Chapter 1

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The problem and its setting

Collapsible ribs umbrellas with automatic closing
and opener devices are innovative and convenient
tools designed to provide shelter from rain and sun
while being highly portable and easy to use. These
umbrellas feature a unique design that allows them
to collapse into a compact size when not in use,
making them perfect for carrying in bags or pockets.

One of the key components of these umbrellas is the

collapsible ribs system. Traditional umbrellas have
rigid ribs that support the canopy and keep it open.
In contrast, collapsible ribs umbrellas have flexible
ribs that can fold inward, allowing the umbrella to
collapse. This collapsible feature enables easy
storage and portability.

The automatic closing and opener devices add

another layer of convenience to these umbrellas.
With a simple press of a button or a slide of a
switch, the umbrella can be automatically opened or
closed. This eliminates the need for manual effort,
making it effortless to operate the umbrella with one
hand. The automatic mechanism also ensures a
smooth and controlled opening and closing process,
preventing accidental injuries.

These umbrellas are typically made with lightweight

and durable materials such as fiberglass or
aluminum, which offer both strength and flexibility.
The canopy is often made of waterproof and UV-
resistant fabric to provide protection from rain and
harmful sun rays. Some models may also include
additional features like wind vents to prevent
inversion in strong gusts of wind.

The collapsible ribs umbrella with automatic closing

and opener devices is ideal for people on the go, as it
allows for quick and hassle-free use in changing
weather conditions. Whether you're caught in an
unexpected rain shower or need shade from the sun,
this type of umbrella provides a convenient solution.

In conclusion, collapsible ribs umbrellas with

automatic closing and opener devices offer a blend of
portability, ease of use, and protection from the
elements. Their innovative design and automatic
features make them a popular choice for those
seeking a practical and efficient umbrella option.


The purpose of this study is to ascertain whether using a collapsible ribs

umbrella with automatic closing and opener devices is more efficient than

using a manual umbrella.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following key questions:

1. What is Collapsible ribs umbrella with automatic folding mechanism

level of convenience?

2. What is Collapsible ribs umbrella with automatic folding mechanism

level of Durability?

3. What will be the economic value of Collapsible ribs umbrella with

automatic folding mechanism on the evaluation?


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