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It is an undeniable fact that women hold very few top positions in an organization as compared to men,

despite the reality that there are more female workers in the workforce these days. While this is a
serious problem, it can be solved by setting up better institutional policies.

It is quite astonishing that even in developed countries, women are denied managerial jobs not because
of their qualifications but due to their gender. Because of Due to gender discrimination, women often
find that they are not considered for promotion to senior-level positions. Moreover, women are more
likely to get their careers interrupted when they have children since there is a lack of policies and
equality to protect their jobs.

However, there are solutions to this problem. One of the ways to resolve this is by
establishingtablishing/to establish stringent workplace policiespolicies, w. Wherein strict action
including termination needs to be taken against those individuals indulging in gender biasing who have
gender bias diningduring the recruitment process. In tThis way, a skilled and qualified candidate is
appointed irrespective of their gender. Another way of overcoming this is by ensuring that educational
institutions incorporate this subject of gender equality right from the school curriculum. Since this is a
long-term approach, it will we should make sure that future generations of recruiters will give
importance to the required skill setsets, educational qualifications, and other leadership skills rather
than indulging in gender partiality.

In conclusion, women's qualifications in workplace should be placed in the right positions and their
careers cannot be hindered by sexism.

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