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Tybes of Solcds ¢ On the basis 4 their Abudiiae , solids om clascified uso two vies; = 6) Caystatloxe sobidt :— ty Haan dolls, thee 9 an odes! | priedic arraungemiat of group o abs , molecule or (ors, gor A thee dimensional pottern eohich be obtatrd by a Yare dimensional ye petite Cerain Onit Ex: Biamansl , sodcum chloride, quot Chars chirties Le Kawa. shaap mabe batik “td ordty a et i extended ove a ik volun « Mi they ae auntsottaopie- b) Amaphows toleds + solids tm which tle atoms o molecules OAL not wt Un ae ov poured ares. Ex: Glass, plaote , rub! ee ener : dy ‘thay de ask howe Ahoap mnubhing prods: ty) 4 one vegandled as pseudo colids . Gin) TN ave“ taetrople RANSLATLON VECTOR TRANSLATION Yeo ideal Pia Ba My Lemnposeal va alims avvanges) on a a tronlabor vedios 2 ay | suth that Wu abiinic ory took dhe Gore ‘. raped han vitwes! fom vig fine? on whin vied Un polak cao v vir P+ atabane tha 3 “ pa mwa fg are untapers, TG Glled Fanlatin, tprattion yo @ scanned with Oken Scanner : : : t. : i ¢ ijn Pt TN io Ladtice acl Baw Lottie ba veguba awl he ww of pote wa dpae. Beam & an Asdtnndly abit , C02 ev moleunlin while wh arsoialzd with i Lotte pewb fore Ha whole aa Suction . Jad ; gad see + 0 5 cod ue Barts o” o o Lattice ent el Unit cll The Srmableat portion eA pace Lobe. wich can ao Le imputed Cai iby Bron oldmensimg ue Voxigus di vetion a a a7 wat y Veet @b,e av lattice veckor, “thot jmibie ax , Coble Un tale hic axes, the dhe Ms weal wy x fe elas cee | + naacti ia - Sib —< vat cel which ills olf tle space Under Ue action ¥ suitably emaict panslotion Opexatibn . @ scanned with Oken Scanner ie ppp Triclinic Simple Cubic (Primitive) Gd JL / Aa Pople TE | © g JO) ( px en Trigonal Tetragonal '_ Tetragonal Monoclinic eaniey (Rhombohedral) (Primitive) (Body Centered) (Primitive) cae asa eu. peal yr ; Orthorhombic Orthorhombic Orthorhombi ini Orthorhombic d ic Monoclinic (Primitive) (Base Centered) (Body Centered) (Face Centered) (Base Centered) © scanned with Oken Scanner Types &] Crystal AL cyst ow classified its Soren Aypel Slims on the § boot a ~Uaw chape * vuik etlls. “Boravale "pm INR axplainnd Naar lane au! foubten abit faxeck typos ei toysthal Lattices Onder “Lt Seven ne sistema. U Nowe. ef syle Frnaties, Ang No. &{ Lathices Example Cubic azb=(, 2feY-40 3 FD) Nacl ae Axbac , P=¥Et0 10) G50, Tehogmel a=bee ) of=B==0 2(Pz) Nise, Pecgeral asbZt deBes, Ye20 1) Quast dalioshonbic —aghge, eB eT=I AU GET) BN Monoclinic apbse , x5, Be 2(Pc) Fe Say Triclinte atbéc , tepAr ew 1(P) Cusoy Pa Prinative C Bare Contec! PrBerl tontertol F face Genter! , Covhentgh Lea! Semple Caystel sbachines ) Suasple wubier Tt vonttains (ablice pols af all Lhe ech lanes sla veit cell No - y alin po out cull & 1a 7hs8 3) Body Cunbarol twbic t Jt contnine one adulitisnal lattice radios teats sf tLe wat diy vit cell wield ak all w ornes. Nov pew cell b 2eherl 2) Face tbte 2 It Contutws Inthe