Tourism Trends Statistics Report 2022

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DEFINITIONS .................................. 2
Tourist Arrivals by Purpose of Visit . 14
Tourist Arrivals by Mode of Transport 15
Hotel Accommodation Utilization ..... 17
Lodge Accommodation Utilization .... 21
CONCLUSION ................................. 29
Annexure 1: Tourist Arrivals by Source Market 30
Annexure 2: Top Markets ................ 33
Annexure 3: Hotel Accommodation Statistics 34

For reasons of comparability and consistency the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority uses
International definitions as given by the United Nations World Tourism Organization
(UNWTO). Some of the definitions used are:

Tourist: is a traveler who takes an overnight trip outside his/her usual environment,
for less than a year, for any main purpose (business, leisure or other personal
purpose) other than to be employed by a resident entity in the country or place

Same–day Visitor: A visitor who does not spend a night in a collective or private
accommodation in the country visited.

Arrivals: All data refer to arrivals and not actual number of people traveling. One person
visiting the same country several times during the year is counted each time as
a new arrival. Likewise, the same person visiting several countries during the
same trip is counted each time as a new arrival.


COVID-19 - 2019 Novel Corona Virus

DRC – Democratic Republic of Congo

DOTS – Domestic & Outbound Tourism Survey

FDI – Foreign Direct Investment

GDP – Gross Domestic Product

IMF - International Monetary Fund

MICE – Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions

RBZ - Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

SADC - Southern African Development Community

TSA – Tourism Satellite Account

UAE – United Arab Emirates

UNWTO – Untitled Nations World Tourism Organization

USA – United States of America

VES – Visitor Exit Survey

VFR – Visiting Friends and Relatives

ZTA – Zimbabwe Tourism Authority


Global Economic Growth

Source: IMF

• Travel propensity and the growth of the tourism sector often mirrors the state of

the economy.

• The IMF recorded global growth of 3.6% in 2022 as the world recovered from COVID-

19 which saw a 3.1% contraction in global GDP in 2021.

• Further growth of 3.6% is expected for the global economy in 2023.


Tourist Arrival Growth – 2022/21

Source: UNWTO

• The travel industry continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

• According to preliminary figures from the UNWTO dashboard, international
tourist arrivals recovered by 101.6% in 2022.
• Global Tourist Arrivals rose from 455 million to 917 million.
• However, these Global Arrivals are still 37% below the 1.46 billion arrivals
recorded in 2019 (pre-Covid level).
• According to UNWTO data, tourist Arrivals to Sub-Saharan Africa rose by 134%
from 19.2 million to 45 million in 2022.
• Sub-Saharan Africa contributed 5% of the global tourist arrivals.
• Zimbabwe recorded 1,043,781 tourist arrivals, contributing a marketshare of 2%
to sub saharan Africa.

National Economic Growth

Source: World Bank, Treasury

• According to the World Bank, in 2022 Zimbabwe’s national economy grew by

3.2 % as the country recovered from the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic.

• The national economy is projected to grow by 3.8% in 2023 according to the


• The annual inflation rate dropped from 255% to 243% and this drop was largely

a result of government efforts in controlling rising prices and exchange rate


Tourist Arrivals 2022/21

2022 2021 % Change

AFRICA 693,281 269,364 157%

AMERICAS 100,112 20,739 383%

ASIA 47,453 12,634 276%

EUROPE 174,544 69,815 150%

MIDDLE EAST 6,593 1,002 558%

OCEANIA 21,798 7,266 200%

TOTAL 1,043,781 380,820 174%

Source: Immigration Data

• Total tourist arrivals rose by 174% in 2022 compared to 2021 as the global travel and

tourism continues to show strong recovery post COVID 19.

• All markets more than doubled their 2021 levels with most overseas markets even

trebling over the review period.

• The current trajectory points to a quick recovery in tourism performance, much more

than had been predicted. The international tourist arrival figure edged towards half

of the 2019 level (2,294,259), although still 55% below the pre-COVID level.

