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As I stood in the closet covering my mouth afraid to speak or even breathe looking at my

girlfriend as two men were pointing a gun at her I felt my heart drop i felt like I had no air in
my lungs as two tears fell I couldn’t control myself I grab the metal sticks that was oddly
placed in the closet I run out of there as I hit one of the men that was holding the gun in head I
looked at the other man and pointed the gun at him then towards the closet I told him to get in
there I tied it close with a rope that was lying on the floor…… let go back for you to
understand I was the only child to my dad I never saw my mom growing up ,when I tried to
ask my dad he always said the something don’t worry about it “I just stopped asking overtime.
My dad work was odd. There was always grades around us , I never questioned when I was
growing up ,but one day when I was about 14 I was hearing loud noises from , my dad s
office I tried to sneak to there as noiseless as possible I heard him say “if you don’t get rude
of this guy I am going to kill all of you” I was so scared that I run to my bed room and hid
under the covers I was so scarred how could my dad kill someone ? How could he? I decided
to ask him about it in the morning. I couldn’t sleep that night I was so afraid. I didn’t want to
think that my father is a murder. it was morning before I knew it, I walked in my dad’s study,
as soon as he saw me a smile covered his face . I decided not to say anything and to find
things by myself. A few weeks later, my dad business partner and his daughter started living
with us I don’t know why. His daughter was really pretty, her eyes were brown, her long
brown hair was almost half way through her back with her sweet personality she made me
completely fall in love with and her became close friends, I don’t know how my father
knew I liked her when we were alone he said” Anne don’t date Emma just don’t “ . After a
while Emma confused to liking me after that we started dating in secret i was a bit scared that
my dad or her dad will find out. I decided to tell her about what I heard that night she wasn’t
shocked she told me that our parents have strange job she said that she feels like they are
mafia bosses but she doesn’t want to think about it that way. We decided that we need to find
more information about all of this. We agreed on making a good plan so we didn’t mess this
up. We bought really small camera so we could hear what is going on. Me and Emma left it
there for a week. In that week, we heard commotion for the office. We didn’t want to go there
afraid of getting caught. As soon as our dads went to that business trip we to the office and we
got the camera. We decided to open the camera when we both emotionally ready. Emma is
very close to her dad so it hit her really hard, that is why it took us a long time to open the
footage. I didn’t want to rush into it, so we decided to open the footage one by one. The first
one was about their hotel they didn’t talk about anything weird.

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