brints atthe (onhe bf ther sore ve 0 will as af all tight boners. No - Os etems por cll 4 aS eet ont % 2 @ scanned with Oken Scanner Single owyelal Mctin O Saryple cubic shtacbin #— Jn “rhe atoacliaw “Ube ott CO | covdatus alems onl, at te eu Lk corners. Lad alin ab toner! i» thane eight vit cells, Une led me. alow assorialed with a valt ell 6 ea dys ed 3 Assuming, the abr ao had sphere, a? thar Vodive wr a cle rd oe Tela fan eke ol go me Fae fenton f- thar? «nas of alms de Unit elf elaine y? wit coll bx | 3 : one = = 523% oe 3 3.0% GS Tk th Milne, Une ane Sie meareab nag hoes ude alem thewdere Ue coorolénalt'on ninbre & Sk. @ %e Centyed ruhte Shrcline 2- ty the shui, un, BAuiton th the afome ot “Lea cig 2 > 7) fa Carnes , thew & abo an almm ab the “cpl! contre of tu cubic ell. Now A zB dine a winer alam & dharecl a jotu- cells anel the peo centred alten exclusively Us te coll Purdy Conriderstion, tHharfoe @ scanned with Oken Scanner a obi ostovalid with tha cell S are tL.lQ . Ths cll be hon prime Ome. Fath abim hoo & noardar ee Convtination nwrbey iy S. ye Cubed? aber rr at(99°) han oovdlinly of other atoms Oe » 2 a -4.4); (ry D a Uy -(Ba = Ao Fabdite Ga ¢ vel5a y | a packing (easton, {- sn 2 Ege = One se. = rs 068 ¥ cy ae 3 Te pieitane Asouslidion veckos one ee @ <9 (t4i-k) j Bea (iste); =a (4-H) | © Face tenlBed Cubde sMisuelane fy to Winclone, tr aididitiow to Yee a7] aleiinn ob tomers , ther axe alo aboms it ae dtu SY face cenbres ‘i Un ubic cell, Mince a corner alam Ws dhaued " wig hl calls arco! a tea —unbotd aton is thand beliveen two colls , om rane Fret bree 4 atoms arsoreatad with cell, Ln ee By * @s> packing terion f= gm x4 = Iona = 074 HY a? 3 Ja aye @ scanned with Oken Scanner Th. brinitive trambotton veebrs are d= 2 (43) > Bea(ite) je a) bv 15 > © scanned with Oken Scanner Stouctine cl Nacl It Cones ‘we face centiitd cubte sublattices , one ot Na im having tly “iy ab Reo os (0,29) anol other of I the cl im ay le ovnun i lu edge Of tube $ oF LA) Gate ttle otfne ow bd cate | ; NGL CIT im pains on tad Ont ta moe & P| F | J Corrdtnalin NC bom) eee), (ins): i Conrel “ ne a tee L ey Cid Gach oe 6a De Elton has G atime w meandk neiphbeurs: “te pack “4 cof alle ef Vole of vat eel 2 Ux ant an Cs atom ies Cpeg fpadeon) ae Diemane shueling : ‘The gpace lotlie 4 fee with prnuitie boon tf tao tdudtoal | ois at (0,0,0) md t's) assouatid with each Lathe Bh “the stomie positions vs the Cabs, cul ty Shon hy. The fractions donsto Arig ft about “ut bose vin vis of ube eolge The ph at 0 avd 1 axe on athe ce Lttiu avd fleat at . ondl aan ma sinaliar lattee dis placa mr the beely oliagore! by oy tle tube edge. ste an of alin “per tuk cell’ =8 7 rig iy vy =fBa § 8 L y fe gx knw ; == ir : Re: ; MILLER INDICES (hemes one The ealtpers which detumine Ue ovtentation eh a pum ue rulabion be the tue coyptallogr hac faxes are Cablect Miller Inolicer . @ scanned with Oken Scanner ler uy assume hak a,b,c ae magniticclrs of