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▪ The Teachers

➢ Amy

➢ Anne

➢ Time

▪ The Students

➢ Jack

➢ Chelsea

➢ Chris

➢ Jessica
Meet the Teachers and Students
▪ An Elementary School Teacher and a Professor of Teacher Education
▪ Three teacher profiles created
✓ Amy
✓ Anne
✓ Tim
▪ Amy – 1st Grade
▪ A white female, a graduate of a traditional 4-year program
▪ Received her master’s 2 years ago
▪ Currently in her 7th year of teaching
▪ One of her biggest teaching challenges is that some students come to
school already reading and some are not even comfortable with books.
▪ Another major challenge is that her class size continues to increase
each year.
▪ Her current school is located in a culturally diverse neighborhood.
▪ In her class, she has a total of 24 children, 8 boys and 16 girls and
consisted of Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, Asian, and Indian
▪ Two students have individualized education plans and go to the
resource room for literacy instruction every day
▪ In addition, she has 2 students with limited English proficiency.
Meet the Teachers and Students
▪ Anne – 5th Grade
▪ A White female, a graduate of a traditional 4-year program
▪ Of her 23 years of teaching experience, 15 years spent in a
private school, and 8 years in her current school.
▪ Current school is located in a predominantly White and affluent
▪ In her class, she has 23 students, 13 boys and 10 girls, in her 5th-
grade classroom.
▪ She has two students with individual educational plans that specify
accommodations for math and literacy.
▪ Her school uses an inclusion model and co-teaches with a special
education teacher.
▪ Her challenge is trying to differentiate her instruction to meet the
variety of learning
Meet the Teachers and Students
▪ Tim - 9th-Grade history
▪ An African American male
▪ 5-year experience in retail management
▪ Had dream of becoming a teacher
▪ Began teaching as an alternate route teacher and completed his
master’s degree in education.
▪ Currently in his 12th year of teaching
▪ Spent 1 year teaching in a private school before joining his current
▪ Over the past 11 years, he taught a variety of high school history
classes such as U.S. history, world history, geography and world
cultures, civics, criminology, and government and politics.
▪ Works in a culturally diverse school district and has students with
a working-class background
▪ Teaches 5 periods a day, and the subjects and number of
students vary
▪ One of the most challenging aspects of teaching is planning
lessons that are relevant to students’ lives
Meet the Students
▪ Four students purposefully selected based on two key criteria.
▪ First, the students needed to represent both genders as well as a
variety of grade levels, educational contexts, and cultural
▪ Next, the students needed to be able to articulate their beliefs
about teachers and specifically their experiences with classroom
▪ Jack - 3rd Grade
▪ A 9-year-old Caucasian male, recently completed 3rd grade at a
small suburban school in New Jersey.
▪ Loves to play baseball, basketball, and soccer.
▪ In his free time, he enjoys playing video games and playing
outside with his friends.
▪ Wishes to be a pitcher on a major league baseball team.
▪ For Jack, the best part about school is the special classes, such as
▪ gym, computer, library, art, and music.
▪ Favorite subjects are math and spelling.
▪ To him, “A good teacher is someone that teaches new stuff to
students, lets us play video games sometimes, and is fun.
Meet the Students
▪ Chelsea - 8th Grade
▪ A 13-year-old Colombian American female.
▪ Born in Michigan and completed kindergarten through 4th grade.
▪ Her family relocated to New Jersey and attended 5th through 7th
▪ Currently, attends middle school in a suburban town in New Jersey.
▪ Has a passion for language and is bilingual.
▪ Fluent in both English and Spanish.
▪ While her mom speaks with her only in Spanish, her dad speaks to her
only in English.
▪ Her mom also reads and watches TV with her in Spanish.
▪ She loves to write and prefers writing her own stories to reading.
▪ In her free time, she likes to hang out at the mall and shop with her
friends, play at the park near her house, or jump on the trampoline.
▪ Also participates in gymnastics, tennis, and volleyball.
▪ Wishes to be a brain surgeon when she grows up.
▪ Enjoys school and had many positive experiences with teachers.
▪ To her, a good teacher is “someone who listens to the students’ opinions
and what they need help with, then comes up with methods that will work
best to help that student learn.”
▪ And also “upbeat, helpful, and patient.”
Meet the Students
▪ Chris - 10th Grade
▪ A 15-year-old Caucasian male.
▪ Recently completed 10th grade at a private suburban high school in
New Jersey.
▪ In his free time, Chris loves working on the computer, especially with
social networking sites.
▪ He also likes to play video games and watch TV.
▪ He describes himself as a movie buff.
▪ He is a member of the junior varsity ( JV) baseball team and plays
summer baseball as well.
▪ Also an active member of the Italian Club.
▪ Chris says school can get boring, but there are some parts that he
really enjoys.
▪ Likes the activity period where the teachers allow for students to direct
some of their learning.
▪ Thinks of going to college, but uncertain about what area he will
pursue as he has a wide range of interests, including engineering,
movies, sports management and media, and the military.
▪ To him, a good teacher as “someone who is fun and can manage a
classroom without being too overbearing. They also need to be
entertaining and fun. That would be the perfect teacher!”
Meet the Students
▪ Jessica - 12th Grade
▪ A 17-year-old African American female.
▪ Currently a senior at an urban high school in New Jersey.
▪ Actively involved in extracurricular activities
▪ She is the manager of the boys’ track team as well as a participant
in the peer leadership program.
▪ Also a member of the senior year committee, whose responsibility
is to raise money for school events and activities.
▪ Worked as a teacher’s assistant in a daycare center and at a local
Subway shop.
▪ Enjoys school, especially when she is able to select classes that
interest and challenge her.
▪ Wishes to start her professional life as a teacher when she grows
▪ Eventually like to work as a social worker or guidance counselor.
▪ To her, a good teacher is “someone who cares about their students
as individuals, not just as students.”

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