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Lesson 1-1

Comparing and Ordering Integers


Objective Common Core Standard

compare and order integers and to find The Number System: 7.NS.1.b

add opposites


Integers are

Two numbers are opposites if


Finding an Opposite Find the opposite of 2.

The opposite of 2 is , because 2 and are each units

from , but in directions.

units units

!2 !1 0 1 2


Find the opposite of each number.

a. !8 b. 13 c. !22

Name Class Date

Enrichment 1-1 Comparing and Ordering Integers

Critical Thinking

A borehole is a hole that has been drilled in Location Depth

the earth. The chart to the right shows the

Belridge, California 11,357 ft

depth below sea level of several boreholes.

Kola Peninsula, Russia 31,911 ft

Northwest Province, South Africa 15,005 ft

1. Which depths can be represented

Sichuan, China 2,000 ft

by a negative integer? Explain.

2. Write the integers to represent each depth.

3. Mark each integer on the number line.

–35,000 –30,000 –25,000 –20,000 –15,000 –10,000 –5,000 0 5,000

4. How can you tell which of two negative integers is less?

5. Write the integers in order from least to greatest.

6. How could you order the negative integers without using a

number line?

Location Depth

Dead Sea 1,312 ft

7. The chart to the right shows the depth below sea level of

Valdes Peninsula 131 ft

several locations. Order the integers from least to greatest.

Death Valley 282 ft

Lake Assal 512 ft

8. Which location is closest to sea level?

Name Class Date

Puzzle 1-1 Comparing and Ordering Integers

You travel to a strange new city where the mayor has developed a
very unusual system for determining house addresses. The address of
City Hall is 0 Main St. As you walk east of City Hall, you notice the
addresses are increasing positive integers. As you walk west of City
Hall, you realize that the addresses are decreasing negative integers.
Use the clues below to complete the map of Main Street by drawing
each house in the proper place and writing its address.
Hint: Think of the map as a number line.
1. Francis’s address is the opposite of Jim’s.
2. Eduardo’s address is 103 greater than Jim’s.
3. Henrietta’s house is the same distance from City Hall as Juan’s
house, but in the opposite direction.
4. Thuy’s address is 500 greater than Juan’s.
5. Vanita’s address is 52 greater than Francis’s.

Juan Jim
–201 Main St. 406 Main St.

City Hall
0 Main St.

Address List:
Francis: ____________ Main St. Thuy: __________ Main St.
Eduardo: ___________ Main St. Vanita: _____________ Main St.
Henrietta: ____________ Main St.
Lesson 1-2 Adding and Subtracting Integers
Lesson Objective Common Core Standards
To add and subtract integers and to solve The Number System: 7.NS.1.a, 7.NS.1.b, 7.NS.1.c, 7.NS.1.d
problems involving integers

Vocabulary and Key Concepts

Adding Integers
Start at zero. Move to the first integer. Find the
of the second integer and move that distance.
If the second integer is
• Positive: move in the direction (right).
• Negative: move in the direction (left).
Examples 3 ! 5 " #3 ! (#5) "

Subtracting Integers
To subtract an integer, add its .
Examples 3 # 5 " 3 ! ! "" #3 # 5 " #3 ! ! ""

Two numbers are additive inverses if

1 Adding Integers With a Number Line Use a number line to find the
sum #4 ! (#2).
Start at . Move 4 units .
Then move another 2 units .
#6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 0 1

The sum is .

Quick Check
1. Use a number line to find each sum. #8 #7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 0
a. #8 ! 1 b. #1 ! (#7) c. #6 ! 6
Name Class Date

2 Adding Opposites What is the sum of !5 plus 5?

units from 0 units from 0

!5 !4 !3 !2 !1 0 1 2 3 4 5

!5 and are , so they are additive inverses.

The sum of additive inverses is always .
!5 " 5 #

3 Comparing Integers Compare 3 and !8 using $, #, or %.

!8 is units to the left of 0. 3 is units to the right of 0.

!8 3 Numbers increase in
value from
!9 !6 !4 !2 0 2 4 6 8 to .
negative zero positive
Since 3 is to the of −8 on the number line, 3 !8.

