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AIESEC Hungarian Association of

Students in Economic and Commercial


Local Committee of College of

Finance and Accountancy (LC PSZF)

Local Compendium

Table of Contents
I. General Provisions ........................................................................................... 2
II. Local membership ............................................................................................ 3
III. Structure .......................................................................................................... 6
IV. Association membership ................................................................................. 10
V. Conferences, LC camps, National meetings ..................................................... 11
VI. LC Voluntary Meetings .................................................................................... 12
VII. LDS Meetings.................................................................................................. 16

Entered into force: 31. October 2008. Last modified: 22. April 2021.
English version: 22. April 2021.

This compendium defines the organization and operation of AIESEC
Local Committee (Hereinafter: LC) of Budapest Business School Faculty
of Finance and Accountancy (Hereinafter: PSZF). Anything that is not
stated in the present Compendium shall be settled according to the
Constitution, Compendium, and Accounting and financial policy of
AIESEC Hungarian Association of Students in Economic and Commercial
Sciences (AIESEC MKE).

Nothing in this Compendium can be contradictory to these documents,

but it can set stricter regulations. In case of regulations controversial to
this document, the said regulations are considered invalid.
This Compendium has a Hungarian version. In case of any difference
between the two versions, the Hungarian version shall be considered

I. General Provisions
1.1. Name
The official name of the LC in Hungarian: AIESEC Magyar Közgazdászhallgatók
Egyesülete Pénzügyi és Számviteli Kar Helyi Bizottsága (LC PSZF), in English:
AIESEC Local Committee of University of Finance and Accountancy (LC PSZF).

1.2. Definitions
1.2.1 Attendance
Attendance on an event means continuous presence from the opening until the
end (with the exception of breaks).

1.2.2. Interested people

Interested people are those who are not official members of the LC, but
actively participate in its operations.

1.2.3. LCVM
Local Committee Voluntary Meeting is the decision-making platform of the LC,
attended by the official members. Additionally, it is open to all interested

1.2.5. LDS Meeting
The Leadership Body meeting is an executive meeting attended by the Middle
Managers and the EB. The LDS Meeting is closed, only the Middle Managers
of the LC, the EB and the persons invited by the EB can attend it.

II. Local membership

2.1. The LC is an independent work organization unit of AIESEC Hungarian Association of

Students in Economic and Commercial Sciences (AIESEC MKE). The Local
Committee consists of at least 6 association members - who are elected by the
National Congress (in a way detailed in the National Compendium), - the LC voting
members, the LC local members, and the interested people.
2.2. The voting members may practice their voting rights at the LCVM.
2.3. LC Local Member (hereinafter: local member)
2.3.1. Anyone can apply for local membership, who:
a. Fulfills the following criteria at the time of submitting their application:
- Has attended at least one local preparation event.
- Has been registered on the website of
- Has successfully passed a test (set by the EB) about the
organizational structure of AIESEC and the LC, legalities, and
operations; with at least 70%, in the presence of at least one EB
- Fulfills other criteria determined by the current EB
(Hereinafter: K.O. Criteria)
- The applicant acknowledges, accepts and demonstrates the
values of AIESEC and the LC, and acts upon them.
b. The applicant should apply before the following LCVM, until the date in
accordance with the publication, by sending his/her application form and an
endorsement letter written by his/her current or previous leader.
c. The applicant attends the said LCVM, where he/she will be elected in a way
detailed in the Rules of Consultation.
2.3.2. Rights of a local member:
a. He/she is entitled for conference fee support which is defined by the
LC vice president of finance.
b. He/She is entitled for requesting the certifying document of his/her
organizational membership.
c. He/she is entitled to apply for OCP middle manager position.

d. Apply for organizing committee membership of local and national
e. May apply for Entity Support Team position.
2.3.3. Termination of local membership
a. Local membership is automatically terminated if the local member
fails to attend two consecutive LCVMs.
b. Local membership is automatically terminated if the local member
fails to attend two consecutive LC camps.
c. Local membership is terminated by decision, if the LCVM votes for it,
based on an official suggestion. This also results in the exclusion of the
member from the LC.
d. Local membership is terminated if the local member resigns in a
written format to the EB or in personally on the LCVM.
e. Local membership is automatically terminated, if the local member
does not attend the Membership Review announced by the EB.
f. Local membership is terminated, if the Membership Review gave that
2.3.4. Suspension of local membership Local membership is automatically suspended:
a) If the local member is on sick leave for more than a month (from the
first day of the sick leave).
b) If the local member seems to stay abroad for more than a month (from
the day of departure).
c) If the local member has debt towards the LC, and he/she does settle it
until the following LCVM. If the local membership is suspended because of the points a) or b), the
member will get his/her local membership back, if the reason of the
suspension ends. If the local membership is terminated because of the points c), the
LCVM will decide on the end of suspension. The suspended local
member may ask to get his/her position back on the following two
LCVMs, otherwise the local membership will be terminated.
Additionally, the local membership cannot be asked back until the
member has not settled his/her debt towards the LC.

