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Quiz 4

(Set B)
Name : _____________________
Score: _________/50
Test I: Write the correct answer: (ALL CAPS)
________________1. Once nociceptors are activated, the electrical signals are transmitted
along nerve fibers known as A-delta fibers and C fibers.
________________2. The pain signals reach the spinal cord and ascend to the brain, where they
are processed and interpreted.
________________3. Upon perceiving pain, the brain generates a response that may include
reflexive actions (e.g., pulling away from a hot object) and emotional and behavioral reactions.
________________4.The process of painful stimuli into electrical signals.
________________5. Inhibition or amplification of pain signals can occur through the release of
neurotransmitters and neuromodulators.
________________6. Pain associated with the disease, treatment, or some other factor in
individuals with cancer.
________________7.A pain state (generally severe) for which no cure is possible even after
accepted medical evaluation and treatments have been implemented.
________________8.Refers to pain that is primarily influenced by psychological factors such as
stress, anxiety, depression, or past traumatic experiences.
________________9. Pain arises from stimulation of pain receptors in the skin, muscles, bones,
or joints.
________________10. It is often described as a deep, dull, or squeezing pain.
________________11.pain refers to a sudden and intense flare-up of pain that occurs despite
ongoing pain management measures.
________________12. It is often caused by a specific injury or condition and serves as a
warning sign that something is wrong.
________________13. Pain that is often related to muscle tension, poor posture, or injury.
________________14. Pain which is a common complaint and can be caused by muscle strain,
herniated discs, spinal stenosis, or other factors.
________________15. Pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, typically starting
from the lower back and traveling down one leg.

II: Enumerate: Write answers at the back of the Paper. (20points)

1. 5 types of pain according to Location
2. 7 Pain based on Etiology
3. 8 Nonopioid Analgesics for Mild Pain
III: Make a Diagram of the Pain Path of Physiology (15points)

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