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In the upcoming time, machines will be everywhere working in replacement of human at home and

work. In return, people will have more hours for themselves to enjoy lives according to their desires.
However, it will disturb them emotionally, mentally and physically due to extra free time.

On the one hand, with the advancement of technology, it is expected that in the near future robots will
replace humankind at domestic and professional work. Companies will place robots in factory
production lines, which will work productively around the clock without any break. In addition, people
will use different types of gadgets at their homes for various household chores, which will reduce their
involvement and let them enjoy themselves with family. For example, nowadays parents are extremely
busy at jobs and housework that they are unable to spare some moments for their offspring, but thanks
to household robots they now can spend quality time with their children

On the other hand, the fantasy of leisure will fade out fast and they will become bored due to extra
spare hours. Moreover, this situation will affect them mentally and physically. Instead of the routine life
of going to work and practicing necessary professional job skills. They will be lazy and dependent on
machines, eventually leading to a depletion/undermining of skills, becoming less intellegent and
developing various forms of physical and psychological health problems. The dependence on machines
also pose a threat to businesses and life discontinuity if machines malfunction.

In conclusion, in the near future when machines replace humans at homes and offices, there will be
enough time for relaxation activities. However, this idleness and dependence will damage people in
different ways that cannot be ignored.

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