Group Assignment

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Marketing Management Group Assignment

Submission Date: Sene 8 & 9, 2015 E.C

1. Explain the meaning of environmental scanning. Illustrate with examples the
relevance of technological, political, economic, social, and regulatory environments
in the context of marketing strategy. How managers are involved in environmental
2. What criteria may be employed to determine the viable position for a brand in the
market? What conditions justify a company’s dealing in multiple products? Are there
reasons other than profitability for eliminating a product? Discuss.
3. Is the maintenance of a stable price a viable objective? Why? Is there a conflict
between profit and volume objectives? Doesn’t one lead to the other? Discuss. What
assumptions need to be made about competitive behavior for formulating pricing
4. What factors may a manufacturer consider to determine whether to distribute
products directly to customers? What strategic factor makes the multiple-channel
strategy a necessity for a multiproduct company? What kinds of environmental shifts
require a change in channel arrangements?
5. Will promotion-expenditure strategy for a product in the growth stage of the product
life cycle be different from that for a product in the maturity stage? Discuss. Is
comparison advertising socially desirable? Should the media decision be made
before or after the copy is first developed? Which is more effective, an emotional
appeal or a rational appeal? Are emotional appeals relevant for all consumer

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