Accommodation Utilization Statistics

National Average Hotel Room Occupancy Rates 2022/21

Source: Tourism Operators Returns

• The national average room occupancy rose from 20% to 44% reaching the pre-

COVID levels.

• The average room occupancies for the review period presented continuous positive

results since the beginning of the year, a sure indication that the tourism sector is

recovering from the severe shocks of the COVID-19 pandemic.


Tourism Receipts (USD Millions)

Tourism Receipts Trend 2018 - 2022

• The sector is estimated to have generated about US$911 million during the

year 2022, a 129% rise from US$397 million in US$2021.

• Although the current receipts are still about 37% less than the year 2019,

there has been a remarkable rise in the review period.

• The rise in tourism receipts reflects the increased domestic tourism demand

and the recovery in overseas markets.


Investments into the Tourism Sector

Tourism Investment Values by Category 2022/21

• Investments in the tourism sector grew by 120% in 2022 totaling US$312.5

million from US$142.1million recorded in 2021.

• A total of 271 projects were recorded in 2022 compared to 202 in 2021

• New projects recorded in the tourism sector are quite encouraging as this is a

sign of people’s confidence in the future of tourism in the country.

• The restaurant subsector had the highest absolute increase in new investment

value rising from US$35.7 million in 2021 to US$154.8 million in 2022.

• A total of 2358 jobs were created through the investments compared to 2016
new jobs in 2021.

Trend in Tourist Arrivals 1980 – 2022

Source: ZTA Using Immigration Figures

Total Arrivals by Quarter 2022/21

• Contrary to the year 2021 which started off under strict Covid 19 lockdown
following the emergence of the delta variant, 2022 was free from lockdowns.

• Arrivals in 2022 generally rose by each quarter peaking during the third
quarter as is expected in a normal year.
**For detailed arrivals by quarter and source region see Annexure 1

Tourist Arrivals Market Share by Region: 2022/21

Tourist Arrivals Market Share by Source Region 2022

• The overseas share rose by 5 percentage points while that for Africa shrunk by the
same margin as tourist arrivals from the overseas markets rose at a much stronger
rate than those from Africa.
• Arrivals from Africa continue to dominate Zimbabwe’s inbound tourism with a share
of 66%.
• Europe (17%) and the Americas continue to be the biggest contributors of overseas
tourist arrivals.

Tourist Arrivals by Purpose of Visit

Tourist Arrivals by Purpose of Visit 2022/21

Source: Immigration Data

• Generally, numbers of arrivals by all purposes rose during the period under review.

• Unlike the pre-COVID case where visitors transiting through the country normally

account for a share of around 45%.

• In 2022 these visitors accounted for 28% of all arrivals.

• Transits have even gone down from 38% of all arrivals in 2021.

Tourist Arrivals by Mode of Transport

Tourist Arrivals by Mode of Transport 2022/21

Source: Immigration Data-IF1 Form

• Arrivals by both land and air more than doubled with arrivals by land nearly

tripling in the review period

• This follows the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions, opening of borders and

the subsequent resumption of travel and tourism.


Hotel Accommodation Utilization

Average Hotel Room Capacities by Province 2022/21

Average Hotel Room Occupancy Rates by Region 2022/21

Source: ZTA using Operator Data


• All regions experienced growth in hotel room occupancy, with increases

ranging from 1 to 22 percentage points.

• Bulawayo had the highest average occupancy rate, at 57%, followed by

Nyanga (51%) and Harare (48%).

• Feedback from operators indicated that the rise in occupancies was driven by

the increase in domestic tourism, particularly for MICE (meetings,

incentives, conferences, and exhibitions), business, and leisure travel.

• Most of the MICE business in the regions came from corporate, NGO, and

government events. Bulawayo region also hosted two of the largest

exhibitions in the country: the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) and

the Mining Engineering and Transport Expo.