2.4. LC Local Voting Member (hereinafter: voting member)

2.4.1. Anyone can apply for voting membership, who:

a. Has been a local member for more than 120 days.
b. Has attended at least 4 LCVMs.
c. Has successfully passed a legal test (set by the EB) with at least 80%, in
the presence of an EB member.
d. Has applied before the following LCVM, until the announced deadline,
by sending his/her application form in which all the questions are fully
answered and also sending the endorsement letter if his/her current or
former leader.
e. The applicant attends the said LCVM, where he/she will be elected in a
way detailed in the Rules of Consultation.
f. Fulfills the announced criteria determined by the current EB (K.O.

a. Voting right, which can be practiced at LCVMs.

b. All rights of a local member, detailed under point 2.3.2.
2.4.3. Voting membership is an obligatory condition for an elected EB to be able to
start his/her EB term.
2.4.4. Termination of voting membership
a. Voting membership is terminated based on the point 2.3.4., similarly to the
termination of local membership.
2.4.5. Local membership is automatically terminated if the local member fails to
attend at least one National Congress in the intervals of 1. February – 30. July,
and 1. and August – 31. January.
2.4.6. Voting membership is suspended based on the point 2.3.5., similarly to the
suspension of local membership.
2.5. Membership Review
2.5.1. The EB organizes a Membership Review for all the local members and
voting members at least once a year.
2.5.2. During the Membership review, if the EB finds that the activity of a local
member/voting member is in contrary to the organizational culture of the
LC, his/her membership may be terminated at the following LCVM.
2.5.3. Membership Review may be held in specific cases, when the EB find it
necessary for a local member/voting member, based on the
performance reviews received.

III. Structure

3.1. The leading board of the LC is EB.

3.1.1. The members of the EB are the president and the vice presidents. Among
them, there is a vice president responsible for finance and legalities, a vice
president responsible for talent management and a vice president responsible
for exchanges.
3.1.2. Executive Board members are elected annually, their terms run from 1.
February to 31. January of the following year.
3.1.3. Local voting members may apply for Local Committee President position and
local members may apply for Local Committee Vice President positions at the
current EB, by submitting their application forms and two endorsement letters
until the date specified in the announcement and by fulfilling the criteria
determined by the current EB (K.O.: criteria). The applicants may acquire
endorsement letters from a current EB member and from a person who have
not had position in AIESEC in Hungary in the previous 1 year. The criteria for
vice presidents to start their official term is to acquire their voting
membership before the start of their term.
3.1.4. Election of the president:
a) Selection panel:
I. After the submission of the application form and fulfilled of the K.O
criteria the candidates can participate on the Selection panel, which
must be kept between the deadline for submission of the application
form and the next LCVM.
II. The members of the selection panel are the president and the
invited observers.
III. Its objective is to determine which applicant is the most suitable
for the position of presidency, by making a motion for the current
IV. The final decision is the scope of the current president.
V. Based on the decision of the President, which he / she informs
both the applicants and LC by 23:59 the day before LCVM that
which candidates can win the right to submit their departure to the
LCVM, if the decision of the panel is accepted by the LCVM.

b) Process of the confidence voting:
I. Following the holding of the confirmation panel, the LCVM will
decide on the adoption of the panel by secret voting by an
absolute majority.
II. If the panel's decision is accepted, the LCVM will hold a secret
voting about the applicants.
III. The vote will take place in the manner detailed in the 6.2 Rules of

c) Voting on the candidate recommended by the selection panel

The current president proposes to the LCVM about the acceptance of the
result of the panel.

