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There are two parts in the test.

PART 1: Short questions

The teacher will ask students 4-5 questions. Students are supposed to give quick
responses. No time for preparation.


Students are provided with a topic or a diagram. Students have 3 minutes to prepare and 3
minutes to talk.


1. What is a computer? How many types of computers are there? List out.
A computer is an electronic device that can store, retrieve and process data based on a set
of instructions.

There are 4 main types of computers:

- Supercomputer

- Mainframe computer

- Minicomputer

- Personal computer

2. Can you give some examples about the use of supercomputers and mainframe?

Supercomputers and mainframe are usually used for complicated tasks like machine
learning, deep learning, AI and the likes related to big data.

2. What are typical components in a computer system?

CPU (processor); memory (including RAM and ROM) and peripherals (comprising
input devices, output devices, storage devices and communication devices)

3. How are the computers used in the hospitals, airports, schools, designing, farming?
· Hospitals: computers are used for supporting diagnosis, organizing appointments, calculating
bills, verifying insurance, …

· Airports: purchasing tickets, applying coupons, security, support controlling and

communication between pilots and airport staffs, …

· Schools: store students ‘data, scores, behaviors’ records; support management in education
system; security, …

· Designing: digital drawings, communication between customers and designers, searching

information to generate ideas, …

· Farming: Forecasting weather, detecting potential plants’ illnesses, controlling drones to

watering or spraying pesticides.

4. How can computers help IT students?

Computers are the main tools that every IT student needs to use. They study, code and do
their IT projects all via computers.

5. What is a server computer? What is UPS?

A server computer is a powerful computer system that is designed to manage and

distribute data and provide services to other computers, known as clients, over a network.

UPS stands for Uninterruptible Power Supply. It is a device that provides backup
power to electronic devices in the event of a power outage or fluctuation in the main power

6. What is the most important part of a computer?

The most important part of a computer is the CPU, as it is the main part which performs
data processing in a computer and controls other components.

7. Talk about two main types of memory.

There are two main types of memory:

· RAM (Random Access Memory): hold programs’ instructions and the data being used by
the processors.

· ROM (Read Only Memory): holds the programs' instructions and settings needed to start up
the computer.

8. What are peripherals? How many types? Give examples.

Peripherals refer to devices or components that are connected to a computer system to enhance
its functionality.
There are 4 main types of peripherals:

· Input: keyboard, mouse, webcam, …

· Output: monitor, printer, speaker, …

· Storage: floppy disk, USB, …

· Communication: router, switch, hub, …

9. Describe the functions of: Scanner, barcodes, ATM, printer

- Scanner: A scanner is a device that captures and converts physical documents or

images into digital format.

- Barcodes: Barcodes are used to uniquely identify products or items. With barcodes, we
can scan and retrieve information about that item.

- ATM (Automated Teller Machine): Functions of an ATM are cash withdrawals,

checking account balances, and printing transaction receipts.

- Printer: A printer is a device that produces hard copies or physical copies of digital
documents or images.

10. What is OS? List out some popular OS?

OS stands for Operating System. It is software that manages computer hardware and
provides a platform for running applications.

Some of the common OS are Windows, Linux and MacOS.

11. What is the difference between the application software and the operating system?

An applications software package does not communicate directly with the hardware.
Between the applications software and the hardware is a software interface – an operating

12. What is the most important program in an OS?

The most important program in an OS is the supervisor program.

13. What are the main functions of an operating system?

An operating system has three main functions:

1. manage the computer’s resources, such as the central processing unit, memory,
disk drives, and printers.

2. establish a user interface.

3. execute and provide services for applications software.

14. What are resident and non-resident programs?

Programs that remain in memory are called resident while other programs which are
loaded into memory when needed are referred to as nonresident.

15. What is GUI? Give an example.

It is a type of user interface that utilizes graphical elements, such as icons, windows, menus, and
buttons, to facilitate user interaction with a computer system or software application.

For example, when we use the mouse cursor to click on the icon of the app, it will start up the
app for us to use.

16. Can you talk about some features of your GUI? (For example: My network, My
computer, Recycle Bin….)

The taskbar in GUI is used to display running programs, it allows users to switch
between windows or tabs by clicking on the icons in the taskbar.

The Recycle Bin is used to store temporary data which has been previously deleted in
case of accidental deletions.

