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This paper consists of two sections: A and B.
 SECTION A: Attempt all questions. ( 70 marks)
 SECTION B: Attempt any three questions. ( 30 marks)

SECTION A: Attempt all questions in this section. (70 marks)

1) a) The scientific name for human beings is Homo sapiens.Using this information and your
knowledge of classification,fill the missing parts in gaps below.

Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominidae
.................: Homo
..................: Homo sapiens (2 Marks)
b) The system of classification shown above is described as hierarchical.What does
this mean?
2) a) To estimate the population of crabs in a lagoon, traps were laid at random.
400 crabs were caught, marked and released into the lagoon. Four days later, traps
were laid again and 374 crabs were caught. Out of the 374 crabs, 80 were found to
have been marked.
a) Calculate the population of crabs in the lagoon. ( 2 Marks)
b) State two assumptions that were made during investigation. (2 Marks)
c) What is the name given to the above method of estimating population?
(1 Mark).

b) Name the following sampling methods:


(1 Mark)


(1 Mark ).

iii. Suggest two benefits of using sampling method named at (ii). (2 Marks).
3) Enzymes are expensive. No company wants to keep buying them over and over again if it can
be recycle them in some ways. One of the best ways of keeping costs down is to use
immobilized enzymes.
a) What is Meant by the term “ Immobilized enzymes “ ? (2 Marks)
b) Give two advantages of immobilized enzymes . (2 Marks)
c) What will happen if there are no enzymes in the cell? (2 Marks)
d) Differentiate key – and lock theory and fit induced theory. ( 2 Marks)
4) Two students visit the medical Centre with different complains. Student A told to the doctor
that whenever he/she brush teeth there is bleeding. Student B doesn‘t see well objects around
him/her, they look cloudy especially in the evening. The doctor said that they all have the
same problem, lack of vitamins. The student A will take the required vitamin supplement
every day, but the student B will take the supplement after each 2 days. What vitamin is
lacking for each of the two students? / 2 Marks

5) The diagrams below show examples of some types of specialized cells from the human body.

The cells
are not
drawn to
the same
scale. (μm


(a) Put letters in the boxes below to arrange the cells in order of increasing size (3 Marks).

(b) Below are some job vacancies for specialized cells. From the following list of cells, state
which cells would be suitable for each job numbered 1- 5. List of specialized cells: cheek
cell, red blood cell, muscle cell, leaf palisade cell, sperm cell, liver cell, nerve cell,
epidermal cell, root hair cell, cortex cell, heart cell, bone cell. (5 Marks)
Job Vacancies for Specialized Cells:

Good Communication Skills
Specialized cell with tail required. Must be able
The successful cell must be qualified to send
to swim and fuse with the nucleus of an egg cell.
electrical signals. If required, must be able to
Reply to job number 1 cover long distances.

Reply to job number 4

Urgently required
Day time hours
This post would suit a biconcave disc shaped cell
Cells required working outdoors or
which must be flexible enough to pass through
indoors. Only cells containing chloroplasts
capillaries. Required to transport oxygen from the
will be considered for the job. The
lungs to body cells. No nucleus required.
successful applicant must like working in
Reply to job number 2 sunlight.

Reply to job number 5

Experienced Cells
N.B: Use the following table to answer:
Must be able to work in the dark as these
cells are required to work underground. Job Specialized Cell
Must have a large surface area and be able number
to absorb water and mineral salts. 1
Reply to job umber 3 3

6) State where in a flowering plant you would find:

a) Lateral meristem. (1Mark)

b) Intercalary meristem. (1 Mark)

c) Apical meristem. (1 Mark)

7) a) The formula for a hexose is C6H12O6 or (CH2O) 6. What would be the formula of:
i. A triose? (1 Mark)
ii. A pentose? (1 Mark)
8) a) Discuss the statement: blood is not a true tissue. (3 Marks)
b) Use the diagrams to differentiate Simple cuboidal epithelium and Simple squamous
Epithelium. (2 Marks)

9) a) Distinguish between Glycogen and cellulose. (2 Marks)

b) What are the two main components of starch? Differentiate them. (3 Marks)

10) A five year old boy in Uganda has died from Ebola on 11th July, 2019. The boy is said to
have travelled across the border with his family from DR Congo.
a) How do you know if someone has Ebola? (2 Marks).
b) Who is most at risk of getting Ebola? (2 Marks).
c) How does the Ebola virus spread? (2 Marks).
d) List three ways can be used to avoid Ebola. (2 Marks).
11) State the property of water that allows each of the following to take place.

a) The cooling of skin during sweating. (1 Mark)

b) The transport of glucose and ions in a mammal . (1 Mark)

12) a) Describe the pathway taken by a molecule of oxygen as it passes from the atmosphere
to the blood in the lungs. (2 Marks)
b) Explain how alveoli are adapted for gas exchange. (2 Marks)
13) The diagram below shows two cells from the lining of the trachea.

a) Name Structures S, T, U and W. (2 Marks)

b) Explain:
i) Why cell P contains many of the structures labelled T? (1Mark)
ii) The role of structure U in cell R. (2 Marks)

14) The diagram below shows a skeletal muscle.Observe it and answers all questions that

a) Name the parts labeled A,B and C. ( 1.5 Marks)

b) Explain why the cell as level of organization of human body is said to be functional
unit of human body ? (1.5 Marks)
c) Differentiate between tendon and ligament. (2 Marks)


15) a) In a tabulation form, make a comparison between a light microscope and an electron
microscope. (At least five comparisons). (5 Marks)

b) In electron Microscope, light source is replaced by a beam of very fast moving:

a) Electron, b) Neutron, c) Proton, d) Photon . (2 Marks)
c) List three differences between a hand lens and a light microscope. (3 Marks)
16) The graph below shows the effect of temperature on the rate of reaction of an enzyme.

a) What is indicated by X? (2 Marks)

b) What temperature would X be for a mammalian enzyme? ( 2 Marks)
c) Explain what is happening in region A. ( 2 Marks)
d) Explain what is happening in region B. ( 2 Marks)
e) Enzymes are effective because they lower the activation energy of the reactions they
catalyse. Explain what is meant by ‘activation energy’. (2 Marks)

17) The diagram below shows a disaccharide called lactose. The carbon atoms are numbered.
You are not expected to have seen this structure before. Lactose is a reducing sugar found in
milk. It is made from a reaction between the two monosaccharides glucose and galactose

a) Suggest one function that lactose could have. (1 Mark)

b) What is the name given to the reaction referred to above that result in the formation of
lactose? (1 Mark)
c) Identify the bond labelled X in the diagram. (1 Mark)
d) Draw diagrams to show the structures of separate molecules of glucose and galactose.
(4 Marks)
e) Using the information in the diagram, is the alpha or beta form of glucose used to make
lactose? Explain your answer. (3Marks)

18) The following are examples of some foods rich in minerals.

a) Complete the following table: (7.5 Marks)

Mineral Major dietary sources Major functions Mineral deficiency


b) Answer by true or false and justify your answer: “Minerals are called essential nutrients
because they are more important than others”. (2.5 Marks)



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