DM No. 241 S. 2021

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X - NORTHERN MINDANAO. SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON DIVISION MEMORANDUM. No. 241 » $2021 Memorandum to: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent Curriculum Implementation Division School Governance and Operations Division Public Schools District Supervisors Elementary and Secondary School Heads All Teachers From: Schools Division Superintendent Subject: GUIDELINES ON THE REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO TEACH OR TO STUDY. Date: August 6, 2021 1. This is to reiterate RM No. 169, 2020, “Guidelines on the Request for Permission to Teach in Private Schools, All Regional Office Employees and Teaching/ Non- Teaching personnel in the Schools Division Office” and MECS Order No. 65, s. 1985, “Regulations on Outside Study of Teachers”, for teaching and non-teaching personnel who intend to teach in the private schools, SUCs and LUCs or those who want to enroll in graduate or post graduate courses respectively, to ensure that performance of regular duties is not hampered. 2. Permission to teach may be granted, provided that teaching load shall only be limited to nine (9) hours per week to be conducted only after class hours or on weekends. This shall include the teaching load for classes which are conducted through online platforms, distance learning and open university programs of tertiary schools. 3. In applying for permission to teach the following documents shall be submitted: a, Letter of intent addressed to the Schools Division Superintendent. b. Certification issued by the authorized official of the school or institution as to his/her teaching load with corresponding number of units and schedule, to ensure compliance to the maximum load limitation. c. Performance Rating for the last two years which shall be at least Very Satisfactory (VS). ‘Address: Fortich St., Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Telephone No: (088)-813-3634 Email Address: bukidnon @deped gov ph Website: |. For those who will enroll in any graduate or post graduate studies, a Permit to study shall be sought using the attached form. . Maximum study load is nine (9) units per semester, which shall be scheduled outside teaching hours or on weekends. . The following are the attachments of the Study Permit Forms to be submitted: a. Latest Performance rating for two consecutive of atleast Very Satisfactory. b. For newly hired Teachers with only one or no IPCRF, a certification from school head shall be attached stating thereof that the teacher demonstrates performance commitment that can guarantee that her/his attendance to graduate studies will not in any way impair performance of the functions. . Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance to this Memorandum is desired, ‘Address: Fotch St, Sumpong, Malaybalay Cty, Bukidnon Telephone No: (088)-813-3634 BUKIDNON Emall Address: ulidnon@ ened ov oh Website: ww Breaking Limits : get oe Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION X ~ NORTHERN MINDANAO SCHOOLS DIVISION OF BUKIDNON Date ‘THE SCHOOLS DIVISION SUPERINTENDENT Division of Bukidnon Sumpong, Malaybalay City Sir: Thave the honor to request permission to study at For the semester/summer of School Year I plan to Pursue a Degree with Specialization/major in It is understood that the provisions stipulated in MECS Order No. 65, s. 1985 (Regulations on Outside Study of Teachers) are complied with. Subject/s to enroll No. of Unit Schedule of Class/es Total Latest Performance Ratings For ‘Two (2) Years: Thereby acknowledge the fact that duly approved ‘Permit to Study’ shall be subject to RECALL if and when it negatively affects my work performance in the conduct of my regular functions and responsibilities. Very truly yours, Recommending Approval: ‘School Head APPROVED: Schools Division Superintendent ‘Address: Fortich St., Sumpong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Telephone No: (088)-813-3634 Email Address: bukidnon@deped gov. phy Website: www

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