Basic Power Cycles - DPP-13 - GATE Crash Course 2023 Mechanical

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Mechanical Engineering BATCH: GATE Crash Course 2023

Subject: Applied Thermodynamics DPP NO.13

Topic: Basic Power Cycles

1. Which of the following cycles is a reversible cycle- (c) Sterling = Ericsson
(a) Carnot cycle
(d) None of the above
(b) Sterling cycle
(c) Ericsson cycle
6) In Ericsson cycle, heat addition is done by
(d) All of the above
(a) Isobaric heat addition
(b) Isochoric heat addition
2. Which of the following is the reason why it is not
(c) Isothermal heat addition
practically possible to build a power plant working on
(d) None of the above
Carnot cycle-
(a) Pumping of mixture of two-phase of water
7) Which of the following statements is wrong about
isentropically very difficult.
Rankine cycle?
(b) The steam leaving the turbines is of very high
(a) ηcarnot < ηRankine at same temperature limits.
Dryness fraction.
(c) It is difficult to superheat steam at constant (b) (Wp)Carnot <(Wp)Rankine at same temperature
pressure. limits.
(d) The volume of water vapour handled by the (c) Carnot cycle is used in steam powerplant.
pump is very low. (d) (WT)Carnot < (WT)Rankine at same temperature
3) The processes involve in sterling cycle are
(a) Two isothermal and two isobaric 8) The efficiency of a Ericsson cycle operating with
(b) Two isothermal and two isochoric reservoir temperatures of 1000C and -230 C will be
(c) Two isothermal, one isochoric and one (a) 33
isobaric (b) 67
(d) Two isobaric and two isochoric (c) 40
(d) 80
4) A cycle consisting of two reversible isothermal
process and two reversible isobaric process is known
(a) Atkinson cycle
(b) Stirling cycle
(c) Brayton cycle
(d) Ericsson cycle

5) An Ericsson cycle and a sterling cycle works at same

maximum and minimum temperature limits. Which
of the following options is correct.
(a) Sterling  Ericsson
(b) Sterling  Ericsson

Answer Key
1. (D) 5. (C)
2. (A) 6. (A)
3. (B) 7. (D)
4. (D) 8. (A)

Hints and Solutions

1. Solution: (D)
All three cycles (Carnot, Sterling, Ericsson) are
reversible. Sterling and Ericsson cycles are
modification of Carnot cycle.
2. Solution: (A)
The drawbacks of Carnot vapour cycle are
(1) Pumping of mixture of two-phase of water
isentropically very difficult.
(2) The steam leaving the turbines is of very low
Dryness fraction.
(3) It is difficult to superheat steam at constant 5. Solution: (C)
temperature. Since Sterling and Ericsson cycles are reversible and
(4) The volume of water vapour handled by the pump hence their efficiency is same as Carnot cycle.
is very high. 𝑇
𝜂𝐸𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑛 = 𝜂𝑆𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 1 − 𝑇2

3. Solution: (B)
6. Solution: (A)
Heat addition is done by constant pressure process in
Ericsson cycle.

7. Solution: (D)
ηCarnot > ηRankine but the Carnot cycle is not possible.
For same temperature limits,
(Wp)Carnot > (WP)Rankine and (WT)Rankine > (WT)Carnot

8. Solution: (A)
The efficiencies of the Ericsson cycle and Carnot
4. Solution: (D) cycle are same
Ericsson cycle consist of two isothermal and two 𝑇 250
⇒ 𝜂 = 1 − 𝑇2 = 1 − 373 = 32.9 %
isobaric processes. 1

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