Quick Check
2. Find the sum.
a. 8 " !8 b. 3 " 3 c. !5 " 5

3. Compare !8 and !2 using $, #, or %.

Enrichment 1-2 Adding and Subtract

Critical Thinking

Alice has started a business baking cookies. Although she makes

money by selling cookies, she has also had to spend money for
equipment and supplies. Alice made the cash flow table below to help
her keep track of her finances for her first month in business.
Item Money
Cookie sheets –$7
Storage tins –$12
Ingredients for sale #1 –$14
Money earned from sale #1 $28
Ingredients for sale #2 –$20
Money earned from sale #2 $40
Allowance $5

1. How much money has Alice spent on her business?

2. What is the total amount of money that Alice has earned this
month? Do not account for money that she has spent. This
amount is the gross income.

3. What is the total amount of money Alice has left over after her
expenses are subtracted from her earnings? This amount is the
net income.

4. Alice projects that in Month 2 she will earn and spend the same
amounts as in Month 1, but that she will not have to pay for
cookie sheets or storage tins. If this happens, what will Alice’s net
income be in Month 2?
Puzzle 1-2 Adding and Subtracting Integers

Complete the square at the right using counting 1.

chips and the following steps:
!4 "3 # ___
• Add across.
• Add down. "5 !6 # ___
• Add your sums across and down.
# #
• Write your sums in the triangles.
What did you find about the numbers in the
___ ___

Complete the squares below. Use the counting chips if necessary.

2. 3.

"8 !4 # ___ !7 "7 # ___

!10 "5 # ___ "5 !5 # ___

# # # #
___ ___ ___ ___
4. 5.

!2 "8 # ___ "1 "2 # ___

!3 !6 # ___ "3 "4 # ___

# # # #
___ ___ ___ ___
Find the sum of all the positive integers in the triangles to determine
the mystery number.
This number is:
• the number of pairs of ribs in the human body
• part of the title of six movies
• the minimum wind speed of a hurricane on the Beaufort wind force scale
The mystery number is __________________!
Lesson 1-3 Multiplying and Dividing Integers
Lesson Objective Common Core Standards
To multiply and divide integers and to The Number System: 7.NS.2, 7.NS.2.a, 7.NS.2.b
solve problems involving integers

Key Concepts

Multiplying Integers
The product of two integers with the same sign is .
Examples 3(2) ! "3("2) !
The product of two integers with different signs is .
Examples "3(2) ! "3("2) !

Dividing Integers
The quotient of two integers with the same sign is .
Examples 10 # 2 ! "10 # ("2) !
The quotient of two integers with different signs is .
Examples "10 # 2 ! "10 # ("2) !

1 Multiplying Integers Find each product.
a. 3(7) ! d signs; product. S b. "3("7) !
c. 3("7) ! d signs; product. S d. "3(7) !

Quick Check
1. Simplify the expression "4("7).
Enrichment 1-3 Multiplying and Dividing Intege

Patterns in Numbers

The multiplication table below is separated into four sections.

Column –3 Column 3

5 15

4 12

3 0 3 6 9 12 15 Row 3

2 6

1 3

0 0

–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 " 0 1 2 3 4 5



–3 Row –3



1. What pattern do you see as you read the numbers from top to
bottom in column 3? As you read from right to left in row 3?

2. Complete row 3 and column 3 by applying the pattern in the

table to the upper left section and to the bottom right section.
Complete row !3 and column !3. Then complete the table.
3. How does the table show the rules for multiplying positive and
negative numbers?
Puzzle 1-3 Multiplying and Dividing

1. In the following equations, each letter represents a number from

0 to 5. Study the equations. Decide what number the letter
represents and write the letter on the line above the number. If
correct, you will find the hidden word. Then write each equation
as a number sentence to verify your answer.

a. T ! N " R

b. N ! N " E

c. T # I " T

d. N ! I " T

e. N ! W " N

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. In the following equations, each letter represents one of the

numbers from 0 to 4. Decide what number the letter represents
and write the letter on the line above the number. If correct, you
will find the hidden word. Then write each equation as a number
sentence to verify your answer.

a. E ! R " A

b. A # R " A

c. A ! B " A

d. E ! E " K

0 1 2 3 4

3. Make up your own puzzle. Trade with a classmate and solve.

Lesson 1-4 Fractions and Decimals
Lesson Objective Common Core Standards
To convert between fractions and decimals The Number System: 7.NS.2.d
Expressions and Equations: 7.EE.3