• For Harare region, Major MICE events included ZANU PF's 7th National

People's Congress in October and religious gatherings during Easter holidays.

• It is encouraging to note that the 2022 average hotel occupancy levels

reached the same levels as in 2019(pre-Covid levels).


Monthly Trend for Average Hotel Room Occupancy January to December 2022/21

Source: ZTA using Operator Data

• The above trend shows that the 2022 national average occupancy levels were
greater than those of 2021 for all months.
• Unlike 2021 which experienced lockdowns, in 2022 everything had

For more details on occupancy statistics refer to Annexure 3


Quarterly Trend for Average Hotel Room Occupancy – 2022/21

Source: ZTA using Operator Data

• The seasonality trend for average room occupancy level normalized in

2022 unlike in 2021 where the first quarter and the third quarter were

affected by the lockdowns.

• The normal trend often rises from the first quarter which is the trough

to the 3rd quarter which is often the peak season.


Lodge Accommodation Utilization

Lodge Capacities by Province

Average Lodge Room Occupancies by Province- 2022/21


• In the year 2022, the national lodge average room occupancies closed at 32%
up from 22% in 2021.
• All the regions managed to record occupancies of 23% and above in 2022

Average Lodge Room Occupancy by Province – 2022

Number Total Room Occupancy Clientele Mix
of Room
Lodges Capacity 2022 2021
2022 2021 % Point Local Foreign Local Foreign
Harare 88 784 27% 16% 11% 98% 2% 95% 5%
Bulawayo 122 1,045 28% 16% 12% 96% 4% 97% 3%

Mutare/Vumba 49 593 26% 28% -2% 95% 5% 98% 2%

Nyanga 4 60 27% 17% 10% 88% 12% 100% 0%

Midlands 11 161 46% 36% 10% 86% 14% 100% 0%

Masvingo 38 386 39% 28% 11% 90% 11% 95% 5%

Kariba 41 402 47% 26% 21% 96% 4% 95% 5%

Hwange 62 820 28% 19% 9% 83% 17% 100% 0%

Victoria Falls 29 381 30% 10% 20% 52% 48% 82% 18%

Beitbridge 37 415 23% 19% 4% 88% 12% 100% 0%

National 473 5,048 32% 22% 10% 87% 13% 96% 4%

• Domestic tourism drove 87% of lodge business in 2022.

• Kariba saw the highest growth in average room occupancies thanks to
improved accessibility and renewed interest from academia.
• New adrenaline-based activities have complemented existing tourism offerings
in the region.
• Victoria Falls lodges experienced the second highest growth in room
occupancies due to ongoing tourism recovery.

• Bulawayo saw the third highest growth, with domestic leisure travel
accounting for 96% of clientele.
• MICE business also brought in additional demand during major events such as
the ZITF.

National Average Lodge Room Occupancy by Month 2022





• The above trend shows general growth in average occupancies from January to
December 2022.

• In 2021 the occupancy rates dipped in June and July as strict COVID lockdown
measures were imposed.

2022/21 Domestic Trips by Purpose of Visit

2022 2021
Business and Professional 1,473,066 824,878
Leisure 932,942 522,422
VFR 4,124,584 2,309,656
Funeral/wedding 994,320 556,792
Convention/conference/congress/ exhibition
49,102 27,496
Education and Training 220,960 123,732 79%
Health and medical care 613,778 343,699
Shopping 1,620,372 907,365
Religious/Pilgrimage 773,360 433,061
Other 1,460,791 818,004
Not Stated Total 12,276 6,874
TOTAL 12,275,551 6,873,979
Source: ZTA: Based on DOTS weights and indicative change in domestic tourism demand

• About 12.3 million domestic trips are estimated to have been made throughout
the country y all purposes in 2022 up from about 6.9 million in 2021.

• All in all domestic trips rose by 79% during the period under review.

