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4 MoPpUuleE 6 Duets Duct The Nain PUrpoce — of Conditione ol Cts fom the aie conditiening egrpmen® 40 the aie di stile ction, pointe and abo to vehen the warmer dir back bo the air Conditioning egeiPment foy vecondihonug and — recivtulahon, re ducts are uscally of veclangular , equare ciccler CHOKE secon. Their material eAOy VARY fom qalvanizedk won) steol, alueminnm at copper as per a duct is to supply or which largely de, reguucemente Perde 4POW ature of enviornment, life @F duce, Initial tauestment ek, The Primacy requirements of aig conditioning duct sqsl@en aye : YY TH shout teaanemit fonvey spect: flow rate of ar to prescribed ~ Locations WY TE shout be economical in combined mittal cot, fag operating cott and cont of building Wi) Te chowd not teaamit | generate poise aloone a threchold © General vuler for duct design AY Ale should ae Conveged ay divectey AL Potlibke 4o came space, power and material, Vi Sudden changer in dinechone of ducts should be cwcided Ww] Diverging sections should be gradual . The angle of divergence chould be. below 20° Wl The aupect vatio of duct should be clove to | Zt shoutd not exceed G, VI Air velocities should be within permiscible mite to veduee noice and viroratons. Vil Duct material should be an «moot ar poscible 40 minimize — firchonal Noster , OT DESIGN The flaw of aie within a duct system 1s Produced by Yee presscare abifference exishng between different locations, The following aye the tapes of pressures iasol ued a duct sete Vl Static prescre / The preture of ar m a duct syctem — which is not dependent upon the ay movement jo known ox shatic precere Tt alia, exietd in duct yc Gr ank is denottd by P,, In 2] Dynamic ov velocity precerre The presere hich is equal to the necercang @ drop iW static prusure so that the flow of aw at given velocity is powible is known at dynamic preceure. Tr ig a meacure of kemefic enegy of air in an a steeary . Tt ie denoted by Py, S| Total preweare Tt is the algebraic sum of static and de naraie prersure. Tt i¢ denote by Pr Pp. Pat ontiaully eguation for flow of au through — duuct © 5 ea a mo Q, — o Consider the flow of air trough a duct behucen 2 coc sections 1- | & 2-2. Since mars flo vate of air through the duct ReMaint — conctant «€ mF My PALM = CAL — OD Noemalty dency of air ic astumed conctant for ais conditioning perpoces Ce = 1a kg/m? > Aw >= ALL Av = a — @> E fon Dis ROWAN Aa conhinuity equahon fe aie flowing tnioug a duck. « « Applying Bernoutli£ equation 40 section 1-1 b 2-2 of duct Pet PN PqQti = Psat fvVaX 4 AQT tHe ions > (~ Buk Mie Sky Zp Se Rey or PY, = Peat PL ot Me —) “To overcome “lhe fluid friction and often loicer a Rw Ve weguared in the ducting Syekm 80 ac to obtain qook ais diiribution in the conditioned space. When a fan ic introduced Ato the duct through, which the air iv flowing , the static & total prewures vice at that section. Thie vie < In premeere te called as Fan Total Presmure CTP). The <é evaluation of FT? 4s waportant ia selection of a suitable fay for a given agelication. “Therefore the equatOn Cam be wodified au: Pat Py + Pe = Poy t Pra t+ ee — (6) er Pee = Fan total preesere CRise A peesccene due fo fan workd PL = Sum of alt pressure lovee in a duct Prescure lass clue to fiction in duets The fictional prescure crop can be echonated using the e Darey — Weir bach equation AP = FL fyi am where, f = Feiction factor APe = Prescure loce due to friction in Nim = Hydraulic mean depth = A ef, m= By Ataalic (> BE Alco, APp = fey ey - where, Py = Dynamic [Velocity prescure e = eve = . v . a) mm of Later Ste = fu xp vw nv — oh) When ae is at temperature T'C) tin AP We given ag «(NX (29% \ fe 2) CA of HO riction factor for ere for Laminer low t= 64 Re ul For turbulat flow Fos 031g Cry Mean hydraulic depth ™ = Arca fs Perimeter For citcular duce - wie 7/4 Dt zo For vectangular duet wos ab 2 (atb) ue Equivalent diameter of a circular duct for o rectangular 4,, Even though circular ducts require he leat material for a Qiven flow cal and allowa@tte pressure olrop , rectangulg ducts ave generally prefered in practice as they earily, FE into buildltg construction and alee easy 40 fabviate The aspect ratio(a/e) of 1 comec cloic tn performance fo @ circular duct. A rectangular duct is said © be equivaknt to a civcular duct if he Volumedic tow ratte \S same ov frictional prececre drop pee unit length \s SQMe . Case TE > When the quantity of Au Pur ing through the € rectangular and civculor ducts is same let Q = Quantity of air pasting Tnrough the rectangular anck carcular ducte, a = Longer edge of cectangular oluct lo = Shorter edge of recterqular duct. p = Equivalent diameter of circular duc. Pressure lose due fo feiefion is given by _ . ate = feleve = EL ta (@ as am For circular duct , APE = ule Sth (Fy(8y° Are = fle 87%.) — ® 4 For rectangular duct, APE = fifa (fe A GS) Since Ke presseere loce SPee = friction factor, length 1 density anck Wantity of adv ik same fo woth 1» GABRING (2 & (3) Pe — Pe Ae An @ 7D = ar(latb) a) 3 re (2) cau” 64 7D = 2@te — a,3 7? ps ark —-e a = Cate > n™ p> a? b? 3 Ys e pd = sr arb 7 (at) — @ Ve e Case I When velocity of air pQssiAg farough — the rectangular \ and urcular ductr is sqme Presure loce due to friction for cicceler duct Aa Pee = £t Pav ee) — a ye Preseure lacs due fo fiction for rectangular duct e ft fev (fe) — R Sha praure lowe , velocity » Fiction factor , deneity & leegth for both luc ar same, equate ana bar, @ APeg = —— = frp Ac An aD = 2X(are) oe Dp ab D = 2 eb atb D-= a — e Cale) +N The abo equations are valid for atpect vatio(a/o) under Z, Duct derign method The purpose of decigning a duet + to seloct Surtable dhmentions of duct for each run and “then to select a fan which can provide the required cupply ais Flow vale 40 cach conchitoned —-z0Me A wypical air - conditioning duct layout is shown below, As shown i figure, the supply air from the distilouked 40 four outtete, The letters Ato denote he portions of the duct to different outlet. Thos AS isthe duct tunning fro supply air fan to zone |, The duct un with the highed presrure dyop ic calked ac the inddx run. fan ‘is From load and psyehromelie calculations the ecpured apply air flow rate f0 each conditioned space Are Known. From the building layou and the location of Supply fan, the length of each duct is puspoce of duct design of the duct for each Known . The is to select suitable dimensions ran and “Then select a fan which can provide the regiriewh supply air How rate 0 each conditioned —ZOne re are mainly three methate which are usec to design ducte Equal Friction (Peewrare As0p) methool : Tn this methed, precsure chop per unit length (aPfac) is taken to be the came for the whde sqilem , This method Ve suitable when the ducts are symmetrical since — Preseunes ave balanced , eliminating the uce of dampers Tra mre cates there are seucral branch Lines which mag not be cymmetric under uch carec the precscere drop foc the duct ic balanced with mat of main duct. The av ta the short length duets would be diccharged with high Velocity, Thus a contral damper has to be provided in order @to regulate the fow rate . 2] Static wegain method, Tn thle methed, for perfect balancing of air duct layout, the preeeere at oll outtete mut be made came, This can be done by epualizing the precere lowe in Nariout branchey, The air elocites in each fUCteceive None ove veduteck Such that the gain in static presure due to reduction in velocihy equale tt fictional pressure drop @ vo the wext duct section, “THs metkeol ix commonly ureok dor high velocity syetoms wth long duct rune, sl \elocity reduchlon method In this methed, oF te flow proceeds the Welouty decrearec, The weloctey in eect, duet im cluding the pratn duce js adjucted 17 Order to avoid noe Adnantages : i) This method is earicet among ALL methods i) The welocitier can be adjusted to avoid noice Dir adwanteges ri] A comidetarle judgement ic veguured for decicling velocity for inion total Cod ii] The methad tlm ae adopted omly Or ciinale ducting systemy PT | 3 SILA 2m bong duck pater aie at the vate of 13 "fied, Ty the fiction factor is 0.005, calculate tre presrure Lrop i, the falloong cases) When duct is ciralar of dia 270m, When duct iF 270mm squan sechou Sol® L= 12m, BS VSM +f = 0. 005 , WL When ach is circular of cliamlr 270m Hydvaulic mean depth m= B= Q.0675 y i Nelscity v= @ = bs ~ Bete 22-67 ne a 2 @.27 4 @ TAKING ate densely G2 gh? Card, = LES Vg porn 12K Wa (22-67 oe 2x 0 .06TS mm OPM y= 2741 Nim 2 274.1 = 274 mam of watey FBI D> Whea duet is SMO (0. 274 sicker) Rydrastic mean depth rime Bs 22) = 0. 067 a Nelocity of acc @ VT QQ 3 . A B2Txoa7 * 'Ts BB milk Pretiune drop CM = pusy? Dn = e008 nla K ba x (17.8 55% > ® 0. 06 7 = VEG he tease ase 17.28 non of waster

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