Speaking U11 U19

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Questions Suggested answers

1. What time is it now?

2. What time do you get up?

3. What time do you have lunch?

4. What time do you go to bed?

5. What does your mother do?

6. What does your father do?

7. Where does your mother work?

8. What do you do?

9. Would you like some orange juice?

10. What’s your favorite food?

11. What’s your favorite drink?

12. When’s Teachers’ Day?

13. What does your father look like?

14. What does your mother look like?

15. When’s Children’s Day?

16. Why do you want to go to the cinema?

17. Do you want to go to the zoo?

18. What are you wearing?

20. What’s your phone number?

21. What can you see in the zoo?

22. What’s your favorite animal?

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