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8   You will hear two friends talking about a teacher.

        They agree that
        A   the teacher makes them worry.
        B   the teacher’s lessons are difficult.
        C   the teacher is patient.
9   You hear two friends talking about a school trip.
        What have they still got to pack?
        A   travel documents
        B   more shoes
        C   spending money
10   You will hear two friends talking about learning to play tennis.
        The girl advises the boy to
        A   practise more often.
        B   concentrate on one thing.
        C   ask his coach for help.
11   You will hear two friends talking about a website.
        What don’t they both like about it?
        A   having to pay so much
        B   the interrupted music
        C   the website’s design
12   You will hear two friends talking about jobs.
        The girl thinks the most important thing in a job is
        A   money.
        B   travel.
        C   pleasure.
13   You will hear two friends talking about their holidays.
        What did the girl NOT like about the cruise in the beginning?
        A   She got bored.
        B   She kept getting lost.
        C   She had no company.
You will hear a radio interview with a young sports star, called Michael.
20   When Michael got his first bike
        A   he fell off it all the time.
        B   he rode it whenever he could.
        C   he went for rides with his big brother.
21   What does Michael say about his cycling career?
        A   It’s always been easy for him.
        B   He almost gave up.
        C   He couldn’t have done it without his parents.
22   What is the most difficult thing for Michael?
        A   not seeing his friends very often
        B   getting up early in the morning
        C   going to the gym every day
23   What does Michael say a professional athlete must do?
        A   eat healthy food
        B   sleep a lot
        C   go to the gym every day
24   What does Michael sometimes do to relax?
        A   read a book
        B   play sports
        C   watch films
25   In the future, Michael plans to
        A   give up being involved with cycling.
        B   train young cyclists.
               C   win as many competitions as possible.

8   You will hear two friends talking about a new sports centre.
        What amazed the girl most?
        A   the pool
        B   the prices
        C   the facilities
9   You will hear two friends talking about a test.
        The boy thinks studying for a test together with the girl will
        A   help him concentrate.
        B   be more fun.
        C   make him gain weight.
10   You hear friends talking about a school theatre group.
        How did the girl feel about it?
        A   satisfied with her acting
        B   happy with the help she had
        C   hopeful of improving
11   You hear two friends talking about rubbish at school.
        The girl advises the boy to
        A   ask for advice.
        B   ask for more bins.
        C   start recycling.
12   You hear two friends talking about an article they read.
        They agree that social media
        A   wastes our time.
        B   could be dangerous.
        C   helps us meet people.
13   You hear two friends talking about the weekend.
        The boy advises the girl to
        A   cancel her ticket.
        B   put off seeing the group.
        C   go to the concert.
PART 4 You will hear a radio interview with a personal assistant called Adam.
20   What does Adam like about his job?
        A   He gets paid well.
        B   He travels a lot.
        C   Every day is different.
21   What does Adam sometimes find difficult about his job?
        A   working late at night
        B   getting up early
        C   not having a lunch break
22   What does Adam say about his career?
        A   It’s what he has always wanted to do.
        B   He’d like to be the boss one day.
        C   It started by chance.
23   What does Adam like most about his new office?
        A   the view
        B   its peace and quiet
        C   his own coffee machine
24   What does Adam say about his boss?
        A   She makes him work too hard sometimes.
        B   She is very good with people.
        C   She is too serious and strict.
25   What is Adam hoping for in the future?
        A   to stay in this job
        B   to be offered a better job
        C   to get a company car


8   You will hear two friends talking about going on holiday.
        What does the boy like most?
        A   travelling
        B   freedom
        C   nice beaches
9   You will hear two friends talking about extra school courses.
        They agree that
        A   the course must interest them.
        B   the course must help their career.
        C   the course must be about computers.
10   You will hear a boy talking about a waterskiing weekend.
        How did he feel about it?
        A   satisfied with himself
        B   hopeful of going again
        C   not very confident
11   You hear two friends talking about a book they are reading.
        They agree that
        A   it’s boring.
        B   it’s confusing.
        C   it’s a good choice.
12   You will hear two friends talking about clothes.
        The boy advises the girl to
        A   buy the two pairs.
        B   get the black ones.
        C   get the color she prefers.
13   You hear two friends talking about mountain bikes.
        They agree that
        A   the sport needs little equipment.
        B   a quality bicycle is essential.
        C   mountain biking is the most expensive sport.
You will hear a radio interview with a young clothes designer called Sally.
20   What did Sally want to do when she was 19?
        A   become a cartoonist
        B   be a successful artist
        C   work as a fashion designer
21   Why couldn’t Sally sell her paintings?
        A   Only people close to her enjoyed them.
        B   She didn’t have enough time to make any good ones.
        C   Not enough people say them.
22   While working at the clothes shop Sally
        A   realised she needed a change of career.
        B   decided to change her style completely.
        C   gained some useful knowledge.
23   How did Sally first start as a designer?
        A   She began designing for fun.
        B   She knew the right people to help her out.
        C   Her boss asked her to make some designs.
24   How does Sally feel about designing clothes for men?
        A   She has mixed feelings.
        B   She is not very interested.
        C   She is very worried.
25   What does Sally like most about being a designer?
        A   getting lots of new clothes
        B   seeing her designs in the shops
        C   earning a high salary