3.1.5. Election of vice presidents:

a) Process of the confidence voting:
I. After the submission of the applications, the following LCVM holds
confidence voting. Based on the results, the applicants who received the
confidence shall attend the selection panel.
II. The process of voting is based on the Rules of Consultation.
b) Selection-allocation panel:
I. The members of the panel are the president, the elected president and
the invited observers.
II. Its objective is to determine which applicant is suitable for which
functional position, by making a motion for the elected president.
III. The decision of the final allocation is the scope of the elected president.
c) Voting on the candidate recommended by the selection panel
The current president proposes to the LCVM about the acceptance of the result
of the panel.
3.1.6. The tasks, responsibilities and scope of the EB The job description and scope of the EB is determined by the EB. The EB organizes quarterly evaluations, where they analyze the results
of the previous quarter. The EB shall inform the LC members about their activities in every
Quarter on an LCVM. Additionally, they shall give an account of their
half-yearly and yearly activities for the LC. The EB may decide on any
questions which are not in scope of the LCVM, according to the point
6.1.6. of this Compendium.

3.2. Middle Management:
Middle managers are those Organizing Committee Presidents (OCP), and
Coordinators, who have accepted their job description, and have been elected by
the LCVM in a way detailed by the Rules of Consultation.
3.2.1. If found necessary, the EB may open a middle manager position to carry out a
certain task.
3.2.2. The preparation of the job description and the application form is the
responsibility of the EB.
3.2.3. The process of becoming a middle manager:
a) Local membership is a necessary condition for applying for an OCP position.
However, anyone can apply for an OCVP or a coordinator position, local
members and interested people as well. If the applicant is not a local member
yet, he/she shall apply for local membership as well at the same time.
b) Interested people may apply with a combined local member- middle manager
application form. In this case, the LCVM shall vote separately on their local
member and middle manager election, and the applicant has to the conditions of
the local membership (2.3.1.). If the applicant is not elected as local member,
his/her middle manager application is automatically considered invalid.
c) The applicant should apply before the following LCVM, until the date specified
in the announcement and by fulfilling the criteria determined by the current
EB (K.O.: criteria), by sending their application form in which all the questions
are fully answered and an endorsement letter written by their a current or
elected EB (if applicable).
d) The election process:
a. The applicant holds a speech and answers the questions at the LCVM,
in a way detailed in the Rules of Consultation.
b. If the LCVM give the vote of confidence to the applicant, he/she may
participate in the selection-allocation panel.
c. The final allocation is the responsibility of the current and the elected EB
(if applicable), which is announced after the selection-allocation day.
e) Selection-allocation day:
a. The allocation committee is assembled based on the decision of the
current and elected EB (if applicable).
b. The date of the selection-allocation day is determined by the current
and elected EB (if applicable), its date shall be announced at latest 3
days before it or at the LCVM.

c. The applicants who received the vote of confidence shall attempt to
attend the allocation day. If they fail to do so because of own mistake,
the EB may suggest the withdrawal of confidence.
d. The aim of the selection-allocation committee is to evaluate and
allocate the applicants based on their skills, knowledge, and the annual
plan of the LC.
e. Based on the allocation day, the allocation committee makes a motion
on the positions of the applicants, which can contradict the decision of
the LCVM, i.e. it cannot give but can withdraw confidence from an
f) Voting on the people recommended by the allocation panel
a. The EB proposes to the LCVM to accept the results of the allocation
day. The LCVM also decides about the people recommended by the
allocation panel, their project plans and project budgets, which are
already worked out with the help of their functional vice presidents.

3.2.4. The tasks and responsibilities of the OCP:

a) The OCP is required to work out his/her own planned budget until the start of
his/her term, which shall be accepted by the vice president of finance.
b) The OCP is responsible for working out and evaluating the plan for his/her
project, and the sustainable transition of his/her knowledge and experience
about the project to the successor, or the EB if not applicable.
c) The OCP is required to give an account of his/her project and team at least in
every 2 months personally on the LDS meetings.
d) The development of his/her team members.
e) The OCP is fully responsible for the LC program
f) Further tasks and responsibilities are detailed in the job description.
3.2.5. The tasks and responsibilities of the Coordinator:
a) The Coordinator is responsible to work out his/her own budget which has to
be accepted by the current Vice President responsible for Finance & Legality.
b) The Coordinator is responsible for working out and evaluating the plan for
his/her project, and the sustainable transition of his/her knowledge and
experience about the project to the successor, or the EB if not applicable.
c) Required to give an account of his/her project and team at least in every 2
months personally on the LDS Meeting.
d) Further tasks and responsibilities are detailed in the job description.
3.2.6. The middle manager position is terminated, if:

a) The middle manager sends his resignation to the EB in written format, or
verbally on an LCVM.
b) Two local members submit a motion, and the LCVM votes for it.
c) The local membership of the middle manager is suspended or terminated for
any reason and the LCVM has voted about it.
d) The term ends.
In case of points a), b) and c), the EB may reopen the position for applications or
assign a new responsible for the position.
3.2.7. Task Forces
a) Task Forces may be created to tackle occasional problems, or to complete
periodic tasks, which are determined by the EB.
b) The leader of the Task Force is the Task Force Leader (hereinafter: TFL)
a. The preparation of the job description (which contains the tasks and
responsibilities), and the decision about the application process and
conditions is the responsibility of the EB.
b. The EB announces the application process for the local membership
and interested people with a deadline of at least one week away. The
decision on the received applications is in scope of the EB team.
c. The TFL is required to give an account of his/her activity at least in
every 2 months personally on the LDS Meeting.
d. If the TFL has a team, he/she is responsible for working out their job
descriptions and for their development.
c) The TFL position is terminated, if:
a. The middle manager sends his resignation to the EB in written format,
or verbally on an LCVM.
b. Two local members submit a motion, and the LCVM votes for it.
c. The predetermined time frame ends or the problem to solve ceases to
In case of points a. and b. the EB may reopen the position for applications
or assign a new responsible for the position.

IV. Association membership

4.1. The number of association members of LC PSZF is at least 6, who are decided on the
National Congress in a way detailed by the National Compendium of AIESEC MKE.

4.2. The EB is responsible for recommending association members. The president is
responsible for passing the recommendation to the National Congress in time and
in the right format.

V. Conferences, LC camps, National meetings

5.1. In case of LC camps, National and International conferences, the rates of conference
support fee are always decided by the vice-president of finance, and the supported
people are determined by the EB.
5.2. International conferences
a. EuroXpro
Based on the decision of the EB, the LC may be represented on EuroXpro by
the president, and another EB members, by the decision of the EB. The
conference fee is paid by the LC, the traveling costs may be supported by LC –
based on the decision of the Local Committee Vice President Responsible for
Finance & Legality, - the rest is paid by the EB member/members.
b. Regional Presidents Meeting
c. On Regional Presidents Meeting, the LC may be represented by the elected
president, or in case of obstruction the current president. The delegate fee is
fully supported by the LC and the support for the travelling fee is decided by
the Local Committee Vice President Responsible for Finance & Legality.
d. Other international conferences
The rates of conference support fee are decided by the vice-president of
finance, and the supported people are determined by the EB.
5.3. National conferences, National Congresses
a. National conferences and National Congresses are those detailed in point 4. of
the National Compendium.
b. Traveling costs for these conferences rest on the delegates.
5.4. In case a delegate does not attend one of the days of the conference which is supported
by the LC, he/she is not entitled to that support, consequently he/she has to pay it
back to the LC until the following LCVM.
5.5. LC camps
a) Traveling costs rest on the delegates.
b) Organizing and executing LC camps, meetings is the responsibility of the EB team.
c) Goal of the LC camps:
a. Finalizing the operative plan, clearing responsibilities.

b. Preparation of the LC for the period after the camp.
c. Teambuilding.
d) Recommended dates for LC camps: start of February, end of June-start of July, end of
August-start of September.
e) If an LC camp has an organizing committee determined by the EB, then their
conference support fee rates are determined by the EB.
f) In case a delegate does not attend one of the days of the camp which is supported by
the LC, he/she is not entitled to that support of that day, consequently he/she has to
pay it back to the LC until the following LCVM.
g) Induction Camp
a. Recommended dates: first week of March, first week of October.
b. Goal of the camp: delivery of basic AIESEC knowledge, induction of members,
preparation of new members.

VI. LC Voluntary Meetings

6.1. General provisions regarding the LCVM.

6.1.1. LCVMs shall be summoned at least every 40 days during school periods.
6.1.2. The EB shall announce the date of the following LCVM in the LC at least 7 days
before the event.
6.1.3. The LCVM is quorate, if more than 50% of the voting members are present.
6.1.4. At all LCVMs, a list of the attendees shall be taken, the Minutes shall be kept,
which is verified with the signatures of the Minute writer, the Vote counters,
the Chairperson, and the LC President. The LC President is also responsible
for verifying the Minutes, and passing it to the Controlling Committee.
6.1.5. All LCVMs organized in one LC camp are considered one LCVM, in a case if:
a) The Chairperson does not close the LCVM and then opens it again.
b) Only one Minutes is kept.
6.1.6. The following fall exclusively within the competence of the LCVM:
a) Adopting and modifying the Local Compendium.
b) Electing the EB.
c) Adopting and modifying the annual operative plan and financial plan.
d) Local member election and exclusion of local members from the LC.
voting member election and termination of voting membership.
e) Accepting the realized budgets of the LC programs.

