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2022-2023 Extended Essay Proposal Form (EE/PF/1)

Complete and return to Mr. Frank Alfano

Directions: Complete items 1-12 and submit this form to the IBDP Coordinator by the due date. If you need extra space
to answer the questions, attach separate pages.

Date Due: 6th June 2022– Upload to ManageBac AND Print for Mr. Frank Alfano (Upon return to school))

1. Full Name (English name and Chinese name): 2. Class: (ex: IB2-2)
Doris/Ziyu yang IB2-3

3. IB subject for Extended Essay research first choice:


IB subject for Extended Essay research second choice (in the case advisors are unavailable):

4. Do you study this subject as part of your IB Diploma Program?: Yes: _√___ No: ___
Do you take this subject Higher Level or Standard Level: HL __√___ SL ______
5. Proposed research topic (must be from the IB subject you have chosen):

Economic loss caused by pandemic

6. Proposed EE research question or hypothesis: (To what extent….?; How far….?; Why….?)

To what extend did the Omicron outbreak in Shanghai affect its economy status?

7. Rational for studying this topic: (Why do you want to study this topic? What do you want to find out about it?):

During the time period between March and June, all the people in shanghai experienced lockdown that was
implemented in the entire city. Due to the high frequency of nucleic testing which was 100% bared by the
government, the government spending has been increasing enormously. Also, the lockdown worked as an obstacle of
consumption which certainly deducted the economy vitality.

8. Approach and methodology applied: (Are there sufficient sources available on this topic? How will you analyze the
topic? Do you have access to the necessary resources to complete the research? What predicted outcomes might
you make about the topic?):

Since the event was happened recently and the society is still now recovering from the trauma. The data will be
gained later as Shanghai’s recovery. I would be analyzing the topic from multi perspectives involving the government
spending that largely exceeded the amount of money they would spent normally, the influence on economy due to the
lockdown etc.
9. Identify 8 sources of information (books, articles, institutions, websites, persons to interview, data bases, etc.)
and type a bibliography using MS Word on separate page using the MLA (see: (

[1]赵磊.(2022).新冠肺炎疫情演进影响下上海经济运行面临的态势、机遇及建议. 科学发展(01),32-40.
[2]钟伟.(2022).怎样的经济运行可谓稳. 中国外汇(02),5. doi:10.13539/j.cnki.11-5475/f.2022.02.002.
[3]祁豆豆,温婷 & 王墨璞嘉(2022-05-09).乍暖还寒!复工复产“堵点”“难点”亟待破解.上海证券报,005.
[4]杨倩雯(2022-05-25).疫情对上海金融机构影响分化 复工复产后他们都有这些打算.第一财经日报,A03.

10. Identify any ethical considerations or potential problem involved in this research

Not really

11. Which teachers would you like to supervise your EE? (Your selected teacher does not have to teach the subject you
have selected for your EE) (Supervisors will make decisions based on their evaluation of your preliminary work and
best fit to your topic)

a. Wei Xu Joy
b. Ye Tian FionaYajian Zhao
12. Student’s printed name, signature and date: _______Doris ZiyuYang__06/06/22________________
Student’s printed name Date (day/month/year)
_____Doris ZiyuYang______________ __06/06/22_
Student’s signature

13. IB Coordinator Approval (This section is for the IBDP Coordinator to fill out)
Mr. Frank Alfano, IBDP Coordinator Date: (day/month/year)

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