17. What is software/ hardware?

Software: a set of instructions used to perform specific tasks in a computer or data being
input, processed, and output by the computer.

Hardware: physical components of computer system which can be seen or touched.

18. What is the difference between software and hardware?

The differences between software and hardware lie mainly in their nature and functions.

Hardware are physical components of the computer such as RAM, CPU, … which
provides resources for software to perform their functionalities.

In contrast, software is intangible, and it depends on hardware to carry out its activities.

19. What is an application program? Give examples.

Application programs are programs that allow users to do various types of work in the

20. Discuss one application program for learning that you install on your phone/
One application that I use for learning is called Elevate. It has a series of mini games in 6
categories: Mathematics, Reading, Speaking, Writing, Listening, Memory. These games are
varied which help me, the user, to practice and train my brain often. The app offers a set of
training containing around 5 different mini-games and generates reports of my progress every
day. I find the app helpful, interesting, and amazing for learning English, logics and Math.


22. Match and explain these features: my Network, My computer, Outlook express,

My Network: allows users to see which computers are connected to the PC.

My computer: enables users to browse the files stored on their PC.

Outlook Express: support sending electronic mail via the Internet.

Chrome: lets the user access all the resources on the Internet.

23. List out some virus types (5==2 viruses)

Worms: Worms are self-replicating programs that spread over computer networks and can
replicate themselves without any user intervention.

Trojans: Trojans are malicious programs that disguise themselves as legitimate software. They
trick users into executing them and can perform various harmful actions, such as stealing data or
granting unauthorized access to the attacker.

Ransomware: a program that can encrypt files on your computer once infecting.

Browser Hijacking: a virus can be easily detected as it usually infects our browser and redirect
us to malicious sites.

Resident Virus: refers to a type of virus that stay resident in the memory and can be very sneaky
as it can even attaches itself to the antivirus software.

24. How to protect your computer from viruses

Install reputable antivirus software: Regularly scan your computer for viruses and enable real-
time scanning for continuous protection.
Keep your operating system and software updated: Updates often include security fixes that
help protect against known vulnerabilities.

Be cautious with email attachments and downloads: Exercise caution when opening email
attachments or downloading files from the internet. Only download files from trusted sources
and scan them for viruses before opening.

25. List out some computer crimes. (at least 5)== 2 short descriptions (spoofing,
hacking, Trojan horse, defacing, denial of service attack)
Spoofing: Tricking a user into revealing confidential information such as PIN code in banking or
social media accounts.

Hacking: Hacking refers to unauthorized access to computer systems or networks, often with
malicious intent.

Hijacking: Redirecting web traffic, altering the web default setting and forcing users to clicking
on advertisements.

Denial of Service (DoS) Attack: Disrupting a server performance by overloading it with

illegitimate requests.

26. List out some ways to protect your computer from computer crimes (at least 5)
Use strong and unique passwords.

Keep your software up-to-date: Software updates often include important bug fixes and
security enhancements that help protect your computer from vulnerabilities.

Enable a firewall: Firewalls act as a barrier between your computer and the internet, blocking
unauthorized access and helping to prevent certain types of attacks.

Exercise caution with email and downloads: Avoid opening emails or attachments from
unknown or suspicious sources, as they may contain malware. Be mindful of phishing emails
that attempt to trick you into providing sensitive information or clicking on malicious links.

Backup your data regularly: This ensures that even if your computer is compromised or suffers
a data loss incident, you can still recover your important files.

27. What is computer virus?

A computer virus is a type of malicious software or code that is designed to replicate itself and
spread from one computer to another.

28. What is JUMP instruction?

A JUMP instruction is a type of instruction that transfers the control flow of a program to a
different location in the code. It allows the program to "jump" to a specific memory address or
label, enabling the execution of instructions at that particular location.

29. What are 4 parts of virus? What are their functions?

Misdirection/Concealment mechanism: hides the presence of the virus.

Reproduction routine: copy itself to other programs known as host.

Payload: main part – perform the damage

Trigger: decides when to activate the payload.

30. What are the similarities between biological viruses and computer viruses?
Infection and Spread: Both types of viruses rely on a mode of transmission to infect new hosts.
Biological viruses can spread through direct contact, bodily fluids, or contaminated objects.
Similarly, computer viruses can spread through various means, such as email attachments, file
downloads, infected websites, or removable storage devices. In both cases, the primary goal is to
find new hosts and continue the infection process.