fovelaments! troulaton veel “4 cn Haw “ox, Corsica Llu milly vinci a to be obtained . pleme Age whoa Le 0A 0B awl oc an the ualerepts Y moe “4 this plone Une Hare axe, WeY now dp ~Ure bag ie a) we fvd unbaucepts euy lve reg. b) Express vulortepls 2s mu poe f- tlie prom, ©) Divide “le sabia bis ‘ke posreattons. d) “Tale -Uae heciprocal 9 . e) cleay tear fractions taki um “| Ln oltnominatns owl slbiplying ih Ther “giver “Ube miller aholices, (Me). Example t Sept tn leeds of te plan. Ake ae 20,260 Hen i will be 2,2,1 wo -lo point (Jobo, Reciprocals 2 fbr! Miller Indice, ¢ (1,2) hk h y y : Natt Gabe | Ui Cae é Lu Taliep ts + Frbercepls 2 tate, y (in 2) x Aut 2(001) 4 hut 3 (110) @ scanned with Oken Scanner 13.6 Engineering Physics F G| a =-PX > or) vz (@) 4y te 4 F GI(1.0 1) A B = ->x yd Cc 7 0 (© +x RY ’ (110) @ scanned with Oken Scanner ENTERPLANAR SPACING Gonsida. a plane Par with quill wocdiy (xt) , Sucl thar it makes sattcepts UY, 1 blk. and fp 07 “Une thee Crovdlinats axes, bef 0 be te vighe Drow oO pupendicculan on fe Oho “Uw plows . “Thurs onad, we dipfance bebioeen adqaunt plow or talked Caterplenon space Lek &,B owt Y be ongie Thos on wales with x % Z-axu, ° = oRaL OP = a » 00 = 2. , OR 7 Fm one, com: Oh od -O of a, o A = a wk w Somilonl CoB = d_ ond my = d_ ' bk eft From law diveckion Cosinta | Cook + twotp p c60y =! © Subs bi babi Ae value 4 cook , wp ovel weY equatt on @ scanned with Oken Scanner CRYSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS The wat Of .X- pt coveo tt ca ye stuthure woo yr mae 4 Von Lawes 1912 awa Fam fut du sadloped pa by Wt VBuage awl Wer bx Since | 4 wanelenoth ce she X= 4“ (wih) 6 t Ue over leno, sp au hoe ef bog dite clea ra oor a pps! ey “4 = Ue di ffownt A Rows we ton Bath Ludermaction Out thi Luternal ato mic athangentict of agetel B Breggs Lovo 5 Lows Te di a mek 20 e e Se? ~ td co Ei t & Shen hu oo anwar! pot pl at am © , a Rays a ae we ra Ur rupted, ria @ set exallel Sepaatid a distana / Tee oe ae ae C idle on “Un crystal vel get dipreted. “The path difhome helioen Y-tla tro ¥ Cam be oblainndl My drusing pripnsioars 06 anol Of ow CE od ED. th diffoone = GE + EF pm i 2 Ascot d SB = 2d SA8 for Constable ante ~The abone salable called Brags tow of Dif {frei @ scanned with Oken Scanner Tr clea, hot ener X-Ray will woh gok diffvacled dat, erly ta will te cifercled coh en A 4 tof U, tay motel Has Condition. Kg ifpeion wets Laue Methed ” Tt ip a Stansdarel omedlurel ‘i x cliffaa cbion, waec! in ystel ABucbtae cat A> sigle¥ evystal ob held stadiomat uy & bet wri rade weuutltte “the tsystap fulocls out aml ‘ aus Une dircroi valucr of A rr which Pee ex o spacer a anol sacl denee ough 0 ohn sland: “Un alFine q a Film Q eon’ —> Pin hele Collimakor Lane Putte A town ustel which Prasat? we mys ower a votcle will - collinhaolial beam > oa Hr. The due be pee hel arm wrt. The dimensions tal specimen rural © not be prenli tbaay lnm. laceol lo receive —lhe cleo! te lm fe plow din