Computer 8 Q2 W5-6

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Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.

Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental

Basic Education Department

Subject COMPUTER Quarter No. 2

Grade Level 8 Section

Module No. 7 Chapter No.

January 4 – 8,
Lesson No. 1 Date

Content The students demonstrate knowledge and skills to create

Standard knowledge products.

The students create a multimedia knowledge product.

The learner uses the advanced feature

of a slide presentation tool to create a
Learning multimedia presentation with text, TLEIE6-Oj-
Competencies graphics, and photos; hyperlinked 15
elements; animation; and embedded
audio and/or video.

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:

Learning 1. Identify the steps and commands used in merging multiple
Outcomes tracks into a single track.
2. Merge multiple tracks into a single track.

Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
1|P age
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
Basic Education Department

LESSON 1: Merging Multiple Tracks


In this lesson, you will learn about how you can edit multiple tracks so that you
can be merged into a single track. This can serve as a review from the previous lesson.


Directions: Search in the Internet about the definition of the word “merge” and
how it is important when editing audio. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper with the link of the source where you got the


In the pre-activity, you were asked to search in the Internet about the definition
of the word “merge” and how it is important in editing audio. Merging tracks, songs
or audios is a great help when it comes to editing. It will show your creativity on how
you combine tracks to form a new audio. To know more on how to merge tracks in
Audacity, please continue reading this module.


Recording data is not always perfect the first time around. In the music industry,
people do a lot of retakes of the same song so they can choose the best track.
Sometimes, they can simply choose the best portions of each track and merge them
into a single track.

When we have a lot of takes, it is best that we would only choose a single portion
of a certain track into a single, new track.

Merging Tracks

To merge tracks, we do the following steps:

1. Import our audio tracks, and listen to each track.

2. Identify the sections, we want to keep.

3. List down the second marks for each track to be sure.

Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
2|P age
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
Basic Education Department

4. Make sure the Selection tool button is clicked.

5. On each track, select the section we want to keep.

6. Listen to the selection so we can be sure we are keeping the right section.

7. Remove the other parts using the Trim Audio Outside Selection command.

8. Do the same for other tracks.

Our window may look like this, depending on our selection:

Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
3|P age
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
Basic Education Department

9. Select any of the entire tracks, and click cut.

10. Click the desired space in the other track, and click Paste.

Second track was selected and out

A point at the left of the first track was

clicked to insert the selection

Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
4|P age
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
Basic Education Department

Inserted audio segment from the second track at

the chosen point

11. Close any empty tracks.

12. Look for the Time Shift tool on the Tools toolbar, and click it.

We use this tool to move each segment around. With our mouse, drag
the first segment to the beginning and the other segments on the ends of
each segment.

A yellow line will tell us if they perfectly align or meet at the ends of
each segment. We then let go of our mouse once we see it.

Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
5|P age
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
Basic Education Department

13. Listen to the single track, and check if it is continuously playing with no
unnecessary bumps or silences especially at the merging points.

NOTE: If you are reading this, please send me a text or chat: “Merge 5”, on my contact
number or Messenger. For monitoring purposes only. Thank you!

Directions: Write True if the statement is correct, otherwise False on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. The Time Shift tool moves segments of audio around.

2. The Trim Audio Outside Selection command trims audio other than
the selection.
3. The red line will tell you if your segments perfectly align.
4. You can only merge two (2) tracks in Audacity.
5. You can merge more than two (2) audio files in Audacity.

Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
6|P age
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
Basic Education Department


If we have a lot of retakes, we can merge them into a single track. If we do not
do that, we will be working with so many tracks, and the file size will get bigger. We
should try to minimize tracks and edit them when we can. This way, we display the
hallmark of efficiency. We get things done at the onset, taking us lesser time to edit

We merge multiple tracks into a single track to avoid making our files bigger and
to save time, especially when we work with many audio files.

The Time Shift tool moves each segment to our desired places. A yellow line will
appear if they perfectly align to meet at the ends of each segment.


