Welding Shop

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Roll No. AB-16030

TITLE :To prepare job as per drawing

OBJECTIVES To familiarise with the welding equipment.
To aware the metal ARC welding and Gas welding

To study different parameter and aspect of welding

90 mmn

5m m

-45mn 45° o9aw


Raw material slze :(mm.) All dia in m.m.

G0mm X 45mm X5mm

Welding 2
Machine Tool/Haud Tool Particular Specification

SBunce edbu | i dechrode Cast ixon body

amdoelding )Tog
2)| Had 80ud, )Batd ile Hign grada
Culting Joo Wir bruau Carbow 3ted,
Chopping hammo ste blad
)80 voll Aecroce mild steel
3 Elechric heddab Mid stee
Makinq ToelA Try 89a
Sequence of operations
) Su plale ane macked witw chalk
le Led dimmusie
Md Rdga o led plo mak
Dne h Rdqes shic ja o be measned marked
Jrnm side and 5 un long

3.) Nous le he koo plata


J) Goggle nd y- shiedd muust be sed

2) Flo ad shbuld be a Appopsiade. Aize

3skl tonnedlva kaudd be kght and iuaudate d'
J h e ledcode. awuld n»t touc Iue plaide aud

hauld beinined pstoped

spaue 8kould have propely venisaled elds
S) Welding
Welding Soen

indrutal Kayaygn Acatuir

ihe (d)

Oddloy alha vido

J-pirt pas-- Butt

leckic Ao JAolda owes Joble Bnaln

4 Phe Joint ys Pihe Lon n


Chirhing a m m u

Plale ie Electrode Siz CuTrentRange w AMPS

Cm S. Wa Cmm)
Min Man
Uplo 3rmw 12 25 Go
uplo 5 mw JO 3-15 25

Uplo 1o m m 8 4. OG 40

u 15 mm .88 220

Upo 20 mm 5B3 200 275

1. State the basic
principle of Are-Wclding ?
2. Give five
applications of Arc-Welding in industries ?
3. Read the
following statement carefully
Decide whether these are true or false:
(a) Length of arc is the distance between the tip of the electrode and
the work surface.
(b) For light work higher the current is used.
(c) Arc blow is the result of magnetic field in the arc
(d) The amount of heat deposite at the two
poles in DC are welding is same.
4. How the metal
being welded protacted from oxldation ?
5. How is the welding are started ?
6. On what factor the size
of electrodes depends?
7. What is the principle; of gas welding?
8. How different flames be
can produce in welding and what are their
names ?
9. What is the temperature range in gas welding and arc welding ?
10. Write any five types of welding defect and their causes?
tae Aac-Weldang2
he zasia painúpla a ELading aal
Aakaa Caududhaim a lezisizui
AO augk Mea (Wwm mm) uca }ha hu
uhhed Liutinu ta ous Hhuougla a pat
auize dpanticles(gaseau medium salled plaama
Aledkic a t i ed hs ionized gos aluman
alaas igla 2A2aiktaute kAudsudls Hhaaalle
Mhe iou lo lau hona nede la Lathode. Net|
AgMexale da lom Aúke has caduade
2) Cive ve applicotiowa industeiea
Kve applicalina alArr-wlelding e0AaloLs
Catguudou.i . nsune stoxsuatainakle Lannecluo

thi buildingkbidge ohau inlkasiuctiwe

Eplauad Lauatunctzass al atberagadevica
Samtaining a Xatat
LilMecaaKical- Rugged gapplicaluaiaAAat iuelya
ick iaetal dimeusiaas AN: wdding povidRA
Lataa acneaA laaalay bonaaeaviv iece
Eauipe a opy ncLoninq quipmen
eaie weldixq doola ke hrexhei Laala
AystemAD iaMcea
Ly he oughnes A Lapactnes a He9Ju Red
MAalaia opieweul leaKage
8 Read he OC welding_ dame
a falue b) True
C) false d fakse

4) Hou he naeha_
2he mckal being wsded a pxateded
aloug ita. aaodes which loai hy aaltasaslag
PhavideA theckA JLsAidalkou
aaekal aud

5) Hou the staeled?

he LeadascbA 1lechic cizait ane huougla
ase_A kept al adistaue o -Amm
nda Jaiga
Date utio dilarenceadisckaxge. s aaiued
uALx ahich.
hidn kral leáda a ueldiug inikalure

shal Jacla - ledxnde depuds1

2ha ize lecdxodas depauda au
LihicKne a sk piece
11 pmpailaaiu paut malouo
Liv Ue AC DC Source

93) who the o wielding

Gaz ieldeng daat by buMningALoshudible

high. teaptalwe wth BBheA_Lneldinglaha

heai mel hL pauLl aekal. and l e Ao ablais

98) Hou dilfael=

PDxet laneLau be puodaaced ly Maing hu

Lames Ahe
L Neubial dame St paodaced wku 7 O,2
ALekyle14 A&ae L A UAed ar delding La
ida Ataislesa Alaed-

L) Caxeizing Jlanme- St p40dauce d hea

acetylane ighix 2t A Hedssing lanne

Q9) wihai uHhs Aad axc LUelding

Jh umprale Aga 0elding 35oo Jhe
tempualune LA Andudding A o0o C Ta 7000 C

10) Wr Te ayive
Welding delec Aud Haaik_LauAeA Ahe=
PoBmin h lack e horouglau aad tomplee
unisA botuee ha depakiled Aadpaneut ne tal
due BalyLaalding candilioua
UadeUndex ad Aibveaelted uula base Aauetal
Lnitah edtheAwelding k
ALiN haalung
O htosityJha Japaaluo blou halega atkeh
nughanesd S Jualace wed huaa due
eck ae AAetal, haaisuae
lag incluaioiudPaeAAe & MLAA ALetaic
AubatauCRA AAela due
aud depeaited metal leoutamuLnalla hae
hyAide igla AlisLasil
h laa

iae sdd mayAKLA po

locKed up
eAA Alpkud phaipkbuwA ho eld mea

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