A terminating decimal is

A repeating decimal is

1 Writing a Terminating Decimal The total amount of rainfall yesterday
was reported as 4 in. Write this fraction as a decimal.
d quotient
or 1 ! 4 " 4 !"""
#2 0
0 d The remainder is 0.
So 4 " . The total amount of rainfall as a decimal is in.
2 Writing a Repeating Decimal Write 15 as a decimal.
Method 1: Paper and Pencil Method 2: Calculator
d The digit
6 repeats.
or 7 ! 15 " 15 !""""
7. 0 0 0 0
#6 0
#9 0
There will always
be a remainder of .

So 15 " .
Enrichment 1-4 Fractions a

Patterns in Numbers
Find a decimal for each fraction. Use your calculator to check your work.

1. 17
64 2. 35

3. 19
40 4. 29

5. 15
26 6. 53

7. List the denominators for the fractions that produced

terminating decimals.

8. Find the prime factors of the denominators in exercise 7.

9. List the denominators for the fractions that produced

repeating decimals.

10. Find the prime factors of the denominators in exercise 9.

11. What pattern do you notice?

12. Without dividing, tell whether each of the following fractions will
produce a terminating or a repeating decimal.
13 579
a. 856 b. 8,192
17 2,587
c. 1,158 d. 13,158

13. Write a fraction that, as a decimal, will terminate. Use a 3-digit or

a 4-digit number as the denominator.

14. Write a fraction that, as a decimal, will repeat. Use a 3-digit or a

4-digit number as the denominator.
Puzzle 1-4 Fractio

How Many Parakeets?

To find the number of parakeets, you will need the following clues.
1. Sam’s shoe size is one-quarter the number of minutes it took Li
Hua to wash her sheepdog.
2. The number of players on the Lizard City tiddlywinks team
is 7 more than the number of rutabaga plants in Carlos’s
window box.
3. Talasi’s golf score was 1 less than 3 times the number of
parakeets in the Lizard City Zoo.
4. The number of sour notes Marie hit while playing “Ramona” on
her sousaphone was 6 less than 6 times the number of avocados
that Max used in his guacamole.
5. If Talasi’s golf score is increased by 10, the result is 3 times the
number of minutes it took Li Hua to wash her sheepdog.
6. The number of players on the Lizard City tiddlywinks team is
1 less than 4 times the number of avocados that Max used in his
7. The number of rutabaga plants in Carlos’s window box is 5 less
than twice Sam’s shoe size.
QUESTION: If Marie hits 24 sour notes while playing “Ramona”
on her sousaphone, then how many parakeets are there in the Lizard
City Zoo?
To solve, follow these steps:
1. Use clue #4 to find the number of avocados that Max used in his
2. Use clue #6 and your answer to the preceding question to find
how many players there are on the Lizard City tiddlywinks team.
3. Use clue #2 and your answer to the preceding question to find
how many rutabaga plants there are in Carlos’s window box.
4. Use clue #7 and your answer to the preceding question to find
Sam’s shoe size.
5. Use clue #1 and your answer to the preceding question to find
how long it took Li Hua to wash her sheepdog.
6. Use clue #5 and your answer to the preceding question to learn
Talasi’s golf score.
7. Use clue #3 and your answer to the preceding question to find
how many parakeets there are in the Lizard City Zoo.
Puzzle 1-5 Rational Num

Order the following sets of rational numbers from least to greatest to

solve the puzzles below.
1. The first peanuts in the United States were grown in

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.

5 2.3 0.5 5 225 0.75 6 1.1

6 8 7

2. The first American performance of a Beethoven symphony

was in Lexington, ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___, in 1817.

2 2.5 0.5 1.1 !0.2 3 4.7 2.4

9 4

3. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ is nicknamed the
Badger State.

410 1.1 0.75 2.4 1 451 4.9 0 7
4 10

4. The first automobile law was passed by the state of

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ in 1901.
The speed limit was set at 12 miles per hour.