Performance Check #3:

✓ For those who have a computer or laptop:
Directions: Demonstrate the following tasks.
1. Import at least two (3) audio files into a new Audacity
2. On the first track, select from the 10-second mark up to the
25-second mark, then use the Trim Audio Outside Selection.
3. On the second track, select from the 5-second mark up to
the 30-second mark, then use Trim Audio Outside Selection.
4. On the third track, select from 15-second mark to 20 second-
mark, then use the Trim Audio Outside Selection.
5. Merge the three (3) tracks in the first track.
6. Save your Audacity project.
7. The file name is: P3_Lastname (P3_Yanong) and send it to
my email or FB Messenger.
8. Deadline of submission is on February 15, 2021 at

(see Rubrics for Scoring on the next page)

Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
7|P age
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
Basic Education Department

Rubrics for Scoring

Outstanding Satisfactory No Attempt
Criteria Satisfactory Score
(5) (3) (1)
The student was The student was The student was There was
able to produce able to produce able to produce little or no
content that content that meets content but did attempt to
exceeds the the minimum not meet the this output.
Content minimum number number required. minimum
required. Shows Shows creativity. number required.
exceptional Shows no
creativity. creativity
The required The required The required There was
commands are commands are commands are little or no
Mechanics properly applied. properly applied. properly applied. attempt to
Syntax are correct. Contains minimal Numerous syntax this output.
syntax errors. errors.
The file was The file was The file was The file was
submitted with the submitted with the submitted with the submitted
File correct file name incorrect file name incorrect filename days after the
Submission on/before the on/before the within 24-hours deadline or no
deadline. deadline. after the deadline. file submitted.


✓ For those who don’t have a computer or laptop:

Directions: Watch the video demonstration that will be posted on your
section’s FB Group and answer the question below on a separate
sheet of paper.

Question: Explain what happened on the process of merging audio files

(including the file name of the audacity project, number or tracks
imported, and the sequence of the tracks that is being merged.)
from the video demonstration posted in the FB Group.

(see the Rubrics for Scoring in the next page)

Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
8|P age
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
Basic Education Department

Rubrics for Scoring

Criteria Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning Score
(5) (4) (3) (2)
Information is Information is Information is The
very organized organized with organized, but information
with well – well – sentences in a appears to be
constructed constructed paragraph are disorganized
sentences in a sentences in a not well –
paragraph paragraph constructed
No grammatical, Almost no A few Many
spelling or grammatical, grammatical, grammatical,
Mechanics punctuation spelling or spelling or spelling or
errors punctuation punctuation punctuation
errors errors errors
Information Information Information Information
clearly answers to clearly answers to clearly answers has little or
the question the question. It to the main does not
Quality of
topic. It includes provides one to question. No answer the
several two supporting details and/or question
supporting details details and/or examples are
and/or examples examples given

• Cobre, Elmeryn Joy L., Frago, Elsa S., Olalia, Nelvin T., and Tingzon, Kyle S.
(2019). ICT Tools Today High School Series Computers for Digital Learners
Grade 8 Teachers Wraparound Edition, The Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.:
Quezon City, Philippines. pp. 95-100.

Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
9|P age
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
Basic Education Department

Subject COMPUTER 2

Grade Level 8 Section

Module No. 6

January 11-15,
Lesson No. 2 Date

Content The students demonstrate knowledge and skills to create

Standard knowledge products.

The students create a multimedia knowledge product.

The learner uses the advanced

feature of a slide presentation tool
Learning to create a multimedia presentation
Code(s) TLEIE6-Oj-15
Competencies with text, graphics, and photos;
hyperlinked elements; animation;
and embedded audio and/or video

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
Outcomes 1. Identify the effects used in audio tracks.
2. Add effects to audio tracks.

Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
10 | P a g e
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
Basic Education Department

LESSON 2: Adding Effects


In this lesson, you will learn about the effects that you can apply to improve your
audio in Audacity.


Directions: Answer the question, “what do you think is the importance of audio
or musical effects when editing an audio?”, on a separate sheet of


In the pre-activity, you were asked about your thoughts on what is the importance of
audio or musical effects when editing an audio. All producers, if not all, many, apply
multiple audio effects to make their produced songs to be more interesting and creative
that will catch the attention of the listeners. Nowadays, a lot of songs are being added
with effects to emphasize their music. To know more about the different audio effects in
Audacity, please continue reading this module.


Effect Menu

Add from editing audio and merging

tracks to a single track, Audacity can
also alter different characteristics of an
audio file by adding effects to a track
or a selection. These can be found at
the Effect menu.

Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
11 | P a g e
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
Basic Education Department

▪ To add effects to tracks, let us do these steps:

1. Select a track or part of the track where we want the effect to be placed.

2. Go to the Effects menu, and choose a desired effect we want to put on our

Settings asked will vary on the chosen effect.

Audacity offers a lot of effects. In this lesson, we will learn the most common
effects. Here are the different effects we can use:

1. Amplify changes the volume of a selection.

Original selection Amplified selection

When this is chosen, the Amplify dialog box will appear. In the example
above, the user did not change the number so it was drastically amplified.

We can type a value for the amount of amplification we want. Positive

numbers will make the sound louder, while negative numbers will make the
sound softer.

Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
12 | P a g e
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
Basic Education Department

2. Change Pitch adjusts the pitch (high or low) of the selection, while the tempo
(fast or slow) is not changed. When we select this, it will prompt a dialog box
like this:

We can either change the settings for pitch or change the percentage of
frequency. A higher percent change in frequency will make the pitch go higher.

3. Change Tempo adjusts the tempo of the selection without changing the pitch.

Original selection Tempo changed

Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
13 | P a g e
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
Basic Education Department

When we select this effect, it will prompt a dialog box shown below. A
positive and higher percent change means a faster tempo for the selection,
while a negative number means slower tempo.

4. Fade In and Fade Out

a. Fade In changes the amplitude of a selection from silence, going louder

toward the original amplitude.

Selection before Fade In Selection after Fade In

b. Fade out does the opposite. It starts from the original amplitude, decreasing
toward silence. The length of a fade in depends on the selection user.

Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
14 | P a g e
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
Basic Education Department

Selection before Fade Out Selection after Fade Out

Note: For demonstration, please attend the schedule I will be posting in our FB
Group so that you can watch my Audacity demonstration. Thank you!


Directions: Complete the following statements on a separate sheet of paper.

1. The ________ effect changes how high or low the selection is.
2. The ________ effect gradually changes amplification from complete
silence to the original amplification.
3. The _______ effect changes the volume of the selection.
4. To change how fast or how slow a selection is, you need to apply the
5. Effects are found in the ______ menu.


Adding effects to audio can enhance the overall quality of an audio file. Knowing how
to apply the right effect at the right moment develops our creativity. When we think of
ways of improving something, given with different tools and methods, we become more
creative. Developing our creativity drives us to improve ourselves and our work.

We can add effects to a track or a selection of a track. These effects are found on the
Effect menu: Amplify, Change Pitch, Change Tempo, Fade In, and Fade Out.

Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
15 | P a g e
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
Basic Education Department


Performance Check #4:

✓ For those who have a computer or laptop:
Directions: Demonstrate the following tasks.
1. Open one (1) audio file in your computer or laptop using
2. Apply the five (5) effects introduced in the module in your
3. Save your Audacity project.
4. The file name is: P4_Lastname (P4_Yanong) and send it to
my email or FB Messenger.
5. Deadline of submission is on February 15, 2021 at

Rubrics for Scoring

Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory No Attempt

Criteria Score
(5) (4) (3) (1)
The student was The student was The student was There was
able to produce able to produce able to produce little or no
content that content that meets content but did attempt to
exceeds the the minimum not meet the this output.
Content minimum number number required. minimum number
required. Shows Shows creativity. required. Shows
exceptional no creativity
The required The required The required There was
commands are commands are commands are little or no
Mechanics properly applied. properly applied. properly applied. attempt to
Syntax are correct. Contains minimal Numerous syntax this output.
syntax errors. errors.
The file was The file was The file was The file was
submitted with the submitted with the submitted with the submitted
File correct file name incorrect file name incorrect filename days after the
Submission on/before the on/before the within 24-hours deadline or
deadline. deadline. after the deadline. no file


Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
16 | P a g e
Mount Carmel College of Escalante, Inc.
Carmelite Street, Escalante City, Negros Occidental
Basic Education Department

✓ For those who don’t have a computer or laptop:

Directions: Watch the video demonstration that will be posted on your
section’s FB Group and answer the question below on a separate
sheet of paper.

Question: Explain what happened on the process of editing audio files

(including the file name of the audacity project, what is the
sequence of effects applied in the track) from the video
demonstration posted in the FB group.

Rubrics for Scoring

Criteria Advanced Proficient Developing Beginning Score

(5) (4) (3) (2)
Information is Information is Information is The
very organized organized with organized, but information
with well – well – sentences in a appears to be
constructed constructed paragraph are disorganized
sentences in a sentences in a not well –
paragraph paragraph constructed
No grammatical, Almost no A few Many
spelling or grammatical, grammatical, grammatical,
Mechanics punctuation spelling or spelling or spelling or
errors punctuation punctuation punctuation
errors errors errors
Information Information Information Information
clearly answers to clearly answers to clearly answers has little or
the question the question. It to the main does not
Quality of
topic. It includes provides one to question. No answer the
several two supporting details and/or question
supporting details details and/or examples are
and/or examples examples given

• Cobre, Elmeryn Joy L., Frago, Elsa S., Olalia, Nelvin T., and Tingzon, Kyle S.
(2019). ICT Tools Today High School Series Computers for Digital Learners
Grade 8 Teachers Wraparound Edition, The Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.:
Quezon City, Philippines. pp. 101-107.

Subject: Computer 8
Teacher: Jevelyn Yanong
Contact #: 09519705169
17 | P a g e

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