as factors
that initiate student to use a drugs.

Please read the statements given below and mark your responses under any one of the following
three categories give a giants each statement by writing a tick (√) mark on the provided space
over 1= yes 2= No 3= undecided

As I mentioned above, I assure you that the collected data will be used only for research purpose.

No Items yes No Undecided

1 There is no parental supervision here so
it give me a chance to begin using drugs
2 I have higher need to experiment the
effect of drug so I begin it by my
3 Easily availability of drugs in our
surrounding mikes me to use drug
4 My family use drug and because of this
I initiated to use drug
5 I come from country that drug were
used for different cultural purpose
6 I believe that using drug during study
facilitate memory and helps to
understand the reading material
7 My friends initiate me to use drug
8 I have an attitude that drug using is
assign of modernity
9 Because I come from an area where
drug is highly experienced this gives me
a chance to use drug

Part three:- items that measure the psychological consequence of taking drug

Instruction:- please read the statements given below and mark your response under any one of
the following your categories given against each statement by writing a tick () mark on the
provided space over 1=strong agree 2= agree 3= disagree 4= strongly disagree

No Items Strongly agree disagree Strongly
agree disagree
1 I believe that student should take drugs
during their study in the campus
2 Without drug I believe that my life is
meaning less
3 I believe that taking drug like chat and
smoking initiate students to perform
better in their academic area.
4 I believe that drinking alcohol,
smoking or taking drug makes me to
be happy
5 I believe that taking drug (alcohol
tobacco chat) reduces the stress level
of students

Part four:- items that measure the social consequence of taking drug

Instruction:- please read the statements given below and mark your responses under any one of
the following four categories give against each statement by writing a tick () mark on the provide
space over 1= strongly agree 2= agree 3= disagree 4= strongly disagree

No Items Strongly agree disagree Strongly

agree disagree
1 I feel happy when my friends ask me
to take drugs
2 I confirm when my friends invite me to
have drinking
3 I get upset if my friends do not invite
me to partake in their party
4 I am happy if my friends force me to
watch moves
5 I like friends who continuously walk to
recreational areas than who
continuously go to library


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