3 1 2.3 !92 0.25 1 1 2.4 0.5 4.2 1.1

4 8 7 32
Lesson 1-5 Rational Numbers
Lesson Objective Common Core Standards
To compare and order rational numbers The Number System 7.NS.2.b, 7.NS.2.d

A rational number is

1 3
1 Comparing Rational Numbers Compare ! 4 and ! 8 .
Method 1 3
Since ! is farther to the
d 8
!1 7 3 5 1 3 1 1 0 on the number line,
! ! ! ! ! ! !
8 4 8 2 8 4 8
it is the number.

So, ! 1 !3.
4 8
Method 2
1 1
! " !1
d Rewrite !4 with !1 in the numerator.

!1 #
" d The LCD is . Write an equivalent fraction.
2 2 2
" !2 " 8 d The fraction !8 is equivalent to !8.

Since !2 !3, !1 !3.

8 8 4 8

Quick Check
2 1
1. Compare !3 and !6. Use $, " or %.
2 Subtracting Rational Numbers To subtract a rational number, add its opposite.
5 1
a. Find 5
! !2 .
6 1 2
5 1
5 " 2
6 1 2
d Add the opposite of

So the difference is
b. Find !1.65 ! (!4.22).
!1.65 " 4.22 d Add the opposite of
So the difference is

Quick Check
2. Find each difference.
2 4
a. !3
5 1
! !2
5 2 b. 4.35 ! (!8.27) c. !13.45 ! 12.25

3 Application: Temperature The temperature was !5.5°F at 2:00 a.m.
and !8.0°F at 4:00 a.m. Find the change in temperature.
!5.5 ! (!8.0) d to find the difference.

!5.5 " 8.0 d Add the .

The difference is °F.

Quick Check
3. What is the temperature difference between !2.5°F and !6°F?
Enrichment 1-5 Rational Numbers

Critical Thinking
You can use the same rules to compare and order positive and
negative fractions and decimals that you learned when comparing and
ordering integers on the number line. Remember:

On a number line, the farther to the right an integer is, the greater
it is. The farther to the left an integer is, the less it is.

Beth and Leroy used a number line to order 12, 218, and –0.75 from
least to greatest.
Beth’s way Leroy’s way

She changed –0.75 to a fraction He changed 12 and 218 to decimals

75 5 23) . Then she
(20.75 5 2100 4 (12 5 0.5 and 218 5 20.125) . Then he
located fractions on a number line. located the decimals on a number line.
–3 –1 1 –0.75 –0.125 0.5
4 8 2

0 –0.75 –0.5 –0.25 0 0.25 0.5 0.75

–7 – 6 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

She listed the fractions from left to right to order He listed the decimals from left to right to order
them from least to greatest and changed 234 back them from least to greatest and changed !0.125
to !0.75. and 0.5 back to fractions.
234, 218, 12 !0.75, !0.125, 0.5
!0.75, 218, 12 !0.75, 218, 1

1. Choose either Beth’s or Leroy’s way to order each set of

numbers from least to greatest. Draw a number line if necessary.

a. 0.25, 212, 258

b. 13, 0.7, 256

c. 225 13 14
41, 50, 222, 20.516
2. In which exercises did you use Beth’s way? Leroy’s way? Explain.
2 Adding Integers Find 24 ! ("6).
|24| # and |"6| # d Find the absolute value of each integer.
24 " # d Subtract from 24 because |!6| |24|.

24 ! ("6) # d The sum has the same sign as .

3 Subtracting Integers Find "7 " 2.

Start at . Move 7 units left.
"9 "8 "7 "6 "5 "4 "3 "2 "1 0 1 d Then the opposite of 2,
which is .

"7 " 2 # "7 ("2) #

4 Application: Weather Recorded temperatures at Amundsen-Scott

Station in Antarctica have ranged from a low of "89°F to a high of
"13°F. Find the difference in temperatures.
Subtract to find the difference.
"13 " ("89) # "13 ! d Add the of "89, which is .

# d Simplify.

The difference in temperatures is .

Quick Check
2. Find each sum.
a. "97 ! ("65) b. 21 ! ("39) c. 22 ! ("22)

3. Find "6 " 1.

4. During the biggest drop of the Mean Streak roller coaster in Ohio, your
altitude changes by "155 ft. The Texas Giant™ in Texas has a "137 ft
change. How much farther do you drop on the Mean Streak?
Lesson 1-6 Adding and Subtracting Rational Numbers
Lesson Objective Common Core Standards
To add and subtract rational numbers The Number System: 7.NS.1, 7.NS.1.b, 7.NS.1.c, 7.NS.1.d,

Key Concepts

Distance on a Number Line

The distance between two numbers on a number line is the

1 Adding Rational Numbers
Same Sign
The sum of two positive rational numbers is .
The sum of two negative rational numbers is .
1 1
1 "2 d Both numbers are , so the sum is
2 4

!2.2 " (!1.5) d Both numbers are , so the sum is

Different Sign
Find the of each addend. Subtract the
from the absolute value. The sum has the sign of the addend
with the absolute value.