8   You will hear a girl talking about her illness.

        The girl advises the boy to
        A   keep away from other kids.
        B   go to the hospital.
        C   keep his hands clean.
9   You will hear two friends discussing a band.
        They agree that the band
        A   has better songs now than in the past.
        B   charges little money.
        C   offers something important.
10   You hear a boy telling his friend about a movie he saw.
        How did he feel after watching it?
        A   angry
        B   positive
        C   negative
11   You hear two friends talking about a new teacher.
        The girl thinks that the Maths teacher is
        A   exciting.
        B   boring.
        C   strict.
12   You will hear two friends talking about language learning.
        How does the girl feel about language learning?
        A   It’s interesting.
        B   It’s unnecessary.
        C   It’s good for older people.
13   You hear two friends talking about their plans.
        They agree that they should
        A   go on a tour later.
        B   spend all day on the beach.
        C   go and eat something in the morning.

You will hear a radio interview with an athlete called George.

20   When did George first get interested in athletics?
        A   at university
        B   at secondary school
        C   at primary school
21   Who has helped George most with his athletics career?
        A   his father
        B   his coach
        C   his friends
22   How did George feel when he won his first gold medal?
        A   excited
        B   tired
        C   surprised
23   What does George find difficult?
        A   training
        B   travelling
        C   being away from his family
24   What does George really enjoy?
        A   being on TV
        B   meeting new people
        C   giving interviews
25   What does George think he will do in the next few years?
        A   work for TV
        B   teach
        C   retire and look after his children

8   You will hear a boy telling his friend about his problem.
        The girl advises the boy
        A   to stop worrying.
        B   not to go alone to the concert.
        C   not to listen to his parents.
9   You will hear two friends talking about a school trip they went on.
        What did the boy like best about it?
        A   drinking coffee
        B   going shopping
        C   doing a sporting activity
10   You will hear a girl telling her friend about her accident.
        They agree that
        A   she was very lucky.
        B   she should wear her helmet.
        C   she shouldn’t talk on the phone.
11   You will hear two friends talking about an invitation.
        How does the girl feel about it?
        A   sure it will be great
        B   worried about school work
        C   certain she will go
12   You hear a girl telling her friend about her smart phone.
        What does the boy think about it?
        A   It is not really necessary.
        B   It isn’t so expensive.
        C   It takes better pictures than his phone.
13   You will hear two friends talking about a TV series.
        The boy feels that the girl
        A   is wasting her week.
        B   had better stay at home.
        C   is not being sensible.

You will hear a radio interview with a young student about learning a language.
20   Where did Anna first learn a language?
        A   at a language school
        B   with a private teacher at home
        C   at primary school
21   What were Anna’s French lessons like?
        A   enjoyable
        B   difficult
        C   boring
22   What does Anna say you should do when learning new words?
        A   learn a new word every day
        B   put the words into meaningful sentences
        C   try to memorise as much as you can
23   Anna says that in order to learn new words, you should
        A   actually use them in your everyday life.
        B   write them down many times.
        C   study them a lot every day.
24   What does Anna say about language learning?
        A   It is too hard for some people.
        B   It doesn’t require as much time as many would think.
        C   Many people go about it in the wrong way.
25   Listening to songs in a foreign language can help
        A   mostly pop music fans.
        B   any learner.
        C   only teenagers.

8   You will hear two friends talking about learning to play the drums.
        They agree that playing drums
        A   is unexpectedly difficult.
        B   isn’t as complicated as it seems.
        C   is not really music.
9   You will hear two friends talking about a river boat trip.
        What did the boy like the least about it?
        A   the water
        B   the heat
        C   the insects
10   You will hear two friends talking about revising for exams.
        The girl advises the boy to
        A   talk to his brother.
        B   make a decision.
        C   study without music.
11   You will hear two friends talking about an adventure weekend.
        They agree that
        A   the campfire was nice.
        B   they didn’t sleep enough.
        C   rock climbing was great.
12   You will hear two friends talking about a movie they saw.
        The girl thinks that the movie
        A   was too frightening.
        B   needed nice music.
        C   was not realistic.
13   You will hear two friends arranging a meeting.
        The girl thinks that first they should
        A   decide where to go.
        B   vote on a time.
        C   put up a notice.

You will hear a radio interview with the manager of a new shopping centre, Rob
20   How long has the shopping centre been open?
        A   less than six months
        B   a little more than a year
        C   about eight months
21   One advantage of the shopping centre is
        A   it’s close to the city centre.
        B   the free bus service.
        C   you can access it by car, bus and underground.
22   What problem might drivers have in the city centre?
        A   They can’t leave their car there for a long time.
        B   Parking is very expensive.
        C   Cars aren’t allowed in the city centre.
23   What is true about the play area?
        A   Children must be with their parents at all times.
        B   There will always be someone looking after the children.
        C   There are doctors ready to help if needed.
24   What can you do in the gardens?
        A   go fishing in the lake
        B   play outdoor sports
        C   row a boat
25   What is said about the zoo?
        A   The zookeepers invite the children to see the animals up close.
        B   Children can feed the animals whenever they want.
        C   It is not suitable for young children because of the dangerous animals.

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