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Monitoring Transformer's Oil Moisture Levels

the load and oil temperatures have

been relatively constant for a longer
period. As this procedure is quite
demanding and time consuming
several problems might occur,
causing a change in the moisture
level of the sample and as a result
producing misleading information.
Moisture in oil levels also vary
considerably depending on the
operational conditions, which means
that a moisture reading from an oil
sample at a single point in time may
not be typical. Therefore, an on-line
moisture monitoring system would be
a right solution to overcome possible
problems encountered during a
traditional oil sampling procedure.

Reverse Water
Absorption Behaviour
The cellulose-oil system in a
Transformer windings are insulated Moisture Dynamics transformer is very complex in regard
with cellulose and surrounded by
The insulation cellulose absorbs to moisture distribution, because
oil to ensure proper insulation and
water from the transformer oil, which of the reverse water absorption
cooling. Poor oil quality can lead to
can absorb it from the atmosphere behavior of oil and cellulose. With
a low dielectric strength and even to
via the free breathing conservator increasing temperature, solid
a system failure. High water content
or through degraded sealing. The cellulose releases water that is
together with dissolved gases in
moisture level increases also with absorbed by oil and vice versa when
oil may cause bubbling in case the
water formed as the cellulose temperature decreases. As there is
total pressure of gases exceeds the
insulation slowly degrades i.e. the continuous water transfer between
ambient pressure of the transformer.
DP value decreases. With higher oil and cellulose, equilibrium is
Knowledge of the transformer's water content, the degradation rate is difficult to reach. Most water in solid
insulation cellulose dryness is faster, forming more water resulting insulation is located in the coolest
needed to avoid a breakdown to an accelerated ageing process. The part, i.e. the bottom. It is important
situation and to optimise the life span of a transformer is generally that the relative saturation of oil
transformer maintenance. As the defined by the quality of the cellulose does not approach high levels at
dryness of the oil correlates well insulation. the lowest temperature that the
with the dryness of the cellulose, it transformer may be exposed to. Due
It is common practice to monitor
is a practical and traditional way to to the load variation of an operating
the transformer moisture level by a
monitor the oil moisture level in a transformer, moisture levels in
scheduled oil sampling and analysis
transformer. A sudden increase in cellulose and oil change 24/7.
in a laboratory. The oil sample for
moisture level indicates e.g. a leak.
moisture analysis should be taken
By keeping the transformer as dry as
when the system is quite stable i.e.
possible its lifetime will be extended.
Benefits of On-Line The return of moisture to earlier charts available, it is possible to
Monitoring levels may take a remarkably longer estimate the water content in the
period of time. cellulose insulation during the
On-line monitoring gives a true and
Installation of the on-line moisture transformer operation. This would
real-time picture on the moisture
sensor is also beneficial with rather often demand an intelligent cooling
levels in a transformer oil at all
low moisture levels in transformers system in order to maintain the
conditions the transformer is
that have a higher increase rate of temperature as constant as possible
the carbons and a low DP value of for the time period long enough
On-line moisture monitoring can to reach the moisture equilibrium
the cellulose insulation, as these
provide valuable information on state. There has been recently some
values indicate further possible
transformers which have previously literature published to evaluate the
degradation of the cellulose and
being identified having moisture cellulose moisture also directly
therefore a further increase in the
problems, and also transformers from the measured relative moisture
water concentration.
which may have moisture issues that saturation and temperature of oil.
have not been detected by routine The moisture sensor will provide
the transformer with enough Monitoring alone will not fix
oil sampling. A common observation
operational safety margins. anything. It is the action taken based
is that a single heavy overload-
Moreover, based on the sensor's on monitoring which can result to
over temperature event can rapidly
moisture readings (calculated as condition improvement in the
increase moisture in oil levels as
ppm) and the equilibrium moisture long run.
moisture is driven from the cellulose.

For more information, visit Ref. B210834EN-B ©Vaisala 2011

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