!2.07 " 6.56 d |!2.07| " ; |6.56| "

# , so the sum is 6.56 ! 2.07 $ .

Quick Check
1. Find each sum.
3 2
a. !6.25 " (!8.55) b. 4
5 1
" !3
5 2 c. !5.35 " 1.25
Puzzle 1-6 Adding and Subtracting Rational Num

Simplify each expression and match your answers to the numbers in

the chart below. The remaining number is the solution to the puzzle.

1. 1.75 ! 2.25 " (!0.5) " 3.75

2. 98 ! 38 " 18 ! 38

3 ! 1 " 5 ! 1
3. 16 16 16 16

4. !3.2 " 7.6 " (!8.9) ! (!9.5)

9 ! 5 ! 3
5. 16 16 16

Florida Tennessee Louisiana

1 5 3
16 16

Mississippi Arkansas Texas

234 3

Which state’s bird is not the mockingbird?

Enrichment 1-6 Adding and Subtracting Rational Numb

Critical Thinking
Write the numbers in the boxes so that each row and each column of
boxes has the given sum or difference.

1. Adds up to: !3.3


!1.8, !1.5, !1.4, !1.2, !1.1, !1.0, !0.8, !0.7

2. Adds up to: 4.8


0.9, 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.7, 1.9, 2.0, 2.3

3. Adds up to: 2 1


1 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 1, 1 1 , 1 1 , 1 1
6 3 2 3 6 3 2
Lesson 1-7 Multiplying Rational Numbers
Lesson Objective Common Core Standards
To use number lines and properties to The Number System: 7.NS.2, 7.NS.2.a, 7.NS.2.c, 7.NS.3
understand multiplication of rational numbers
and to multiply rational numbers

Key Concepts

Multiplying Rational Numbers

You can use the to multiply rational numbers.

12 14 2 ! 11 12 2 " 211 12 2 # 14 11 12 2 " # "

1 Multiplying Positive Rational Numbers When both factors are positive,
the product is positive
1 1 1 1
$1 "
2 1 $1
2 2 d Write 3
as a .

1 1
"1 $1 2 1
# $1 2 d Use the Distributive Property.
2 2

" # d Multiply.

"5 d .

Quick Check
1. Find the product. Write your answer in simplest form.
a. 4.75 ! 2.2 1 25 2 1 15
b. 8
24 2
c. 3.7 ! 5.1

2 Multiplying Negative Rational Numbers When both factors are negative,
the product is positive.
(%2.2)(%10.4) " (%1 ! 2.2)(%1 ! 10.4) d Write the negative factors as products.
" %1 ! (2.2 ! %1) ! 10.4 d Use the Property of Multiplication

" %1 ! (%1 ! 2.2) ! 10.4 d Use the Property of Multiplication

" (%1 ! %1) ! (2.2 ! 10.4) d Use the Property of Multiplication

" (1)(2.2 ! 10.4) " d Multiply.
Puzzle 1-7 Multiplying Rational Numbers

Write a fraction or mixed number in each blank square so that the

equations across and down are correct. Study the example.

114 ? 112 ! 114 ? 112 !
8 141 ? 112
? ? ? ? ? ?
4 ? 214 !
4 ? 214 !

! ! ! ! ! !
114 3
? ! ? 4
16 ? 27
! 128
Use this square
as a check.

1. 2.
318 ? 1
4 ! 213 ? 156 !

? ? ? ? ? ?
8 ? 234 ! 3 ? !

! ! ! ! ! !

? ! ? !

3. 4.
2.7 ? ! 3.51 "0.7 ? ! "0.84

? ? ? ? ? ?
1.8 ? 2.2 ! ? ! "3.15

! ! ! ! ! !
4.86 ? ! "1.47 ? "1.8 !