Damage and Impact: Both biological and computer viruses can cause damage and have a
significant impact on their respective hosts. Biological viruses can disrupt cellular functions,
compromise the immune system, and lead to illness or disease. Computer viruses can corrupt or
delete files, steal personal information, disrupt system operations, or enable unauthorized access
to a computer system. Both types of viruses can cause harm, loss, and disruption to the affected

31. What is URL? Explain some parts in URL

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator, a standardized address to locate resources on the

- Protocol prefix: type of transmission standard your browser must use to access the

- Web service: this is the webpage.

- Domain: this points to the computer where the webpage is stored.

- Domain name extension: referred to the organization of the website.

- Country code: the code of the country where the organization is located.

- Directory path: shows the directory of the webpage stored in the computer.

- Document name: name of the wanted resources.

32. List out 7 points to evaluate a website?

Design, Navigation, Ease of use, Accuracy, Up to date, Helpful graphics, Compatibility,


33. What is webpage/ URL/ Browser/Website?

Webpage: A webpage is a single document or resource that is part of a website. It is typically

written in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and may include other web technologies such
as CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and JavaScript. A webpage is displayed in a web browser and
can contain various types of content, such as text, images, videos, links, and interactive elements.

URL: URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. It is the address used to locate a specific
resource on the internet, such as a webpage, image, file, or service. A URL consists of several
components, including the protocol (such as HTTP or HTTPS), the domain name or IP address
of the server hosting the resource, and the path to the specific resource.

Browser: A web browser is a software application that allows users to access and view
webpages on the internet. Popular web browsers include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox,
Microsoft Edge, and Safari. Browsers interpret HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code to render
webpages and display them to users. They also provide features like bookmarking, tabbed
browsing, and support for plugins and extensions.

Website: A website is a collection of related webpages and other resources that are
interconnected and accessible through the internet. It represents a specific domain or entity and is
hosted on one or more servers. A website may contain multiple webpages, including the
homepage, about page, contact page, and various other pages. Websites can serve various
purposes, such as providing information, conducting e-commerce, offering services, or
facilitating communication and interaction.

34. What is a file server, router, LAN, backbone?

File Server: A file server is a computer or network device that is dedicated to storing, managing,
and sharing files and data with other devices on a network. It acts as a centralized storage
repository, allowing multiple users or clients to access and retrieve files from a shared location.

Router: A router is a networking device that connects multiple networks together, enabling the
transfer of data packets between them. It serves as a junction point or gateway between different
networks, such as a local area network (LAN) and the internet. Routers use routing tables and
protocols to determine the optimal path for data packets to reach their intended destination. They
provide network address translation (NAT), firewall capabilities, and other features to manage
and control network traffic.

LAN (Local Area Network): A local area network (LAN) is a network that connects computers,
devices, and resources within a limited geographic area, such as a home, office building, or
school campus. A LAN allows devices to communicate and share resources, such as files,
printers, and internet connections, locally without the need for internet access. LANs typically
use Ethernet or Wi-Fi technologies and can be connected via switches, routers, or hubs.

Backbone: In networking, a backbone refers to the main high-speed network infrastructure that
connects multiple networks and provides a central pathway for data transmission. It is typically
composed of high-capacity communication links and network nodes, such as routers and
switches, that handle the traffic flow between different networks or subnetworks. The backbone
forms the core infrastructure of a larger network, such as an internet service provider (ISP)
network or a corporate network, facilitating efficient and reliable data transfer between
connected networks.

35. What is a computer network?

A computer network is a collection of interconnected devices, such as computers, servers,
routers, switches, and other network devices, that are linked together to facilitate communication
and data sharing. These devices are connected through various transmission media, such as
Ethernet cables, wireless connections, or fiber optics.

36. How many types of network? Give examples (criteria to classify networks)
Bus Network: All devices are connected to a common backbone or bus.

Star Network: Devices are connected to a central hub or switch.

Ring Network: Devices are connected in a circular loop.

Mesh Network: Devices have multiple interconnections, creating a redundant and resilient

37. What is network topology? Give examples

Network topology refers to the physical or logical arrangement of devices and connections in a
computer network. It determines how devices are interconnected and how data flows within the
network. Different network topologies provide varying levels of efficiency, scalability, and fault
tolerance. Ex: ring, bus, hybrid,...

