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1-What is dumping ?

-The correct answers are: Dumping is a term used in the context of international trade

, Dumping is considered a form of price discrimination

2-During the monopoly we can observe

-The correct answers are: price increase ,difficult development for new companies ,market inequality
and injustice ,no substitutes on the market

3-What is monopoly ?

-The correct answers are: the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or
service, a monopoly refers to when a company and its product offerings dominate a sector or

4-The Aristotelian concept of distributive justice:

-The correct answers are: The distribution of wealth among the members of a community, It employs
geometric proportion, Each person receives is directly proportional to his or her merit

5-What is true about dumping?

-The correct answers are: Exporting goods at prices lower than the home-market prices., Dumping is
legal under rules unless its injurious effect on the importing country's producers can be
established., Broad-sense: On the foreign or domestic market

6-What is a monopoly?

-The correct answer is: the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or

7-What do people seek above all else, according to Aristotle?

-The correct answer is: Eudaimonia

8-Innovation must meet several criteria, select the right one:

-The correct answers are: novelty, effectivness, utility, competitive

9-What is the truth about innovation?

The correct answer is: Novelty- are new, have no place before (evolutionary innovations modify known
and revolutionary innovations introduced unknown solutions

10-Economic growth, industrial revolution, democratization, improvement of living conditions, free

market- which doctrine it is?

-The correct answer is: Capitalism

11-A society deprived of oppression and class exploitation, lack of private ownership, collective
ownership of means of production and the communal distribution of goods. Which doctrine it is?

-The correct answer is: Communism

12-The most important is to the absolute primacy of the state apparatus. The overall goal is the well-
being of the general community. The state is a means for everyone to acquire the right perfection. In a
well-arranged state, everyone will be brought to happiness, even against their will. Who is the precursor
of this theory?

-The correct answer is: Plato

13-Something original and new, applied, useful and competitive, that's how we describe:

-The correct answers are: Inventions, Innovations

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