5. Make a square of your own.

? !

? ? ?
? !

! ! !

? !
Quick Check
2. Find the product. Write your answer in simplest form.
a. %2
3 2 1%2 14 2 b. %7.5 ! (%3.1) 1
c. %2
5 2 1%1 13 2

3 Multiplying with Different Signs When both factors have different signs,
All rights reserved.

the product is negative.

Find (%5.1)(1.5).
(%5.1)(1.5) " (%1 ! 5.1)(1.5) d Write the factor as a product.
" (%1)(5.1 ! 1.5) d Use the .
" d Multiply.

Quick Check
3. Find the product. Write your answer in simplest form.

1 35 2 14 162
a. % b. %8.5 ! (1.2) 1
c. %1
16 2 1 89 2
© Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall.

4 Application: Freediving If Sofia freedives and descends 8 ft per second
below sea level, how far can she descend in 16 seconds?

1% 78 2(16) " 1% 78 21 1612 d Use multiplication to write an expression for the amount.

" d Multiply to find the distance below sea level.

Sofia descends .

Quick Check
4. Marta is conducting a science experiment. She changes the temperature
of a chemical solution by % °F each minute. What is the total change
in the temperature of the chemical solution after 11 minutes?
Enrichment 1-7 Multiplying Rational Numbers

Critical Thinking
Find the area of each shaded part.

1. 1 yd 2.
3 0.625 in.

1 yd
0.875 in.

0.625 in.
3 yd 1 yd
4 8

0.875 in.

3. 2 ft 4.
3 0.25 mi

0.25 mi
1 ft
0.5 mi

5. 2 yd 6. 2 in.
3 3
1 in.
1 yd 3
2 yd 1 in. 2 in.
3 3 3
2 Dividing Rational Numbers: Different Sign
1 1
Find !5 " 2 .
4 2
1 1
!5 " 2 # " d Write both mixed numbers as fractions.
4 2

1 214 2 " 52
# !1 $ d Write the negative number as a product with !1.
21 2
# 1!1 $ 2 % d by the of the divisor.
4 5
21 2
# (!1)1 % 2 d Use the Property.
4 5
All rights reserved.

# (!1)1 2 d Multiply.
#! or d Simplify if you are asked to.

Quick Check
2. Find each quotient.
3 1 4 7
a. ! " b. 5 "! c. !43.68 " 5.6
4 8 9 10

3 Application: Paying Bills Kendra has $159.25 left to pay on a repair bill. She
© Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall.

will finish paying the bill in 6 months. How much is her monthly payment?
159.25 " 6 # 159.25 " d Express both numbers as decimals.
# d Divide.
Kendra will pay each month. The last payment will be .
6.5 % 24.50 # ! % 24.50" & ! % 24.50" d Use the Distributive Property.
#! & . d Multiply.
# d Simplify.

Quick Check
3. Solve.
a. Lucy owes $125.40 for repairs on her laptop. She agrees to pay this back in
5 weeks. By what amount will her checking account change each week to do this?

b. Randy borrows $315.25 from his mother to buy a tablet computer. He promises to
pay her back in 6 months. If he does this, what will his last payment be?
3 Writing a Decimal as a Fraction Write 4.105 as a fraction in simplest form

Since 0.105 " , 4.105 " .

105 105 ! Use the GCF to write the

4 "4 d
1000 1,000 ! fraction in simplest form.


4 Ordering Fractions and Decimals: Surveys In a survey of next year’s

seventh-grade students, 0.25 said they will come to school by bus, 24 said
they will walk, 0.375 said they will come in a car, and 16 said they will ride
their bicycles. Order the means of transportation from most used to least
"  Rewrite the fractions
1 d as decimals.
bicycles 16
" 
Since 0.375 0.25 0.208 0.0625, the means of transportation are
, , , and .

Quick Check
1. The fraction of nitrogen in a chemical sample is 8 . Write the fraction as a decimal.

2. Write 9 as a decimal.

3. Write each decimal as a mixed number in simplest form.

a. 1.364 b. 2.48 c. 3.6

4. In a survey about pets, 2 of the students prefer cats, 0.33 prefer dogs, 3 prefer birds,
5 25
and 0.15 prefer fish. List the choices in order of preference.
Lesson 1-8 Dividing Rational Numbers
Lesson Objective Common Core Standards
To use the rules for dividing integers to divide The Number System: 7.NS.2, 7.NS.2.b, 7.NS.2.c, 7.NS.3
rational numbers and to solve problems
by dividing rational numbers

Key Concepts

Dividing Rational Numbers

When you divide two numbers that have signs, the quotient is .