Ur ee ee +n Ue uitlut bem a wenasl i Msecbsfiye f . Brags 44 equstion. The oliffrrmckeo Tie consis i Serita of spots. The. patlan. an Toe othe syponnthay 4 ln Uysted ei @ scanned with Oken Scanner NUMERICAL PROBLEMS i Teairey ef plane paratlel te “te QB debeanine UAE MiLlay Tastiees of plow ; aan and th vistuctapls a. 2 and Yg alent x ans axe, ropreetivtly ( ; v b ,o Inteepls ont 20, BP 2,2,° > hs 3 Rocio tab : £ & ,o hk y " (, - tdi © raleutatr + oe spatin? t (221) plane of ar 8 Caleutati We nl pe / : P i fee chutiae hour abrir Rodina 4 O°ITS om ‘ eg ct As Uy = {ta or AAfRY = DIL ONTSKIO 7 < ANLKONTS x10 r + = OB2 am SB find We salve "of Lint {erplacas speci of (iio) avel (en) es diy VE fae thy - te me 8 dig an = f= hI B In Nat 2 ef between Ue duccessioe . A stutdewe ony -tle Leola SF oe in oo “ee is ds She ies, re land es. Malutale 4 of fag “ 2d if 7 2x 2:82 X10 Mc Sa(pa’) = A Az 063A As @ scanned with Oken Scanner Point Derects TN SoLins A poink defect nO vey localized disruption on Uw ‘aqua Fs lotic. 4 prin defect extend ub tila ence only « fer afsniz déamefors bey onal ib Lethe postion. Hb a obefeek oe A of pointe ef 0 Ei Defect to via — when an foe | Ov Paw a misst wy is ‘le ww a fh bhucline aE ifn \ colled a Schott a oy Vocany. The atsmng Aucrrounslt a va experience Ya abi doplaamoant onl ei Lotice site ‘ \lacan eden 4 an ue partask role in Une olf {uot atimg in V Common wrdudral processes Like oxidation | Suaface honclening the. The ola Unies becomts Coie with — lncreaae an hermol oneal helps din “Wa. olipfaion ni qeoGe® 2 OO OS >. att, Defer ay? S 83.80 St) GOO _ @® fsenkel Defect :- wher an alim ts shitba a nosmal Lottice site ond is foruc inte interstitial positron , the rea pat 4 prin dipeet a » called a Frenket defect. Vnconie “ere crealed during crystallisation cx from a vibvationw Un ob al? high “eomperelta, Huuwall vibratious , Ue alams mf dequtre platy 7 0, eneay and He w create a Vacan Fronkel Va u du é © ef fueitt Ou pro coq 4 A . ® 8 ul when Ue vupital dex pooed oO © Te fee fa high brut, sacliation . APOS The. vedliabton knock e®He® Some atoms out Heury Lotte ow poortious 4 pre Hom nto he ee et ~Us td! Q Im “Gt a oe a poviton vobich occwpi 1 tin Poe a “at ke oy Mer i‘. in ret fer Inelicton acter “4 sete O The Linpusily alin hos Same size as 20 that of at hat ab atm . @ scanned with Oken Scanner Cond a crystal or a -letod *4 N fons aud “n’ Achat ebb ne ‘nm’ Gotion Vacancies and ‘n) anion Vacoitly, ‘The ne- vot tn whidh adh linc! of Vacencis Can he prduced 6 NI (N-n)! ol Trt we. wou tn whidy “n! saree | aie be produced o t 2 wW =[_N! (Nea)l ol See + the oe Se kl «kta htg] The tinal on a re b Denk whe & hs Yu ona require b produce a par of Veo its te Fo Te Oh as 4 =nG TK era] Now a 2 Nt = deg (Nr)! - ban! | “J f bn)! 