38. Talk about advantages and disadvantages of a Network topology you know (Star,
Mesh, Tree, Ring…)

Star Network:
- Easy Maintenance, Troubleshooting and high Reliability: It allows efficient troubleshooting
and maintenance since each device can be individually connected or disconnected without
affecting the rest of the network. If one device or connection fails in a star network, it doesn't
impact the functionality of other devices. The fault is localized and limited to the affected device,
minimizing disruptions to the overall network.
- Scalability: Adding or removing devices in a star network is relatively simple as we only need
to connect one new device with the central hub and the infrastructure of star topology is
relatively simple to manage and extend.

- Dependency heavily on central hub: All devices are connected to each other via the central
hub so the network will be non-functional if the hub has issues.

- Limited distance: As the network relies mainly on the central switch, it can only work in a
limited area in the reach of the central components.

39. What are the differences between wired network and wireless network?

It has a cable to connect.

1. What are the similarities and differences between conventional and digital
Similarities: both contain a lens, a viewfinder and their function is to take photos


At the most basic level, digital cameras have CCD (charge coupled device) in place of the film
so they can generate photos simultaneously as we take them without needing to wait for the
subsequent chemical processes as required with the conventional cameras.

Modern cameras are also equipped with an LCD, a type of display, which assists us in seeing,
retouching, manipulating, deleting, and even printing out the photographs easily.

Also, modern cameras need batteries to perform its tasks instead of using films like the old

2. Police speed trap

The given diagram depicts the operation of new computerized police speed traps, it is mainly
used to recognize drivers exceeding speed limits and automatically sending them fine letters for
their behaviors.

The hardware of the speed trap consists of 2 digital cameras and 2 processors which are
established apart in a measured distance. Also, the DVLC database and OCR software can be
counted as its software.

When a vehicle passes through the system, the first unit does its job by recording the time of
each vehicle, identifying it by the number plate using the ‘Optical Character Recognition’
software and converting it to digital format.
All these data are then transferred to the second unit, which is responsible for recording the next
time points the vehicle travels through it and the second processor calculates the speed using the
interval and the fixed distance between two systems.

If the vehicle violates the rules, its registration number will be relayed to the police headquarters
where it can be used with the DVLC (the driver and Vehicle Licensing Centre) database to find
out the car owner. Finally, a fine letter will be sent to the driver using mail merge

3. EPOS tills.
The given diagram shows various stages of EPOS till operation. An EPOS (electronic point-of-
sale) till consists of a barcode scanner, a scale, a display, a receipt printer, and a branch

The main functions of this EPOS system is to manage sales, business processes, inventory or
calculate the purchasing bill for customers.

In the first stage, the checkout operator scans the item using a barcode scanner to retrieve the
data related to the item of the barcode by converting it into electrical pulses representing the
encoded data.

The pulses is sent to the branch computer via wired or wireless connection.

When the pulses reach the branch computer, the computer will use its inventory database to find
the product associated with the barcode, find it information, record it being sold and calculate its

The description of product and its price are then sent back to the till and shown on the screen and
after purchase verification, the corresponding receipts are printed out.

4. Explain how your browser finds your page

When we click on the hyperlink or enter the URL of the web, the URL is sent to the DNS
server, which is also known as Domain Name System. DNS server uses its lookup table to figure
out the IP address of the web server referred to in the URL, which is a unique set of number.
Once having found the IP address, the DNS server transfers it back to the browser.

The browser then uses this IP address to send requests to the remote web server. The request is
sent in a series of separate packets including both the IP addresses of the web server and the
browser. The first router these packets sent to is responsible for determining the best route for the
request using the web IP address attached to the packages. Then the request travels from router
to router.

Once it reaches the web server, separate packets are combined so that the web server can process
the request and send the wanted webpage back to the browser. Again, the result is sent in
separate packets via multiples routers. Similarly, the first router at this point uses the IP address
of the browser to figure out the most optimized route for the result webpage.
As the webpage arrives at the browser, it is grouped together and displayed on the screen.

5. Evaluate your favourite website

You should say:

- What the website is

- What it is about

- Comments on its design, accuracy, update, navigation,

- What drawbacks it has

And give some suggestions on how to improve the website.