When you divide two numbers that have signs, the quotient is .

1 Dividing Rational Numbers: Same Sign
a. Find 7.055 ! 0.85.
Place the decimal point in the
8.3 d quotient above the decimal
0.85+ 7.055 S 85+ 705.5 point in the dividend.

Multiply the divisor and the 255

dividend by to make the 255
divisor a whole number. 0

b. Find 1"2
3 2 1 2 2

1" 23 2 ! 1" 12 2 # "2

d Multiply by the of the divisor.
2 2
# ("1)1 2("1)1 2 d Write !1 as a factor.
3 1
2 2
# ("1 )("1)1 2 1 2 d Use the Property to rearrange.
3 1
# 1 23 21 21 2 d Multiply.

# or 1 d Simplify if you are asked to.

Quick Check
1. Find each quotient.
2 1
a. "16.9 ! "1.3 b. " !
3 6
Name Class Date

Puzzle 1-8 Dividing Rational Numbers

Frank’s suitcase has a lock with a five-digit code. He created the chart
below so that if he ever forgot the code, he could re-create it. Use the
flowchart with the given operations to determine the code.

÷ –2
5 ÷ 0.625

÷– ÷ –10.4

1 1
÷ ÷ ÷ –0.5
2 1 ÷ –0.4
÷ 8
Enrichment 1-8 Dividing Rational Numbers

Eliminating Information
Given the list of numbers, determine which number is the dividend, which number is the divisor and
which number is the quotient. Write the division problem. Mark an ‘‘X’’ over the number that does
not belong in the problem.

1. 7 , 2 7 , 4, 2 4
10 8 5

dividend divisor quotient problem

2. 26, –0.4, –0.4, 1

dividend divisor quotient problem

3. 2 5 , 216 2 , 26, 1
6 3 20

dividend divisor quotient problem

4. 0.06, 4.74, 79, 0.28

dividend divisor quotient problem

5. 24 , 1 1 , 5 ,2 5
9 15 27 12

dividend divisor quotient problem

6. !22, 55, !0.4, 8.8

dividend divisor quotient problem

2 Comparing Decimals Compare. Use !, ", or #.
a. 8.7 and 8.1
8.7 8.1 d Both numbers are positive. Compare the digits.
b. $8.7 and 8.1
$8.7 8.1 d Any negative number is less than a positive number.
c. $8.7 and $8.1
Place the decimals on a
All rights reserved.

d number line and compare

$9 $8 their locations.

$8.7 8.1

3 Ordering Rational Numbers Which list shows the numbers

$ 3 , 0.625, 2 , and $0.5 listed in order from least to greatest?
5 3
3 2 3 2 2 3 3 2
A. $ , $0.5, 0.625, B. $0.5, $ , 0.625, C. $0.5, ,$ , 0.625 D. $ , , 0.625, $0.5
5 3 5 3 3 5 5 3
$ " $3 % 5 " $0.6 d Write as a decimal.
2 _
" 2 % 3 " 0.66666 . . . " 0.6 d Write as a repeating decimal.
0.625 0.6 d Compare the decimals.
© Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Pearson Prentice Hall.

$0.6 $0.5

From least to greatest, the numbers are , , , .

The correct answer is choice .

Quick Check
2. Compare $4.2 and $4.9. Use !, ", or #.

3. The following temperatures were recorded during a science project: 122°C,
$4°C, 6.55°C, and $64°C. Order the temperatures from least to greatest.
2 Dividing Integers You are riding your bicycle at a speed of 12 ft/s.
Four seconds later, you come to a complete stop. Find the acceleration
of your bicycle.
final velocity " initial velocity
acceleration !
" Substitute for final velocity,
! d
for initial velocity, and for time.

Simplify. The sign

! ! d
means the bicycle is slowing.

The bicycle’s acceleration is ft/s per second.

Quick Check
2. Find the vertical speed of a climber who goes from an elevation of
8,120 feet to an elevation of 6,548 feet in three hours.

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