f) Electing Middle Managers.
6.1.7. The following fall within the competence of the LCVM:
a) Decision on one-time, off-budget LC expenditures which exceed the
amount of 200.000 HUF.
b) Decision on any motions which were submitted in a way regulated by
point 6.2. of this Compendium.
The competence of decision on these questions can be passed on the EB by
qualified majority voting on the LCVM.
6.2. Rules of Consultation at LCVMs
6.2.1. Based on the recommendation of the president, the LCVM elects the
Chairperson by clapping.
6.2.2. Tasks of the Chairperson:
a) Opens and closes the LCVM.
b) Determines if the LCVM is quorate.
c) Gives speaking times to the attendees of the LCVM.
d) Takes the list of attendees, and closes it at his/her discretion.
e) Puts motions to vote.
f) Gives permission for joining and leaving the LCVM.
g) Does not participate in arguments, does not express his/her opinion. All
comments are directed to the Chairperson, there is no room for arguments
between people.
6.2.3. Based on the recommendation of the elected Chairperson, the LCVM elects the
Minute writer and the Vote counting committee by clapping.
6.2.4. Rights of the Chairperson:
a) Banning any person from the LCVM, with the exception of the
voting members.
b) Limiting the speaking times, the times to discuss a certain
topic, and the order of speakers.
c) He/she is the final interpreter of this Rules of Consultation.
6.2.5. Provisions of the motions:
a) A motion can be made in any topic, by anyone who attends the LCVM
and finds a supporter who is voting member. The proposer may hold a
speech to find supporters.
b) A motion can only be put to vote if it is received by the Chairperson in
written format.
c) No motion can stay undiscussed. A motion is discussed if it is put to
vote or the decision about it is postponed to a later date.

d) If an amending motion is received, and it is not accepted by the person
raising the original motion as a “friendly amendment”, then the original
motion should be put to vote first, and in case rejecting it, the amending
motion(s) shall be put to vote in the order they were received.
6.2.6. Procedural proposals may be as follows:
a) Put up the motion for vote
b) Replace the Chairperson, if he/she is not acting impartially.
c) Next motion discussed by the LCVM should be the proposed motion.
d) Postpone the decision on a motion for a later date.
e) Limit the duration of the discussion to a specific length of time.
f) The Chairperson should order a break.
Procedural proposals should be put up for open vote immediately, if it has
supporters. Qualified majority is needed for carrying procedural proposals in
case of points a), b), and c). If not accepted, no similar motion can be made for
15 minutes.
6.2.7. The order of comments:
a) The speeches of the submitter and the supporter of the motion.
b) Clarifying questions regarding the content of the motion.
c) Comments as it follows:
- Speaking in support of the motion.
- Speaking against the motion.
- Discussion of the motion.
d) After this, the motion shall be put up for vote.
6.2.8. Verbal interruptions:
a) Information request or supply.
b) Irrelevant comment
c) Non-parliamentary language.
d) Violation of the Constitution or the Compendium.
For verbal interruptions, the Chairperson gives opportunity to speak
immediately (with the appropriate gesture), but he/she can immediately
revoke it, if the speaker seems to violate this right.
6.2.9. Voting:
a) All motions – not regulated differently in this document – are decided
at the LCVM by an open voting with absolute majority.
b) If the Chairperson suggests it, and there is no objection, any question
can be decided by clapping, with the exception of personal matters
c) The LCVM decides by secret voting:

- In personal matters.
- In any other motions, if at least 10% of the present voting members
ask for it.
d) The LCVM decides by qualified majority:
- About the procedural proposals in case of points a), b), and c) of
point 6.2.6 of this Compendium.
- About the annual operative plan, and the financial plan.
e) A motion receives absolute majority if more than 50% of the votes
casted are “yes”. A motion receives qualified majority if more than ¾ of
the votes casted are “yes”.
6.2.10. Voting on non-personal matters: yes, no, abstention.
6.2.11. Voting on personal matters:
a) The candidates hold 3-10-minute-long speeches, then answer the
questions. It is followed by secret voting.
b) If we elected for one position and the number of applied candidates is
more than the number of positions advertised:
- Each local voter member will write their preference voting for
candidates to the prepared in advance voting paper. If there is a
number next to a candidate's name, it is considered as a yes vote. The
name of the most preferred candidate should be 1, next to the next
name 2, and so on. You can vote to each candidate with yes (number)
or no , as well as abstention.
- The vote counters committee shall determine which of the candidates
holds an absolute majority of the votes cast. (i.e., the number of no and
abstention votes is less than any other numbered preference).
Candidates who have not obtained an absolute majority of the votes in
this way will no longer be included.
- The vote counters committee shall determine that all of the candidates
how many 1, 2, 3, etc. votes received and then weighted by multiplying
the number of votes 1 by the total number of candidates, then
multiplying the number of votes 2 by the number of entrants minus 1,
and so on. After completing these, each candidate will have a score.
- After the result score, the result can be determined on the basis of a final
ranking, who has been selected by the LCVM for the given position(s).
- In the case of any other question that cannot be decided in any other
way, the lesser no votes shall be decided first, and in the case of their

