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Youmna: The whole world is in shock when Nasa scientists announced that their production

has come true a 45 meter wide asteroid is going to hit the earth in the next 24 hours .
Governments around the world are trying to protect their citizens. Mr gedgfuegyiG can you
tell us a bit about the asteroid ?
Yessien: in these past few months we saw a big asteroid but we didn't think that it would hit
the earth  but in these past few days we  saw the unthinkable the big asteroid is going to hit
the earth it has a 15°/ change for it not entering the world atmosphere in the nest 24 hours
we hope that it won't hit a healy populated area the death toll gould be in the millions if it did 
Youmna: the chaos arose in the streets of tunisia going to mrs yg,jgfjnfhyff
lina : thank you hiuyhyugy like you see chaos is everywhere in the streets stores are getting
robbed and people are running on the streets we are going to interview some people on the
street what do you think about all of this 
Hamza: what they are saying is wrong in facebook the said that the government is trying to
lower the population 
Lina: but they saw an asteroid 
Hamza: no they are liars and i know that 

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