ABOUT Ebrowser

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ABOUT CADMATIC EBROWSER VERSION 3.0............................................................................... 3

1. Updated basic properties (license is not required): ................................................................. 3

1.1. General:.................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2. PM Publish ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.3. Scenes...................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Updated advanced properties (license is required).................................................................. 3

2.1. Details window.......................................................................................................................... 3
2.2. Locate....................................................................................................................................... 4
2.3. Visualization options................................................................................................................. 5
2.4. Programming ............................................................................................................................ 6

ABOUT CADMATIC EBROWSER VERSION 3.1............................................................................... 7

1. Updated basic properties (license is not required): ................................................................. 7

1.1. General:.................................................................................................................................... 7

2. Updated advanced properties (license is required).................................................................. 7

2.1. Details window.......................................................................................................................... 7
2.2. Locate....................................................................................................................................... 7

ABOUT CADMATIC EBROWSER VERSION 3.2............................................................................... 8

1. Updated basic properties (license is not required): ................................................................. 8

1.1. General:.................................................................................................................................... 8

2. Updated advanced properties (license is required).................................................................. 8

2.1. Visualization options................................................................................................................. 8
2.2. Details Window......................................................................................................................... 8
2.3. Locate....................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4. Programming ............................................................................................................................ 8

ABOUT CADMATIC EBROWSER VERSION 3.3............................................................................... 9

1. Updated basic properties (license is not required): ................................................................. 9

1.1. General:.................................................................................................................................... 9

2. Updated advanced properties (license is required).................................................................. 9

2.1. Scripting.................................................................................................................................... 9




This document contains short descriptions of main new features of Cadmatic eBrowser.

1. Updated basic properties (license is not required):

1.1. General:
1. About window shows now product version of the eBrowser. Only file version was
shown earlier.
2. The Finnish version is now available.
3. Fixed a bug from xml parsing that in certain cases crashed ebrowser.
4. Support for drag and drop behaviour of *.ebm files.
5. Added an error message "Could not create or commit URL cache entry, last error
= %d. This may happen if user’s local cache is full. Solution is to try to empty
user’s local temporary internet files cache or resize it via IE menu command:
“IE/Options/Temporary Internet Files\" section.".
6. Fixed a bug where Look X+ command actually turns the camera to X-.
7. Default security descriptions removed from eBrowser registry key and cache
path. This applies to Windows 2000 and newer operating systems. Now when in-
stalling eBrowser everyone has the same settings and cache paths for eBrowser
models. The reason for the change was that there were computers that had mul-
tiple users and in these computers there are no common registry key for
eBrowser settings.
8. eBrowser default cache is now Windows standard. The default path points now
to "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application

1.2. PM Publish
1. Surface Shading Rules are selected from COS browser.

1.3. Scenes
1. Fixed bug from scene management. Sometimes locally saved custom scenes
were lost when model was updated.
2. Increased max value of scene's name length.

2. Updated advanced properties (license is required)

2.1. Details window

1. User can now use “web browsing” in eBrowser’s details window. This means that
user can pick up several objects into details window and then use commands ‘Back’
and ‘Forward’ in this window. Camera location is also moved when user click the
‘Back’ or ‘Forward’ button.


2.2. Locate
1. Improvements to locate command. Added support for one wildcard character
which is '*'. However this character can only be set into the beginning of search
string or into the end of the search string like '*3272' or '3272*'.

The following panel will also be used if objects with same position id are found
from the model.


2. Added menu option to set camera location near to picked object.

2.3. Visualization options

1. Fixed problems with eBrowser visualization sets. Occasionally when sets for
visualization were used there were unrelated objects shown.


2. It is possible to set objects individually transparent via context menu or via script
interface. There is a new method for that purpose. eBrowser will also support
transparent materials that are defined in SurfaceShading.cnf. The required addi-
tions to material configuration are the 'amb' and 'dif' tags that must both have 4.
parameter that should be >=0.0 and <1.0.
The closer to 1.0 this parameter is the more transparent the object will look like.
An example of brown transparent color configuration could be :
ssp TranspBrown;rgb 73 50 28;amb 0.5 1 0.5 0.5;dif 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.5;spc 1 1 1 1;
shi 80;;

2.4. Programming
1. If there are more than one object that has the same position id, eBrowser will
now create a separate list of those objects. From that list user can select which
of the objects he/she wants to locate. This list is presented in a dynamic html
form and the page is created on the fly. This page is not configurable since it is
shown by eBrowser's internal web browsing component. There won't be any new
activeX method for using this new property since the old 'mthLocateByPosition'
will be using this new property as well.



This section contains short descriptions of main new features of Cadmatic eBrowser.

1. Updated basic properties (license is not required):

1.1. General:
1. Help is updated. Added new methods and updated descriptions of the eBrowser
2. It possible to give alternative keycodes for 'ctrl' and 'shift' keys. See eBrowser
help for details.
3. Corrected 'Restore Vertical' menu command to 'Restore Horizontal'.
4. Registry setting which user can use for defining how eBrowser shows the object
detail window. This can be done by changing the value of DWORD key in
• 0 use internal browser (default)
• 1 use external browser but do not launch a new session of IE
• 2 use external and launch new IE session

2. Updated advanced properties (license is required)

2.1. Details window

1. Now it is possible to use external browser for 'Object Detail' window. See
eBrowser help for details.

2.2. Locate
1. Command 'Goto near point' is enhanced so that camera location is computed dif-
ferently. Now the camera won’t go inside the object, instead it stays a little dis-
tance away from the object.



This section contains short descriptions of main new features and fixes of Cadmatic

1. Updated basic properties (license is not required):

1.1. General:
1. Updated: Added new methods and updated descriptions of the eBrowser func-
tionality in eBrowser help.

2. Updated advanced properties (license is required)

2.1. Visualization options

1. Fixed: The sorting covered only the two top level of tree nodes.

2.2. Details Window

1. Fixed: In some eBrowser models the object index was too large and in some
cases the 'object pick' method failed and no menu where shown.

2.3. Locate
2. Fixed: The sorting covered only the two top level of tree nodes.

2.4. Programming
1. Added: There is now an Activex method to set object’s transparency. Method’s
name is mthSetObjectTransparency(string tag, VARIANT_BOOL on_off, int
id_number (default:0)). See eBrowser help for more info.



This section contains short descriptions of main new features and fixes of Cadmatic

1. Updated basic properties (license is not required):

1.1. General:
1. Added: Support for Internet Explorer 7 (beta2). Users should notice that IE7 is in
its beta phase it may be that eBrowser will not work with the final version of IE7.

2. Updated advanced properties (license is required)

2.1. Scripting
1. Fixed: eBrowser's context menu for external connector didn't work properly.

Command index was wrong and “Object Transparency” command launched the
scripted command (here “MySystem”).
An example of eBrowser scripting possibilities can be found from eBrowser Help

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