equality the fewer abstentions shall decide. If the voting of a tie, the
vote of the President of the LC shall be decisive.
- If none of the candidates receives more than 50 per cent of the votes,
new elections may be called at a later date.
c) In any other personal cases:
The order of voting: yes, no, abstention. Only one round of voting is held,
where the applicants have to get the absolute majority of the casted
votes, otherwise they are not elected.
6.3. Online Local Committee Voluntary Meeting
a) The Online Local Committee Voluntary Meeting is a platform for the
Local Committee Voluntary Meeting what can be hold during curfew,
during a nationally ordered emergency, in the case of assembly
restriction on an online communication platform as part of a video call
and using mike.
b) During the Online Local Committee Voluntary Meeting, attendance is
verified by turning on the video camera.
c) Voting process at the Online Local Committee Voluntary Meeting:
a. During open voting, it is done by turning on the camera and by
rising up the hand.
b. In case of a secret vote via a google form anonymously.
d) With the exception of control of attendance and the voting system, all
other provisions relating to the LCVM may be applied at the Online
Local Committee Voluntary Meeting.

6.4. Online presence on a physical LCVM

6.4.1. A form of LCVM when one or more of the people with the permission of the
EB present online with a computer provided by the EB, on a physical LCVM.
Their attendance is verified in the same way as for an online Local Committee
Voluntary Meeting.
6.4.2. Conditions:
 Stable internet connection and camera on during their presence.
 At the request of the Chair, they must have a microphone in working order and
must be switch on when answering questions.
 It is obliged to participate actively in the LCVM in accordance with the Rules
of Consultation and ask questions on the proposals.
 Absence with justifiable reasons (detailed in point 6.4.3.)

 Must have a submitted to the EB and accepted by them request at least 3 days
before the LCVM.
 If any of above is not fulfilled, the accepted application shall be considered
invalid and the attendance shall be considered null and void.
6.4.3. How to submit a request:
 To the official e-mail address of the current EB, formally submitted with a
request in accordance with the requirements of the form, using the following
subject: “Request of online presence”.
 The letter must have at least one valid reason (judgment of reason in point
 The submission must be done at least 3 days (i.e. 72 hours) before the start of
the LCVM.
6.4.4. Adjudication of the request:
 The EB is obliged to report to the claimant within 24 hours after the
submission of its decision, giving reasons in writing.
 In each case, the EB will consider and decide on the justification in its own
discretion its justification.
 Previous passive behaviour in online presence may result in automatic
 The number of request submitted for an LCVM can affect their acceptance by
the EB.

VII. LDS Meetings

7.1. General provisions regarding the LDS Meeting:

7.1.1. LDS Meetings can be attended by the EB and the middle managers of the LC,
as well as, the visitors invited by the EB.
7.1.2. The organization and execution of the LDS Meeting is the responsibility of the
7.1.3. The Middle Managers has to present the plan and budget of their plan on the
LDS Meeting, as well as, to present the state of those in every 2 months.
7.1.4. LDS Meetings has to be held in every 2 months.

7.1.5 The date and the place of the LDS Meeting is determined by the EB. The
middle managers are informed about the date of it at least one week before the
LDS Meeting.
7.1.6 The EB administrates an attendance sheet about the participants on the LDS
7.2. Attendance Obligations of the LDS Meeting:
7.2.1 If a middle manager does not attend two consecutive LDS meeting, his/her local
member right mentioned in this Compendium 2.3.2 a), d) and e) points until:
a) attends two consecutive LDS Meetings
b) or 2 dayes after the expiration of his/her middle manager term if
he/she does not start a new term as the EB or middle manager of
the LC.


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