Trojan Horse Full Reading Text

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NAME: ____________________________________________________________ REGULAR CLASS: ___________________

The Legend of the Trojan Horse

1. Once upon a time, there was an ancient city on the coast of Turkey named Troy. It was
located across the Aegean Sea from the Greek city-state of Sparta. When the king of Sparta
heard that his wife, the beautiful Helen, had been kidnapped by a prince of Troy, he called
on the other Greek city-states to help him get her back. His call was answered. A thousand
Greek ships set sail for Troy.

2. The city of Troy was protected by a high wall built around the city. Some parts of the
wall were 20 feet high! There were gates in the wall to let people in and out but
it provided great defense for the people of Troy. It gave the Trojan warriors a very safe place to stand, while they rained arrows
down on the people below, who were trying to break into the city.

3. At the time of this story, Greek warriors had been trying to get into Troy for about ten years. The Greeks could not find a way
in, and the Trojans did not seem able to drive the Greeks away.

4. Things looked pretty hopeless until Odysseus, a famous ancient Greek general, thought of a trick. It was the custom before to
leave a peace offering or a present behind to admit defeat. Odysseus suggested the Greeks build a huge, heavy, beautiful wooden
horse, and leave it outside the gates of Troy. Then, the entire Greek army would pretend to leave, as if they were headed for
home. But it was a trick. The horse would be hollow. Thirty men would be hiding inside. The very best Greek artists got busy
carving the giant wooden horse, adding great detail, because everything in the Greek world had to be as beautiful as possible.

5. When it was done, the Greek warriors pretended to sail away, leaving the horse behind. The people of Troy rushed outside,
cheering their victory! They dragged the heavy horse inside the city gates and put it on display, which is just what the Greek
general thought they would do - celebrate.

6. That night, while the Trojan people were sleeping, the men hiding inside the wooden horse climbed out and opened the gates.
The waiting Greek army entered Troy. That was the end of Troy.

7. Is this old legend true? It certainly is famous. It is known as the legend of the Trojan horse.

Answer the following questions:

1. What type of text is it?
a. a fable
b. a legend
c. an anecdote

2. What does the word “It” refer to in Paragraph 1 ?

a. time
b. Turkey
c. ancient city of Troy

3. Who was kidnapped by a prince?

a. the King of Sparta
b. the Queen of Sparta
c. the Queen of Troy

4. What was the purpose of the high wall around the city of Troy?
a. to only let people in and out
b. to defend the city from enemies
c. to provide a place for people to see amazing views

5. Who had tried to get into the city of Troy for years?
a. the Trojans
b. the Greek warriors
c. the generals
6. Who thought of the idea to trick the people of Troy?


7. What was inside the wooden horse?


8. What did the people of Troy do with the horse?

a. They dragged it away from the city.
b. They put it on display inside the city.
c. They left it outside.

9.What is the moral of this story?


10. What does “dragged” mean in paragraph 5?

a. pulled something away with difficulty
b. pushed something away with difficulty
c. left something to stand on the ground

11. What does the word “It” refer to in Paragraph 7 ?


12. What did the Trojan horse look like? Write 2 physical characteristics:

İ_______________________________________ ii________________________________________

13. What was the Greek General Odysseus like? Use at least 1 personality adjective and explain why:
Odysseus was______________________because_________________________________________


14.What kind of IB profile do the Greek warriors show? Why? Explain in detail.
The Greek warriors are______________________________because ________________________________


15. Imagine you are the Trojan King. Would you accept the gift from your enemy? Why or why not? Give 1 reason to support
your answer.
________________, because ;


Unesco World Heritage Site of Troy

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