• Domestic Visitations in National Parks & Museums 2022/21

Source: Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management (ZIMPARKS), National Museums & Monuments (NMMZ)

• Domestic entries into national parks rose by 87% while those into national
museums and monuments increased by 210%.
• All in all domestic entries into the national parks and museums rose by 107%
from 301 879 to 626 118 in 2022.

National Park Entries– 2022/21

2022 2021 Change

Domestic Foreign TOTAL Domestic Foreign Total Domestic Foreign Total

Rainforest 99,010 115,024 214,034 48,600 22,002 70,602 104% 423% 203%
Zambezi 81,968 65,665 147,633 36,846 6,810 43,656 122% 864% 238%
Matobo 57,799 6,458 64,257 32,717 670 33,387 77% 864% 92%
Chinhoyi 50,886 1,142 52,028 21,425 218 21,643 138% 424% 140%
Chivero (S/B) 43,257 661 43,918 18,638 29 18,667 132% 2179% 135%
Main camp 18,453 13,867 32,320 11,161 2,758 13,919 65% 403% 132%
Nyanyana 30,788 717 31,505 17,553 190 17,743 75% 277% 78%
Nyanga 27,903 192 28,095 15,996 36 16,032 74% 433% 75%
Kyle 12,335 140 12,475 5,783 66 5,849 113% 112% 113%
Darwendale 10,987 38 11,025 7,635 2 7,637 44% 1800% 44%
Chipinda 6,300 2,694 8,994 5,047 515 5,562 25% 423% 62%
Osborne 5,832 - 5,832 5,174 - 5,174 13% 13%
Mana Pools 2,930 2,576 5,506 3,913 874 4,787 -25% 195% 15%
Sinamatella 2,184 2,579 4,763 2,041 402 2,443 7% 542% 95%
Robins 1,509 2,791 4,300 1,665 537 2,202 -9% 420% 95%
Vumba 3,607 86 3,693 3,226 31 3,257 12% 177% 13%
Ewanrigg 3,616 3 3,619 3,373 - 3,373 7% 7%
Chimanimani 2,841 153 2,994 2,604 21 2,625 9% 629% 14%
Marongora 2,490 158 2,648 2,911 40 2,951 -14% 295% -10%
Ngezi 2,480 8 2,488 2,737 2 2,739 -9% 300% -9%
Sebakwe 1,219 10 1,229 1,792 - 1,792 -32% -31%
Chizarira 300 274 574 114 53 167 163% 417% 244%
Matusadonha - - - 137 - 137 -100% -100%
Monthly Totals 468,694 215,236 683,930 251,088 35,256 286,344 87% 510% 139%

• The total entry figure was 683,930 which represents a 139% increase from
286,344 in 2021
• Domestic entries into national parks rose by 87% from 251,088 to 468,694 in
2022 while entries by foreign visitors rose by 510% from a mere 35,256 to 215,236
as international travel recovers.

Visitor Arrivals by Top 10 National Parks – 2022/21

Source: Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management (ZIMPARKS)

• The Rainforest and Zambezi the most visited parks by both the domestic and
foreign visitors.
• Both parks are in the Victoria Falls area.

• These national parks combined contribute over half (53%) of all the national parks

• Domestic entries dominate all national parks with the exception of the Rainforest
which attracts more international visitors.

National Museums Entry Statistics 2022/21

2022 2021 Change
Foreign Domestic Total Foreign Domestic Total Foreign Domestic Total
MILITARY MUSEUM (sites 56 13427 13483 28 5098 5126 100% 163% 163%
include Dhlodhlo, Naletale &
National Mining Museum)
MUTARE MUSEUM (sites 13 6299 6312 1 1430 1431 1200% 340% 341%
includes Ziwa,Diana's vow)
MUSEUM OF HUMAN 190 27204 27394 50 14701 14751 280% 85% 86%
SCIENCES (sites include
Domboshava, Ngomakurira,
NATIONAL HEROES ACRE 143 19007 19150 27 1607 1634 430% 1083% 1072%
GREAT ZIMBABWE 2707 45359 48066 256 12329 12585 957% 268% 282%
NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM 2369 46128 48497 203 15626 15829 1067% 195% 206%
(sites includes Rhodes Grave,
Khami, Pomongwe)
TOTAL 5478 157424 162902 565 50791 51356 870% 210% 217%

Source: National Museums and Monuments of Zimbabwe

• Total entries into Museums and Monument increased by 217% in the review period.
• Domestic entries rose by 210% while foreign entries rose by 870%.