- My favourite webpage is my university’s web

- Functions:
o Delivering information regarding curricula, subjects, events, and scholarship.
o (schedules of exams and classes)
o Storing lecturers’ contacting methods. For example: emails, phone number, …
o Course registration for each term.
- Design:
+ Clear, user-friendly, eye-catching
+ Components: header, navigation bar, search bar, login block, notifications blogs divided
into multiple categories. Footer for further information.
- Accuracy: up-to-date and precise information as they all come from trustworthy and official
- Compatibility: contains connections to webpages from all its faculties.
- Drawbacks:
+ Low bandwidth → slow network performance; frequent lags and crashes in rush times.
+ No highlights for important notifications.
- Improvements: Increase its bandwidth capabilities.

6. How a virus infects a program

The given diagram illustrates how a computer virus infects a program. A virus is a tiny program
that can attach itself to the host program and reproduce itself.

The virus contains 4 different types of routines which are misdirection routine, reproduction
routine, trigger routine and a payload routine.

When users run an infected program, it carries the virus loading into the memory. At this point,
the virus uses its misdirection routine to conceal its presence and stay resident in the memory
where it uses reproduction technique to infects other programs. When it infects a file, the virus
replaces the first instruction of the program with a so-called JUMP command which can alter the
execution sequence.
With the JUMP command, the virus instructions are executed before the host programs and it
continues to stay hidden, copy itself to other programs by using the routine of misdirection and
reproduction. There are still 2 parts left of a virus, trigger and its payload.

Payload routine is the main part of every virus allowing the virus to perform its task which can
be either harmless or malicious. Regarding trigger routine, as its name suggests, this is used to
activate the payload instruction at a particular time or event. Without trigger, the payload
remains idle in the programs. After running all its instructions, the virus finally returns control to
the host program.

7. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of a network.

Advantages of a computer network:

• Resource Sharing: sharing files, printers, scanners, and other peripherals. It

eliminates the need for separate resources for each device, leading to cost savings
and increased efficiency.
• Communication and Collaboration: Networks enable communication and
collaboration among users.
• Data Backup and Recovery: In a networked environment, data can be centralized
and backed up regularly, reducing the risk of data loss.

Disadvantages of a computer network:

• Security Risks: Networks introduce security vulnerabilities, and if not properly

secured, can be prone to unauthorized access, data breaches, and malware attacks.
• Cost and Complexity: Setting up and maintaining a computer network can be
costly and complex. It requires investment in network infrastructure, devices,
licenses, and skilled personnel for configuration, maintenance, and

8. Discuss 3 computer crimes you have learned. Which one do you think is the most
dangerous and how to avoid it?
Spoofing: Spoofing involves disguising one's identity or masquerading as someone else or
something else on the internet. This could include IP spoofing, email spoofing, or website
spoofing, with the intention of deceiving individuals or systems.

Hacking: Hacking refers to unauthorized access to computer systems or networks, often with
malicious intent. Hackers exploit vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access, steal sensitive
information, disrupt services, or cause damage.

Denial of Service (DoS) Attack: A denial of service attack aims to disrupt or disable the
functioning of a computer system, network, or website by overwhelming it with a flood of
illegitimate requests or traffic
Hacking is the most dangerous crime, with its potential for unauthorized access, data breaches,
and significant damage.

Protect: Backup your files, be cautious of email attachments, software downloads, or files from
untrusted sources, keep your software up to date, use anti-virus software, Install antivirus
software, strong password, keep your software up to date, enable firewall

9. Discuss 3 types of viruses and suggest some ways to protect our computer from viruses
Trojan Horse: Trojan horses are malicious programs that disguise themselves as legitimate
software or files. Once installed, they can perform various harmful activities, such as stealing
sensitive information, granting unauthorized access to the system.

Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts files on your computer, rendering them
inaccessible until a ransom is paid. It can spread through infected email attachments, malicious

Worms: Worms are self-replicating malware that can spread across networks without requiring
user interaction. They exploit security vulnerabilities to infect systems, consume network
bandwidth, and perform malicious activities.

→Protect: Install antivirus software, strong password, keep your software up to date, enable
firewall, Backup your files, be cautious of email attachments, software downloads, or files from
untrusted sources, keep your software up to date, use anti-virus software

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