9} } os oe ago — nlegn +9 Pee n€p ART Lylage — be aplagint-n} _ alegn] ; whw equilibrion 5 attatnsel ab temp. an Manimunr 1k (2 =o “On / 1 @ scanned with Oken Scanner te & —onr [+ lle} Geo) - 4] as, - a p- ed [eg aa 20 E, = Jkt 4 (2) KT a q — ny = NED N Ep/z RT ep Lier Honea Woo « Gebotte depecls de penol te © scanned with Oken Scanner Concenttalian ranked ots. oh 00. oe ned T, my Woe h fale | ctfecls o Ne be one cabs ttitial tlio ond E; be nop naguired bs preuse ai difer. Tbh me oh ange Se wb Sn! frontal al Con be produces! We NL Nt lie ~| (Ni-ayl A} S = Klee W free tnugg Fe UTS “a @ scanned with Oken Scanner Relation belideen Lattice constant ane) clonsily a “hs fol 0 Conde 04 Cubic Labbe with lattice consart ay ya Une at of, “Une bad yan mass ww each vuit ell= ene, vals cell x f - tM 6 tke number , thew Mass 4 eook moloule it moleclor weigie aval N be The Avegodie 4H pb ne. molscudlos for vit cell Ron moss wm earth voib “oll 2 pM N oy = aM N = M can © scanned with Oken Scanner Nument tcals Bt Cateulale Uke qin angle 6f -th (110) plore of fl Lim ple cbt ral Cast datticoc constant 2 i nr second prdel dibfyact on maxima for X-Rays of a oto A, f d bns 2d ibe od g = Se 2A Lag Ox WaQ AR SAB = 2A ao n=2 Su0 = 2x TOK = 0356 Terag A ° O. Sa '(or3s6)= 2018S ok 82 Lend har fee Bbuclan anal ub br olin wl PY oA th oBb nm. why ey | (112) ple SE produce {rautcon ala fie Colada am ag “t ‘ 8 a De A kRe Bett 2Aee a wy f -AR » gor par = AS 5 dling Par opens ae Bens By 2 Di4QEXIS Mm. 51 @ scanned with Oken Scanner -9 = Or B507KI ™ 40 kp = Ly OKO ote Lxosse7xe : goon xe = 0/2024 Bs be “ak Og 4 a5 2 aw Ue pivitive vectors © Ue? cul «po will, sindice (319) cab he edb Na His caboruspls og te plore tha “WH eve we Ay Wke ¢ 3 1° Reapmals 7 ke ,@ Andin 4 1,3,% Oy oe ee ty obsene. difpeutron poten malidior voor! BI pm a cea bua Moninum plus a Gis p tl 2, Th net diffraction patton oi abone OX Possible ts pbrewwl @ scanned with Oken Scanner \ pi az] TK 60:2 \= folic asf leaco X G02 XI ea ee = = Oh x [0 vn | Sata : U 1 | oy : yy Bf gett =e Yh | Got to a ee 1 @ scanned with Oken Scanner Q. Draw the tetrahedral structure of Diamond . Ans. © scanned with Oken Scanner /Jiample 8.18. The concentration of Schottky defects in an ionic crystal is 1 in 10!° at a temperature of 300 K. Determination of the formation energy of Schottky defect)Estimate the average separation in terms of lattice spacings between the defects ai 300 K. Solution. The Schottky defect being a cation and anion vacancies, the concentration of Schottky imperfections in thermal equilibrium is given by -E n= Nexp P k,T P n -E Thus. W > pool Sit | agri seni VK and 1 eV = 1.6 x 10-9 J) —_————- ile, Eee i. © scanned with Oken Scanner 8-16 @OO CAVSTAL STRUCTURE ANALYSIS AND IMPERFECTION IN SOLIDS seem ao of zee No Pl O05 ~ Ey -10 = eX] or 10 of 0.05 } Taking logarithmic both the sides. -E -19 — ex log, 10 of 0.05 } log, = 2.303 In,, . il] or 2.303 Inj, 10- '° * log, L0-'°=2.303 Inj, 10° )fin 10-= 1} Dost 2.303 x10 * | _ 2 or 10 x 2.303 0.05 or E,, = 10 x 2.303 « 0.05 = 1.15 eV © scanned with Oken Scanner

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