Museum entries in 2022 and 2021.


While the country, and the world at large, continue to recuperate from the negative

effects of COVID 19, hope for a quick full recovery, more than had been previously

anticipated, remains high considering the strong paces recorded in 2022. The

increased growth in global tourist arrivals gives a consoling prospect for the

expected growth in arrivals into the country both from the region and overseas.

The domestic market remains key along with the international arrivals, holding

strong hope for the recovery of the sector. Going forward, the marketing efforts by

ZTA and the tourism industry are expected to go a long way in strengthening the

recovery of the sector.

Annexure 1: Tourist Arrivals 30
by Source Market

Overseas Tourist Arrivals by Source Market 2022/21

Source Country 2022 2021 Change
Argentina 567 36 1475%
Brazil 1,042 152 586%
Canada 7,890 1,140 592%
Mexico 1,684 249 576%
USA 83,392 18,756 345%
Other America 4,899 255 1821%
Total 99,474 20,588 383%
China/Hongkong 23,422 9,020 160%
India 17,822 2,518 608%
Japan 1,938 145 1237%
Malaysia 268 43 523%
Pakistan 1,366 265 415%
Singapore 1,018 22 4527%
S. Korea 1,022 83 1131%
Other Asia 597 538 11%
Total 47,453 12,634 276%
Cuba 129 10 1190%
Jamaica 249 26 858%
Other Islands 260 115 126%
Total 638 151 323%
Austria 2,929 4,921 -40%
Benelux 19,079 9,104 110%
Britain & Ireland 63,802 25,044 155%
France 12,734 4,611 176%
Germany 23,980 5,533 333%
Italy 9,965 1,143 772%
Nordic Countries 11,001 4,300 156%
Portugal 2,759 508 443%
Spain 9,870 2,015 390%
Switzerland 6,429 3,929 64%
Other Europe 11,996 8,707 38%

Total 174,544 69,815 150%

Iran 179 30 497%
Israel 3,055 774 295%
Kuwait 21 3 600%
S. Arabia 20 5 300%
UAE 283 33 758%
Other ME countries 3,035 157 1833%
Total 6,593 1,002 558%
Australia 11,050 1,988 456%
N. Zealand 7,780 3,743 108%
Others 2,968 1,535 93%
Total 21,798 7,266 200%

Source: Immigration Data


African Tourist Arrivals by Source Market 2022/21

2022 2021 Change

Tourists Transits Total Tourists Transits Total Tourists Transits Total

Angola 560 466 1,026 180 14 194 211% 3229% 429%
Botswana 30,996 5,213 36,209 3,629 1,589 5,218 754% 228% 594%
DRC 4,303 8,051 12,354 1,258 4,319 5,577 242% 86% 122%
Egypt 456 1 457 143 8 151 219% -88% 203%
Ghana 1,118 547 1,665 193 1 194 479% 54600% 758%
Kenya 5,466 1,627 7,093 2,101 307 2,408 160% 430% 195%
Lesotho 1,857 1,284 3,141 1,217 471 1,688 53% 173% 86%
Malawi 26,265 111,624 137,889 10,025 51,542 61,567 162% 117% 124%
Mauritius 889 38 927 75 0 75 1085% 1136%
Mozambique 58,363 18,357 76,720 17,195 10,539 27,734 239% 74% 177%
Namibia 5,119 3,536 8,655 3,079 622 3,701 66% 468% 134%
Nigeria 2,696 34 2,730 509 3 512 430% 1033% 433%
Seychelles 185 0 185 374 0 374 -51% -51%
S. Africa 179,944 39,197 219,141 52,471 19,413 71,884 243% 102% 205%
Swaziland 2,751 1,379 4,130 1,927 838 2,765 43% 65% 49%
Tanzania 5,538 5,373 10,911 1,863 2,278 4,141 197% 136% 163%
Uganda 3,737 557 4,294 1,622 471 2,093 130% 18% 105%
Zambia 69,452 73,157 142,609 21,495 48,113 69,608 223% 52% 105%
Other Africa 19,609 3,536 23,145 6,740 2,740 9,480 191% 29% 144%
Total 419,304 273,977 693,281 126,096 143,268 269,364 233% 91% 157%

Source: Immigration Data

Annexure 2: Top Markets 33

Top Overseas Markets

Rank 2022 2021
1 USA 83,392 Britain & Ireland 25,044
2 Britain & Ireland 63,802 USA 18,756
3 Germany 23,980 Benelux 9,104
4 China/Hongkong 23,422 China/Hongkong 9,020
5 Benelux 19,079 Germany 5,533
6 India 17,822 Austria 4,921
7 France 12,734 France 4,611
8 Australia 11,050 Nordic Countries 4,300
9 Nordic Countries 11,001 Switzerland 3,929
10 Italy 9,965 N. Zealand 3,743

Top African Markets

Rank 2022 2021
1 S. Africa 219,141 S. Africa 71,884
2 Zambia 142,609 Zambia 69,608
3 Malawi 137,889 Malawi 61,567
4 Mozambique 76,720 Mozambique 27,734
5 Botswana 36,209 DRC 5,577
6 DRC 12,354 Botswana 5,218
7 Tanzania 10,911 Tanzania 4,141
8 Namibia 8,655 Namibia 3,701
9 Kenya 7,093 Swaziland 2,765
10 Uganda 4,294 Kenya 2,408
Annexure 3: Hotel 34
Accommodation Statistics

Average Hotel Room Occupancy Rates: 2022/21

Room Room Occupancy Clientele Mix
2022 2021
2022 2021 % Point Local Foreign Local Foreign
Harare 2342 48% 29% 19 89% 11% 84% 16%

Bulawayo 1012 57% 39% 18 93% 7% 98% 2%

Mutare/ Vumba 526 45% 34% 11 100% 0% 99% 1%

Nyanga 267 51% 38% 13 99% 1% 97% 3%

Midlands 409 43% 32% 11 99% 1% 100% 0%

Masvingo 421 45% 25% 20 94% 6% 97% 3%

Kariba 529 46% 34% 12 98% 2% 100% 0%

Hwange 142 32% 16% 16 93% 7% 98% 2%

Victoria Falls 1256 36% 14% 22 48% 52% 71% 29%

Beitbridge 264 17% 16% 1 100% 0% 100% 0%

National 7177 44% 27% 17 91% 9% 94% 6%

Source: Tourism Operators Returns


Average Hotel Bed Occupancy Rates: 2022/21

Clientele Mix
Capacity Bed Occupancy 2022 2021
% Point
2022 2021 Local Foreign Local Foreign

Harare 4547 30% 19% 11 89% 11% 84% 16%

Bulawayo 2036 44% 28% 16 93% 7% 98% 2%

Mutare/Vumba 992 28% 23% 5 100% 0% 99% 1%

Nyanga 616 35% 25% 10 99% 1% 97% 3%

Midlands 814 32% 21% 11 99% 1% 100% 0%

Masvingo 861 33% 17% 16 94% 6% 97% 3%

Kariba 1094 32% 20% 12 98% 2% 100% 0%

Hwange 284 19% 10% 9 93% 7% 98% 2%

Victoria Falls 2676 27% 9% 18 48% 52% 71% 29%

Beitbridge 549 17% 12% 5 100% 0% 100% 0%

National 14469 30% 18% 12 91% 9% 94% 6%

Source: Tourism Operators Returns

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